Clinical Surgery
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cuschieri, Alfred / Rowley, David / Hennessy, Thomas P. J., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, ong>Clinicalong> Surgery is a core ong>textbookong> ong>ofong> surgery that will enable medical students and junior doctors to diagnose a disease, prepare the patient for an operation, and deal with the patient after the operation, including the management ong>ofong> any complications that may arise. Lavishly iilustrated in full colour, ong>Clinicalong> Surgery is divided into four sections: Section 1, ong>Clinicalong> Skills and Investigations, gives a thorough grounding in the ong>clinicalong> skills required to diagnose the disease. Section 2, The Management ong>ofong> Acute Surgical Illness and Trauma, contains 10 chapters on the aetiology, pathophysiology, presentation and management ong>ofong> surgical emergencies. Section 3, General and Specialist Surgery, reviews surgical problems by system and contains chapters on each ong>ofong> the surgical sub-specialities by respected experts in each field. These include, among others, orthopaedics, plastic surgery, ENT and opthalmology. Section 4, Perioperative Care, outlines the essential components ong>ofong> how to manage patients before and after surgery, including chapters on pain management and rehabilitation.