the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace

The Gift for All People: Thoughts on God's Great Grace

The Gift for All People: Thoughts on God's Great Grace

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lucado, Max, PUBLISHER: Multnomah Publishers, ong>Theong> ong>Giftong> ong>forong> ong>Allong> ong>Peopleong> is a celebration of God's ong>giftong> of salvation wrapped in a collection of inspirational stories. ong>Theong>se stories will help Christians comprehend and treasure ong>theong> assurance of ong>theong>ir salvation and will help non-Christians realize and embrace ong>theong> ong>giftong> of abundant, eternal life in Jesus Christ. ong>Theong> concluding story, written especiong>allong>y ong>forong> this book, urges readers to give ong>theong>ir lives to Jesus Christ and shows ong>theong>m how to do so. This book will provide Christians with a unique, warm, and attractive presentation of ong>theong> gospel to give to non-Christian family or friends. More than anything, God wants you to be with Him. ong>Theong> God who designed your world, ong>theong> God who placed you on ong>theong> planet, simply wants you home with Him. And to bring you home, He offers you a ong>giftong>>theong> ong>giftong> of eternal salvation. My prayer is that through ong>theong> pages of this book you'll see his ong>giftong> like you've never seen it. If you've already accepted it, you'll thank Him again. And if you've never accepted it, I pray that you will. ong>Forong> it's ong>theong> ong>giftong> of a lifetime. A ong>giftong> ong>forong> ong>allong> ong>peopleong>. "From ong>theong> Hardcover edition."

Good to Great in God's Eyes: 10 Practices Great Christians

Good to Great in God's Eyes: 10 Practices Great Christians

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ingram, Chip, PUBLISHER: Baker Books, Jim Collins??'s Good to Great became a bestselling business book because it studies ong>theong> characteristics of great businesses. But should Christians want to become great in ong>theong> eyes of ong>theong> world? In Good to Great in God??'s Eyes, bestselling author Chip Ingram shows how Christians can honor God with lives of great faith and excellent work. Believers become great in God??'s eyes by applying ong>theong> 10 common characteristics of great Christians: ??? think great ong>thoughtsong> ??? read great books ??? pursue great ong>peopleong> ??? dream great dreams ??? pray great prayers ??? take great risks ??? make great sacrifices ??? enjoy great moments ??? empower great ong>peopleong> ??? develop great habits Using Scripture, personal stories, and examples from Christians who left a lasting legacy, Ingram offers practical steps ong>forong> becoming great in ong>allong> areas of life, in spiritual growth, family, relationships, and career.

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: Good to Great in God's Eyes: 10 Practices Great Christians
Marilyn Manson Gods of Fuck Box Set

Marilyn Manson Gods of Fuck Box Set

Marilyn Manson Gods of Fuck Box Set in ottime condizioni, molto molto raro!! Contiene: ong>Theong> Beautiful ong>Peopleong> Cd1 ong>Theong> Beautiful ong>Peopleong> Cd2 Sweet Dreams CD Libro Penna Maglietta Marilyn Manson Gods of Fuck Box Set in great condition, very very rare! It contains: ong>Theong> Beautiful ong>Peopleong> Cd1 ong>Theong> Beautiful ong>Peopleong> Cd2 Sweet Dreams CD Book Pen T-Shirt

Snake Hair

Snake Hair

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spinner, Stephanie / Swan, Susan, PUBLISHER: Grosset & Dunlap, Cursed by ong>theong> gods ong>forong> her vanity, monstrous Medusa, with snakes ong>forong> hair, turns ong>allong> who lay eyes on her to stone. But she's no match ong>forong> ong>theong> quick-witted Perseus, who conquers Medusa and frees his ong>peopleong> in this easy-to-read adventure based on Greek legend.

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: Snake Hair
REM - The Best of R.E.M.

REM - The Best of R.E.M.

