the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the

Cataclysms and Earth History: The Development of Diluvialism

Cataclysms and Earth History: The Development of Diluvialism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Huggett, Richard John, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book explores the development of ideas about enormous floods, both gradual and catastrophic, and the role of floods in fashioning the Earth's surface. Floods of immense size are recorded in ancient myths and classical writings. Renaissance scholars believed that sea shells found on mountains were relics of Noah's Flood, and natural philosophers during the Restoration and Enlightenment proposed elaborate theories of the Earth which accounted for a universal Deluge. During the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, field evidence suggested that there had been several grand cataclysms during the course of Earth's history, the most recent of which was identified with the Noachian Cataclysm. In the nineteenth century too, a gradual inundation of continents was proposed, an idea which was taken up by proponents of marine regression and transgression cycles. During the present century the notion of marine transgression has been refined. Recently, the possibility of catastrophic flooding has again been raised. The author traces the developments of each of these theories and provides a comprehensive bibliography of the exploration of these ideas through the centuries.

Performer. Culture and literature. Vol. 2: The nineteenth

Performer. Culture and literature. Vol. 2: The nineteenth

Performer. Culture and literature. Vol. 2: The nineteenth century in Britain and America. di Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella, Zanichelli inglese ISBN: condizioni: BUONE CONDIZIONI

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Performer. Culture and literature. Vol. 2: The nineteenth
The End of the Salon: Art and the State in the Early Third

The End of the Salon: Art and the State in the Early Third

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mainardi, Patricia, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The End of the Salon examines the cultural forces that contributed to the demise of the most important exhibition centre for art in Europe and America in the late nineteenth century. Tracing the history of the salon from the French Revolution, when it was taken away from the Academy and opened to all artists, to the s, Patricia Mainardi shows that its contradictory purposes, as didactic exhibition venue and art market-place resulted in its collapse. She also situates the salon within the shifting currents of art movements, from modern to traditional, and the evolving politics of the Third Republic, when France definitively chose a republican over a monarchic form of government. A rich overview of the spectrum of art production at the end of the nineteenth century, government attitudes toward the arts in the early Third Republic, and the institution of exhibitions as they were redefined by free-market economics in the nineteenth century, are also provided. The book demonstrates how all artists were forced to function within the framework of the social, economic and cultural changes then taking place and how art and social history are inextricably linked.

Love Me Again

Love Me Again

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burge, Wendy, PUBLISHER: Zebra Books, This impressive, heartfelt debut historical romance, showcasing Wendy Burge's fresh and original voice, is set against the glittering ballrooms of nineteenth-century Vienna and the passion and turbulence of the times.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Love Me Again
Music of the Old South: Colony to Confederacy

Music of the Old South: Colony to Confederacy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stoutamire, Albert, PUBLISHER: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Each chapter covers a specific period of the eighteenth or nineteenth century, and major areas of activity examined include music on public and social occasions, music merchantry and instruction, concerts, the theater, and music of the church. 42 photographic reproductions.

The Marvellous Century: Archaic Man and the Awakening of

The Marvellous Century: Archaic Man and the Awakening of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Woodcock, George, PUBLISHER: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, In this fascinating and scholarly overview, George Woodcock, author and poet, allows us to experience the beauty, the savagery and the all-encompassing impact of The Marvellous Century. It was an era of personalities and uprisings. It was the time of Xenophanes, Cyrus, Solon the lawmaker, Sappho, the Buddha, Aeschylus, Pythagoras, Confucius, Lao-tzu and Nebuchadnezzar. It was an era of prose reawakenings, the exploration of rational thought, the central Asian silk trade, and the writing of the Upanishads. For the Chinese, it was the period of Spring and Autumn under the Chou Kingdom. Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism and Modern Judaism had their roots in the sixth century. The Greek philosopher, Thales, studied astronomy and geometry - passing on knowledge picked up from the Egyptians - and it was Thales who first postulated the angles at the base of an isosceles triangle to be equal. In India, atomic theories emerged, and geography, geology and physics all developed as disciplines.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: The Marvellous Century: Archaic Man and the Awakening of
The new mirror of the Times 2

The new mirror of the Times 2

"The new mirror of the Times" volume 2 English and American literature The nineteenth century Edizioni Principato Autrici: Rosa Marinoni Mingazzini e Luciana Salmoiraghi ISBN Usato in ottime condizioni

The German-American Heritage

The German-American Heritage

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Franck, Irene M. / Irene M Franck, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, This volume uses firsthand accounts and period illustrations to detail the immigration of Germans into the United States, the hardships they experienced upon arriving, and their role throughout history. Coverage includes the Mennonites and Quakers who left Germany in search of religious freedom in the late seventeenth century, the immigrants who poured into the United States in the nineteenth century following the Napoleonic Wars and who continued to come through the s, the development of German-American communities, the impact of two world wars on Americans of German descent, and the valuable contributions of German-Americans to this country.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: The German-American Heritage
Basel in the Age of Burckhardt: A Study in Unseasonable

