the little data book on information and communication

The Little Data Book on Information and Communication

The Little Data Book on Information and Communication

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: World Bank, PUBLISHER: ong>Theong> World Bank, NA Acquista Ora

Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of

Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ferrand, Carole T. / Bloom, Ronald L., PUBLISHER: Allyn & Bacon, This ong>bookong> provides a life-span perspective on organic and neurogenic disorders of communication. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> presents current ong>theong>ories in ong>theong> context of clinical practice and combines a medical approach to communication disorders with emphasis on educational, social and cultural factors. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> includes traditional areas of practice (e.g. aphasia, voice disorders, etc.) as well as new or expanded areas (e.g. dysphagia, psychiatric disorders, dementias). Each chapter is based on current research and ong>theong>ory, which provides a solid and comprehensive framework for understanding ong>theong>se communication problems. In addition, essential information in ong>theong> areas of instrumentation, analytic techniques, and medio-surgical advances is highlighted. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> provides intelligent and in-depth coverage of medically-related communication disorders and ong>theong>ir consequences, without sacrificing readability. For professionals working in ong>theong> field of speech-language pathology.

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buhalis, Dimitrios / Tjoa, A. Min / Jafari, Jafar, PUBLISHER: Springer, ong>Theong> proceedings of ong>theong> conference ENTER - International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism - provide an international forum for ong>theong> discussion of ong>theong> role of telecommunication and information systems in tourism, inform potential users and people concerned with ong>theong> importance of such technologies and explain ong>theong>ir functioning. ong>Theong> following topics are treated in this volume: Dynamic Marketing Applications Using IT. - Designing Information Systems. - Using ong>theong> Internet. - Transformation of ong>theong> Travel Industry. - Re-engineering Management Approaches. - Enhancing Tourism Intermediaries. - New Horizons for Destination Management Systems. - Strategic Management in Tourism. - New IT Uses in Tourism.

Risk Communication: A Handbook for Communicating

Risk Communication: A Handbook for Communicating

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lundgren, Regina E. / McMakin, Andrea H., PUBLISHER: Battelle Press, As penalties for corporate and personal risk increase communicating risk-related information can be a daunting challenge. Communication must be targeted, understandable, and effective without inadvertently provoking hostility and mistrust. Risk Communication, a handong>bookong> of strategies and guidance for conveying risk information effectively, has proven a valuable resource. In this second edition, readers get ong>theong> latest updates on pertinent topics--including current laws, approaches, computer applications, stakeholder participation methods, and methods to evaluate effectiveness. All-new sections explain how to work with ong>theong> media and represent risks pictorially. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> has been praised by readers for its "pragmatic and unpretentious" advice as well as its "excellent and thorough" coverage. ong>Theong> Society for Risk Analysis's Risk Communication Specialty Group rated ong>theong> ong>bookong> in its top five "must read" publications for industry risk communication practitioners. Contents: Approaches to Communicating Risk, Laws that Mandate Risk Communication, Constraints to Effective Risk Communication, Ethical Issues, Principles of Risk Communicating, Determining Purpose and Objectives, Analyze Your Audience, Determine ong>theong> Appropriate Methods, Set a Schedule, Develop a Communication Plan, Informational Materials, Pictorial Representation of Risk, Face-to-Face Communication, Working with ong>theong> Media

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: Risk Communication: A Handbook for Communicating
Happy Trails: A Little Book of Travel Tips

Happy Trails: A Little Book of Travel Tips

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dixon, Nicola, PUBLISHER: Running Press ong>Bookong> Publishers, Full of practical, innovative tips for both ong>theong> seasoned and novice traveler, this ingenious ong>littleong> ong>bookong> includes advice on proper packing, tipping etiquette, avoiding jet lag, and protecting against ong>theong>ft and scams. Applicable for domestic as well as foreign journeys, it includes fasinating tips on myriad uses for rubber bands and cloong>theong>s pins while on ong>theong> road.

Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge

Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McArthur, Tom, PUBLISHER: University of Exeter Press, In this unique and entertaining collection of articles, a noted scholar and compiler of key works of reference reflects on ong>theong> nature of language, ong>theong> art of lexicography, and ong>theong> breathtaking developments in communication, ong>theong> media, and information technology in ong>theong> late twentieth century. Living Words ranges over three main subjects: language at large, and in particular English, ong>theong> most widely used language in ong>theong> history of ong>theong> world; ong>theong> art and study of dictionaries and reference science, embracing all past, present, and potential reference materials from ong>theong> Oxford English Dictionary to ong>theong> Yellow Pages; and ong>theong> processes through which communication, information, and knowledge have evolved -- from cave art to ong>theong> personal computer.

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge
Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and

Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mayne, Tracy J. / Norcross, John C. / Sayette, Michael A., PUBLISHER: Guilford Publications, This perennial bestseller is ong>theong> resource students count on for ong>theong> most current information on applying to doctoral programs in clinical or counseling psychology in ong>theong> US and Canada. ong>Theong> new edition features over 15 new programs; additional ong>dataong> on acceptance rates and enrollment rates; ong>theong> latest information on financial assistance and loans; 42 new website listings; and updated appendices on research areas and clinical opportunities.

E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / Andrews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning ong>Theong>ory and Practice ong>theong> authors set out different perspectives on e-learning. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> deals with ong>theong> social implications of e-learning, its transformative effects, and ong>theong> social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning. ong>Theong> authors present new perspectives on ong>theong> subject by exploring ong>theong> way teaching and learning are changing with ong>theong> presence of ong>theong> Internet and participatory media; providing a ong>theong>oretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication and information science; addressing e-learning in terms of existing learning ong>theong>ories, emerging online learning ong>theong>ories, new literacies, social networks, social worlds, community and virtual communities, and online resources; and emphasizing ong>theong> impact of everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and ong>theong> classroom, locally and globally.This ong>bookong> is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students and researchers.

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: E-Learning Theory and Practice
Commissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Projects: The

Commissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Projects: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bendiksen, Trond / Young, Geoff, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, You have never seen a ong>bookong> like this before ong>Theong> information, ong>dataong> and presentation scheme make this ong>bookong> unique ong>Theong> ong>bookong> describes ong>theong> utmost importance of thorough planning and preparations to streamline ong>theong> execution of your project, in order to avoid ong>theong> spectacular cost and schedule overruns often encountered on today's mega-projects in ong>theong> oil and gas industry. It explains, in practical terms, which strategic principles, tools, techniques, structure and organization you need to have in place to assure yourself that your project will meet ong>theong> cost and schedule targets. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> focuses on ong>theong> all-important Commissioning phase, ong>theong> stage of ong>theong> game where all ong>theong> poor planning and preparations manifest ong>theong>mselves as costly delays. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> should be mandatory on all project managers' desks, and in all management students' curriculums.

The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information

The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kellerman, Aharon / Thomas, Larry, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A fascinating and vital area of research, ong>theong> geography of information describes ong>theong> role of information as both economic and commercial product and its distribution and movement across boundaries of cyberspace and conventional geography. Written by a pioneer in telecommunications geography research, this prize winning title (AAG award ) applies information geography to ong>theong> world of high-tech, examining ong>theong> latest wrinkles in ong>theong> Internet, Silicon Valley, mobile telephony, and oong>theong>r key areas. ong>theong> first ong>bookong> to provide both a context for ong>theong> geography of information and a critical overview of recent research. Includes location-specific references and case studies. Examines ong>theong> information society, information economy, telecommunications and its geographical impact.

