the european union and africa the restructuring of

The European Union and Africa: The Restructuring of

The European Union and Africa: The Restructuring of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Willi, PUBLISHER: I. B. Tauris & Company, This book is an in-depth study of one of the most important agreements in the recent history of EU-developing world relations: the Lome convention--the principles upon which all relations between the states of the European Union and ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific) countries are based. Over the course of its 25-year life, the Convention has been altered to suit the changing relationship of those states involved. This historical study not only charts the course of that vital relationship between haves and have-nots but also, in its changing focus and shifting concerns, reflects recent broader changes at the global level in the international relations.

Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe

Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Park, William / Rees, G. Wyn, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, This is a survey of the principle items on the European security agenda following the end of the Cold War. The book focuses on regions where the reconsideration of security issues has been particularly profound and analyzes the main security institutions which have survived the Cold War including NATO, the European Union/Western European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Also strides the Central European countries, Russia and states of the former USSR.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe
Deregulation in the European Union

Deregulation in the European Union

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Collier, Ute, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Deregulation in the European Union" examines the environmental implications of economic deregulation through case studies of energy, transport and water sectors, and discusses options for deregulation, such as self-regulation, negotiated agreements and environmental management systems. This book represents the most up-to-date research from Europe on environmental deregulation. It also covers more general issues, including links between regulation, environmental protection and competitiveness, and the importance of better availability of environmental information.

Bindi - Angelescu: The Foreign Policy of the European Union

Bindi - Angelescu: The Foreign Policy of the European Union

Federiga Bindi - Irina Angelescu. "The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe's Role in the World". Editore: Brookings Inst Pr. Anno di edizione: . Ottimo stato, come nuovo!

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: Bindi - Angelescu: The Foreign Policy of the European Union
European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth

European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Woodruff D., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This book presents an overview of Europe's imperialist career from the end of the Napoleonic wars in to the present; in other words, from the establishment of Britain's ascendency as the major power in the world and the head of Europe's largest empire to the era of decolonization and the eclipse of Western Europe in world affairs. Examined is the nature and extent of Europe's relations with the world overseas, the economic and political factors present in Europe during the era of industrialization that determined the direction of those relations, the effects of increased European penetration upon non-European societies in the nineteenth century, and the explosion of European imperialism in the last quarter of the century. The author discusses the effects of modern European colonization in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East; the changes that occurred in Europe's economic relationship with the rest of the world in the twentieth century; and the current process of decolonization. In the final chapter, the overall importance of Euorpean imperialism in the workd history is assessed.

Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on

Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clifford, Joyce C. / American Organization of Nurse Executive, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Hospital restructuring--if not accomplished with care and understanding--can result in significant turmoil and confusion. "Restructuring" attempts to help remedy these negative consequences by vividly describing the behind-the-scenes impact of hospital restructuring on one of the most important components of the hospital workforce--its nursing staff. "Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on Nursing Leadership" is a careful examination of the evolution of the role of the chief nursing officer (CNO) in hospitals responding to a dramatically changing health care environment. It explores how and why the CNO role is changing and strives to clarify the impact of that change on the management and administration of clinical nursing services. The book's main focus is that nursing, and ultimately the quality of patient care, is strongly influenced by the existence of a chief nursing officer (CNO) and his or her leadership capabilities.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on
The First Imperial Age: European Overseas Expansion

The First Imperial Age: European Overseas Expansion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Scammell, Geoffrey V. / Scammell, G. / Scammell Geoffr, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The First Imperial Age explores the origins of Europe's rise to world hegemony in the early modern period. After a slow start in the s, the pace of European exploration and discovery quickened dramatically. By the end of the period, Europeans, in pursuit of Asia and the opportunities encountered en route, had determined the outlines of Africa, discovered and partly subjugated the Americans, opened a sea route to the Far East and established themselves in the great maritime economy of Asia. Scammell's detached and skeptical view highlights the ambiguities inherent in these triumphs.

Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood

Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Emerson, Michael, PUBLISHER: Centre for European Policy Studies, Until recently there was pervasive pessimism over whether the countries of the former Soviet Union or the Arab/Muslim states in the Mediterranean and Middle East would engage in genuine democratic reform. This landscape has begun to change, however, as some of the European CIS states resolved to clean up their phony democracies, and the Arab/Muslim world witnessed either advances in the formal institutions of democracy or signs of popular uprisings against authoritarian regimes. The contributors to this volume approach democratization of the European neighborhood from two sides, first exploring developments in the states themselves and then examining what the European Union has been doing to promote the process. While democracy always receives top billing in formal EU speeches, in practice it has had to find a more modest place in a complex set of often competing and sometimes contradictory interests.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood
Irish Politics Today

Irish Politics Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Collins, Neil / Cradden, Terry, PUBLISHER: Manchester University Press, This new edition has been revised and updated to include coverage of the general election, the creation of a new coalition of Fianna Fail, and the Progressive Democrats under Bertie Ahern. Reflecting on current developments in Irish politics, the authors also examine other crucial issues such as the implications of a written constitution, changes in the party system, the power of major special interest groups, the role of the civil service, the position of the media, and membership in the European Union.

Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West

Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Parker, David, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Presents eight European case studies including the English revolution of , the French Revolution and the recent revolutions within the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe () and examines them not only in their specific political, economic and social contexts but also as part of the wider European revolutionary tradition. A chapter on the American Revolution is also included as a revolution which grew out of a European expansionist and a European political culture. David Parker brings together leading writers on European history, who make a major contribution to the controversial debate on the role of revolution in the development of European history. This is a truly comparative book which includes discussion on each of the following key themes: *the causes of revolution, including the importance of political, social and economic factors *the effects of political and philisophical ideas or ideology on the revolution *the form and process of a revolution, including the importance of violence and popular support *the outcome of revolution, both short-term and long-term *the way revolution is viewed in history particularly since the collapse of Communism in Europe As well as providing new historical perspectives on the concept of revolution, this book also provides a comparative survey of all the major revolutions in the West over the past 400 years.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West
European Union Governance

European Union Governance

 Karen Heard-Laureote European Union Governance Routledge The European Commission has increasingly focused on the benefits it can derive from the greater participation of organized civil society in its role and activities. In the face of general decline in public trust in the institutions of government, it facilitated and encouraged new channels of access and consultation opportunities as a means to legitimize its position within the European political System. Karen Heard-Laureote's comparative analysis of four European Commission advisory forums innovatively investigates the existence of a conflict between the capacities of such forums to deliver standards of good governance. The author questions whether these venues can provide efficiency gains via the production of sufficient policy output without delays or deadlocks at reasonable cost and sustain adequate democratic credentials such as legitimacy. This study makes a significiant contribution to its field by pursuing contemporary legitimacy debates asking whether under certain conditions or in certain policy-making contexts, legitimacy and efficiency may be reconciled or become at least partially compatible in European Commission committees. nuovo

Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement

Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walberg, Herbert J., PUBLISHER: Information Age Publishing, As suggested by the title, the purpose of this Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement is to provide principles for restructuring and substantially improving schools. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, the Center on Innovation & Improvement (CII) engaged leading experts on restructuring and school improvement to prepare modules for this handbook to assist states, districts, and schools in establishing policies, procedures, and support to successfully restructure schools. The Handbook is organized into three sections. The topic of the Handbook's modules - restructuring with a focus on the district as the impetus for dramatic improvement - is relatively new in the nation's education history. For this reason, the module authors were selected because they are highly experienced experts in their fields and can be counted on to judiciously weigh the less than definitive evidence and to state useful guiding principles.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement
The World and a Very Small Place in Africa

The World and a Very Small Place in Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wright, Donald R., PUBLISHER: M.E. Sharpe, This study looks at the effects of "global" phenomena -- trans-Saharan trade, European expansion, the rise of an Atlantic plantation complex, industrialization, imperialism, colonialism, world wars, growth of a world market, political independence and economic dependence -- on the way of life in Niumi, a small area at the mouth of the Gambia river in West Africa (now called The Gambia), over the last six-seven hundred years. Written in clear, accessible prose, and drawing on archival and oral traditions, the work considers global developments from a local/regional perspective.

