the handbook of ecological monitoring

The Handbook of Ecological Monitoring

The Handbook of Ecological Monitoring

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clarke, Robin, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The rapidly-developing field of ecological monitoring provides the quantitative data on the environment that planners and development experts need to outline future land use and to monitor change. The Handbook brings together for the first time information on the three major techniques of ecological monitoring: ground surveys, low-level aerial reconnaissance, and remote sensing from high-flying aircraft and satellites. Written by twelve of the world's experts, the book provides an invaluable introduction filled with practical advice for the design of ecological monitoring programs.

Energy and the Ecological Economics of Sustainability

Energy and the Ecological Economics of Sustainability

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Peet, John, PUBLISHER: Island Press, "Energy and the Ecological Economics of Sustainability" examines the roots of the present environmental crisis in the neoclassical economics upon which modern industrial society is based. The author explains that only when we view ourselves in the larger context of the global ecosystem and accept the physical limits to what is possible can sustainability be achieved.

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Prehistoric Native Americans and Ecological Change: Human

Prehistoric Native Americans and Ecological Change: Human

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Delcourt, Paul A. / Delcourt, Hazel R., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, There has long been controversy between ecologists and archaeologists over the role of prehistoric Native Americans as agents of ecological change. Using ecological and archaeological data from the woodlands of eastern North America, Paul and Hazel Delcourt show that Holocene human ecosystems are complex adaptive systems in which humans have interacted with the environment on a series of spatial and time scales. Their work therefore has important implications for the conservation of biological diversity and for ecological restoration today, making it of great interest to ecologists and archaeologists alike.

Anointed in the Spirit Candidate Handbook: A Middle School

Anointed in the Spirit Candidate Handbook: A Middle School

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burns Senseman, Rita, PUBLISHER: Saint Mary's Press, The Candidate Handbook is an engaging approach that leads to thorough preparation for receiving and living a life anointed in the Spirit. The chapters of this book introduce the candidate to central aspects of the Confirmation liturgy and help them to explore the meaning of the sacrament. The material will help them to deepen your understanding of God's call to you to live a life of faith and to explore the significance of being confirmed Catholic. The candidate handbook also includes Catholic prayers and lists of Catholic beliefs and practices as well as a list of saints.

Offerte relazionate the handbook of ecological monitoring: Anointed in the Spirit Candidate Handbook: A Middle School
Paying for Broadcasting: The Handbook

Paying for Broadcasting: The Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Congdon, Tim / Davies, Gavyn / Graham, Andrew, PUBLISHER: Routledge, With British broadcasting standing on the threshold of immense change, this handbook leads a wide-ranging discussion of funding options open to broadcasters.

The Handbook of Electrical Engineering

The Handbook of Electrical Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Research & Education Association / Rea / Staff of Research Education Association, PUBLISHER: Research & Education Association, This handbook is a review of the important facts and concepts in electrical engineering. Comprehensive and concise, it is a handy reference source at all times for the professional and the student. It condenses the vast amount of detail characteristic of the subject mater and summarizes the essentials of the field. The book provides quick access to the important facts, principles, theorems, and equations in electrical engineering.

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Longhorns Handbook: Stories, STATS and Stuff about Texas

Longhorns Handbook: Stories, STATS and Stuff about Texas

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barnhouse, Wendell, PUBLISHER: Midwest Sports, Let the Longhorns Handbook steer you through more than a century of Texas football. Covering everything from the program's humble beginnings to the making of its champions. Foreword by Darrell Royal.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Occupational Outlook Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Labor Dept, Labor Statistics Bure / U S Dept of Labor, PUBLISHER: Bernan Press(PA), For over 50 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook has been the U.S. government's premier career guidance publication. Revised every two years, the Handbook "provides essential information about prospective changes in the world of work and the qualifications that will be needed by tomorrow's workers" (Alexis M. Herman, Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor.). The newly published Edition provides invaluable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future.

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The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play

The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hutchinson, G. Evelyn, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, In the three lectures which give their title to this delightful collection of esays, the author of "The Enchanted Voyage" and "The Itinerate Ivory Tower" turns his attention to the influence of the environment on the course of evolution. The first lecture considers the nature of the terrestrial biosphere, both as a unique phenomenon on earth and as one of a class of possible spaces on other bodies; the second examines the nature of the ecological niche; and the third discusses some of the possible environmental interactions of a single species, emphasis being placed on the extremely recondite nature of the selective forces that act on man, as on other animals. Another of the pieces deals with the problem of the relation of natural beauty to works of art, particularly in the context of the similarities and differences apparent when natural history museums and art galleries are compared. The final essay, "The Cream in the Gooseberry Fool," is an account of the role of an English country clergyman and of the European magpie most in one of the most significant early discoveries of genetics. Acquista Ora

The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of

The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregorios, Paulos Mar, PUBLISHER: Continuum, The Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of New Delhi gathers together the wisdom of science and ancient and Contemporary spirituality to plea for social, environmental, and personal justice.

