


In inglese

collezione 100%cult comics-project superpowers:il vaso di

collezione 100%cult comics-project superpowers:il vaso di

collezione 100%cult comics-project superpowers:il vaso di pandora(cult comics,panini comics,)all'alba del ventesimo secolo,in un periodo di guerre e devastazioni,si apre un nuovo capitolo della storia umana;è l'inizio dell'era dei supereroi;con la seconda guerra mondiale,però,questa scintilla che aveva illuminato di speranza il mondo sembra essersi spenta;finora...... prezzo:6.00 euro

C.100%cult c.-pr. superpowers:il v.di pandora(cu. c.,pa.

C.100%cult c.-pr. superpowers:il v.di pandora(cu. c.,pa.

Collezione 100%cult comics-project superpowers:il vaso di pandora(cult comics,panini comics,)all'alba del ventesimo secolo,in un periodo di guerre e devastazioni,si apre un nuovo capitolo della storia umana;è l'inizio dell'era dei supereroi;con la seconda guerra mondiale,però,questa scintilla che aveva illuminato di speranza il mondo sembra essersi spenta;finora... prezzo:6.00 euro

Coll.100%pan c-project superpowers

Coll.100%pan c-project superpowers

Collezione 100%panini comics-project superpowers capitolo 2(dynamite,panini comics,);imprigionati per sessant'anni nel vaso di Pandora,gli eroi sono tornati per riportare i superpoteri nel mondo;di nuovo liberi,dovranno vedersela con la minaccia oscura della Supremazia ed affrontare gli Eredi,un tempo loro apprendisti,che ora guardano con orrore alle azioni dei vecchi amici ed alleati... volumi disponibili(prezzi):n°1)gli eredi(7,50 euro).2)titani(6,50 euro);il prezzo indicato a parte è solo indicativo,ma trattabile

Offerte relazionate superpowers: Coll.100%pan c-project superpowers
collezione 100%panini comics-project superpowers capitolo

collezione 100%panini comics-project superpowers capitolo

collezione 100%panini comics-project superpowers capitolo 2(dynamite,panini comics,);imprigionati per sessant'anni nel vaso di Pandora,gli eroi sono tornati per riportare i superpoteri nel mondo;di nuovo liberi,dovranno vedersela con la minaccia oscura della Supremazia ed affrontare gli Eredi,un tempo loro apprendisti,che ora guardano con orrore alle azioni dei vecchi amici ed alleati...... volumi disponibili(prezzi):n°1)gli eredi(7,50 euro).2)titani(6,50 euro);il prezzo indicato a parte è solo indicativo,ma trattabile

His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our

His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bernstein, Carl / Bernstein, Politi / Politi, Marco, PUBLISHER: Thorndike Press, Pulitzer Prize-winner Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi, the dean of Vatican journalists, combine their substantial abilities to show how Kremlin elders struggled in vain to overcome the alarming power and influence that Pope John Paul II had on Eastern Europe. The Pope had become the inspiration and protection of Solidarity, and after a meeting in Rome with then-president Ronald Reagan, the pair committed the vast resources of two superpowers -- one spiritual, the other strategic -- to hastening the demise of communism. Compelling journalism, drama, history, and biography, His Holiness, reveals the real story behind the end of the cold war and a definitive portrait of a great moral leader of our time.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jolley, Dan / Norton, Mike / Brooks, Mark, PUBLISHER: Devil's Due Publishing, In the far future, an interstellar cold war rages as the Earth-based Galactic Union faces off against the vast Drule Supremacy - two star-faring superpowers, each looking for the other's weakness. So when an Earth officer named Hawkins discovers that a mythical, unstoppable war machine might actually be real, he doesn't hesitate to send five maverick pilots on an ultra-secret mission to bring back the legend of Voltron. The journey begins here, as Keith Kogane, Sven Holgersson, Pidge Stoker, Lance McClain and Hunk Garrett arrive on distant Arus, where they meet Allura, princess of the ravaged planet... and unearth the five giant, robotic lions that join together to re-create the metal warrior known as Voltron: Defender of the Universe.

Marvel panini

Marvel panini

MARVEL Nuovissima Marvel (perfetti) -1,5 euro l'uno Stupefacente ant-man 1-2 Daredevil da 5 a doppio) Nuovissimi Avengers 1-2-5 Incredibili Avengers 1-5 Amazing Spiderman Spidey 2-3 Spider-Gwen 1 variant FX - 2 Invincibile Iron man 1-da 5 a 10 La Potente Thor 1-4-5 Guardiani della Galassia Angela Regina di Hel 1 Straordinari X-MEN 1-2-4 Nuovissimi x-men 1-2 Star Wars 6-7 Sam Wilson Capitan America 3-4 Wolverine 1 Doctor Strange numeri 1 e 3 Capitan America da 11 a 13 Howard il papero vol.3 Addio e grazie per tutto il papero 9 euro 100% Panini/Marvel/Max (a metĂ  prezzo o accordi per lotti) Project superpowers 1 Rising Stars Bright/La voce dei morti Rising Stars Intoccabile FOR FANS ONLY (6 euro l'uno) Araldi VOLUMI DA EDICOLA 5 EURO: LEGGENDE MARVEL 5-Capitan America Rinato 8-Wolverine Weapon X STAR WARS LEGENDS Darth Fener contro gli Jedi Tempi Oscuri La Guerra dei Cloni L'ultima missione DARK SIDE Punisher

