the democratization project opportunities and challenges

The Democratization Project: Opportunities and Challenges

The Democratization Project: Opportunities and Challenges

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swain, Ashok / Amer, Ramses / Ojendal, Joakim, PUBLISHER: Anthem Press, Democratization is a field where unexpected and sudden events have repeatedly challenged conventional wisdom. For example, who in the mid-s would have foreseen the democratization of Cambodia, Albania, South Africa or East Timor? Our current 'wave' of democratization is complex and diverse and understanding it requires a variety of theoretical approaches. Most of the literature on democracy assumes that it is the best form of government. Theoretical works on democratic transition and democratization have also emphasized the internal conflict resolution capacity of democracy. It has been reasoned that democracy reduces the likelihood of discrimination, especially of ethno-political minorities, and thus the possibility of political repression. However, the democratic peace theory has not been explicitly tested with reference to third world post-colonial states, where most internal violent conflicts take place. Certainly, there is a dearth of practical advice for policy makers on how to design and implement democratic levers that can make internal peace and stability endure in the South. This volume, drawing on the work of a variety of scholars, will contribute to identifying and understanding the challenges and opportunities of this 'democratization project' to the peace and development of the world both at the domestic level in selected countries, trends in regions of the world, and in the global system of the post-Cold War Era.

Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,

Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Canas, Kathryn A. / Sondak, Harris, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Uncover and understand the complexities of managing workplace diversity. "Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity" teaches readers to uncover and understand the complexities of managing diversity through a unique dialogue of opportunity. Through its three-tiered structure this text effectively explains the complexities of managerial and legal aspects in workplace diversity; presents examples of positive and negative management methods; encourages readers to develop a set of skills they will need when managing diversity in their future careers. The second edition contains many meaningful changes-a new chapter, new and updated opening essays, enhanced exercises, and new newspaper articles and case studies-that will enhance the quality of learning about diversity in organizations. Acquista Ora

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Women and Distance Education: Challenges and Opportunities

Women and Distance Education: Challenges and Opportunities

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Prummer, Christine Von / Von, Glinow Mary / Von Prummer, Christine, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This book provides valuable insights into the situation of women in distance education around the world. A wide variety of evidence from different countries supports the conclusion that open and distance learning has the potential to provide equal opportunities in higher and continuing education and that these are currently being missed. The author provides conclusive evidence that distance education, while involving a degree of risk to the stability of families and relationships, etc., nevertheless offers women a chance which, on balance, is worth taking. The author says that it is up to distance education policy makers to provide a framework for women students which will limit the risks and maximise the opportunities. Drawing on fascinating case study material, this book presents vital information for these policy makers.

The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liu, Lewis-Guodo, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Since that time, the literature on the Internet and its impact on and role in libraries and research has exploded. A simple keyword search in " Library Literature and Information Index," a primary electronic index of library and information science research literature, retrieves over items related to the Internet. The dominance of the Internet not only provides great opportunities for libraries to provide better services, but also poses tremendous challenges to librarians and library and information science scholars. This volume includes discussions of current issues and trends, written by scholars and practitioners in the fields of library and information science, computer science, and computer engineering.

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Project Management: The CommonSense Approach

Project Management: The CommonSense Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lee R. Lambert, Erin Lambert, PUBLISHER: Lee R Lambert & Assoc, This simple and insightful treatment of the potentially complex topic will put the power of the project management process at the reader's fingertips. It is filled with common sense tips to help project managers and project contributors take full advantage of project manager's many tools and techniques--including the popular earned value. This one-of-a-kind book has quickly established its place as one of project manager's most useful references.

The Global Financial Crises Challenges and Opportunities

The Global Financial Crises Challenges and Opportunities

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: K Trivikram K Trivilram R K Mishra R K Mishra, PUBLISHER: Institute of Public Enterprise Academic Foundation, NA

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Diversity Dynamics in the Workplace, College Edition [With

Diversity Dynamics in the Workplace, College Edition [With

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomas, Kecia M., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, DIVERSITY DYNAMICS IN THE WORKPLACE explores organizational psychology topics such as socialization, leadership, and career development from a diversity perspective in order to convey the challenges and opportunities that diversity presents within organizational domains. DIVERSITY DYNAMICS IN THE WORKPLACE highlights emerging areas of research and practice for the diversity-conscious business leader, researcher, or instructor and is designed to help of prepare you to work effectively in diverse workplace environments. Its brief, paperback format makes DIVERSITY DYNAMICS IN THE WORKPLACE an ideal resource.

