the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Diagram Group, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins Publishers, An indispensable guide to all wedding arrangements. Details the roles of the main participants, from the bride and groom down to the flower girl. Includes advice and suggestions to help make that special day go smoothly.

ANIMAL - The definitive visual guide to the world's wildlife

ANIMAL - The definitive visual guide to the world's wildlife

ANIMAL - The definitive visual guide to the world's wildlife * Volume in lingua inglese * perfetto, praticamente nuovo cm.26x31 spessore cm. 3,80 pagine 624 PRATICAMENTE NUOVO Spese di spedizione Euro 9,00 pagamento anticipato no contrassegno

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: ANIMAL - The definitive visual guide to the world's wildlife
Tuscany the Taste Guide: Art,Cuisine and Nature in Tuscany

Tuscany the Taste Guide: Art,Cuisine and Nature in Tuscany

A guide to the art, food, drink, history and countryside of Tuscany. It covers the wines, the breads and the oils as well as the masterpieces - churches, palaces, paintings, sculptures - that give Tuscany its artistic Heritage. By Pier Francesco Listri Nuovo. 11 euro.

The moderrn age boris ford the pelican INGLESE

The moderrn age boris ford the pelican INGLESE

The moderrn age guide to english literature Categoria: INGLESE Autore: boris ford Editore: the pelican Note: the moderrn age guide to english literature libro scritto in inglese ben tenuto ritiro a mano o spedizione piego di libri 3 euro

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: The moderrn age boris ford the pelican INGLESE
Guide to the classification of fishing gear in the

Guide to the classification of fishing gear in the

Guide to the classification of fishing gear in the Philippines (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Research report) Hardcover â€" by Agustin F Umali (Author) 165 pages Publisher: U.S. Govt. Print. Off () Language: English Euro 40 (zoolog. 31)

Never Been Here Before?: A Genealogists' Guide to the Family

Never Been Here Before?: A Genealogists' Guide to the Family

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cox, Jane / Colwell, Stella, PUBLISHER: Public Record Office Publications, This guide to the Family Records Centre in London covers the records of births, deaths and marriages plus censuses, wills and death duties.

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: Never Been Here Before?: A Genealogists' Guide to the Family
Gamemaster Guide

Gamemaster Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: TSR Inc, PUBLISHER: TSR, This full-color companion to the Alternity Player's Handbook includes the comprehensive information necessary to create adventures and run campaigns in contemporary, near-future, and far-future settings. Featuring a "fast-play" section that teaches the basics of refereeing the Alternity game and a short adventure to get you started, the Gamemaster Guide is an essential tool for science fiction roleplaying.

Los Angeles in the s The WPA Guide to the City of Angels

Los Angeles in the s The WPA Guide to the City of Angels

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Federal Writers Project of the Works Project Administration, PUBLISHER: The University of California Press, NA

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: Los Angeles in the s The WPA Guide to the City of Angels
The Seeker's Guide to 7 Life-Changing Virtues

The Seeker's Guide to 7 Life-Changing Virtues

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dodds, Bill / Dodds, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Loyola Press, "The Seekers Guide To 7 Life-Changing Virtues" doesn't promise instant spiritual growth. But it does help us to see how the seven classic virtues are the keys to a deeper and richer spirituality. Stories of people who modeled these virtues inspire us to develop the faith of Dorothy Day or the fortitude of Maximilian Kolbe. The meaning of each virtue is explained using Scripture, the examples of the saints, and the interpretation of scholars. Once we understand these virtues, we can use them to build more satisfying relationships with God and with one another.

Learn Abtrainforests

Learn Abtrainforests

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Green, Jen / Lorenz, PUBLISHER: Lorenz Books, This information and art-packed guide to the rainforest takes curious readers up to the tallest treetops, describing noises from the canopy and mysteries of the forest floor. Photographs of swinging chimpanzees, hovering hummingbirds and daring lizards along with explanations of the intricate ecosystem make this an exciting introduction to the enchanting world of the rainforest.