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The Gulf of Mexico: A Treasury of Resources in the American

The Gulf of Mexico: A Treasury of Resources in the American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gore, Robert H., PUBLISHER: Pineapple Press (FL), - Only book available on this great body of water - Synopsis of the history, geology, geography, oceanography, biology, ecology, and economics of the Gulf - Traces the economic use of the Gulf from the Mayans to present-day offshore oil companies - Explores every discrete ecological community in the Gulf - For those who live or vacation on the Gulf and wants to know the full story of their watery backyard

Management of Invasive Weeds

Management of Invasive Weeds

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Inderjit, PUBLISHER: Springer, Biological invasions are one of the major threats to our native biodiversity. The magnitude of biodiversity losses, land degradation and productivity losses of managed and natural ecosystems due to invasive species is enormous. The ecological and environmental aspects of non-native invasive plants are of great importance to (i) understand ecological principles involved in the management of invasives, (ii) design management strategies, (iii) find effective management solutions for some of the worst invaders, and (iv) frame policies and regulations. The objectives of this book are to discuss (i) ecological approaches needed to design effective management strategies, (ii) recent progress in management methods and tools, (iii) success and failure of management efforts for some of the worst invaders, and (iv) restoration and conservation of invaded land. In an effort to achieve these objectives, contributing authors have strived to provide up-to-date information on the management of non-native invasives. Chapters included in the book are peer-reviewed by international experts working in the area. Readers will get a unique perspective on ecological aspects of the management of invasives. The book will be useful to graduate students, researchers, managers and policy makers involved in the management of exotic invasives.

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Handbook of the Birds of the World

Handbook of the Birds of the World

Vendo in blocco i volumi da 1 a 15 dell'opera Handbook of the Birds of the World, della Lynx edicions, ottimo stato, come nuovi (incluso il volume 11, attualmente fuori catalogo). Lo sconto rispetto al prezzo dei volumi nuovi acquistabili dalla casa editrice Γ¨ di circa euro (ogni volume costerebbe 212 euro). No spedizione. Zona: Via Grottaperfetta (vicino centro commerciale Granai). Solo ritiro a mano.

Bone in inglese

Bone in inglese

Dal numero 1 al numero 8 piΓΉ Rose e Handbook di Bone #1 Out From Boneville #2 The Great Cow Race #3 Eyes of the Storm #4 The Dragonslayer #5 Rock Jaw Master of the Eastern Border #6 Old Man's Cave #7 Ghost Circles #8 Treasure Hunters Rose Handbook Per maggiori info o foto contattatemi.

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Pain Management Handbook: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Pain Management Handbook: An Interdisciplinary Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salerno, Evelyn / Willens, Joyce S., PUBLISHER: Mosby Elsevier Health Science, "Pain Management Handbook" provides state-of-the-art, multidisciplinary approaches to the management of pain. The book reviews the current state of pain management, outlines factors that contribute to poor pain management, and provides a background in the pathophysiology and pharmacology of pain. Its three sections are each written by one or more specialists in the field, offering current, authoritative information as well as practical tips.

Handbook of the Sociology of the Military 1st Edition

Handbook of the Sociology of the Military 1st Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Giuseppe Caforio, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

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The Newspapers Handbook

The Newspapers Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keeble, Richard, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The Newspapers Handbook is the first comprehensive guide to the job of the newspaper reporter. It offers advice on a range of different types of newspaper writing, looks at how newspapers cover events and shows how reporting styles can differ in mainstream and non-mainstream newspapers. In this new edition, Richard Keeble explores the theoretical, moral and political dimensions of a journalist's job and examines changing newspaper ownership structures and recent ethical controversies.

A Handbook on Hanging

A Handbook on Hanging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Duff, Charles / Hitchens, Christopher, PUBLISHER: New York Review of Books, "A Handbook on Hanging" is a Swiftian tribute to that unappreciated mainstay of civilization: the hangman. With barbed insouciance, Charles Duff writes not only of hanging but of electrocution, decapitations, and gassings; of innocent men executed and of executions botched; of the bloodlust of mobs and the shabby excuses of the great. This coruscating and, in contemporary America, very relevant polemic makes clear that whatever else capital punishment may be said to be--justice, vengeance, a deterrent--it is certainly killing.

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The Architect's Portable Handbook: First-Step Rules of Thumb

The Architect's Portable Handbook: First-Step Rules of Thumb

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Guthrie, Pat, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, From conception to completion, no architectural project should proceed without this bookThis is a complete revision of the bestselling architect's quick guide to the latest code and cost information. The book presents the 20% of the data that architects need 80% of the time in the preliminary stage of designing buildings of all types and sizes--and of the spaces in between. With a structure that parallels the progress of a typical architectural project, The Architect's Portable Handbook, Fourth Edition delivers pertinent coverage--along with hundreds of detailed illustrations--of every step in the process: from initial planning and estimating through design and completion. The handbook is updated to reflect ICC International Building Code and the NFPA Building Code. To help you customize the book, pages for notes and/or changing data as experience dictates are included.

