The Evolution Wars: A Guide to the Debates
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruse, Michael / Wilson, Edward Osborne, PUBLISHER: ABC-CLIO, A thought-provoking series that chronicles ong>theong> discussions, disputes, and debates that have divided scientists and advanced science through ong>theong> ages. ong>Theong> origins of humanity? ong>Theong> causes of homosexuality? Experimentation on humans and animals? In both ong>theong>ory and practice, science is riven by controversy. Always has been, always will be. Controversies in Science reveals ong>theong> history of humanity's disputatious pursuit of ong>truthong>-ong>theong> passions, ong>theong> polemics, and ong>theong> partisanship. ABC-CLIO's Controversies in Science series examines some of ong>theong> greatest debates in ong>theong> history of science's quest for ong>truthong>. Edited by top scientists, philosophers, and historians, ong>theong> titles explore fields as diverse as cosmology, genetics, evolution, psychiatry, and ong>theong> fascinating and speculative study of extraterrestrial biology. Who are we? Where do we come from? And what limits should we place on ong>theong> pursuit of answers to ong>theong>se questions? ong>Theong> ong>truthong> is out ong>theong>re. But what routes have we taken? What routes should we take? Controversies in Science offers a road map.