the new book of popular science

The new book of popular science

The new book of popular science

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Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace

Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: King, Geoff / Krzywinska, Tanya / Siegel, Geoff, PUBLISHER: Wallflower Press, This book charts the dimensions of one of the most popular genres in the cinema. From lurid comic-book blockbusters to dark dystopian visions, science fiction is seen as both a powerful cultural barometer of our times and the product of particular industrial and commercial frameworks. The authors outline the major themes of the genre, from representations of the mad scientist and computer hacker to the relationship between science fiction and postmodernism, exploring issues such as the meaning of special effects and the influence of science fiction cinema on the entertainment media of the digital age. Over one hundred films are discussed and the book concludes with an extensive case study of "Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace."

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace
The Science Times Book of Birds

The Science Times Book of Birds

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wade, Karil / Wade, Nicholas, PUBLISHER: Lyons Press, The fifty best feature articles on birds are gathered in this beautifully illustrated anthology from Science Times, the weekly section of The New York Times. The collection covers a wide range: the evolution of a seventy-five-million-year-old flightless bird, the meddling in-laws of the white-breasted bee-eaters of Kenya, the extramarital flings of the Eurasian great reed warbler, the practice of siblicide among cattle egrets, crows' astonishing tool-making ability, and many more fascinating and illuminating topics. "The Science Times Book of Birds" will be a great gift for bird lovers, students, and anyone interested in evolution and natural history.

A Vision for Science Education: Responding to Peter

A Vision for Science Education: Responding to Peter

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cross, Roger / Cross, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, One of the most important and consistent voices in the reform of science education over the last thirty years has been that of Peter Fensham. His vision of a democratic and socially responsible science education for all has inspired change in schools and colleges throughout the world. Often moving against the tide, Fensham travelled the world to promote his radical ideology. He was appointed Australia's first Professor of Science Education, and was later made a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his work in this new and emerging field of study. In this unique book, leading science educators from around the world examine and discuss Fensham's key ideas. Each describes how his arguments, proposals and recommendations have affected their own practice, and extend and modify his message in light of current issues and trends in science education. The result is a vision for the future of science teaching internationally. Academics, researchers and practitioners in science education around the world will find this book a fascinating insight into the life and work of one of the foremost pioneers in science education. The book will also make inspiring reading for postgraduate students of science education.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: A Vision for Science Education: Responding to Peter
The Evolution Book

The Evolution Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stein, Sara Bonnett / Beame, Rona, PUBLISHER: Workman Publishing, How did life begin? What makes the continents move? Are Birds really dinosaurs? The answers to such questions can be discovered by reading the ancient messages left on the earth. Sara Stein, author of "The Science Book" and "The Body Book," involves children, who are earth's newest inhabitants, in exploring beaches, mountains, woodlands, and swamps and unlocking the ancient secrets of the world. Scores of fascinating projects range from raising tadpoles and preserving snake skins and paw prints to making a plankton net, a plant press, and seaweed pudding. Hundreds of drawings and photographs are featured throughout. Selection of the Children's Book-of-the-Month Club. Winner of the New York Academy of Sciences Children's Science Book Award, First Prize. Suitable for ages copies in print.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pandit, M. P., PUBLISHER: Lotus Press (WI), The science of yoga includes many disciplines of power and realization. Of these, none is perhaps more famous than the Kundalini Yoga. The search for inner awakening and unfolding of hidden powers has brought man to the threshold of the last frontier: himself. This book expounds the science of consciousness, and quickly reviews the concepts of chakras, mantras, yoga, and awakening of the kundalini energy as the foundation of realization.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: Kundalini Yoga
The illustrated book of Science fiction ideas & dreams

The illustrated book of Science fiction ideas & dreams

Kyle David The illustrated book of Science fiction ideas & dreams. Hamlyn publishing pagine illustratissimo

Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications

Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lewis, Ricki, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, "Human Genetics," 5/e is a non-science majors human genetics text that clearly explains what genes are, how they function, how they interact with the environment, and how our understanding of genetics has changed since completion of the human genome project. It is a clear, modern, and exciting book for citizens who will be responsible for evaluating new medical options, new foods, and new technologies in the age of genomics.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications
Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach

Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Friedl, Alfred E. / Koontz, Tricia / Koontz, Trish, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, This is a comprehensive, easy-to-use text containing more than 300 science teaching activities, 30 of which are new to this edition. The book's focus on the inquiry approach places value on the student's thinking and doing science, and ties the text to the inquiry-oriented National Science Education Standards for science teaching issued by the National Research Council. Each of the inquiry activities contains combined discussions of methods and content. The text helps students overcome science anxiety and shows them how easy it is to teach science using a simple, consistent three-step approach to each of the science activities (set induction, investigation, and resolution). All activities use simple, easy-to-find materials. Over 250 pieces of line art clearly illustrate the teaching activities.

God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?