The Layman's Bible Handbook

The Layman's Bible Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Knight, George W., PUBLISHER: Barbour Publishing, The third title in the popular Layman's series is now available in an attractive hardcover edition. The Layman's Bible Handbook features brief, easy-to-read overviews of each Bible book, and chapter-by-chapter summaries that put the people, events, and concepts into comprehensible bites. Sidebars provide even more information on key passages, classic illustrations bring the text to life, and an index of key words helps to make The Layman's Bible Handbook a mini-encyclopedia of biblical information. Practical, reliable, and understandable, this handbook is a remarkable value at $8.97, and makes an excellent companion to The Layman's Bible Dictionary and The Layman's Quick Reference Concordance Want to know the Bible better? Turn to The Layman's Bible Handbook--explaining each book and chapter in context--now in a handsome hardcover binding. Acquista Ora

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Clinical Handbook of Surgical Critical Care

Clinical Handbook of Surgical Critical Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burchard, Kenneth W. / Wiles, Charles E. / Gann, Donald S., PUBLISHER: Informa Healthcare, The surgical patient may exhibit a variety of subtle and not so subtle clues that a problem, or in the words of the authors a hole, is present. Therefore, when evaluating and managing the critically ill patient, the critical care surgeon must proceed through a series of three questions: Where is the hole? How do I repair the hole? and the most critical question, Why is the hole there? The Clinical Handbook for Surgical Critical Care is a guide to answering these questions, bringing into focus the importance of why is the hole there? and exploring how to effectively make it disappear. Since much of surgical critical illness is secondary to either inadequate circulation, pathological inflammation, or both, the authors pay particular attention to the recognition of these conditions associated with particular disease states. The authors examine the pathophysiology that underlie these disease states and then the physical examination, monitoring, and laboratory results that lead to a diagnosis. They discuss appropriate management of the deranged physiology and provide the supporting evidence for treatment. The Clinical Handbook for Surgical Critical Care serves as a manual for reviewing and contrasting organ physiology during normal and pathological states and recognizing the pathophysiological states related to surgical disease and procedures. It gives you a clear understanding of the link between deficits in the circulation and pathological inflammation that is key to a successful outcome.

Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement

Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walberg, Herbert J., PUBLISHER: Information Age Publishing, As suggested by the title, the purpose of this Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement is to provide principles for restructuring and substantially improving schools. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, the Center on Innovation & Improvement (CII) engaged leading experts on restructuring and school improvement to prepare modules for this handbook to assist states, districts, and schools in establishing policies, procedures, and support to successfully restructure schools. The Handbook is organized into three sections. The topic of the Handbook's modules - restructuring with a focus on the district as the impetus for dramatic improvement - is relatively new in the nation's education history. For this reason, the module authors were selected because they are highly experienced experts in their fields and can be counted on to judiciously weigh the less than definitive evidence and to state useful guiding principles.

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Formula Handbook for Environmental Engineers and Scientists

Formula Handbook for Environmental Engineers and Scientists

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bitton / Bitton, Gabriel, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, Because your success begins with the right formula. Finding the right formula is an essential part of environmental engineering and research. However, consulting the literature of the many disciplines that affect your work can be a time-consuming, inefficient, and often difficult process. Not any more The Formula Handbook brings together in a single volume the most popular and useful formulas covering biological/biochemical processes in natural and engineered systems--saving hours of valuable research time. Compiled from select journals, review articles, and books, the Formula Handbook is an indispensable one-stop reference for today's busy environmental engineer or scientist. The Handbook is arranged alphabetically, making information easy to find. In addition to the formulas themselves, entries include: * An introduction to the topic * Definition of terms * Numerical values * Tables and figures * References

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Provan, Drew / Singer, Charles R. J. / Baglin, Trevor, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haemotology continues to provide the essential core knowledge needed in modern clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of patients with possible disorders of the blood. Major advances in the specialty have been reflected in this thoroughly revised new edition. Essential knowledge is covered with the main differential diagnoses, along with relevant investigations that will help the junior doctor to arrive at a definitive diagnosis. The management of the patient is provided in a way that allows the junior to initiate treatment whilst waiting for review of the patient by a senior member of staff. As with the first edition, the new edition of this Handbook will have wide appeal and readership amongst senior medical undergraduates, junior doctors and trainees in haemotology, residents, interns and fellows, family doctors, intensive care staff and specialist nurses.

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The Photography Handbook

The Photography Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wright, Terence / Wright, Terence, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Revised and updated, this second edition of The Photography Handbook provides an introduction to the principles of photographic practice and theory and offers guidelines for the systematic study of photographic media. Including a new chapter on the ethics of photojournalism, and an expanded chapter on digital photography, as well as a new section on research in photography, The Photography Handbook includes: new case studies of the war photographer James Nachtwey photographic representations of Marilyn Monroe and Adolf Hitler an analysis of photographic theory and the 'Bert is Evil' website an introduction to conceptual skills necessary for photography the historical background and rationale for photographic representation the camera as a documentary tool interviews with editors, photographers, picture editors and readers the effect of new technologies on photographic practice and an exploration of the shift from analogue to digital imagery over seventy images. Each chapter now ends with a useful summary of its key points, and equip the reader with a vocabulary for photographic phenomena and help develop visual awareness and visual literacy. The Photography Handbook will enable students to familiarize themselves with current theoretical viewpoints and to evolve critical frameworks for their own photographic practice.
