the admen move on lhasa writing and culture in a virtual

The Admen Move on Lhasa: Writing and Culture in a Virtual

The Admen Move on Lhasa: Writing and Culture in a Virtual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heighton, Steven, PUBLISHER: House of Anansi Press, Acclaimed fiction writer and poet Steven Heighton confronts our society's growing preference for ong>theong> virtual-in ong>theong> media, in our modes of communication, in art, in war-as opposed to ong>theong> visceral. Heighton explores ways of remaining auong>theong>ntically creative and passionately engaged with life in an increasingly artificial world.

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on ong>theong> completion of ong>theong> latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synong>theong>sizes ong>theong> latest thinking in knowledge management with ong>theong> design of information technology and ong>theong> Internet-enabled new organization forms. ong>Theong> major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

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What It Takes: Writing in College

What It Takes: Writing in College

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Behrens, Laurence / Rosen, Leonard J., PUBLISHER: Longman Publishing Group, "What It Takes: Writing in College "covers ong>theong> types of college writing assignments for which "Writing and Reading Across ong>theong> Curriculum" is best known: ong>theong> summary, ong>theong> critique, and ong>theong> synong>theong>sis, as well as analysis. This brief, handy guide introduces each of ong>theong> strategies required for writing successful college papers, and takes students step by step through ong>theong> process of writing based on source material.

Text, Context, and Hypertext: Writing with and for the

Text, Context, and Hypertext: Writing with and for the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barrett, Edward, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), In "Text, ConText, and HyperText," twenty-seven experts present ong>theong> most recent developments in three important areas of technical communication: ong>theong> design of effective documentation, ong>theong> impact of new technology and research on technical writing, and ong>theong> training and management of technical writers. This first synong>theong>sis of diverse but related research provides a unique conceptualization of ong>theong> field of computers and writing and documentation.

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On the Write Track: A Guide to Writing, Illustrating and

On the Write Track: A Guide to Writing, Illustrating and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruurs, Margriet, PUBLISHER: Pacific Educational Press, This creative writing guide takes children through ong>theong> entire process of creating a book from imagining a story, through writing and editing, to illustrating and ong>theong> cover.

Men of Letters, Writing Lives

Men of Letters, Writing Lives

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Broughton, Trev Lynn, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Trev Lynn Broughton takes an in-depth look at ong>theong> developments within Victorian auto/biography, and asks what we can learn about ong>theong> conditions and limits of male literary authority. Providing a feminist analysis of ong>theong> effects of this literary production on culture, Broughton looks at ong>theong> increase in professions with a vested interest in ong>theong> written Life; ong>theong> speeding up of ong>theong> Life-and-Letters industry during this period; ong>theong> institutionalization of Life-writing; and ong>theong> consequent spread of a network of mainly male practitioners and commentators. This study focuses on two case studies from ong>theong> period : ong>theong> ong>theong>ories and achievements of Sir Leslie Stephen and ong>theong> debate surrounding James Anthony Froude's account of ong>theong> marriage of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle.

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Writing and Getting Published: A Primer for Nurses

Writing and Getting Published: A Primer for Nurses

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barnum, Barbara S., PUBLISHER: Springer Publishing Company, A step-by-step guide to developing professional writing skills and navigating ong>theong> publication process. It includes pointers on structuring one's writing, avoiding common mistakes, writing query letters and book proposals, and finding and working with a publisher.

Writing With, Through, and Beyond the Text: An Ecology of

Writing With, Through, and Beyond the Text: An Ecology of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Luce-Kapler, Rebecca / Luce-Kapler, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Writing With, Through, and Beyond ong>theong> Text: An Ecology of Language" elaborates an understanding of writing, its influences on our interpretations of experience and identity, and its potential for enabling individuals to learn about and connect to ong>theong> world beyond ong>theong>mselves. Raong>theong>r than considering writing a process, ong>theong> author describes it as a system, an ecology that engages ong>theong> individual in a variety of socially constituted and interacting systems. ong>Theong> book examines ong>theong> pedagogical and curricular implications of this approach to writing, considering what it means to write and teach writing in ways that understand and acknowledge ong>theong> ecological character of writing. This is an illuminating text for a wide audience of faculty, professionals, and graduate students in English, writing, education, and women's studies/feminist ong>theong>ory.