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: Learn Abtrainforests
The illustrated guide to the collectibles of coca

The illustrated guide to the collectibles of coca


The Rottweiler Today

The Rottweiler Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elsden, Judy / Elsden, Larry, PUBLISHER: Howell Books, This contemporary view focuses on the temperament of the Rottweiler and the importance of understanding how its mind works. Drawing on thirty years of experience in the breed, the authors provide a complete guide to character and behavior traits and illustrate the correct way to rear, train, and show the dog.

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: The Rottweiler Today
Ten Minutes to the Pitch: Your Last-Minute Guide and

Ten Minutes to the Pitch: Your Last-Minute Guide and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Abbott, Chris, PUBLISHER: Tallfellow Press, An insider's guide to selling your script, story or idea to the "powers that be." Includes Last Minute Checklist for success.

The Girlfriend's Guide to Hockey

The Girlfriend's Guide to Hockey

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spencer, Teena / Ferguson, Will / Spencer, Bruce, PUBLISHER: Firefly Books, Teena Spencer knows from personal experience what it is to live through those months of hockey mania and endless weeks of playoff insanity, when your partner is sprawled on the couch, knocking back beer and yelling at the TV. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, she decided and proceeded to learn the ins and outs of this increasingly popular game. In The Girlfriend's Guide to Hockey, Teena Spencer illuminates the arcane language of the sport (butt-ending and chippy play), the rules (icing), and the rituals (octopus throwing). It's all here: the teams, the history, the top players, and the trivia, written with clarity and humor. There are details on women's hockey, too. With her colorful ancecdotes and simple, direct style, this is the ultimate guide for any woman new to the game and the traditions that accompany it. The Girlfriend's Guide to Hockey is Teena Spencer's answer to hockey-dread.

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: The Girlfriend's Guide to Hockey
Official Guide to the TOEFL Test

Official Guide to the TOEFL Test

Vendo Official Guide to the TOEFL Test completo di CD ancora incartato. Il libro è nuovo, della 4 edizione

Cracking the Da Vinci Code The Unauthorized Guide to the

Cracking the Da Vinci Code The Unauthorized Guide to the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Simon Cox, PUBLISHER: Sterling Publishing Company Incorporated, NA

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: Cracking the Da Vinci Code The Unauthorized Guide to the
The Art of South Florida Gardening: A Unique Guide to

The Art of South Florida Gardening: A Unique Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Songdahl, Harold / Curtis, George / Leon, Coralee, PUBLISHER: Pineapple Press (FL), - Gardening advice for the rest of the country--or even the state--Just doesn't apply to the unique conditions of south Florida - New residents in Florida will snap up this practical, comprehensive guide written with humor and know-how - Learn how to outsmart the soil, protect against pests and weather, and select the right trees, shrubs, flowers, and fruit for our subtropical climate

The Daily Telegraph Guide to the Antique Shops of Britain

The Daily Telegraph Guide to the Antique Shops of Britain

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Adams, Carol, PUBLISHER: ACC Distribution, For the past 28 years this chunky fact-filled book has established itself as the bible of antique collectors and dealers. Well-thumbed copies are to be found in the glove compartments and the reference shelves of enthusiasts and professionals in both the UK and overseas. A new edition of the guide is issued annually. In-depth information about each shop includes not only the address and phone number, but also the date established, opening hours, type of stock and price range, details of location, where to park, the name of the proprietor, and membership of trade associations. The Guide also contains information on auctioneers, packers and shippers, a specialist dealers' index as well as a section on services to the antiques trade.

