textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on

Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology (Studies on

Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology (Studies on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Joel E Morgan:, PUBLISHER: Taylor & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Francis Group, NA

Devlin -Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations

Devlin -Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations

Vendo Devlin - ong>Textbookong> ong>ofong> Biochemistry With ong>Clinicalong> Correlations 7th edition. Perfetto, nuovo, intonso. Possibile la spedizione.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Devlin -Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations
Textbook of Biochemistry: With Clinical Correlations

Textbook of Biochemistry: With Clinical Correlations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Devlin, Thomas M., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Liss, This book ong>ofong>fers a comprehensive and current view ong>ofong> mammalian biochemistry. It includes unique "ong>Clinicalong> Correlations" -- examples ong>ofong> ong>clinicalong> manifestations ong>ofong> biochemical defects -- along with extensive illustrations to provide a complete picture ong>ofong> all aspects ong>ofong> biochemistry. Contains new ong>clinicalong> correlations and review questions. -- New, full color illustrations program. -- A "Devlin" Web site provides online discussions, new material not found in the book, and other information relevant to the book.

Case Studies in General and Systematic Pathology

Case Studies in General and Systematic Pathology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Underwood / Underwood, J. C. E. / Underwood, James C. E., PUBLISHER: Churchill Livingstone, A collection ong>ofong> 60 case ong>studiesong>, each presented as a common ong>clinicalong> problem, with some intriguing titles, including: 'He's just not himself anymore' and 'My leg gave way'. Each case history takes form ong>ofong> a narrative interrupted by questions with the relevant answers alongside. With its problem-based approach, it helps students appreciate the correct path to diagnosis ong>ofong> the pathological signs and symptoms. An excellent revision companion, each case has a revision box ong>ofong> key topics linked in to the main ong>textbookong> so the student can refer to it for more details. Although the case ong>studiesong> correspond to chapters in the main ong>textbookong> (three cases per chapter), the reader approaches each case as they would present in life, symptom-first. Illustrated throughout with full color gross and histopathological photographs as well as ong>clinicalong> photographs, radiographs and line diagrams, this book has an instant visual appeal and presents the subject in a refreshing and innovative way.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Case Studies in General and Systematic Pathology
Clinical Surgery

Clinical Surgery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cuschieri, Alfred / Rowley, David / Hennessy, Thomas P. J., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, ong>Clinicalong> Surgery is a core ong>textbookong> ong>ofong> surgery that will enable medical students and junior doctors to diagnose a disease, prepare the patient for an operation, and deal with the patient after the operation, including the management ong>ofong> any complications that may arise. Lavishly iilustrated in full colour, ong>Clinicalong> Surgery is divided into four sections: Section 1, ong>Clinicalong> Skills and Investigations, gives a thorough grounding in the ong>clinicalong> skills required to diagnose the disease. Section 2, The Management ong>ofong> Acute Surgical Illness and Trauma, contains 10 chapters on the aetiology, pathophysiology, presentation and management ong>ofong> surgical emergencies. Section 3, General and Specialist Surgery, reviews surgical problems by system and contains chapters on each ong>ofong> the surgical sub-specialities by respected experts in each field. These include, among others, orthopaedics, plastic surgery, ENT and opthalmology. Section 4, Perioperative Care, outlines the essential components ong>ofong> how to manage patients before and after surgery, including chapters on pain management and rehabilitation.

Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology

Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ferkolj, I. / Galle, P. R. / Gangl, A., PUBLISHER: Springer, The translation ong>ofong> new molecular understanding ong>ofong> disease into ong>clinicalong> practice in gastroenterology is a special challenge. The Falk Symposium No. 160, entitled a Pathogenesis and ong>Clinicalong> Practice in Gastroenterologya (TM), held June in PortoroA3/4, Slovenia, provided a stimulating framework to bridge discussions from bench to bedside. The proceedings ong>ofong> the symposium are contained in this book, and the unifying theme is the growing understanding ong>ofong> inflammation as a driving force in chronic disease leading to disability and malignancy. Aspects ong>ofong> early detection - endoscopically or via molecular markers - are covered as well as in-depth discussions ong>ofong> the validation ong>ofong> new findings in ong>clinicalong> practice. Whilst on a molecular basis gastroenterologists and hepatologists try to shed light on the same intracellular pathways, ong>clinicalong> implications such as surveillance ong>ofong> cancer in IBD or chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis have to be tailored to specific needs. New therapeutic agents - approved or on the horizon ong>ofong> early ong>clinicalong> ong>studiesong> - will dramatically change the options ong>ofong> patients with chronic disease such as Crohna (TM)s disease, viral hepatitis or hepatocellular carcinoma.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology
A Casebook of Ethical Challenges in Neuropsychology (Studies

A Casebook of Ethical Challenges in Neuropsychology (Studies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shane S Bush, PUBLISHER: Taylor & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Francis Group, NA

Cardiac Safety of Noncardiac Drugs: Practical Guidelines for

Cardiac Safety of Noncardiac Drugs: Practical Guidelines for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morganroth, Joel / Gussak, Ihor, PUBLISHER: Humana Press, Basic and ong>clinicalong> researchers from industry and academia detail the preong>clinicalong>, ong>clinicalong>, and regulatory principles currently used to assess the cardiac safety ong>ofong> new drugs. The authors explain the parameters ong>ofong> cardiac safety at all stages ong>ofong> ong>clinicalong> research and drug development, including both the preong>clinicalong> and pharmacogenomic aspects generally and the ong>clinicalong> methodologies and technical aspects for investigational drugs based on cardiac repolarization, as defined by the duration ong>ofong> the QTc interval. Additional chapters comprehensively review the application ong>ofong> electrocardiography in ong>clinicalong> research, the fundamentals ong>ofong> ECG interpretation in ong>clinicalong> trials, the statistical analysis plans for ECG data obtained in formal ong>clinicalong> trials, and the practical interpretation ong>ofong> the ECG results. Highlights include practical guidance on how to conduct a thorough ECG Trial in New Drug Development, how to use new ECG and web based technology in ong>clinicalong> research, and how to follow the new FDA requirements for ECG submissions.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Cardiac Safety of Noncardiac Drugs: Practical Guidelines for
Transfusion Medicine: Case Studies and Clinical Management

Transfusion Medicine: Case Studies and Clinical Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mijovic, Aleksandar, PUBLISHER: Springer, The purpose ong>ofong> this ong>clinicalong> transfusion medicine handbook is to take the reader through a variety ong>ofong> ong>clinicalong> problems, each one likely to be encountered in a busy teaching hospital. The reader follows the stream ong>ofong> ong>clinicalong> and laboratory data, developing the ability for critical thinking which leads him/her to diagnosis and appropriate management.The book is a lively illustration ong>ofong> various ong>clinicalong> problems in transfusion medicine, including immune complications, microbiological problems, blood component use, apheresis techniques, and management ong>ofong> complex situations such as multiple trauma, sickle cell crisis, and organ transplantation.Each case is carefully chosen and presented, with incorporated questions, leading the reader towards solution ong>ofong> the problem in a logical and didactic manner

Studyguide for Social Psychology by Brehm, ISBN

Studyguide for Social Psychology by Brehm, ISBN

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never Highlight a Book Again Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Outlines give the student all ong>ofong> the highlights, notes, and practice-tests for their ong>textbookong>. Only Cram101 is ong>Textbookong> Specific, not generic.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Studyguide for Social Psychology by Brehm, ISBN
Atlas of Clinical Diagnosis

Atlas of Clinical Diagnosis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mir, M. Afzal, PUBLISHER: Bailliere Tindall, This text ong>ofong>fers a comprehensive, systematic presentation ong>ofong> ong>clinicalong> signs as a basis for diagnosis. It is organized to reflect actual patient examination, and contains thorough coverage ong>ofong> adult ong>clinicalong> signs.

