Eighteenth-Century Literary History: An"mlq" Reader
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTH<strong>ORstrong>: Brown / Brown, Marshall / Marshall Brown, PUBLISHER: Duke University Press, Viewed as a crucible <strong>ofstrong> modernity, <strong>thestrong> eighteenth century has become a special focus <strong>ofstrong> "Modern Language Quarterly," a journal that has led <strong>thestrong> revival <strong>ofstrong> <strong>literarystrong> hist<strong>orstrong>y as a subject f<strong>orstrong> empirical study and <strong>thestrong><strong>orstrong>etical reflection. <strong>Thestrong> essays in this volume, which cover a broad cross-section <strong>ofstrong> eighteenth-century <strong>literarystrong> hist<strong>orstrong>y, represent <strong>thestrong> best studies <strong>ofstrong> this period recently published in "MLQ." While examining different parts <strong>ofstrong> <strong>thestrong> century, as well as different aspects and countries, contribut<strong>orstrong>s expl<strong>orstrong>e <strong>thestrong> intersection <strong>ofstrong> <strong>literarystrong> studies with hist<strong>orstrong>y, philosophy, psychology, and <strong>thestrong> visual arts. <strong>Thestrong>y discuss a creative range <strong>ofstrong> topics, including feminism, nationalism, domestic ideology, <strong>thestrong> classical novel-drama-lyric poetry triad, and both aes<strong>thestrong>tic and philosophical writings. This span <strong>ofstrong> subjects and approaches extends <strong>thestrong> focus <strong>ofstrong> "Eighteenth-Century <strong>Literarystrong> Hist<strong>orstrong>y" beyond its period to project a spirit <strong>ofstrong> inquiry onto <strong>literarystrong> hist<strong>orstrong>y in general. "Contribut<strong>orstrong>s." Nancy Armstrong, Marshall Brown, Sanf<strong>orstrong>d Budick, Ca<strong>thestrong>rine Gallagher, Thomas M. Kavanagh, Jon Klancher, Jill Kowalik, Jonathan Brody Kramnick, Christie McDonald, Jerome McGann, Ruth Perry, Michael B. Prince, Leonard Tennenhouse