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: The Daily Telegraph Guide to the Antique Shops of Britain
The Jubilee Guide to Rome: The Four Basilicas the Great

The Jubilee Guide to Rome: The Four Basilicas the Great

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Braghin, Andrea / Rouillard, Philippe / Coloni, M. J., PUBLISHER: Liturgical Press, Pilgrims around the world are preparing to attend the Jubilee celebration of the year in Rome to take part in what may be the most significant and emotionally filled moments in the lives of all Christians. The traditional observance of visiting the four Basilicas of Rome (St. Peter's, St. Paul's, St. John Lateran's, and St. Mary Major) began in the fourteenth century and remains a prayerful faith celebration today. As a keepsake guide to the basilicas, The Jubilee Guide to Rome offers pilgrims taking part in this grand tradition historical information on the Jubilee as well as the architecture of the basilicas. The Jubilee Guide to Rome includes information regarding the lives of the saints after which the basilicas are named, Christian art, and spirituality in general. Those interested in, but unable to attend the celebration, will find The Jubilee Guide to Rome a welcome aid for perceiving the experience in the moment in which it takes place. Pilgrims to Rome will find it heightens their appreciation of the celebration, and those who have personally observed the Jubilee will find it a keepsake for keeping the serenity, faith, and hope of the experience as a living memory.

NFPA Pocket Guide to Fire Alarm Installation

NFPA Pocket Guide to Fire Alarm Installation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bunker, Merton W. / Roux, Richard J., PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, This brand-new edition provides all the information you need to design, install, or maintain fire alarm systems. NFPA's Pocket Guide to Fire Alarm System Installation, Second Edition is updated to reflect the provisions of the edition of the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72) and the edition of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). It has been reorganized to follow the order of topics presented within the NFAC, and includes updated requirements for power supplies, survivability, and spacing of detectors and notification appliances.

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: NFPA Pocket Guide to Fire Alarm Installation
The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Medicare Part D

The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Medicare Part D

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Epstein, Lita, PUBLISHER: Alpha Books, A prescription for the right health care. Although Medicare Part D, the federal program to subsidize the cost of prescription drugs, went into effect in January , beneficiaries are still confused by it. With "The Pocket Idiot's Guide(tm) to Medicare Part D," readers have all the information they need to pick the plan that's right for them in one handy book that takes them through the process step by step, including what's covered, who's eligible, and understanding costs. *Complements "The Complete Idiot's Guide(r) to Social Security and Medicare, Second Edition," also by Lita Epstein *Includes screenshots of the Medicare online tool to help readers choose the right plan *Beneficial to seniors, their families, and pharmacists

Beyond Psychoppression

Beyond Psychoppression

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McLellan, Betty, PUBLISHER: Spinifex Press, A guide to therapy that explores the intersection between the personal and the political.

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: Beyond Psychoppression
Beachcomber's Guide to Gulf Coast Marine Life: Florida,

Beachcomber's Guide to Gulf Coast Marine Life: Florida,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fotheringham, Nick / Brunemeister, S. L. / Brunenmeiser, Susan L., PUBLISHER: Butterworth-Heinemann, A must for anyone visiting the beach, the Beachcomber's series simply and clearly describes the fascinating creatures and features that make the beach so much fun. From seaweed and barnacles, to snails and starfish, each guide uses photos and descriptions to point out organisms that a beachcomber is likely to encounter.

The Basic GMAT Study Collection

The Basic GMAT Study Collection

The Basic GMAT Study Collection Practice and preparation are keys to your success on the GMAT® exam. If you're looking for the essential study guides to prepare for your best GMAT, then this collection is a must-have. Featuring more than real GMAT questions and answers, The Basic GMAT® Study Collection includes three of our most popular Official GMAT® guides: - The Official Guide for GMAT® Review, ; - The Official Guide for GMAT® Verbal Review, ; - The Official Guide for GMAT® Quantitative Review, . The online components require activation codes, codes will be available on the inside back cover of the book and will expire 6 months from activation. Condition: New

Offerte relazionate the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy: The Basic GMAT Study Collection
On the Write Track: A Guide to Writing, Illustrating and

On the Write Track: A Guide to Writing, Illustrating and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruurs, Margriet, PUBLISHER: Pacific Educational Press, This creative writing guide takes children through the entire process of creating a book from imagining a story, through writing and editing, to illustrating and the cover.