Black Elk Lives: Conversations with the Black Elk Family

Black Elk Lives: Conversations with the Black Elk Family

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Black Elk Desersa, Esther / DeSersa, Clifton / Desersa Jr, Aaron, PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, The story and teachings of Nicholas Black Elk (), first recorded by John G. Neihardt in "Black Elk Speaks," have played a critical role in shaping the way in which Native Americans and others view the past, present, and future of Native America. These conversations with the descendents of Black Elk offer an intimate look at life on the Pine Ridge Reservation and fresh perspectives on the religious, economic, and political opportunities and challenges facing the Lakota people today. In addition to revealing more about Black Elk the healer, the family also provides glimpses of Black Elk as a family man, teacher, and influential ancestor.

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African American Yearbook: The Resource and Referral Guide

African American Yearbook: The Resource and Referral Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tiym Publishing Company, Inc. / Tiym Publishing Company Inc, PUBLISHER: Tiym Publishing Company, Recognized as the premier national resource and referral guide for the African American community in the areas of employment, business, education, government, and health, this guide includes detailed listings of community organizations, publications, and media outlets in the United States and abroad; financial aid opportunities for students; career and business opportunities for professionals; health-related information; and statistical data. The new edition includes updated contact information and new interviews and articles. Acquista Ora

Debates on Democratization

Debates on Democratization

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Diamond, Larry / Plattner, Marc F. / Costopoulos, Philip J., PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, For more than twenty years, the Journal of Democracy has been a leading voice in the conversation between scholars and practitioners about government by consent and its place in the contemporary world. If democracy means anything, it means robust debates. Over the years, the pages of the Journal have certainly seen their share of lively and illuminating scholarly disagreements. As a service to students and teachers who wish to deepen their understanding of the questions and controversies that surround contemporary democratization, the Journal has now brought together a series of exchanges on the topic. Debates on Democratization explores the issues of democratic consolidation, the reality of the transition paradigm, the advisability of attempting to "sequence" elections and other liberal-democratic reforms, the nature and prospects of the "color revolutions" in the former Eastern Bloc, and the relative merits of presidentialism and its alternatives from the point of view of democratic governance and stability. The volume is filled with insightful, thought-provoking arguments by leading thinkers in the field. Graduate and undergraduate students alike will find it a useful guide to key issues facing emerging democracies today.

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Modern Investment Management and the Prudent Man Rule

Modern Investment Management and the Prudent Man Rule

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Longstreth, Bevis / Harding, John Mason / Steiner, Daniel, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, In recent years the field of finance has exploded with innovation. New products, services and techniques abound. The risks of inflation, the volatility of interest rates, the deregulation of financial intermediaries and the unbundling of financial services have combined to present investment managers with challenges and opportunities far greater than in the past. For trustees and managers of pension, trust, endowment, and similar funds, the task of meeting the challenges and exploiting the opportunities is much more difficult. These fiduciaries must measure their investment decisions against constrained interpretations of a legal standard--the prudent man rule--that have caused it to lag far behind changes in investment theory and the marketplace. Drawing on financial history, a major opinion survey of institutional investors, and comprehensive reviews of the law and of the lessons of modern portfolio theory for prudence, this book presents a powerful case that the prudent man rule as elaborated in legal treatises and much of the case law would virtually compel a fiduciary to act imprudently in terms of financial theory and marketplace reality. In proposing a modern paradigm of investment prudence, the book uses illustrations drawn from such traditionally suspect categories of investment fiduciaries as securities lending, real estate, venture capital, options and futures and repurchaser agreements. An unusual examination of the interaction of the worlds of law and finance, this work will be of interest to fiduciaries who are subject to some from of prudent man rule and all others, including judges, lawyers and investment managers, who are called upon to interpret and apply that legalstandard.

Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Harvey J. / Han, Jiawei, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Advances in automated data collection are creating massive databases and a whole new field, Knowledge Discovery Databases (KDD), has emerged to develop new methods of managing and exploiting them. Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery is the interrogation of large databases using efficient computational methods. The unique challenges brought about by the storing of massive geographical databases - from high resolution satellite-based systems to data from intelligent transportation systems, for example - has led to the field of Geographical Knowledge Discovery (GKD). Geographic or spatial data mining is the exploration of these geographical information databases. Developed out of contributions to the highly-respected Varenius Project in , this collection will be the definitive volume focusing on GKD and addresses the special challenges to be found in knowledge discovery and data mining from geographic databases.