European Yearbook of International Economic Law

European Yearbook of International Economic Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Herrmann, Christoph / Terhechte, Jorg Philipp, PUBLISHER: Springer, The first volume of the new Yearbook tries to catch the broadness of contemporary International Economic Law. In part I, it brings together articles on a variety of subjects, reaching from exchange rate manipulation and financial market supervision over international investment law including the growing investment protectionism to recent developments of the external economic constitution of the European Union and the relationship between climate change and International Economic Law. Part II tries to cover the major regional economic integration developments around the globe, analysed in different articles covering the different regions. Part III informs about recent activities in some of the major global economic institutions.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: European Yearbook of International Economic Law
A Constitution for the European Union

A Constitution for the European Union

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blankart, Charles Beat / Mueller, Dennis C., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), The leaders of European Union member states have declared that a European constitution should take "a clear, open, effective, democratically controlled Community approach." Their goal--that within the Union, "European institutions should be brought closer to its citizens"--raises many questions about implementation. What is the most effective procedure for connecting citizens' preferences to political action and policy choices at the EU level? The contributors to this CESifo volume, internationally prominent economists and other scholars, address the major issues that arise in the writing of a constitution. They do so with the underlying assumption that individuals are rational actors and the goal of the state is to advance their collective interests. The ten chapters consider such topics as how a constitution might be designed to prevent military conflict, whether the EU will evolve "by default" into a federal state, the apparent contradiction between the evolutionary development of the EU and the static structure of the constitution, the definition of citizenship and rights, the division and distribution of power, the budgetary deadlock on the provision of public goods and the redistribution of resources, coordinating policy, alternative methods for choosing an EU president, and the role of such direct democracy institutions as referenda and initiatives. The editors conclude by summing up the main arguments advanced to offer a unified approach to these issues.

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jovanovic, Miroslav N. / Jovanovic, M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, In this major new text, Miroslav N.Jovanovic presents an analysis of all the major aspects of economic integration in the European Union. Beginning with an overview of the origins of European integration, he moves on to discuss in detail all the main policy areas. These include: *monetary policy *competition policy *industrial policy *fiscal policy *trade policy *the Common Agricultural Policy *foreign direct investment *regional policy. The volume also includes a discussion of less well-known policy areas, such as social policy, environmental policy and transport policy. Containing an excellent blend of theory and practice and presenting a highly complex issue in an accessible and non-technical way, this text will be an invaluable resource for students of international economics, international business and European studies.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects
Transport Economics: Theory, Application and Policy

Transport Economics: Theory, Application and Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mallard, Graham / Glaister, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, "Transport Economics"introduces students to the key areas of the transport sector, combining lucid explanation of theory with detailed case studies from across the European Union. The book applies microeconomic theory and isaimed at students taking their first course in the subject.

Euroscepticism in Southern Europe: A Diachronic Perspective

Euroscepticism in Southern Europe: A Diachronic Perspective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Susannah, Verney / Verney, Susannah, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The referenda in France and the Netherlands underlined the growing legitimacy problems of the European Union, by signaling serious public dissatisfaction with the current direction of European integration. In the aftermath of the constitutional debacle, an examination of the origins, evolution and prospects of opposition to the European integration project appears particularly timely. As a laboratory for the study of attitudes towards European integration, Southern Europe offers a particularly rich range of case studies, including a founder member (Italy), three 'second generation' states (Greece, Spain and Portugal), two recent entrants (Cyprus and Malta) and a negotiating candidate (Turkey). In addition, all seven states have been closely linked to the integration project since the era of the European Community, with four members of this group being the first states to sign Association Agreements with the European Community in the s and s. Southern Europe also covers the spectrum in terms of size, including large, medium and small states. The volume traces the evolution of euroscepticism in each South European country, assessing its significance and highlighting both continuity and change. Covering both eliteparty and popular euroscepticism, the volume illuminates the factors which have shaped opposition to integration and the form and content which it has assumed in each country. This book was published as a special issue of South European Society & Politics.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: Euroscepticism in Southern Europe: A Diachronic Perspective
The West European Allies, the Third World, and U.S. Foreign

The West European Allies, the Third World, and U.S. Foreign

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Payne, Richard J., PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, The recent and ongoing crises in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, Central America, and southern Africa have been and continue to be approached in very different ways by the United States and its West European allies. Richard J. Payne shows how the many future challenges to the strategic alliance of the U.S. and the NATO countries will have to be adapted to a new and less confrontational world, emphasizing the international economic situation over political or ideological factors. Payne maintains that despite years of divergent views on how to handle Third World trouble spots, strains within the Western Alliance can be alleviated in the future by diplomatic and cooperative means. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the underlying tensions, and cooperation, between the United States and Western Europe in their approaches to the Soviet Union, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Iran-Iraq War and Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, and the struggle for ideological and political control of southwestern Africa. American and European strategies and interests in the Third World greatly affected the broader issues of detente, Eastern-Western European relations, America's leadership abilities, and ultimately NATO itself. The lessening of ideological confrontations between Moscow and Washington, Payne affirms, was followed by the revolutionary changes in Eastern Europe. This volume will be used in courses on international relations, American foreign policy, world politics, Third World politics, global issues, and West European politics. It will also be of great value to political scientists and policymakers.

Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora

Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ogundiran, Akinwumi / Falola, Toyin, PUBLISHER: Indiana University Press, This is the first book devoted to the archaeology of African life on both sides of the Atlantic and highlights the importance of historical archaeology in completing the historical records of the Atlantic world's Africans. Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora presents a diverse, richly textured picture of Africans' experiences during the era of the Atlantic slave trade and offers the most comprehensive explanation of how African lives became entangled with the creation of the modern world. Through interdisciplinary approaches to material culture, the dynamics of a comparative transatlantic archaeology is developed.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora
Educational Provision for Our Youngest Children: European

Educational Provision for Our Youngest Children: European

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David, Tricia, PUBLISHER: Paul Chapman Publishing, Its clear style and comprehensive coverage make this book an important resource for those researching child care and education practices in the European Union' - "NNEB News " This book would be a useful 'quick reference' addition to the library of anyone interested in international issues in education' - "The International Journal of Early Years Education " This study provides rigorous and incisive analysis of the data in relation to the conditions existing in each of the member states included in the work' - "Studies in Education " The book is accessible and informative, with a wealth of data which are clearly presented. It will be useful to further and

Slavery and Colonial Rule in Africa

Slavery and Colonial Rule in Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miers, Suzanne / Klein, Martin A., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Colonial rule started with an endless succession of small, but often brutal, wars of conquest, the moral justification for which was that the European conquerors were bringing 'civilization' to 'darkest Africa'. An intrinsic part of this so-called 'civilizing mission' was the eradication of slave raiding, slave trading and slavery, all of which were widespread on the continent. Some of the studies in this book are on areas where there has been little research, such as the German colonies and the Algerian Sahara. Others throw new light on questions already debated, such as emancipation on the Gold Coast. Some focus on the impact of abolition on particular groups of slaves. Among the themes considered is the role of slaves in their own emancipation, the short and long term results of abolition, the role of the League of Nations, and the vestiges of slavery in Africa today.

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The United Front: The Tuc and the Russians

The United Front: The Tuc and the Russians

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Calhoun, Daniel F. / Calhoun, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The book concerns the Soviet effort during the s to make contact with - and if possible revolutionize - the European labour movement, by first establishing a special relationship with the British Trades Union Congress. The ultimate failure of that effort, after the collapse of the general strike in , inspired Trotsky to try one last time to oust Stalin, a confrontation that led to utter collapse of the Trotskyite opposition in . The author suggests the failure of this particular 'united front' effort was a major factor in the sectarianism and isolationism of the Communist movement from to , and thus had a significant affect on the rise of the Nazi party in Germany.

South Africa: A Visual Souvenir

South Africa: A Visual Souvenir

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Newlands, Glynne, PUBLISHER: New Holland Australia(AU), World class photography vibrantly illustrates the different faces of South Africa, including the world-renowned Kruger National Park, Table Mountain and the V&A Waterfront, majestic Drakensberg and the allure of the Garden Route. This lovely keepsake captures the essence of the country, depicting the variety of spectacular scenery, its cosmopolitan people, its unique flora and its rich architectural heritage.

Offerte relazionate the european union and africa the restructuring of: South Africa: A Visual Souvenir
A European Central Bank?: Perspectives on Monetary

A European Central Bank?: Perspectives on Monetary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: De Cecco, Marcello, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Based on a conference held by the Italian Macroeconomic Policy Group and the Centre for Economic Policy Research, this study examines the issues raised by European monetary unification. An introduction describes recent developments and identifies the motivations for creating a European central bank. Theoretical papers analyze the interactions of capital controls, financial intermediation, and seigniorage in open economies, the optimal design of centralized banks of issue by sovereign countries, and some new aspects of the "optimal currency area" question. The volume concludes with a panel discussion on the feasibility of European monetary unification, featuring leading academics and central bankers.