1. Man on ong>theong> Moon - 5:14 (da Automatic ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>Peopleong>, . ong>Theong> Great Beyond - 5:07 (dong>allong>a colonna sonora di Man on ong>theong> Moon, . Bad Day - 4:07 (inedito, . What's ong>theong> Frequency, Kenneth? - 4:01 (da Monster, . ong>Allong> ong>theong> Way to Reno (You're Gonna Be a Star) - 4:45 (da Reveal, . Losing My Religion - 4:29 (da Out of Time, . E-Bow ong>theong> Letter - 5:26 (da New Adventures in Hi-Fi, . Orange Crush - 3:52 (da Green, . Imitation of Life - 3:58 (da Reveal, . Daysleeper - 3:40 (da Up, . Animal - 4:02 (inedito, . ong>Theong> Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite - 4:08 (da Automatic ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>Peopleong>, . Stand - 3:12 (da Green, . Electrolite - 4:07 (da New Adventures in Hi-Fi, . ong>Allong> ong>theong> Right Friends - 2:48 (dong>allong>a colonna sonora di Vanilla Sky, . Everybody Hurts - 4:45 (da Automatic ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>Peopleong>, . At My Most Beautiful - 3:36 (da Up, . Nightswimming - 4:18 (da Automatic ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>Peopleong>,

REM - The Best of R.E.M.

REM - The Best of R.E.M.

1. Man on ong>theong> Moon - 5:14 (da Automatic ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>Peopleong>, . ong>Theong> Great Beyond - 5:07 (dong>allong>a colonna sonora di Man on ong>theong> Moon, . Bad Day - 4:07 (inedito, . What's ong>theong> Frequency, Kenneth? - 4:01 (da Monster, . ong>Allong> ong>theong> Way to Reno (You're Gonna Be a Star) - 4:45 (da Reveal, . Losing My Religion - 4:29 (da Out of Time, . E-Bow ong>theong> Letter - 5:26 (da New Adventures in Hi-Fi, . Orange Crush - 3:52 (da Green, . Imitation of Life - 3:58 (da Reveal, . Daysleeper - 3:40 (da Up, . Animal - 4:02 (inedito, . ong>Theong> Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite - 4:08 (da Automatic ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>Peopleong>, . Stand - 3:12 (da Green, . Electrolite - 4:07 (da New Adventures in Hi-Fi, . ong>Allong> ong>theong> Right Friends - 2:48 (dong>allong>a colonna sonora di Vanilla Sky, . Everybody Hurts - 4:45 (da Automatic ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>Peopleong>, . At My Most Beautiful - 3:36 (da Up, . Nightswimming - 4:18 (da Automatic ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>Peopleong>, )

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: REM - The Best of R.E.M.
The World Almanac for Kids

The World Almanac for Kids

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Israel, Elaine, PUBLISHER: World Almanac Books, Now in its fifth annual edition, ong>Theong> World Almanac ong>forong> Kids is ong>theong> ultimate reference resource ong>forong> kids. It presents up-to-ong>theong>-minute inong>forong>mation in a fully-illustrated and easy-to-reference ong>forong>mat. Packed with useful inong>forong>mation and fascinating facts -- including a special section on ong>theong> New Millennium -- it's a great tool ong>forong> homework help and school projects, as well as an entertaining book of fun facts, enticing illustrations, and brain-teasing puzzles. It's perfect ong>forong> back to school, and it makes a great ong>giftong> ong>forong> ong>theong> inquisitive kid on everyone's holiday list.

Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation

Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Torode, Sam, PUBLISHER: Ascension Press, ong>Theong> First book in ong>theong> series, Body and ong>Giftong>, begins with ong>theong> creation of man recorded in Genesis and goes on to explore its teaching on ong>theong> human body and God's design ong>forong> marriage

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation
The Walking Dead, Book Six

The Walking Dead, Book Six

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kirkman, Robert / Grace, Sina / Adlard, Charlie, PUBLISHER: Image Comics, JUST IN TIME ong>FORong> ong>THEong> ong>ALLong>-NEW TELEVISION SERIES ON AMC This hardcover features anoong>theong>r 12 issues of ong>theong> hit series along with ong>theong> covers ong>forong> ong>theong> issues, ong>allong> in one oversized hardcover volume. Perfect ong>forong> long time fans, new readers and anyone interested in reading a zombie movie on paper that never ends. Collects ong>THEong> WALKING DEAD #. RETAILER WARNING: MAY NOT BE SUITABLE ong>FORong> ong>ALLong> AGES

Age or Need?: Public Policies for Older People

Age or Need?: Public Policies for Older People

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Neugarten, Bernice L. / Neugarten, Bernice Levin, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Should benefits ong>forong> older ong>peopleong> be based on age or need? Do programmes that serve only older ong>peopleong> ong>peopleong> deflect resources that should go to oong>theong>r ong>peopleong>? Some of ong>theong> contributors to this volume argue that social service programmes should be based on need, raong>theong>r than defined groups of ong>peopleong>. Apart from anything else, age-based programmes confirm negative stereotypes of older ong>peopleong>, and lump ong>theong>m into an undifferentiated group. But would ong>theong> reong>forong>m of social services along ong>theong>se lines jeopardize ong>theong> recent progress made in ong>theong> condition of older ong>peopleong>? New ong>thoughtsong> and new inong>forong>mation are provided in support of both arguments. 'Here is a ringside seat at a critical juncture in ong>theong> social reconstruction of old age' -- Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol 14, No 1, Nov

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: Age or Need?: Public Policies for Older People
More Daily Prayers for Busy People

More Daily Prayers for Busy People

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Mong>allong>ey, William J., PUBLISHER: Saint Mary's Press, A companion to ong>theong> best-selling Daily Prayers ong>forong> Busy ong>Peopleong>, this new volume offers a four-week cycle of morning, midday, and evening prayers that are evocative, chong>allong>enging, and draw on ong>theong> Bible and passages from oong>theong>r great works of literature. Though composed primarily ong>forong> personal use, ong>theong> prayers have a message that sustains one ong>forong> ong>theong> whole day and could readily be used by any gaong>theong>ring of faith.

Chanukah: Eight Nights of Light, Eight Gifts for the Soul

Chanukah: Eight Nights of Light, Eight Gifts for the Soul

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Apisdorf, Shimon, PUBLISHER: Leviathan Press, This year's runaway Chanukah ong>giftong> A fun-filled, insightful resource ong>forong> ong>theong> whole family. Combines a step-by-step guide to celebrating Chanukah, with lucid insights that reveal how ong>theong> holiday speaks to ong>peopleong>s lives today. Contents include: -- ong>Theong> Grinch Who Stole Chanukah -- ong>Theong> Story of Chanukah ong>Forong> ong>theong> Historicong>allong>y Chong>allong>enged -- Eight Questions ong>Peopleong> Ask About Chanukah -- ong>Theong> Chanukah Way: Pathways to Spirituality -- Eight Stories ong>Forong> Eight Nights -- Parents and Children: Tips, Hints and Secrets ong>Forong> Parents to Create a Great Family Experience

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: Chanukah: Eight Nights of Light, Eight Gifts for the Soul
The World Almanac for Kids

The World Almanac for Kids

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Israel, Elaine, PUBLISHER: World Almanac Books, Jam-packed with fun facts and full color illustrations, ong>theong> completely revised edition of ong>theong> only annual almanac designed exclusively ong>forong> kids includes a special 16-page photo-filled look at ong>theong> year's faces and places in ong>theong> news, plus more than 30 completely new interactive puzzles, games, brain teasers, and oong>theong>r activities kids can try at home. With much more inong>forong>mation than any oong>theong>r book of its kind, ong>theong> kid-friendly ong>forong>mat makes ong>Theong> World Almanac ong>forong> Kids great ong>forong> homework help or just browsing, and it makes a great ong>giftong> ong>forong> ong>theong> inquisitive kid on everyone's holiday list.

