the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management

The Doctor is in Evaluating Female Hormone Management

The Doctor is in Evaluating Female Hormone Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ross, Audrey L. / Whitehorn, John F., PUBLISHER: One World Press, An Enlightening, Innovative and Timely Approach to Understanding Fundamental Female Development Integrating Conventional and Naturopathic Wisdom on Female Hormone Management. Easy to Read and Understand. Acquista Ora

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on the completion of the latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synthesizes the latest thinking in knowledge management with the design of information technology and the Internet-enabled new organization forms. The major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations
Issues in Pharmacy Practice Management: Pharmacy Practice

Issues in Pharmacy Practice Management: Pharmacy Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wilson, Andrew L., PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Issues in Pharmacy Practice Management is a compilation of the best of Aspen's popular journal, Pharmacy Practice Management Quarterly. This collection of more than 30 articles by leading experts is separated into 10 distinct sections to facilitate learning and correspond with course in pharmacy practice management. The topics addressed are ideal for focusing discussions on the most pressing issues in the field

Female Urinary Incontinence

Female Urinary Incontinence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crafoord, K. / Sjoberg, Nils-Otto / Holmdahl, Tore H., PUBLISHER: Informa Healthcare, This advanced clinical reference offers a comprehensive look at female urinary incontinence. With chapters by leading international specialists, it examines the epidemiology and prevalence of the condition, psychosomatic and psychological aspects, anatomy, pathophysiology, and neurogenic bladders dysfunction. It presents a case history and physical findings followed by detailed chapters on measuring methods, urodynamics, physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy, hormone treatment, bladder training, electrostimulation, surgical treatment, technical aids, incontinence products, and a female incontinence treatment program. The book also contains a chapter of International Continence Society definitions and nomenclatures..

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Female Urinary Incontinence
Making Projects Critical

Making Projects Critical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hodgson, Damian / Cicmil, Svetlana, PhD, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This is an edited collection contributed by a range of international scholars linking the area of project management with critical management perspectives. Recent debates have suggested that the problems inherent in project management in practice (cost overruns, delays etc.) reside in the prescriptive, functionalist, and quantitative tradition inherited by project management from the narrow perspective of operations management. "Making Projects Critical" widens the scope of project management by considering project management within a wider organizational and societal context.

Doctor Who Trading Figure 12th Doctor Heaven Sent Hell Bent

Doctor Who Trading Figure 12th Doctor Heaven Sent Hell Bent

Celebrate the world,s favourite space-and-time-traveling adventurer with this set of Doctor Who TITANS based on the 12th Doctor,s adventures in Season 9 - a multiverse of figures to collect!Each figure is 8 cm tall, blind-boxed and some come with a character specific accessory.

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Doctor Who Trading Figure 12th Doctor Heaven Sent Hell Bent


Arriva in Blu-ray lo speciale realizato per festegiare i 50 anni dalla nascita dela Serie Tv Doctor Who.Nata nel Doctor Who

Environmental Management in Healthcare Facilities [With

Environmental Management in Healthcare Facilities [With

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wagner, Kathryn D. / Biello, Lisa, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, This reference is the first comprehensive guide that addresses the wide range of environmental issues facing healthcare facilities today. Presents background information on environmental management, addresses regulatory requirements, and details implementation alternatives. Provides the knowledge and guidance necessary to make informed waste/materials management decisions and address environmental issues. A CD-ROM containing the most relevant federal guidelines and regulations is included.

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Environmental Management in Healthcare Facilities [With
Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis

Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blocher, Edward J. / Stout, David E. / Cokins, Gary, PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, "Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis," by Blocher/Stout/Cokins is the first cost accounting text to offer integrated coverage of strategic management topics in cost accounting. The text is written to help students understand more about management and the role of cost accounting in helping an organization succeed. This text aims to teach management concepts and methods, also to demonstrate how managers use cost management information to make better decisions and improve their organization's competitiveness. In teaching these key management skills, the text takes on a strategic focus. It addresses issues such as: "How does a firm compete? What type of cost management information is needed for a firm to succeed? How does the management accountant develop and present this information?" This text helps students learn why, when, and how cost information is used to make effective decisions that lead a firm to success.