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information
The Design of Animal Communication

The Design of Animal Communication

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hauser, Marc D. / Konishi, Mark, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), When animals, including humans, communicate, ong>theong>y convey information and express ong>theong>ir perceptions of ong>theong> world. Because different organisms are able to produce and perceive different signals, ong>theong> animal world contains a diversity of communication systems. Based on ong>theong> approach laid out in ong>theong> s by Nobel laureate Nikolaas Tinbergen, this ong>bookong> looks at animal communication from ong>theong> four perspectives of mechanisms, ontogeny, function, and phylogeny. ong>Theong> ong>bookong>'s great strength is its broad comparative perspective, which enables ong>theong> reader to appreciate ong>theong> diversity of solutions to particular problems of signal design and perception. For example, although ong>theong> neural circuitry underlying ong>theong> production of acoustic signals is different in frogs, songbirds, bats, and humans, each involves a set of dedicated pathways designed to solve particular problems of communicative efficiency. Such comparative findings form ong>theong> basis of a conceptual framework for understanding ong>theong> mechanisms underlying communication systems and ong>theong>ir evolution.

Adams Job Interview Almanac

Adams Job Interview Almanac

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bob Adams Publishers / Adams Media / Verucki, Peter, PUBLISHER: Adams Media Corporation, ong>Theong> Adams Jobs Almanac provides an unprecedented amount of information on career opportunities and strategies. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> includes: - Names and addresses for thousands of leading employers nationwide - Information for which jobs each company commonly hires - Industry forecasts and geographical cross-references - Job outlooks for a variety of professions - Multiple extensive indexes - Advice on preparing resumes and succeeding at interviews - ong>Theong> latest information on online job resources With annually updated information, ong>Theong> Adams Jobs Almanac is ong>theong> most comprehensive national career reference guide available

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: Adams Job Interview Almanac
Communication Yearbook 25

Communication Yearbook 25

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gudykunst, William B., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Communication Yearong>bookong> 25" is devoted to publishing state-of-ong>theong>-art literature reviews in which authors critique and synong>theong>size a body of communication research. This volume contains critical, integrative reviews of research on democracy and new communication technologies; ong>theong> Federal Communication Commission's communication policymaking process; cognitive effects of hypermedia; mediation of children's television viewing; informatization, world systems, and developing countries; communication ethics; communication in culturally diverse work groups; and attitudes toward language. In addition, it also includes senior scholars' reviews of research on imagined interactions and symbolic convergence ong>theong>ory. Representing media, interpersonal, intercultural, and oong>theong>r areas of communication, this is an important reference on current research for scholars and students in ong>theong> social sciences. Each of ong>theong> chapters make a unique contribution to ong>theong> field.

Electronic Communication Systems

Electronic Communication Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dungan, Frank R. / Dungan, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, Electronic technicians can keep up-to-date on new technologies and techniques with this revised edition. Containing ong>theong> latest updates on ong>theong> information superhighway, ong>theong> Internet, HDTV, fiber optics and LEOS satellites, it provides you with ong>theong> knowledge and skills to succeed in today's technical world.

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: Electronic Communication Systems
Data Mining Your Website

Data Mining Your Website

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mena, Jesus, PUBLISHER: Digital Press, Turn Web ong>dataong> into knowledge about your customers. This exciting ong>bookong> will help companies create, capture, enhance, and analyze one of ong>theong>ir most valuable new sources of marketing information-usage and transactional ong>dataong> from a website. A company's website is a primary point of contact with its customers and a medium in which visitor's actions are messages about who ong>theong>y are and what ong>theong>y want. ong>Dataong> Mining Your Website will teach you ong>theong> tools, techniques, and technologies you'll need to profile current and potential customers and predict on-line interests and behavior. You'll learn how to extract from ong>theong> huge pools of information your website generates, insights into on-line buying patterns, and how to apply this knowledge to design a website that better attracts, engages, and retains on-line customers. ong>Dataong> Mining Your Website explains how ong>dataong> mining is a foundation for ong>theong> new field of web-based, interactive retailing, marketing, and advertising. This innovative ong>bookong> will help web developers and marketers, webmasters, and ong>dataong> management professionals harness powerful new tools and processes. ong>Theong> first ong>bookong> to apply ong>dataong> mining specifically to e-commerce Learn effective methods for gaong>theong>ring, managing, and mining Web customer information Use ong>dataong> mining to profile customers and create personalized e-commerce programs

Mega Book of Cars: Discover the Most Amazing Automobiles on

Mega Book of Cars: Discover the Most Amazing Automobiles on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chrysalis ong>Bookong>s, PUBLISHER: Chrysalis ong>Bookong>s, More visual guides to ong>theong> coolest, fastest and most powerful transportation in ong>theong> world. Striking photographs and diagrams. Internet links for furong>theong>r information. Fascinating fact boxes contain additional ong>dataong> about ong>theong> machines.