The Gift of Apostle: A Biblical Look at Apostleship and How

The Gift of Apostle: A Biblical Look at Apostleship and How

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cannestrachi, David / Cannistraci, David, PUBLISHER: Hunter Publishing (NJ), Did ong>theong> spiritual office of apostle cease with ong>theong> early Church? What does ong>theong> Bible say about ong>theong> continuation of this little understood but fascinating ong>giftong>? Dr. David Cannistraci has produced ong>theong> first definitive book on ong>theong> subject of modern-day apostleship (those ong>giftong>ed especiong>allong>y to plant, nurture and mobilize groups of churches in Christ-directed networks of Kingdom ministry). ong>Theong> ong>Giftong> of Apostle provides a carefully constructed and thorough biblical>forong> ong>theong> continuing presence of this ong>giftong> today. God is not only raising up apostles, but a movement of ordinary ong>peopleong> who are apostolic -- Christians who are dynamicong>allong>y involved in active, bold ministry that focuses on ong>theong> planting and nurturing of churches and productive ministry.

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: The Gift of Apostle: A Biblical Look at Apostleship and How
The Essential Dalai Lama: His Important Teachings

The Essential Dalai Lama: His Important Teachings

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dalai Lama / Mehrotra, Rajiv, PUBLISHER: Viking Books, An inspiration to millions of ong>peopleong> worldwide, ong>theong> Dalai Lama has long wanted one book that he could recommend as a basic sourcebook ong>forong> his essential ideas. Now, ong>forong> ong>theong> first time, "ong>Theong> Essential Dalai Lama" brings togeong>theong>r ong>theong> best of ong>theong> Dalai Lamaas writings on ong>allong> aspects of life from work to meditation. Divided into four sectionsaong>Theong> Vision, Buddhist Perspectives, Practice, A World in Harmonya"ong>Theong> Essential Dalai Lama" contains eloquent applications of ong>theong> principles of ancient Buddhist thought to contemporary issues, ong>allong> expressed in ong>theong> Dalai Lamaas uniquely compelling voice. Covering topics such as ong>theong> quest ong>forong> human happiness, foundations of Buddhism, Karma, focusing ong>theong> mind, ethics and society, ong>theong> Buddhist perspective on ong>theong> teachings of Jesus, and much more, "ong>Theong> Essential Dalai Lama" will be ong>theong> perfect ong>giftong> ong>forong> anyone who wishes to have one source ong>forong> ong>theong> Dalai Lamaas teachings or who seeks an introduction to ong>theong> philosophy and practice of Buddhism.

Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for

Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graham, Kevin / Chandler, Gary, PUBLISHER: Pruett Publishing Company, A book showcasing ong>theong> successes of ordinary ong>peopleong> whose simple, practical efong>forong>ts have minimized ong>theong> impact of modern life on ong>theong> environment. Focusing on environmental opportunities and new solutions to old problems, Environmental Heroes demonstrates that anyone can make a positive difference ong>forong> ong>theong> fate of our planet.

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for
Characters Around the Cradle: Witnesses to the Greatest

Characters Around the Cradle: Witnesses to the Greatest

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Houston, Tom / Tom, Houston, PUBLISHER: Christian Focus Publications, Christmas makes ong>peopleong> both happy and frustrated, especiong>allong>y Christian ong>peopleong>. ong>Theong>re is a tugofwar between ong>theong> secular Christmas with its tinsel, glitter and high spending on ong>giftong>s and ong>theong> meaning it was supposed to have from ong>theong> unusual birth of Jesus. Tom Houston looks at a great story with a great cast. ong>Theong> political ong>forong>ces of Caesar Augustus, Herod and ong>theong> travellers from ong>theong> east, ong>theong> religious establishment in Zechariah, Elizabeth, Anna and Simeon, ong>Theong> outcast prophet John ong>theong> Baptist, ong>theong> ordinary ong>peopleong> Mary, Joseph and ong>theong> shepherds and also ong>theong> Gospellers Matong>theong>w and Luke.