God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lennox, John, PUBLISHER: Lion Publishing Plc, Intended to provide a basis for discussion, this captivating study evaluates the evidence of modern science in relation to the debate between the atheistic and theistic resource addresses such topics as the origin of life; the genetic code and its origin; the nature and scope of evolution; and the scope and limits of science. Gripping and thoroughly argued, it is an illuminating look at one of man's greatest debates. This updated edition features 10 percent new content and a brand new forward from the author.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?
Goethe's Way of Science

Goethe's Way of Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seamon, David / Zajonc, Arthur, PUBLISHER: State University of New York Press, Though best known for his superlative poetry and plays, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe () also produced a sizable body of scientific work that focused on such diverse topics as plants, color, clouds, weather, and geology. Goethe's way of science is highly unusual because it seeks to draw together the intuitive awareness of art with the rigorous observation and thinking of science. Written by major scholars and practitioners of Goethean science today, this book considers the philosophical foundations of Goethe's approach and applies the method to the real world of nature, including studies of plants, animals, and the movement of water. Part I discusses the philosophical foundations of the approach and clarifies its epistemology and methodology; Part II applies the method to the real world of nature; and Part III examines the future of Goethean science and emphasizes its great value for better understanding and caring for the natural environment.

New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and Unity

New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and Unity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Matera, Frank J., PUBLISHER: Westminster John Knox Press, In this systematic, book-by-book exploration of the theology of each New Testament writing, Frank J. Matera explores theological diversity and unity in the writings of the New Testament. After an introduction to the history and method of New Testament theology, he explains and describes the theologies of the Synoptic, Pauline, and Johannine traditions, as well as the rich theology of other New Testament voices: Hebrews, the Catholic Epistles, and the book of Revelation. Integrating both Protestant and Catholic approaches, this work provides students, pastors, and scholars a comprehensive view of the New Testament that is rich in exegetical and theological insight.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and Unity
The Life of Vertebrates

The Life of Vertebrates

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Young, John Z. / Young, J. Z. / Nixon, Marion, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Largely rewritten and containing many new illustrations, this popular text incorporates updated classifications as well as new information on many subjects, especially in the areas of endocrinology and neurology. Detailed descriptions of basic anatomy make the book an excellent reference for dissections of fish, frogs, birds, and mammals.

Close Encounters?

Close Encounters?

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lamdourne, R. J. A. / Lambourne, Robert / Lambourne, R. J., PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis Group, Currently, science fiction in all its forms is enjoying enormous popular interest. There can be no doubt that science fiction books and films have great influence on the public view of science and scientists. Close Encounters? examines the historical development of science fiction as a genre in books and films, tracing its roots, examining its most common ideas, exploring its relationship to real science, and attempting to assess its cultural impact. Discussion focuses on major themes such as time travel, politics, religion, ecology, and disasters. The authors consider the science in science fiction, the images of scientists that science fiction conveys, and some of the political, religious, and social motifs prominent in science fiction. They also discuss pseudo-science and its growing influence on the public perception of science. This fascinating, thought-provoking study should be read by all those interested in how the nature of science and its role in our society is portrayed in science fiction.

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Contradiction and Conflict: The Popular Church in Nicaragua

Contradiction and Conflict: The Popular Church in Nicaragua

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabia, Debra, PUBLISHER: University Alabama Press, Sabia examines the complex interaction of religious belief and political inspiration among internal divisions of Nicaragua's popular church. Contradiction and Conflict explores the rich history, ideology, and development of the popular church in Nicaragua. From careful assessments within the context of Nicaragua's revolutionary period (s-), this book explains the historical conditions that worked to unify members of the Christian faith and the subsequent factors that fragmented the Christian community into at least four identifiable groups with religious and political differences, contradictions, and conflicts. Debra Sabia describes and analyzes the rise, growth, and fragmentation of the popular church and assesses the effect of the Christian base communities on religion, politics, and the nation's social revolutionary experiment.

Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, MacKenzie L. / Masten, Susan J., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science by Mackenzie Davis and Susan Masten is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this new text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. The concept of mass balance is carried throughout the text as a tool for problem solving, and the text boasts extensive coverage of chemistry, biology, and hydrology than other books have. The chemistry review in Chapter 2 and coverage of ethics will aid students in better understanding the engineering topics presented in the book.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science
French the Easy Way French the Easy Way

French the Easy Way French the Easy Way

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kendris, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Barron's Educational Series, This new, improved updating of a popular teach-yourself book introduces the basics of French grammar and vocabulary. Learning is kept interesting with use of colorful dialogues, concise explanations, and challenging exercises and puzzles.

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Storey, John, PUBLISHER: University of Georgia Press, This new edition is a companion volume to An Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, just published in its second edition. The Reader supplements and extends the cultural terrain of the introductory volume by offering students the opportunity to experience firsthand the work of many cultural theorists and critics. Intended as a theoretical, analytical, and historical introduction to the study of popular culture within cultural studies, the current edition contains nine new readings, a new general introduction, and a fully updated bibliography. The readings cover the culture and civilization tradition, culturalism, structuralism and post-sttucturalism, Marxism, feminism, and postmodernism, as well as current debates in the study of popular culture. Used in conjunction with An Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, or on its own, this collection will be invaluable to scholars and students.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader
Oxford Dictionary of Science

Oxford Dictionary of Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oxford University Press / Martin, Elizabeth A. / Daintith, John, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Authoritative and up-to-date, this popular dictionary is an ideal reference for both students and non-scientists. Now fully revised and substantially expanded for this new edition, the Concise Science Dictionary provides comprehensive coverage of biology (including human biology), chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, and astronomy, as well as common terms from mathematics and computing. With clear and concise entries, the dictionary also incorporates the latest developments in fields such as genetics, molecular biology, cosmology, particle physics, and fullerene chemistry. New material includes biographical entries, box features, chronologies, and tables; and appendices cover the periodic table, tables of SI units, and classifications of the plant and animal kingdoms.