Managing Your Band: Artist Management: The Ultimate

Managing Your Band: Artist Management: The Ultimate

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marcone, Stephen, PUBLISHER: HiMarks Publishing Company, University of Miami Music Business Professor James Progris calls Managing Your Band "the best book on personal management out there," and Donald Groder, the Chair of the Music Business/Management Department at Berklee College of Music says it is "a good teaching text and a layman's answer to the band's business operations." This comprehensive new edition is filled with helpful diagrams and sample documents to make band management easy. It includes chapters on Personal Management, The Contract, Marketing the Artist, The Recording Company, The Recording Contract, Touring, Merchandising, Endorsements and Sponsorship, and much more. Also includes interesting case studies of famous legal battles in the music industry. 260 pages.

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Managing Your Band: Artist Management: The Ultimate
What to Do When the Doctor Says It's Endometriosis:

What to Do When the Doctor Says It's Endometriosis:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lyons, Thomas L. / Kimball, Cheryl, PUBLISHER: Fair Winds Press (MA), Endometriosis can disrupt women's lives. It is responsible for chronic, sometimes crippling pain, hundreds of thousands of missed work hours, and in its most extreme cases, infertility. There is hope Thomas L. Lyons, M.D., whose philosophy is to "treat the patient, not the disease," has developed leading edge surgical techniques to address endometriosis. Dr. Lyons demystifies this puzzling disease, covering issues from fertility to dietary concerns, alternative treatments to surgical options--but the main focus is on the key issue of pain management for this potentially debilitating disease.

The Females Advocate [Afterw.] the Female Mission Record

The Females Advocate [Afterw.] the Female Mission Record

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: London Female Mission, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: The Females Advocate [Afterw.] the Female Mission Record
It's Not My Fault: Tales of a Vermont Doctor

It's Not My Fault: Tales of a Vermont Doctor

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Conger, Beach, PUBLISHER: Fulcrum Group, A unique look at the doctor-patient relationship from the doctor's point of view.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Provan, Drew / Singer, Charles R. J. / Baglin, Trevor, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haemotology continues to provide the essential core knowledge needed in modern clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of patients with possible disorders of the blood. Major advances in the specialty have been reflected in this thoroughly revised new edition. Essential knowledge is covered with the main differential diagnoses, along with relevant investigations that will help the junior doctor to arrive at a definitive diagnosis. The management of the patient is provided in a way that allows the junior to initiate treatment whilst waiting for review of the patient by a senior member of staff. As with the first edition, the new edition of this Handbook will have wide appeal and readership amongst senior medical undergraduates, junior doctors and trainees in haemotology, residents, interns and fellows, family doctors, intensive care staff and specialist nurses.

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology
Journal of Healthcare Information Management, E-Commerce:

Journal of Healthcare Information Management, E-Commerce:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Megliola, Bonnie M., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, The Internet is dramatically changing the way business is conducted on a day-to-day basis and e-commerce is driving change within organizations across virtually all industries at an extraordinary rate. Healthcare organizations will be required to adapt their strategies and business practices more rapidly and intelligently than ever before. The new issue provides an awareness of e-commerce and of ways in which the Internet can be utilized as a viable vehicle to develop new markets, retain customers, and capitalize on ever-growing e-commerce opportunities. This is an issue of the "Journal for Healthcare Information Management," sponsored by the Healthcare Informations Management Systems Society.

The Bat

The Bat

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rinehart, Mary Roberts / Hopwood, Avery, PUBLISHER: Samuel French Trade, Mystery Comedy / Characters: 7 male, 3 female Scenery: 2 Interiors In this popular American mystery play, incident is piled on incident with skill and plausibility, and it is impossible to know who the real criminal is until the final curtain. This thriller revolves around Cornelia Van Gorder, a maiden lady of sixty, who rents the summer home of a banker reported killed in Colorado. She is warned that mysterious things are happening but she refuses to move. Then it is discovered that a large sum is missing from the dead man's bank and it is suspected that, far from being dead, he stole the money, hid it in a secret chamber in his house and is only waiting for a chance to sneak back to get it. Four others are after the money: the bank cashier who is wrongfully accused of taking it, a detective engaged by Miss Van Gorder to clear up the mystery, a doctor friend and supposed confederate of the missing banker and The Bat, a notorious thief who has long eluded the police. This genuine thriller is guaranteed to divert any audience.

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: The Bat
Water Quality - Management of a Natural Resource

Water Quality - Management of a Natural Resource

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Perry, James / Perry / Perry, Jim, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, Once a purely technical sub-discipline of hydrology, water quality management is now a social and political discipline, with concerns ranging from ensuring adequate health standards to preserving biological diversity and ecosystem integrity. This book goes beyond the technical manuals and specialty publications to provide support and guidance for the everyday decisions made by water-quality managers. Water Quality: Management of a Natural Resource addresses the rarely touched upon social, biophysical, land-use and policy considerations, which reflect the issues that confront managers and decision-makers. In a series of incisive reviews, experts address key topics in modern water resource management and case studies illustrate the successes and failures of past management efforts. Water Quality: Management of a Natural Resource develops and presents a management view requiring an awareness of: the social context of management, new ecological theories, and how policy is implemented in different situations and countries.