Call It Courage

Call It Courage

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sperry, Armstrong, PUBLISHER: Simon Pulse, Mafatu has been afraid of ong>theong> sea ong>forong> as long as he can remember. Though his faong>theong>r is ong>theong> Great Chief of Hikueru - an island whose seafaring ong>peopleong> worship courage - Mafatu feels like an outsider. ong>Allong> his life he has been teased, taunted, and even blamed ong>forong> storms on ong>theong> sea. ong>Theong>n at age fifteen, no longer willing to put up with ong>theong> ridicule and jibes, Mafatu decides to take his fate into his own hands. With his dog, Uri, as his companion, Mafatu paddles out to sea, ready to face his fears. What he learns on his lonesome adventure will change him ong>forong>ever and make him a hero in ong>theong> eyes of his ong>peopleong>.

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: Call It Courage
The Grace Awakening: Swindoll Bible Study Guides

The Grace Awakening: Swindoll Bible Study Guides

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swindoll, Charles R., PUBLISHER: W Publishing Group, ong>Theong> Grace Awakening is not a series ong>forong> ong>theong> fainong>theong>arted. It is a compelling cong>allong> to accept ong>theong> grace that has been freely given, and to experience ong>theong> joyful and abundant life that God desires ong>forong> us.

Happy-People-Pills for All

Happy-People-Pills for All

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walker, Mark, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons Inc, "Happy-ong>Peopleong>-Pills ong>forong> ong>Allong>" explores current ong>theong>ories of happiness while demonstrating ong>theong> need to develop advanced pharmacological agents ong>forong> ong>theong> enhancement of our capacity ong>forong> happiness and wellbeing.Presents ong>theong> first detailed exploration of ong>theong> enhancement of happinessA controversial yet rigorous argument that demonstrates ong>theong> moral imperative ong>forong> ong>theong> development and mass distribution of 'happy-pills', to promote ong>theong> wellbeing of ong>theong> individual and societyBrings togeong>theong>r ong>theong> philosophy, psychology and biology of happinessMaps ong>theong> development of ong>theong> next generation of positive mood pharmacologyOffers a corrective to contemporary accounts of happiness

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: Happy-People-Pills for All
Psalms-Poetry for Warriors

Psalms-Poetry for Warriors

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reyfaun, Takieaa, PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, Thought-provoking, chong>allong>enging, compelling, and passionate are ong>allong> words used to describe Psalms-Poetry ong>forong> Warriors. While reading this collection of poems you'll think of it as a genre by itself, standing alone. ong>Theong>n, reflecting on ong>theong> original Psalms (in ong>theong> Bible), you realize this is a cry of ong>theong> heart to which ong>allong> great poets aspire. You don't have to ask to see this author's life written on ong>theong> pages. In a time where spoken word simultaneously explains and perplexes, Takieaa ReyFaun has created a niche where her ong>thoughtsong> demand satisfaction poeticong>allong>y. You will experience her touching rhymes-not to be considered religious, although spiritual-on subjects as meaningful as love and as complicated as ong>theong> battle between mind and spirit. Not to be taken lightly, Psalms-Poetry ong>forong> Warriors seems to be ahead of its time, yet it has come to us ong>allong> right on time.

The Declaration of Something Mysterious

The Declaration of Something Mysterious

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swindoll, Charles R., PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, On ong>theong> hillsides and seashores of Galilee, Jesus proclaimed a message that ong>peopleong> had never heard beong>forong>e. It was bold, chong>allong>enging and often mysterious. In this third of four studies on ong>theong> book of Luke, you'll discover anew ong>theong> promises and commands ong>forong> ong>theong> kingdom living-straight from ong>theong> Master, ong>forong> yesterday and ong>forong> always.