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Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Midlarsky, Manus I., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The relationship between inequality and democracy is a compelling one for the contemporary social scientist. This book addresses questions raised as early as the time of Aristotle, and continue through Marx to the present day. Theories of inequality in relation to democracy are explored, and the book focuses on the sources of democracy, the relationship between economic development and thresholds of democracy, and finally responses to democratization. As the gap between rich and poor widens within and between nations, the subject of this book becomes increasingly important worldwide.

Opportunities In Human Resource Management Careers

Opportunities In Human Resource Management Careers

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McKenzie, J. Steven, Traynor, William J., PUBLISHER: Contemporary Books, "Opportunities In Human Resource Management Careers offers job seekers essential information about a variety of careers within the field of human resource management and includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet resources.

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Making Projects Critical

Making Projects Critical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hodgson, Damian / Cicmil, Svetlana, PhD, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This is an edited collection contributed by a range of international scholars linking the area of project management with critical management perspectives. Recent debates have suggested that the problems inherent in project management in practice (cost overruns, delays etc.) reside in the prescriptive, functionalist, and quantitative tradition inherited by project management from the narrow perspective of operations management. "Making Projects Critical" widens the scope of project management by considering project management within a wider organizational and societal context.

Asian Energy Factor

Asian Energy Factor

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Manning, Robert A. / Manning, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, Robert A. Manning debunks key myths about the oil industry: that the world is running out of oil, that the Caspian Basin is the new Persian Gulf, that resource scarcity combined with military modernization, economic buoyancy, and nationalism will lead to military conflict, and that territorial disputes among Asian nations are fueled by resource competition. His book assesses the energy challenges and strategies of Asian nations and explores the new geopolitics emerging out of their efforts to meet these challenges.

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Power Communications: Positioning Yourself for High

Power Communications: Positioning Yourself for High

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wiener, Valerie / Amin, Samir, PUBLISHER: New York University Press, How can you make the media work for you? How can you master interviews so that your points are the ones an audience remembers? How can you give presentations that do not just convey information but also promote you as a leader? How can you develop listening habits that will substantially enhance the entire communication process? What are the challenges and opportunities of public personhood inside and outside the workplace? "Power Communications: Positioning Yourself for High Visibility" teaches people-from corporate CEOs to civic leaders to designated spokespersons-how to enhance their positioning and maximize their success. Chapter by chapter, the reader learns how to master public visibility in the workplace, the professional arena, and the community. The reader gleans ways to create proper perceptions in the minds of the public and the media. The book also details how high-profile people can lead others by mastering the total power communications process--effective presentation of message, constructive listening, and executive or community action. In addition to learning how to create and maintain positive public personhood, the reader also learns specific methods and channels for dispersing important messages. This book focuses on proactive techniques that address the full spectrum of needs and issues that go into establishing and sustaining a public identity. "Power Communications" is an irreplaceable resource for corporate executives, top and middle management, elected officials, heads of organizations, governmental representatives, official spokespersons, and public relations and marketing professionals. To many people, communicating itself creates a daunting challenge. "Power Communications" helps its readers turn challenges into exciting opportunities.

Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3D Electronic Spaces

Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3D Electronic Spaces

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anders, Peter, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Free of the constraints of physical form and limited only by imagination, new environments spring to life daily in a fantastic realm called cyberspace. The creators of this new virtual world may be programmers, designers, architects, even children. In this invigorating exploration of the juncture between cyberspace and the physical world, architect Peter Anders brings together leading-edge cyberspace art and architecture... inspiring new techniques and technologies... unexpected unions of reality and virtuality... and visions of challenges and opportunities as yet unexplored. More than an invitation to tour fantastic realms and examine powerful tools, this book is a hard-eyed look at cyberspace's impact on physical, cultural, and social reality, and the human-centered principles of its design. This is a book that will set designers and architects thinkingNand a work of importance to anyone fascinated with the fast-closing space between the real and the virtual.

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A Royal Pain

A Royal Pain

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mulry, Megan, PUBLISHER: Sourcebooks Landmark, Bronte Talbott follows all of the exploits of the British royals. After all, they're the world's most preeminent dysfunctional family. And who is she to judge? Bronte's own search for love isn't going all that well, especially after her smooth-talking Texan boyfriend abruptly leaves her in the dust. Bronte keeps a lookout for a rebound to help mend her broken heart, and when she meets Max Heyworth, she's certain he's the perfect transition man. But when she discovers he's a duke, she has to decide if she wants to stay with him for the long haul and deal with the opportunities-- and challenges-- of becoming a royal.