Basel in the Age of Burckhardt: A Study in Unseasonable

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gossman, Lionel / University of Chicago Press, PUBLISHER: University of Chicago Press, This remarkable history tells the story of the independent city-republic of Basel in the nineteenth century, and of four major thinkers who shaped its intellectual history: the historian Jacob Burckhardt, the philologist and anthropologist Johann Jacob Bachofen, the theologian Franz Overbeck, and the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

The Norton Anthology of English Literature

The Norton Anthology of English Literature

Vendo The Norton Anthology of English Literarure, Ninth Edition, Package 1. Comprende: - volume A: The middle ages - volume B: The sixteenth century/The early seventeenth century - volume C: The restoration and the eighteenth century Ottime condizioni.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: The Norton Anthology of English Literature
Vanessa Smith, Literary culture And The pacific

Vanessa Smith, Literary culture And The pacific

Nineteenth-century textual encounters

Zion in the Courts: A Legal History of the Church of Jesus

Zion in the Courts: A Legal History of the Church of Jesus

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Firmage, Edwin Brown / Mangrum, R. Collin / Mangrum, Richard Collin, PUBLISHER: University of Illinois Press, The inability of American society to tolerate the peculiar institutions embraced by Mormons was one of the major events in the religious history of nineteenth-century America. Zion in the Courts explores one aspect of this collision between the Mormons and the mainstream: the Mormons' efforts to establish their own court system -- one appropriate to the distinctive political, social, and economic practices they envisioned as Zion -- and the pressures applied by the federal legal system to bring them to heel. This first paperback edition includes two new introductory pieces in which the authors discuss the Mormon emphasis on settling disputes outside the court, a practice that foreshadows current trends toward arbitration and mediation.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Zion in the Courts: A Legal History of the Church of Jesus
History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness

History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boia, Lucian / Boia, L., PUBLISHER: Central European University Press, Boia closely examines the process of historical culture and conscience in nineteenth and twentieth century Romania, particularly concentrating on the impact of the national ideology on history. Based upon his findings, the author identifies several key mythical configurations and analyses the manner in which Romanians have reconstituted their own highly ideologized history over the last two centuries.

Literature and the Marketplace: Romantic Writers and Their

Literature and the Marketplace: Romantic Writers and Their

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rowland, William G., PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, "Literature and the Marketplace" addresses one of the great ironies of nineteenth-century British and American literature: the fact that authors of that era, in voicing their alienation from middle-class readers, paradoxically gave expression to feelings of alienation felt by those same readers. As William G. Rowland Jr. points out, romantic writers "thought of the market as conspiring against 'imagination' (Blake) or 'telling the truth' (Melville)" and consequently felt frustrated with literary institutions. Yet their "frustrations," writes Rowland, "helped to energize romantic work and explain its subsequent and continuing appeal." The book opens with a survey of reading publics in Great Britain and the United States in the early years of the nineteenth century. Rowland then presents individual writers--including Wordsworth, Shelley, Hawthorne, Poe, and Emerson--and their relations to their readers. Finally, Rowland shows how the idea of genius was developed by writers as different as Coleridge, Blake, Whitman, and Dickinson and how that idea evolved as an antidote to the commercial literary marketplace of the nineteenth century. A wide-ranging and provocative book, "Literature and the Marketplace" describes the relations between important British and American authors and the audiences and publishing industries of their era--relations that were troubled, uncertain, and remarkably productive of literature.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Literature and the Marketplace: Romantic Writers and Their
The Unwanted: European Refugees in the Twentieth Century

The Unwanted: European Refugees in the Twentieth Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marrus, Michael R., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Vast refugee movements signify hundreds of thousands of people homeless and in despair. For most of our own century, Europe saw the greatest tide of uprooted humanity, with millions of people torn loose from their homes and forced to flee abroad. The Unwanted presents the first comprehensive picture of the astounding dimension of the refugee problem in twentieth century Europe. While a considerable portion of the book is devoted to the dislocation of the Nazi era, the volume covers everything from the late nineteenth century to the present, encompassing the Armenian refugees, the Spanish Civil War emigres, the Cold War refugees in flight from Soviet states and much more. Marrus argues that these huge refugee inundations represented a terrible new page in human history, presaging what we see today in parts of the Third World.

Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the

Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kaku, Michio, PUBLISHER: Anchor Books, Teleportation, time machines, force fields, and interstellar space ships--the stuff of science fiction or potentially attainable future technologies? Inspired by the fantastic worlds of "Star Trek, Star Wars, "and" Back to the Future," renowned theoretical physicist and bestselling author Michio Kaku takes an informed, serious, and often surprising look at what our current understanding of the universe's physical laws may permit in the near and distant future. Entertaining, informative, and imaginative, Physics of the Impossible" "probes the very limits of human ingenuity and scientific possibility.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the
Five Philosophers: How Their Lives Influenced Their Thought

Five Philosophers: How Their Lives Influenced Their Thought

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Settanni, Harry, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, The book examines the life and times of five philosophers who were prominent in history: John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, George Wilhelm Hegel, John Dewey, and Immanual Mournier. Contents: J.S. MILL: THE INFLUENCE OF FATHER AND WIFE: The Nineteenth Century; James Mill and Logic; Harriett Taylor Mill and Socialism; IMMANUAL KANT: THE RIFT BETWEEN RELIGION AND SCIENCE: The Pietistic Background; Age of Enlightenment; Kant's Synthesis; G.W. F. HEGEL: THE SURROUNDING POLITICAL WORLD: France is Revolution; Division of German World; Hegel's Solution; JOHN DEWEY AND THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: The Scientific Temper; Social Reform; Education; IMMANUEL MOUNIER: COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM: Communist Environment; Capitalist Environment; The Philosophy of Personalism.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Valency, Maurice, PUBLISHER: New Amsterdam Books, This introduction to Greek tragedy, the origin of much of our modern drama, is the work of a remarkable scholar who is also a practical man of theater. The author of magisterial studies of Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov and Shaw, and of symbolism in the theater from the nineteenth century to our times, Maurice Valency has written for the stage and for television, and he translated, adapted and collaborated in producing two great Broadway successes Giraudoux's the Mad Woman of Chaillot and Durrenmatt's The Visit.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Tragedy
The Ground Beneath Her Feet

The Ground Beneath Her Feet

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rushdie, Salman, PUBLISHER: Picador USA, In this remaking of the myth of Orpheus, Rushdie tells the story of Vina Apsara, a pop star, and Ormus Cama, an extraordinary songwriter and musician, who captivate and change the world through their music and their romance. Beginning in Bombay in the fifties, moving to London in the sixties, and New York for the last quarter century, the novel pulsates with a half-century of music and celebrates the power rock 'n' roll.

Hijikata Tatsumi and Ohno Kazuo

Hijikata Tatsumi and Ohno Kazuo

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fraleigh, Sondra Horton / Nakamura, Tamah, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Routledge Performance Practitioners" is a series of introductory guides to the key theatre-makers of the last century. Each volume explains the background to and the work of one of the major influences on twentieth- and twenty-first-century performance. These compact, well-illustrated and clearly written books unravel the contribution of modern theatre's most charismatic innovators. "Hijikata Tatsumi and Ohno Kazuo" is the first book to combine: - an account of the founding of Japanese butoh through the partnership of Hijikata and Ohno, extending to the larger story of butoh's international assimilation. - an exploration of the impact of the social and political issues of post World War II Japan on the aesthetic development of butoh. - metamorphic dance experiences that students of butoh can explore. - a glossary of English and Japanese terms. As a first step towards critical understanding, and as an initial exploration before going on to further, primary research, "Routledge Performance Practitioners "are unbeatable value for today's student.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Hijikata Tatsumi and Ohno Kazuo
Happy-People-Pills for All

Happy-People-Pills for All

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walker, Mark, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons Inc, "Happy-People-Pills for All" explores current theories of happiness while demonstrating the need to develop advanced pharmacological agents for the enhancement of our capacity for happiness and wellbeing.Presents the first detailed exploration of the enhancement of happinessA controversial yet rigorous argument that demonstrates the moral imperative for the development and mass distribution of 'happy-pills', to promote the wellbeing of the individual and societyBrings together the philosophy, psychology and biology of happinessMaps the development of the next generation of positive mood pharmacologyOffers a corrective to contemporary accounts of happiness

Selected Writings to

Selected Writings to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Newman, John Henry / Newman John, Hen / Redcliffe, Albert, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This selection from the most productive Christian pen of the nineteenth century is also an introduction to one of the most compelling and troubled minds. John Henry Newman was a dominant figure in both the Anglican and the Roman Catholic churches. His writings have had an abiding influence on both and contribute still to the spirit of ecumenicism.

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Selected Writings to
English and Continental Furniture, with Prices

English and Continental Furniture, with Prices

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lindquist, David P. / Warren, Caroline C., PUBLISHER: Wallace-Homestead Book Company, High-style and country furniture from the Renaissance to the early 20th century is the focus of this lavishly photographed price guide. Provides current values on pieces available in the U.S. in all major styles.

Norton Anthology of English Literature (pack.1)

Norton Anthology of English Literature (pack.1)

In ottime condizioni. Libri mai usati causa scelta di altre lingue all'Università. Spese di spedizione a carico dell'acquirente, tramite piego di libri. Questo pacchetto contiene: - The Middle Ages - The sixteenth century / The early seventeenth century - The Restoration and the eighteenth century

Offerte relazionate the humboldt current nineteenth century exploration and the: Norton Anthology of English Literature (pack.1)
Performer. Culture and literature 1 2

Performer. Culture and literature 1 2

Performer. Culture and literature 1+2 from the origins to the nineteenth century ISBN libro usato e sottolineato ordinatamente con evidenziatore