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: The Declaration of Something Mysterious
Extreme Cuisine: The Weird & Wonderful Foods That People Eat

Extreme Cuisine: The Weird & Wonderful Foods That People Eat

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hopkins, Jerry / Freeman, Michael / Bourdain, Anthony, PUBLISHER: Periplus Editions, Sit down ong>forong> a meal with ong>theong> locals on six continents--what ong>theong>y eat may surprise you. "Extreme Cuisine examines eating habits across ong>theong> global neighborhood, showing once and ong>forong> ong>allong> that road kill ong>forong> one culture is restaurant fare ong>forong> anoong>theong>r

No Gods Before Me: The First of the Commandment Mysteries

No Gods Before Me: The First of the Commandment Mysteries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Andrews, Gary, PUBLISHER: iUniverse, Three old friends seek to address a crisis of faith by attending an interfaith conference of ong>theong> world's three great monoong>theong>istic religions. Among leading Christians, Muslims and Jews, ong>theong>y find meaning, romance and violence on a biblical scale. An engaging religious polemic wrapped in ong>theong> familiar mantel of a murder mystery, "No Gods Beong>forong>e Me: ong>Theong> First of ong>theong> Commandment Mysteries," is imbued with ong>theong> most relevant Biblical and Quranic verses, revealing ong>theong> scriptural roots of ong>theong> current world conflict. Respectfully and intelligently representing ong>theong> views of humanists and religious believers alike, this book explores answers to questions like: what do ong>theong> astrological disciplines teach about past and future history; what does God expect; what does ong>theong> Bible teach on evolution and abortion; who was Jesus and what reong>allong>y happened on Golgotha; what do Jews await in ong>theong> Messianic age; what does ong>theong> Quran teach on jihad and on women's rights; what is ong>theong> emotional root of ong>theong> dispute between Christianity, Judaism and Islam. A must read ong>forong> ong>allong> those secure in ong>theong>ir beliefs

Offerte relazionate the gift for all people thoughts on gods great grace: No Gods Before Me: The First of the Commandment Mysteries
Poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery

Poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McCabe, Kevin / Montgomery, Lucy Maud / Ferns, John, PUBLISHER: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, ong>Theong> poems in this collection by Lucy Maud Montgomery were written to reach ong>theong> readers she thought of as "kindred spirits" - those thousands of ong>peopleong> who ong>theong>n, as now, would be as deeply moved as she was by beauty in nature and in spirit. She felt herself drenched with beauty. It was an emotion that evolves heart-deep recognition in readers who will find an echo of ong>theong>ir own yearnings and hungers ong>forong> emotional outlet. Maud Montgomery was well aware that greatness as a poet was beyond her reach, but her verses were capable of putting into words what ordinary ong>peopleong> felt and often could not explain. ong>Theong>y express ong>theong> sense of awe and delight arising from ong>theong> simple human experiences of ong>allong> that is lovely in ong>theong> world. "I've written one real poem out of my heart," she confided to a friend in a week when she had sent off several verses she knew to be pot-boilers. But even ong>theong>se held a smong>allong> kernel of thought, of appreciation, of gratitude ong>forong> ong>theong> ong>giftong> of natural beauty. ong>Theong> poems in this collection will reach as deeply into ong>theong> heart of today's readers as ong>theong>y did in those who first read ong>theong>m half a century ago. Critics are now finding new insights and much genuine ability in Montgomery's poetry, but ong>theong> poems remain poems ong>forong> ong>peopleong>. She wrote ong>forong> ong>peopleong> who hunger ong>forong> a way to give voice to ong>theong>ir deepest ong>thoughtsong> and emotions. She wrote as an artist paints, in vivid scenes with vivid colours. Her verses are clearly defined gem-like vignettes depicting familiar scenes beloved by ong>allong> ong>theong> friends of ong>theong> earth. She writes of clouds and sky, ong>theong> clash and thunder of waves on a seashore, ong>theong> scents of garden and woodland, ong>theong> kinship of humanity with whatever gods ong>theong>re be. ong>Theong> qualities of simplicity and earnestness are not to be spurned. While ordinary ong>peopleong> can respond to ong>theong>se eternal truths, Montgomery's poems will continue to be read and treasured.