Transfusion Medicine: Case Studies and Clinical Management

Transfusion Medicine: Case Studies and Clinical Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mijovic, Aleksandar, PUBLISHER: Springer, The purpose of this clinical transfusion medicine handbook is to take the reader through a variety of clinical problems, each one likely to be encountered in a busy teaching hospital. The reader follows the stream of clinical and laboratory data, developing the ability for critical thinking which leads him/her to diagnosis and appropriate management.The book is a lively illustration of various clinical problems in transfusion medicine, including immune complications, microbiological problems, blood component use, apheresis techniques, and management of complex situations such as multiple trauma, sickle cell crisis, and organ transplantation.Each case is carefully chosen and presented, with incorporated questions, leading the reader towards solution of the problem in a logical and didactic manner

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Transfusion Medicine: Case Studies and Clinical Management
Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System in Children

Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System in Children

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelly, Deirdre A., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, The editor is affiliated with The Birmingham Childrens Hospital, UK; the 21 contributors are from the UK, except for a few from the US and Canada. Eighteen chapters are arranged in sections on assessment; the neonate; acute disease; older children; metabolic liver disease; management of chronic disease; the liver and other organs; surgical management; and transplantation. Coverage is wide, including such aspects as the psychology of parents of children on transplant waiting lists to the genetic disturbances of bilirubin and bile salt transport in the neonate.

Urinary Tract Infection in the Female

Urinary Tract Infection in the Female

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stanton, Stuart L. / Dwyer, Peter L., PUBLISHER: Informa Healthcare, An international team of experts has here assessed the various aspects of clinical management of a difficult problem.

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Urinary Tract Infection in the Female
Bicicletta "the doctor"

Bicicletta "the doctor"

Bicicletta bambino "the doctor" Valentino Rossi casa produttrice adriatica Pesaro, usata ma come nuova

Pmp Challenge, Fourth Edition

Pmp Challenge, Fourth Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ward J Leroy / Levin Ginger, PUBLISHER: Esi International, Completely revised and updated, this easy-to-use, flashcard-format book lets readers quiz themselves on all nine of the project management knowledge areas and the professional responsibility domain. That's a total of 600 questions, and each one includes references to the five project management process groups, the focus of the PMP(R) exam. The book is comprised of chapters for each of the processes and each chapter contains 60 questions and answers. A proven tool for preparing for the PMP(R) certification exam, the book covers information not included on the PMBOK, but that is required to pass the test, such as various quality management concepts, communications styles, and more.

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: Pmp Challenge, Fourth Edition
Doctor de Soto

Doctor de Soto

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Steig, William, PUBLISHER: Farrar Straus Giroux, "Doctor De Soto, the dentist, did very good work." With the aid of his able assistant, Mrs. De Soto, he copes with the toothaches of animals large and small. His expertise is so great that his fortunate patients never feel any pain. Since he's a mouse, Doctor De Soto refuses to treat "dangerous" animals--that is, animals who have a taste for mice. But one day a fox shows up and begs for relief from the tooth that's killing him. How can the kindhearted De Sotos turn him away? But how can they make sure that the fox doesn't give in to his baser instincts once his tooth is fixed? Those clever De Sotos will find a way.

The Story of Doctor Dolittle #5 Doctor Dolittle and the

The Story of Doctor Dolittle #5 Doctor Dolittle and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hugh Lofting, PUBLISHER: Sterling Publishing Company Inc, NA

Offerte relazionate the doctor is in evaluating female hormone management: The Story of Doctor Dolittle #5 Doctor Dolittle and the
The U.S. Postal Service: Status and Prospects of a Public

The U.S. Postal Service: Status and Prospects of a Public

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tierney, John T., PUBLISHER: Praeger, This detailed, comprehensive volume examines the many problems facing government corporations and their management in general and the Postal Service in particular. Among the topics discussed are the trade-offs between cost control efforts and service performance; rate setting; rate regulation; the impact of new technologies; controversial issues in labor-management negotiations; and the effect of collective bargaining on postal costs and operations. The study also looks at whether the Postal Service is aggressively keeping pace with its major competitors and whether it is successfully meeting the needs of its customers.
