the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to

The Montessori Method Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to

The Montessori Method Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anne E George Henry W Holmes Maria Montessori, PUBLISHER: Cosmo Publications, NA

Critical Thinking Applied to Nursing

Critical Thinking Applied to Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Mary A. / Babcock, Dorothy E., PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED TO NURSING examines the concept of critical thinking and shows how it can be applied to the everyday situations confronting practicing nurses as they interact with clients, families, colleagues, and administrators. The text covers major concepts in critical thinking such as assumptions, frame of reference, language context, reflection, evidence, reasoning, argument, persuasion, and creativity, and applies them to the nurse's role as caregiver, manager, and professional.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Critical Thinking Applied to Nursing
Pedagogy and Praxis in the Age of Empire: Towards a New

Pedagogy and Praxis in the Age of Empire: Towards a New

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McLaren, P. / Jaramillo, N., PUBLISHER: Sense Publishers, Written by two leading international exponentsof critical pedagogy, this book is a pioneeringattempt to create a Marxist humanist andfeminist pedagogy for the new century. Criticalpedagogy is discussed as an importantrevolutionary act in bringing about a socialistfuture.

Critical Pedagogy

Critical Pedagogy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kanpol, Barry, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Critical pedagogy refers to the means and methods of testing and attempting to change the structures of schools that allow inequities. It is a cultural-political tool that takes seriously the notion of human differences, particularly those related to race, class, and gender. Critical pedagogy seeks to release the oppressed and unite people in a shared language of critique, struggle, and hope, to end various forms of human suffering. In this revised edition, Kanpol takes the pre- and in-service educators along some initial steps to becoming critical pedagogists. As before, university professors and public school teachers alike will learn how to address their own prophetic commitments to belief and faith in the fight against despair, institutional chaos, oppression, death of spirit, and exile.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Critical Pedagogy


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eric Danielson, James Levin, Elliot Abrams, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, "Meteorology, 2/e is an introduction to atmospheric science for science and non-science majors, covering all topics expected of an introductory text and organized and presented in a way that offers the instructor considerable flexibility regarding topic sequence. The text follows a unique investigative approach intended to teach the scientific method as well as meteorology. The authors have written the text to encourage this approach to learning: they pose numerous questions to the student, develop ideas bottom-up rather than explain phenomena from general principles, and attempt to assist each student in constructing his or her own map of meteorology.

Counseling Strategies That Work!: Evidence-Based

Counseling Strategies That Work!: Evidence-Based

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Parsons, Richard D., PUBLISHER: Allyn & Bacon, An anthology of intervention strategies that are rooted in scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness when applied to the day-to-day "problems" confronting today's school counselor. Every chapter provides a blending of theory, practice and guided, personalized application. The content is broken down succinctly, beginning with a brief introduction to the nature of the problems being addressed before delving into a detailed presentation with case illustration of the application of an intervention strategy. It is an excellent source for counseling techniques courses or as a reading assigned as part of their field placement experiences, as well as a useful reference text for all those currently employed as school counselors.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Counseling Strategies That Work!: Evidence-Based
Calvin's Preaching

Calvin's Preaching

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Parker, T. H. L., PUBLISHER: Westminster John Knox Press, This rare and important study of John Calvin's sermons gives a complete review of Calvin's preaching activity, purpose, method, and style. Included are the theological considerations that moved Calvin to preach the way he did; his view of the preacher's office, his duty, and the congregation's active participation; a historical account and the preservation of his preaching; Calvin's expository method and the way he applied scripture to the needs of the congregation; and the form of the sermons and the "familiar" style that was employed.

Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for

Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Loehle, Craig, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Scientific research requires both innovation and attention to detail, clever breakthroughs and routine procedures. This indispensable guide gives students and researchers across all scientific disciplines practical advice on how to succeed. All types of scientific careers are discussed, from those in industry and academia to consulting, with emphasis on how scientists spend their time and the skills that are needed to be productive. Strategic thinking, creativity and problem-solving, the central keys to success in research, are all explored. The reader is shown how to enhance the creative process in science, how one goes about making discoveries, putting together the solution to a complex problem and then testing the solution obtained. The social dimension of science is also discussed from the development and execution of a scientific research program to publishing papers, as well as issues of ethics and science policy.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for
The Principles of Scientific Management

The Principles of Scientific Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor, Frederick Winslow, PUBLISHER: Nuvision Publications, This paper has been written: First. To point out, through a series of simple illustrations, the great loss which the whole country is suffering through inefficiency in almost all of our daily acts. Second. To try to convince the reader that the remedy for this inefficiency lies in systematic management, rather than in searching for some unusual or extraordinary man. Third. To prove that the best management is a true science, resting upon clearly defined laws, rules, and principles, as a foundation. And further to show that the fundamental principles of scientific management are applicable to all kinds of human activities, from our simplest individual acts to the work of our great corporations, which call for the most elaborate cooperation. And, briefly, through a series of illustrations, to convince the reader that whenever these principles are correctly applied, results must follow which are truly astounding.

The Secret Life of Plants

The Secret Life of Plants

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tompkins, Peter / Bird, Christopher O., PUBLISHER: Harper Perennial, The world of plants and its relation to mankind as revealed by the latest scientific discoveries. "Plenty of hard facts and astounding scientific and practical lore."--"Newsweek"

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: The Secret Life of Plants
Scientific Knowledge: Discovery of Nature or Mental

Scientific Knowledge: Discovery of Nature or Mental

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Settanni, Harry, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, This book defends the constructivist view of science, namely, the view that scientific theories are mental constructions in the mind of the scientist, rather than the realist view that scientific theories are accounts of what nature itself is like. To prove this point, evolution theory is contrasted with "creation science" as two paradigms or extremely divergent theories, each of which, as a mental construct, explains the data or facts of the natural world equally well. Contents: Realism vs. Constructivism; Meaning and Reference in the Natural Sciences; The Role of Paradigm in the Creationism Controversy; Science As Mental Construction.

Mucusless Diet Healing System: Scientific Method of Eating

Mucusless Diet Healing System: Scientific Method of Eating

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ehret, Arnold, PUBLISHER: Ehret Literature Publishing Company, This scientific method of eating, developed by Ehret in , presents a complete, workable program for cleansing, repairing, rebuilding, and maintaining a healthy body. This book lays out Professor Ehret's simple and logical plan in plain, understandable language so that anyone can apply the Ehret method.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Mucusless Diet Healing System: Scientific Method of Eating
Using Research in Organizations: A Guide to Successful

Using Research in Organizations: A Guide to Successful

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rothman, Jack, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Applied social research is a resource as yet largely untapped by the very organizations that could most benefit from it. In order to discover the ways in which research can best be brought into social programmes, the author went directly to organizations that have made effective use of research -- in this case British Social Services departments -- which are uniquely appropriate for this kind of study as they are staffed with researchers as well as administrators. The answers of key informants, synthesized with existing utilization research, provides the first comprehensive attempt to define the concerns and techniqes of an important new focus of study. 'In this short volume, Rothman has done researchers of all types a favor by cogently summarizing the literature on research utilization as well as presenting many explicit guidelines for enhancing the research utilization. Both basic researchers as well as applied researchers will find the book of interest and direct applicability.' -- Sociology, Jul/Aug

The Koehler Method of Guard Dog Training: An Effective and

The Koehler Method of Guard Dog Training: An Effective and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Koehler, William, PUBLISHER: Howell Books, Honored as the Best Technical Dog Book of the Year, this soundly written guide matches breeds to security purposes and explains how to begin, what equipment to use, how to correct faults, and more.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: The Koehler Method of Guard Dog Training: An Effective and
The Essence of Anthropology.

The Essence of Anthropology.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haviland, William A., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Haviland et al. present anthropology from a holistic, four-field perspective using three unifying themes to provide a framework for the text: the varied ways human groups face the many challenges of existence, the connections between human culture and human biology, and the disparate impact of globalization on peoples and cultures around the world. Between the superlative writing-which instructors raved about in their reviews-and the strong pedagogical program, the text is designed to help students grasp the concepts and their relevance to today's complex world. Such pedagogy as the "Challenge Issue" at the beginning of each chapter and the "Questions for Reflection" at the end of each chapter--which are linked to the Challenge Issue--provide a framework that ensures that the chapters consistently focus on and reflect the text's themes. Boxed features such as "Biocultural Connections," "Original Studies," and "Anthropology Applied" hone in on particularly interesting examples that give students deeper insight into the meaning and relevance of a wide range of topics covered in the general narrative.