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Data Privacy in the Information Age

Data Privacy in the Information Age

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Klosek, Jacqueline, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Passage of ong>theong> European ong>Dataong> Protection Directive and oong>theong>r national laws have increased ong>theong> need for companies and oong>theong>r entities to improve ong>theong>ir ong>dataong> protection and privacy controls. Clients, stakeholders, and ong>theong> public are clamoring for it. Klosek introduces ong>theong> various legal means to protect personal ong>dataong> in ong>theong> United States and ong>theong> European Union, targeting her ong>bookong> at American and international businesses that may have difficulty complying with ong>theong> European Directive. She explains its main elements and practical effects, presents primary components of national privacy laws abroad and in ong>theong> United States, and gives advice on some steps companies can take to improve ong>theong> level of protection ong>theong>y afford to ong>theong> ong>dataong> ong>theong>y possess. Klosek offers a comprehensive review of ong>theong> American and European systems for providing protection to personal information in ong>theong> Internet age. She explains ong>theong> European ong>Dataong> Protection Directive, ong>theong> national ong>dataong> protection laws of ong>theong> fifteen countries of ong>theong> European Union, and ong>theong> laws and oong>theong>r initiatives for protecting individual personal ong>dataong>. She endeavors to discuss ong>theong> protection of personal ong>dataong> in general but focuses on, and emphasizes, ong>theong> protection of personal ong>dataong> within ong>theong> context of ong>theong> Internet. In doing so, she provides much useful, fascinating information on ong>theong> obvious and non-obvious means of collecting and processing personal ong>dataong> through ong>theong> Internet. Among its unusual features, ong>theong> ong>bookong> helps United States corporate decision makers assess ong>theong> effect ong>dataong> protection laws will have in Europe and ong>theong> U.S., and how companies that are operating web sites that cross international boundaries can ensure ong>theong>y stay in compliance withong>dataong> protection laws in countries in which ong>theong>ir web sites may be accessible. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> is essential reading for corporate compliance executives, corporate communications and oong>theong>r top-level organizational administrators, particularly in Internet industries.

The A-Z Guide to Collecting Trivets

The A-Z Guide to Collecting Trivets

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rosack, Margaret Lynn, PUBLISHER: Collector ong>Bookong>s, This ong>bookong> includes information never published before - how to buy and sell trivets on ong>theong> Internet, decorating with trivets, and detailed information on J.Z.H. Alphabet Series trivets. Physical descriptions and photographs of more than 450 trivets and stands are provided, as well as some of ong>theong>ir interesting history. Horseshoe plaque trivets, Ober trivets, Jenny Lind trivets, sadirons and ong>theong>ir companion stands, reproduction trivets, and oong>theong>r vintage domestic accents are included. Information on ong>theong> British Registered Design (Rd) System with charts for dating trivets and stands is featured. ong>Theong>re are even sections on selecting, cleaning, and caring for metal trivets, decorating your home with trivets, websites of interest to trivet collectors, and suggested reference ong>bookong>s. User, price, and condition guides appear at ong>theong> end of ong>theong> ong>bookong>, as well as a glossary and bibliography. values.

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Communication for Complexity: Communication Methods for the

Communication for Complexity: Communication Methods for the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erwin, K., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons Inc, "Communicating ong>Theong> New" describes and demonstrates methods for communication in ong>theong> design thinking/innovation process throughout all stages of ong>theong> process, not just ong>theong> end. It introduces core concepts and methods that help manage complexity, accelerate synong>theong>sis, bring clarity and diffuse important knowledge to ong>theong> people who need to act on it. It offers everyone who is involved in design thinking - from ong>theong> account planner in advertising to ong>theong> program manager of an architecture firm to ong>theong> information architect in a web design firm - a practical toolkit for how to use communication at every step of ong>theong> innovation process to tame and frame ong>theong> inherent complexity of creating "ong>theong> new."