Violence Prevention in Low- And Middle-Income Countries:

Violence Prevention in Low- And Middle-Income Countries:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Planning Committee for a Workshop on Vio / Institute Of Medicine, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, The current state of science in violence prevention reveals progress, promise, and a number of remaining challenges. In order to fully examine the issue of global violence prevention, the Institute of Medicine in collaboration with Global Violence Prevention Advocacy, convened a workshop and released the workshop summary entitled, "Violence Prevention in Low-and Middle-Income Countries." The workshop brought together participants with a wide array of expertise in fields related to health, criminal justice, public policy, and economic development, to study and articulate specific opportunities for the U.S. government and other leaders with resources to more effectively support programming for prevention of the many types of violence. Participants highlighted the need for the timely development of an integrated, science-based approach and agenda to support research, clinical practice, program development, policy analysis, and advocacy for violence prevention.

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Resilience Across Contexts: Family, Work, Culture, and

Resilience Across Contexts: Family, Work, Culture, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor / Taylor, Ronald D. / Wang, Margaret C., PUBLISHER: Psychology Press, A number of societal risks pose serious challenges to families' well-being, many of which cut across divisions of class and race. These challenges include: changes in the labor market and economy; the increasing participation of mothers in the labor force; the changing nature of family structure and the composition of households; and the increase in the number of immigrant families. Key institutions in the lives of families, including places of employment and schools, can play a significant role in fostering families' capacity to adapt to the potential challenges they face. "Resilience Across Contexts: Family, Work, Culture, and Community" presents papers--written by leading scholars in varied disciplines including economics, developmental and educational psychology, education, and sociology--discussing factors that influence resilience development. The authors' research focuses on emerging issues that have significant implications for policy and practice in such areas as employment and new technologies; maternal employment and family development; family structure and family life; immigration, migration, acculturation, and education of children and youth; and social and human services delivery. The book's overall goal is to take stock of what is known from research and practice on some of the challenges facing children and families for policy development and improvement of practices.

Life After Graduate School in Psychology: Insider's Advice

Life After Graduate School in Psychology: Insider's Advice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morgan, Robert D. / Kuther, Tara L. / Habben, Corey J., PUBLISHER: Psychology Press, With the diverse array of career opportunities for psychologists, ranging from academia and practice, to business and industry, this book offers a wide-ranging career guide for graduate and postdoctoral students, as well as interns and new psychologists, seeking employment opportunities in the field of psychology. Statistical data on the employment and job satisfaction of new graduates are included. The book also outlines career trends for people at various stages of their psychological career, such as doctoral-level psychologists; psychologists in academia and practice; and nontraditional career opportunities in fields such as public health, marketing research, and software development. Personal tips are given by the authors in the areas of professional development, training needs, and making the transition from graduate student to professional. The book concludes with practical materials to assist a new psychologist in networking, writing a curriculum vitae, interviewing, and searching for jobs.

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Commissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Projects: The

Commissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Projects: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bendiksen, Trond / Young, Geoff, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, You have never seen a book like this before The information, data and presentation scheme make this book unique The book describes the utmost importance of thorough planning and preparations to streamline the execution of your project, in order to avoid the spectacular cost and schedule overruns often encountered on today's mega-projects in the oil and gas industry. It explains, in practical terms, which strategic principles, tools, techniques, structure and organization you need to have in place to assure yourself that your project will meet the cost and schedule targets. The book focuses on the all-important Commissioning phase, the stage of the game where all the poor planning and preparations manifest themselves as costly delays. The book should be mandatory on all project managers' desks, and in all management students' curriculums.

Sydney Omarr's Day-By-Day Astrological Guide for the Year

Sydney Omarr's Day-By-Day Astrological Guide for the Year

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacGregor, Trish, PUBLISHER: Signet Book, These expert forecasts for offer valuable insights about the past and extraordinary predictions for the future: -What to expect from relationships with family and partners -New career opportunities for success in the future -Lucky days for every month of the year -And much more

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Promoting Reading in Developing Countries

Promoting Reading in Developing Countries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greaney, Vincent, PUBLISHER: International Reading Association, This revealing book explores the many obstacles and challenges involved in literacy promotion in the developing world, with specific examples in Africa, South America, and Asia. Editor Vincent Greaney and contributors offer compelling arguments for improving a country's economy through quality education. This volume illuminates the unique challenges faced by Countries with few resources for providing education and supporting publishing efforts. Suggestions also are offered for increasing the developing world's access to quality indigenous reading materials.