Goethe's Way of Science

Goethe's Way of Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seamon, David / Zajonc, Arthur, PUBLISHER: State University of New York Press, Though best known for his superlative poetry and plays, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe () also produced a sizable body of scientific work that focused on such diverse topics as plants, color, clouds, weather, and geology. Goethe's way of science is highly unusual because it seeks to draw together the intuitive awareness of art with the rigorous observation and thinking of science. Written by major scholars and practitioners of Goethean science today, this book considers the philosophical foundations of Goethe's approach and applies the method to the real world of nature, including studies of plants, animals, and the movement of water. Part I discusses the philosophical foundations of the approach and clarifies its epistemology and methodology; Part II applies the method to the real world of nature; and Part III examines the future of Goethean science and emphasizes its great value for better understanding and caring for the natural environment.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Goethe's Way of Science
Scientific Growth: Essays on the Social Organization and

Scientific Growth: Essays on the Social Organization and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ben-David, Joseph, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, A pioneer and major thinker in the sociology of science, Joseph Ben-David wrote with refreshing directness on questions central to the history and sociology of science. As they are combined here, Ben-David's essays reveal the richness and synthetic power of his intellect in a way his separate publications never did. Two themes form the heart of Ben-David's ground-breaking work: the emergence, existence, and growth of science as a distinctive activity within society, governed by a specific "scientific ethos"; and the social construction both of new objects of scientific study and of new scientific disciplines. Ben-David argues that only where the scientist's social role is institutionalized (i.e., recognized as legitimate by society at large), can science as a sustained and continuous activity exist and thrive. By the same token, new scientific objects and disciplines emerge where social circumstances encourage and sustain new ("hybridized") social roles. Ben-David's is a distinctly historical sociology of science, providing a theoretical framework capable of integrating both the historical and the synchronic approaches; it is also complementary to the perspective of the sociology of scientific knowledge.

Theoretical Aspects of Local Search

Theoretical Aspects of Local Search

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Michiels, Wil / Aarts, Emile / Korst, Jan, PUBLISHER: Springer, Local search has been applied successfully to a diverse collection of optimization problems. It's appreciated for its basic conceptual foundation, its general applicability, and its power to serve as a source for new search paradigms. The typical characteristics of combinatorial optimization problems to which local search can be applied, its relation to complexity theory, and the combination with randomized search features have led to a wealth of interesting theoretical results. However, these results are scattered throughout the literature. This is the first book that presents a large collection of theoretical results in a consistent manner, thus providing the reader with a coherent overview of the achievements obtained so far, but also serving as a source of inspiration for the development of novel results in the challenging field of local search. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Theoretical Aspects of Local Search
Memory Distortions and Their Prevention

Memory Distortions and Their Prevention

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Intons-Peterson, M. J. / Best, Deborah L. / Intons-Peterson, Magaret J., PUBLISHER: Psychology Press, This volume explores the well-documented phenomena of memory distortion in a variety of settings, as well as how it can be ameliorated or prevented altogether. The editors have recruited some of the very best researchers in the applied cognitive field to address these issues. These authors examine distortion from several angles: fuzzy trace theory, face identification, memory deficits with age, collaborative influences on distortion, sociocultural influences on memory, retention of procedural and declarative information, and ignorance of medical and other information. The final chapter addresses the issue of cognitive technology, in general. Because of the surge of interest in applied cognitive psychology and in the memory distortion issue in particular, this book will be valuable to many applied and basic researchers.

Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures

Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Galambos, T. V. / Galambos, Theodore V., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, This "Guide," compiled and updated by the Structural Stability Research Council, has long been an indispensable bridge between research and practice. Provides simplified and refined procedures applicable to design and to assessing design limitations, and offers guidance to design specifications, codes, and standards currently applied to the stability of metal structures. Most chapters have been rewritten and three new chapters cover stability theory, box girders, and the application of the finite element method to the solution of stability problems. Illustrated with over 250 figures.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures
The Believing Primate: Scientific, Philosophical, and

The Believing Primate: Scientific, Philosophical, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schloss, Jeffrey / Murray, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Over the last two decades, scientific accounts of religion have received a great deal of scholarly and popular attention both because of their intrinsic interest and because they are widely as constituting a threat to the religion they analyse. The Believing Primate aims to describe and discuss these scientific accounts as well as to assess their implications. The volume begins with essays by leading scientists in the field, describing these accounts and discussing evidence in their favour. Philosophical and theological reflections on these accounts follow, offered by leading philosophers, theologians, and scientists. This diverse group of scholars address some fascinating underlying questions: Do scientific accounts of religion undermine the justification of religious belief? Do such accounts show religion to be an accidental by-product of our evolutionary development? And, whilst we seem naturally disposed toward religion, would we fare better or worse without it? Bringing together dissenting perspectives, this provocative collection will serve to freshly illuminate ongoing debate on these perennial questions.

Responsible Management of Information Systems

Responsible Management of Information Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stahl, Bernd Carsten, PUBLISHER: IGI Global, Responsible Management of Information Systems discusses the question how can information systems be used and managed in a responsible manner. It does so by first defining the central concepts of information systems as the business use of information technology and the underlying concepts of ethics and morality. The term responsibility is introduced as a mediation of ethics and morality and a promising approach to normative questions. After demonstrating that the traditional notion of responsibility runs into many problems when applied to information systems the book develops a new, a reflective theory of responsibility. This theory that emphasizes the central characteristics of responsibility, namely openness, consequentialism, and teleology, is then applied to normative problems in information systems. It is shown that with the use of this theory the central moral and legal problems of information systems such as privacy or intellectual property can be successfully addressed.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: Responsible Management of Information Systems
Seismic Methods and Applications: A Guide for the Detection

Seismic Methods and Applications: A Guide for the Detection

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stark, Andreas, PUBLISHER: Brown Walker Press (FL), This book has been written for those who need a solid understanding of the seismic exploration method without difficult mathematics. It is presented in a format that allows one to naturally progress from the underlying physical principles to the actual seismic method. The mathematics needed for the subject is kept as simple as possible; students only need high school physics and mathematics to thoroughly grasp the principles covered. Dr. Stark has developed this text and honed its content with feedback from hundreds of students over nearly two decades of teaching seismic exploration geophysics. This textbook will teach students the principles for the detection of geologic structures, earthquake zones and hazards, resource exploration, and geotechnical engineering.

The Essence of Time

The Essence of Time

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tiezzi, Enzo / Tiezzi, E. / Computational Mechanics, PUBLISHER: Computational Mechanics, With the ever-accelerating pace of daily life, the modern age seems to demand that science, too, should respond at speed. In this book Tiezzi highlights the continuity between the physical-mathematic and humanistic sciences. He also urges us to reflect on the tempo of the modern era, and to contrast it with the brilliance and complexity of the human relationship with a living world. An illuminating guide to the key scientific ideas of our time which relate ecology with economy with the laws of thermodynamics, and those that highlight an understanding of the human relationship with planet earth, the text traces themes such as entropy to negentropy, flux of energy and material and information. The result is an exploration of great scientific depth and the most complete historical survey to date of the ideas behind ecological economics.

Offerte relazionate the montessori method scientific pedagogy as applied to: The Essence of Time
Defense and the Environment: Effective Scientific

Defense and the Environment: Effective Scientific

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mahutova, Katarina / Barish, John J. / Kreizenbeck, Ronald A., PUBLISHER: Springer, The rate of adoption and the quality of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) at military facilities requires support and leadership from the highest levels of management, adequate resources to both develop and implement EMS, and an acknowledgement by the military commanders that personnel involved in EMS are an integral, important part of facilities and operations management. Future success will depend on the responsiveness and robustness of the initial systems as well as their enthusiastic acceptance by facility and operations managers. The unifying, universal theme of this book is the effective communication of scientific results in a rapidly changing environment. Specific environmental issues related to operations at military facilities include encroachment on training ranges, implementation of effective EMS, pollution prevention in the military sector, and public participation, especially as this relates to the unique requirements of national security.