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Empire Writing: An Anthology of Colonial Literature

Empire Writing: An Anthology of Colonial Literature

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boehmer, Elleke, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Empire Writing is ong>theong> first anthology to gaong>theong>r togeong>theong>r British imperial writing alongside native and settler literature, interweaving short stories, poems, essays, travel writing, and memoirs from ong>theong> phase of British expansionist imperialism known as high empire. This wide-ranging selection reveals ong>theong> diversity of responses to colonial experience, and encompasses some of ong>theong> empire's key symbols and emblematic moments. Comprehensive notes and full biographies ensure that this is one of ong>theong> most compelling, readable and academically valuable source books on ong>theong> period.

Like a Summer Never to Be Repeated

Like a Summer Never to Be Repeated

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berrada, Mohammed / Phillips, Christina, PUBLISHER: American University in Cairo Press, Like a Summer Never to Be Repeated is a fascinating and highly experimental story based loosely around ong>theong> author's own experiences in Egypt as a Moroccan student and visiting intellectual. In Cairo ong>theong> narrator, Hammad, takes us on a deeply personal journey of discovery from ong>theong> heady days of ong>theong> s and s, with all ong>theong> optimism and excitement surrounding Moroccan independence, Suez, and Abdel Nasser, up to ong>theong> s and ong>theong> time of writing, revealing an individual intensely concerned with Arab life and culture. Meanwhile, his regular visits to Cairo allow us watch a culture in transition over four decades.Exploring ong>theong>mes of change, ong>theong> role of culture in society, memory, and writing, in a text that combines narrative fiction with literary criticism, philosophical musings, and quotation, Like a Summer Never to Be Repeated is among ong>theong> most innovative works of modern Arabic literature and a testimony to Mohammed Berrada's position as a leading pioneer.

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Writing Between the Lines: An Anthology on War and Its

Writing Between the Lines: An Anthology on War and Its

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bowen, Kevin / Weigl, Bruce / Levertov, Denise, PUBLISHER: University of Massachusetts Press, "This terrific collection is a powerful antidote to ong>theong> rewritten and re-imaged vision of ong>theong> Vietnam War in American culture of ong>theong> s....An exceptionally valuable book with ample potential as a classroom text". -- H. Bruce Franklin

SF Express: Includes  MLA Guidelines

SF Express: Includes MLA Guidelines

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruszkiewicz, John / Hairston, Maxine / Friend, Christy, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, "SF Express" is unique in providing coverage of a full range of writing issues in a pocket handbook format. It begins with six chapters on critical writing and thinking issues, including a separate chapter on writing logical arguments. And its treatment of style, design, and visual/online literacy is fuller than that provided in competing handbooks. ong>Theong> book offers all ong>theong>se features in an attractive, affordable, student-friendly format. Will answer any questions a writer has about grammar, ong>theong> writing process, or research. ong>Theong> writing process, critical thinking, argumentative writing, style, grammar, mechanics, usage, ong>theong> research process, how to document sources. Anyone who wants a reliable writing reference book.

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Chaplin and American Culture: The Evolution of a Star Image

Chaplin and American Culture: The Evolution of a Star Image

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maland, Charles J., PUBLISHER: Princeton University Press, Charles Maland focuses on ong>theong> cultural sources of ong>theong> on-and-off, love-hate affair between Chaplin and ong>theong> American public that was perhaps ong>theong> stormiest in American stardom.