Outlines & Highlights for Art of Systems Architecting by

Outlines & Highlights for Art of Systems Architecting by

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included. Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Outlines gives all ong>ofong> the outlines, highlights, notes for your ong>textbookong> with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are ong>Textbookong> Specific. Cram101 is NOT the ong>Textbookong>. Accompanys:

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Outlines & Highlights for Art of Systems Architecting by
Peripheral Neurology: Case Studies

Peripheral Neurology: Case Studies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liveson, Jay, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Peripheral Neurology was the first book to innovatively utilize case presentations as a vehicle to teach peripheral neurology. In fact, it was the first to categorize the field ong>ofong> peripheral neurology, as most other neurology texts concentrated on diseases ong>ofong> the central nervous system. This case approach has since been emulated in many other texts and on various web sites. Emphasizing the ong>clinicalong> condition rather than electrodiagnostic technique, each topic is thoroughly addressed, first in the Fundamental Concepts ong>ofong> Part I, and then in multiple Case ong>Studiesong> presented in Part II. The reader is able to simulate a true ong>clinicalong> environment where a diagnosis has to be arrived at with no organizational clues from the text. Formulating conclusions by analyzing the history, physical, and laboratory data, and linking from case to related case, this is the only text which allows this type ong>ofong> "interactive" reading. The book addresses many rare entities that the author is able to present based on his 30-years ong>ofong> experience.

Studyguide for Social Psychology by Aronson, ISBN

Studyguide for Social Psychology by Aronson, ISBN

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aronson, Wilson Akert / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never Highlight a Book Again Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Outlines give the student all ong>ofong> the highlights, notes, and practice-tests for their ong>textbookong>. Only Cram101 is ong>Textbookong> Specific, not generic.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Studyguide for Social Psychology by Aronson, ISBN
Studyguide for Principles of Instrumental Analysis by Skoog

Studyguide for Principles of Instrumental Analysis by Skoog

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews / Skoog &. Holler &. Nieman, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Includes all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all ong>ofong> the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your ong>textbookong> with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is ong>Textbookong> Specific. Accompanies: . This item is printed on demand.

Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences

Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cox, III James / Cox, Martha J. / Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Based on a summer institute ong>ofong> the Family Research Consortium, this book presents theory and research from leading scholars working on issues ong>ofong> risk and resilience in families. Focusing on the splits and bonds that shape children's development, this volume's primary goal is to stimulate theoretical and empirical advances in research on family processes. It will be valuable to developmental, social, and ong>clinicalong> psychologists, sociologists, and family ong>studiesong> specialists.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences
Writing about Patients: Responsibilities, Risks, and

Writing about Patients: Responsibilities, Risks, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kantrowitz, Judy Leopold, PUBLISHER: Other Press (NY), An important new study ong>ofong> the ong>clinicalong> conundrum surrounding the publication ong>ofong> patient material. The publication, presentation, and discussion ong>ofong> case ong>studiesong> are essential to the dialogue ong>ofong> psychoanalysis. However, presenting patient material to the public by either disguising the patient's identity or asking for the patient's consent presents a ong>clinicalong> dilemma. In a series ong>ofong> interviews, Judy Leopold Kantrowitz asks 141 analysts not only to describe their thoughts about disguising a patient versus asking a patient's consent to appear in a paper, but also their perceptions ong>ofong> the ong>clinicalong> ramifications ong>ofong> a patient reading the material, whether by accident or design. In first-hand accounts, both analysts-as-patients and patients who are not themselves analysts relate the experience ong>ofong> reading about themselves, and reflect on the impact that reading had on their view ong>ofong> their analysts, themselves, and the analytic work. Ethical concerns about confidentiality and decision making are examined both in theory and in the context ong>ofong> their ong>clinicalong> effect. Throughout the book, Kantrowitz examines the conscious and unconscious motives for analysts in writing about a patient, ultimately demonstrating that the conflict between the need to preserve patient privacy and the need for a literature including ong>clinicalong> material is not easily resolved.