Images of the Earth: A Guide to Remote Sensing

Images of the Earth: A Guide to Remote Sensing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Drury, S. A. / Drury, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Remote sensing has revolutionized our knowledge of the Earth but serious accounts of the science are rarely accessible to students without backgrounds in mathematics and physics. This entertaining book provides a solution, using over 200 illustrations to introduce to a general audience the science of remote sensing and what it has taught us about the Earth. The author begins with a discussion of image processing, human perception of pictures, and techniques for enhancing pictures to suit the eye. The core of the book then examines in detail every facet of the Earth's surface, including the ocean depths, the paths of hurricanes, the productivity of forests and farms, the locations of mineral deposits, and the impact of human activity and natural catastrophes.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: Images of the Earth: A Guide to Remote Sensing
Scientific Knowledge: Discovery of Nature or Mental

Scientific Knowledge: Discovery of Nature or Mental

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Settanni, Harry, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, This book defends the constructivist view of science, namely, the view that scientific theories are mental constructions in the mind of the scientist, rather than the realist view that scientific theories are accounts of what nature itself is like. To prove this point, evolution theory is contrasted with "creation science" as two paradigms or extremely divergent theories, each of which, as a mental construct, explains the data or facts of the natural world equally well. Contents: Realism vs. Constructivism; Meaning and Reference in the Natural Sciences; The Role of Paradigm in the Creationism Controversy; Science As Mental Construction.

Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of

Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cobern, William W. / Cobern, W. W., PUBLISHER: Springer, The primary goal of Everday Thoughts about Nature is to understand how typical ninth-grade students and their science teachers think about Nature or the natural world, and how their thoughts are related to science. In pursuing this goal, the book raises a basic question about the purpose of science education for the public. Should science education seek to educate scientific thinkers' in the pattern of science teachers? Or, should science education seek to foster sound science learning within the matrices of various cultural perspectives? By carefully examining the ideas about Nature held by a group of students and their science teachers, Cobern argues that the purpose of science education for the public is to foster sound science learning within the matrices of various cultural perspectives'. Cobern's two books, World View Theory and Science Education Research and now Everyday Thoughts about Nature, provide complementary accounts of theoretical and empirical foundations for worldview theory in science education. While many graduate students and researchers have benefited from his earlier work, many more will continue to benefit from this book.

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of
Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and

Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Numbers, Ronald L., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, If we want nonscientists and opinion-makers in the press, the lab, and the pulpit to take a fresh look at the relationship between science and religion, Ronald Numbers suggests that we must first dispense with the hoary myths that have masqueraded too long as historical truths. Until about the s, the dominant narrative in the history of science had long been that of science triumphant, and science at war with religion. But a new generation of historians both of science and of the church began to examine episodes in the history of science and religion through the values and knowledge of the actors themselves. Now Ronald Numbers has recruited the leading scholars in this new history of science to -puncture the myths, from Galileo's incarceration to Darwin's deathbed conversion to Einstein's belief in a personal God who "didn't play dice with the universe." The picture of science and religion at each other's throats persists in mainstream media and scholarly journals, but each chapter in "Galileo Goes to Jail" shows how much we have to gain by seeing beyond the myths.

The Five Senses

The Five Senses

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gonzalez-Crussi, F., PUBLISHER: Kaplan Publishing, "Extraordinary on first reading, even more so on a second... the sort of book one wants to pick up again and again."--Oliver Sacks "Lively and erudite."--"The New York Times Book Review " "Gonzalez-Crussi writes essays that fuse science, literature, and personal history into highly civilized artifacts. Here are five such pieces... all of them informative, none of them predictable."-- "The Washington Post " "A meditation on sensory experience by a Mexican-born pathologist who weaves personal experiences with history, science, philosophy and theology for a wide-ranging approach to our centuries-old but undissipated curiosity about the origins of pain and pleasure.... An erudite work."--"Los Angeles Times Book Review "

Offerte relazionate the new book of popular science: The Five Senses
The Second Coming of Science

The Second Coming of Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Leary, Brian / C'Leary, Brian, PUBLISHER: North Atlantic Books, From the ashram of India's Satya Sai Baba to the Princeton University laboratories of Dr. Robert Jahn, Dr. O'Leary provides firsthand accounts of materializations, controlled experiments in psychokinesis, the mysterious crop circles, and other enigmatic occurrences. A co-founder of the International Association for New Science, he argues for an expanded scientific framework that can encompass this challenging spectrum of phenomena and lead us to new understandings that may solve our most urgent problems.