Lonely Planet Middle East on a Shoestring

Lonely Planet Middle East on a Shoestring

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Humphreys, Andrew, PUBLISHER: Lonely Planet, -- ong>theong> only complete travel guide to ong>theong> Middle East, now also including Libya -- detailed notes on ong>theong> fascinating culture and history of ong>theong> region, including special sections on Islamic arts, architecture and food -- up-to-date accommodation and restaurant listings for all budgets and tastes -- local and overland transport options -- practical Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Hebrew language sections

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The Bedford Reader

The Bedford Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kennedy, X. J. / Kennedy, Dorothy M. / Aaron, Jane E., PUBLISHER: Bedford Books, One of ong>theong> most widely adopted composition readers of all time, "ong>Theong> Bedford Reader "continues to engage and inspire students with remarkable selections, outstanding instructional material, and a unique "Writers on Writing" feature in which 50 of ong>theong> book's writers comment on ong>theong>ir process and ong>theong>ir work. Thorough coverage of critical reading, effective writing, and working with sources guides students, now more than ever, through ong>theong>ir own academic writing. And an exciting visual dimension shows that rhetorical methods apply to both images and text. " ong>Theong> Bedford Reader "is a favorite of students for ong>theong> Kennedys' clarity and wit, of instructors for ong>theong> flexible and realistic view of ong>theong> rhetorical methods, and of both for ong>theong> superior selections and perceptive commentaries by writers worth reading.

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Storey, John, PUBLISHER: University of Georgia Press, This new edition is a companion volume to An Introduction to Cultural ong>Theong>ory and Popular Culture, just published in its second edition. ong>Theong> Reader supplements and extends ong>theong> cultural terrain of ong>theong> introductory volume by offering students ong>theong> opportunity to experience firsthand ong>theong> work of many cultural ong>theong>orists and critics. Intended as a ong>theong>oretical, analytical, and historical introduction to ong>theong> study of popular culture within cultural studies, ong>theong> current edition contains nine new readings, a new general introduction, and a fully updated bibliography. ong>Theong> readings cover ong>theong> culture and civilization tradition, culturalism, structuralism and post-sttucturalism, Marxism, feminism, and postmodernism, as well as current debates in ong>theong> study of popular culture. Used in conjunction with An Introduction to Cultural ong>Theong>ory and Popular Culture, or on its own, this collection will be invaluable to scholars and students.

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Communication, Culture, and Organizational Processes

Communication, Culture, and Organizational Processes

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gudykunst, William B. / Stewart, Leah P. / Ting-Toomey, Stella, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), ong>Theong> ong>theong>me of Volume 9 of ong>theong> series is ong>theong> influence of culture on organizational processes. It includes a general discussion of cultural approaches to studying organizations, cultural codes in organizational settings, and stereotypes and schemata. Individual chapters examine ong>theong> role of culture in conflict, negotiation, and decision-making processes in organizational settings. ong>Theong> volume is generally ong>theong>oretical in its approach, and includes several new conceptual schemes and suggested directions for future research.

Culture and Local Development

Culture and Local Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Local Economic and Employment Development, PUBLISHER: Organization for Economic Cooperation & Devel, This publication highlights ong>theong> impact of culture on local economies and ong>theong> methodological issues related to its identification. In particular, ong>theong> book demonstrates that ong>theong> contemporary contribution of culture to economic development is not only limited to attracting tourists, but that it increasingly acts as a catalyst for oong>theong>r activities to furong>theong>r develop through territorial clusters. It also demonstrates ong>theong> power of culture as a tool for ong>theong> social integration of distressed people and communities, thus contributing to sustainable development.

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Lonely Planet Venezuela

Lonely Planet Venezuela

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dydynski, Krzysztof, PUBLISHER: Lonely Planet, This new edition is packed with insider information for sites both on and off ong>theong> beaten track, from ong>theong> snow-capped Andes to ong>theong> Amazon wilderness. With sections on ong>theong> national parks, an outline of ong>theong> country's history and culture, full details on travel options, and directions for getting to Angel Falls, ong>theong> world's highest waterfall.

Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Handbook Grade 11 Student

Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Handbook Grade 11 Student

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Everything you love about writing and grammar just got smaller Introducing Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar: Communication in Action Handbook Edition. Seamlessly integrate Prentice Hall Literature and ong>theong> Writing and Grammar Handbook through easy-to-use cross-references Acquista Ora

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Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second

Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hall, Nigel / Hall Nigel / Robinson, Anne, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers, ong>Theong> second edition of this text shows how play and literacy can combine to help young children develop a more complete understanding of writing, as well as literacy more generally. In addition to discussing ong>theong> implications of ong>theong> new Guidance for ong>theong> Foundation Stage, ong>theong> authors use more recent research to extend ong>theong> discussion of how and why play and literacy work togeong>theong>r so powerfully, and provide furong>theong>r advice on planning and developing effective experiences. Early years practitioners should find that this book helps ong>theong>m to focus on ong>theong> development of literacy knowledge and skills.

Farmers as Hunters: The Implications of Sedentism

Farmers as Hunters: The Implications of Sedentism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kent, Susan / Audouze, Francoise / Broodbank, Cyprian, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Farmers as hunters analyses from an essentially ethnographic perspective ong>theong> role of hunters in small-scale farming societies. ong>Theong> twelve contributors examine ong>theong> effects of hunting and mobility on behaviour, diet, economy and material culture at both culture-specific and cross-cultural levels. ong>Theong> influence of sedentism and ong>theong> increasing use of domesticates is also explored across a wide range of societies from ong>theong> American southwest and Amazonian to Africa, New Guinea and ong>theong> Phillipines. Differing perceptions of ong>theong> status of animals and plants are reviewed and cultural values are throughout given due weight in a field where discussion too often verges on ong>theong> economically deterministic.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Knut Hamsun, Hamsun, PUBLISHER: Book Jungle, Knut Hamsun was a major Norwegian author who received ong>theong> Noble Prize for Literature in . Hamsun writing makes excellent use of symbolism. Glahn and Edvarda fall in love in ong>theong> spring, ong>theong>y are lovers in ong>theong> summer and ong>theong>ir relationship deteriorates in ong>theong> fall. Hamsun also shows ong>theong> contradiction of culture and nature. Glahn lives as a part of nature while Edvarda's life in a part of culture.

Fight for Civil Rights...

Fight for Civil Rights...

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sanchez, Richard, PUBLISHER: ABDO & Daughters, From ong>theong> ancient Aztecs and Maya to ong>theong> Hispanic Americans of today, this series examines ong>theong> history and culture of Hispanic people and ong>theong>ir contributions to American culture and society. -- Supports social studies and history curriculum -- Multiculturally focused -- Photos, paintings, and glossary enhance ong>theong> informative text

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Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern

Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Friedberg, Anne, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, Departing from those who define postmodernism in film merely as a visual style or set of narrative conventions, Anne Friedberg develops ong>theong> first sustained account of ong>theong> cinema's role in postmodern culture. She explores ong>theong> ways in which nineteenth-century visual experiences--photography, urban strolling, panorama and diorama entertainments--anticipate contemporary pleasures provided by cinema, video, shopping malls, and emerging "virtual reality" technologies. Comparing ong>theong> visual practices of shopping, tourism, and film-viewing, Friedberg identifies ong>theong> experience of "virtual" mobility through time and space as a key determinant of postmodern cultural identity. Evaluating ong>theong> ong>theong>ories of Jameson, Lyotard, Baudrillard, and oong>theong>rs, she adds critical insights about ong>theong> role of gender and gender mobility in ong>theong> configurations of consumer culture. A strikingly original work, "Window Shopping" challenges many of ong>theong> existing assumptions about what exactly "post"modern is. This book marks ong>theong> emergence of a compelling new voice in ong>theong> study of contemporary culture.
