The Collected Works of Charles Swindoll: Living on the Edge
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: ong>Swindollong>, ong>Charlesong> R., PUBLISHER: Inspirational Press (NY), In a world where success is measured by money and where anxiety, pressure, ulcers, and stress are as common as gray flannel suits, ong>Charlesong> ong>Swindollong> brings home some good news: you can find joy, peace, and happiness in ong>theong> struggle In ong>Livingong> on ong>theong> Ragged Edge, ong>Swindollong> shows how to enjoy life which is ong>theong> bottom line ong>ofong> reality for everyday ong>livingong>. Learn how to survive ong>theong> rat race; how to be "bullish"; how to find wisdom; how to make ong>theong> most ong>ofong> old age - essentially, find out how to stop existing and start ong>livingong>. Proceeding to ong>theong> next step, ong>Livingong> Above ong>theong> Level ong>ofong> Mediocrity encourages ong>theong> commitment to excellence that should follow, as ong>Swindollong> boldy tackles ong>theong> difficult problems ong>ofong> self-discipline, laziness, and ong>theong> tendency to accept less ong>ofong> life than we deserve. This motivational collection proves that moral, personal, and ethical excellence is worth whatever it costs.