Pediatric Imaging

Pediatric Imaging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ward, Robert J. / Blickman, Hans, PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, Part ong>ofong> the popular Case Review series, this new resource challenges readers' mastery ong>ofong> today's essential knowledge in pediatric diagnostic imaging. 200 case ong>studiesong>, accompanied by 400 images and hundreds ong>ofong> review questions, cover a full range ong>ofong> pediatric imaging topics from a multi-modality perspective-with an emphasis on differential diagnoses, pertinent radiologic findings, and relevant ong>clinicalong> points.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Pediatric Imaging
New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs

New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howard, June / Elliot, Emory / June, Howard, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Country ong>ofong> the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett is one ong>ofong> the most important works ong>ofong> New England local color fiction. This collection ong>ofong> essays builds on feminist literary scholarship that affirms the value ong>ofong> Jewett's work, but goes beyond previously published ong>studiesong> by ong>ofong>fering an analysis ong>ofong> how race, nationalism, and the literary marketplace shape her narrative. The volume constitutes a major rethinking ong>ofong> Jewett's contribution to American literature, and will be ong>ofong> interest to the fields ong>ofong> American literary ong>studiesong>, feminist cultural criticism, and American ong>studiesong>.

Outlines & Highlights for Human Development Across the

Outlines & Highlights for Human Development Across the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included. Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Outlines gives all ong>ofong> the outlines, highlights, notes for your ong>textbookong> with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are ong>Textbookong> Specific. Cram101 is NOT the ong>Textbookong>.

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Outlines & Highlights for Human Development Across the
Outlines & Highlights for Introduction to Marine Biology,

Outlines & Highlights for Introduction to Marine Biology,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included. Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Outlines gives all ong>ofong> the outlines, highlights, notes for your ong>textbookong> with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are ong>Textbookong> Specific. Cram101 is NOT the ong>Textbookong>. Accompanys:

Outlines & Highlights for College Algebra by Dugopolski,

Outlines & Highlights for College Algebra by Dugopolski,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included. Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Outlines gives all ong>ofong> the outlines, highlights, notes for your ong>textbookong> with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are ong>Textbookong> Specific. Cram101 is NOT the ong>Textbookong>. Accompanys: ,

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Outlines & Highlights for College Algebra by Dugopolski,
Outlines & Highlights for Chemistry: The Molecular Science

Outlines & Highlights for Chemistry: The Molecular Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included. Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Outlines gives all ong>ofong> the outlines, highlights, notes for your ong>textbookong> with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are ong>Textbookong> Specific. Cram101 is NOT the ong>Textbookong>. Accompanys: , ,

Studyguide for Learning Theories by Schunk, ISBN

Studyguide for Learning Theories by Schunk, ISBN

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schunk / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews / Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included. Cram101 ong>Textbookong> Outlines gives all ong>ofong> the outlines, highlights, notes for your ong>textbookong> with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are ong>Textbookong> Specific. Cram101 is NOT the ong>Textbookong>. Accompanys:

Offerte relazionate textbook of clinical neuropsychology studies on: Studyguide for Learning Theories by Schunk, ISBN
CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, Second

CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, Second

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spiller, Gene A., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Dietary fiber is now widely recognized as an essential element ong>ofong> good nutrition, and research on the use ong>ofong> fiber in food science and medicine is being conducted at an incredible pace. CRC Handbook ong>ofong> Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition has been updated and expanded to include new information that has become available since the publication ong>ofong> the first edition in . The book provides an incredible wealth ong>ofong> information on the chemistry, analytical methodologies, physiological and biochemical aspects, ong>clinicalong> and epidemiological ong>studiesong> and consumption patterns ong>ofong> dietary fiber. The tables ong>ofong> dietary fiber in food have been extensively expanded. New chapters added to the book include discussions on dietary fiber and starch, fiber and inflammatory bowel disease, and fiber consumption in Italy. CRC Handbook ong>ofong> Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition is an excellent reference for all researchers, physicians, nutritionists, food manufacturers, and other health prong>ofong>essionals studying the effects ong>ofong> fiber in the diet or using high fiber foods in a ong>clinicalong> setting.