The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liu, Lewis-Guodo, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Since that time, ong>theong> literature on ong>theong> Internet and its impact on and role in libraries and research has exploded. A simple keyword search in " Library Literature and Information Index," a primary electronic index of library and information science research literature, retrieves over items related to ong>theong> Internet. ong>Theong> dominance of ong>theong> Internet not only provides great opportunities for libraries to provide better services, but also poses tremendous challenges to librarians and library and information science scholars. This volume includes discussions of current issues and trends, written by scholars and practitioners in ong>theong> fields of library and information science, computer science, and computer engineering.

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and
Instant Psychopharmacology: Up-To-Date Information about the

Instant Psychopharmacology: Up-To-Date Information about the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Diamond, Ronald J., PUBLISHER: W. W. Norton & Company, A revision of our best-selling brief guide to all ong>theong> new medications, this straightforward, easy-to-understand ong>bookong> teaches nonmedical ong>theong>rapists, clients, and clients' families how different psychotropic drugs work. This handy guide provides information on side effects, indications for use, drug-drug interactions, and suggested dosages. All medical information has been updated for ong>theong> new volume. Also included are tips on taking medication, practical advice on ong>theong> client/clinical/psychiatrist relationship, and numerous updated tables and graphs on medications' profiles, generic and brand names, prices, and side effects. Acquista Ora

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on ong>theong> completion of ong>theong> latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synong>theong>sizes ong>theong> latest thinking in knowledge management with ong>theong> design of information technology and ong>theong> Internet-enabled new organization forms. ong>Theong> major emphasis of this exciting ong>bookong> is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft SQL Server  in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft SQL Server in 21 Days

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Waymire, Richard / Sawtell, Rick, PUBLISHER: Sams, "Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft SQL Server in 21 Days, 2E" will clearly define and walk ong>theong> reader through ong>theong> features of SQL Server . ong>Theong> reader will be given tips and tricks for working within ong>theong> new SQL Server product environment as well as working with SQL Server ong>dataong>bases. ong>Theong> ong>bookong> will feature information on: Create and alter ong>dataong>bases. Manage security and implement permissions. Protect, backup, and restore ong>dataong>. Enforce and ensure ong>dataong> integrity. Modify and manipulate ong>dataong>. Create views, triggers, functions, and stored procedures.

AIDS: The Biological Basis

AIDS: The Biological Basis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weeks, Benjamin S. / Alcamo, I. Edward, PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Completely updated with ong>theong> latest findings and ong>dataong>, ong>theong> Fifth Edition of this award-winning text builds upon ong>theong> foundation established by ong>theong> late Edward Alcamo. Dr. Alcamo's accessible writing style is maintained with completely updated content and extended commentary on current developments. ong>Theong> text provides ong>theong> necessary background information for students to understand ong>theong> biology of HIV and AIDS while also providing information on critical epidemiological patterns and research developments.

Offerte relazionate the little data book on information and communication: AIDS: The Biological Basis
Exploring the Internet Using

Exploring the Internet Using

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Debra, PUBLISHER: Neal-Schuman Publishers, As ong>theong> amount -- and quality -- of information available on ong>theong> Internet continues to expand dramatically, students not only need to learn Internet searching skills, but to develop literacy and critical thinking skills as well. Ideal for use in a high school or college general information literacy course, this innovative workong>bookong> uses active learning to help students discover how to find information on ong>theong> Net, and assess ong>theong> accuracy and relevance of all information ong>theong>y retrieve. Incorporating easy-to-follow explanations, graphic illustrations, eight hands-on practice sessions, and dozens of screen captures, ong>theong> ong>bookong> teaches students -- at ong>theong>ir own pace -- how to develop efficient search strategies; analyze evidence, assumptions, and logical arguments in Internet sources; and use appropriate citation styles.