Offerte relazionate superpowers: Marvel panini
Volumi speciali Marvel Panini

Volumi speciali Marvel Panini

100% Panini/Marvel/Max (a metà prezzo o accordi per lotti) Project superpowers 1 Rising Stars Bright/La voce dei morti Rising Stars Intoccabile MARVEL MONSTER (10 euro) Secret Invasion Thunderbolts FOR FANS ONLY (6 euro l'uno) Marvel Divas Araldi L'incredibile Ercole L'incredibile Ercole â€" Assalto a nuovo Olimpo SPECIALI AUTHORITY (6 euro l'uno) AUTHORITY IL MAGNIFICO KEVIN AUTHORITY L'ANNO PERDUTO 1 - 2 DANGER GIRL WILDSTORM (lotto 13 euro) 1) Ultimate collection 2) Back in Black VOLUMI DA EDICOLA 5 EURO: LEGGENDE MARVEL 5-Capitan America Rinato 8-Wolverine Weapon X SPIDER - MAN 5 - l'ultima caccia di kraven 19 - Qualcuno deve morire 30 - l'ultima battaglia "Tornando a Casa" "I Fantastici Quatrro" "Dove Striscia Lizard" "Notti di Paura" "Nelle spire di Octopus" Spiderman e gli XMEN STAR WARS LEGENDS La Guerra dei Cloni L'ultima missione Dark side Punisher GRAPHIC NOVEL 10 EURO l'uno Le vicende relative al caso della scomparsa di Miss Finch (MagicPress) BUR - The Spirit (Will eisner) Planeta Joker di Azarello (in SPAGNOLO)

The Middle East After Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait

The Middle East After Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Freedman, Robert O., PUBLISHER: University Press of Florida, "Freedman has collected an array of first-rate political analysts with differing perspectives and areas of expertise.... The result is a work of uniformly high quality... readable and up to date."--Jerrold D. Green, University of Arizona Center for Middle East Studies We may not live to see the end of the ripple effect of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August and the ensuing Gulf War. Meanwhile, this collection is one of the first systematic attempts to investigate the implications of that invasion for the significant political actors, in the Middle East and beyond. From varied perspectives and fields of interest, well-respected political scientists focus on the military dynamics of the war and its political effects on the Persian Gulf, on the Arab-Israeli zone of conflict, and on the superpowers. Of particular interest to many readers will be the analysis of both U.S. military and diplomatic strategy during the war and U.S. efforts to convene the Arab-Israeli peace talks after the war; Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's attempts to follow a "minimax" strategy under which he sought a minimum level of cooperation with the United States while retaining maximum influence in Iraq; the debate in Japan about whether to get involved in the Allied war effort; and the reasons for Palestinian support of Iraq during the war. Other subjects analyzed in the book include Saddam Hussein's postwar strategy for staying in power; Jordan's effort to walk a narrow tightrope between the Allies and Iraq; Syrian, Iranian, and Egyptian exploitation of the war to improve their regional positions; and the changes in Israel and Saudi Arabia precipitated by the war. Robert O. Freedman is Peggy Meyerhoff Pearlstone Professor of Political Science and dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Baltimore Hebrew University. He is the editor of" Intifada: Its Impact on Israel, the Arab World, and the Superpowers" (UPF, ) and a prolific author and frequent lecturer on the Middle East. Contents Preface Introduction Part I: The Military and Political Dynamics of the Gulf War The Persian Gulf War: A Political-Military Assessment, by Bard E. O'Neill and Ilana Kass Part II: The Policy of External Powers U.S. Policy toward the Middle East after Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait, by Robert E. Hunter Moscow and the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait, by Robert O. Freedman Fire on the Other Side of the River: Japan and the Persian Gulf War, by Eugene Brown Part III: The Gulf Region Iraq after the Invasion of Kuwait, by Laurie Mylroie Iran from the August Cease-fire to the April Majlis Elections, by Shireen T. Hunter Saudi Arabia: Desert Storm and After, by F. Gregory Gause, III Part IV: The Eastern Mediterranean Israel, the Gulf War, and Its Aftermath, by Marvin Feuerwerger The Palestinians and the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait, by Helena Cobban Syria since : From Crisis to Opportunity, by Alasdair Drysd

Offerte relazionate superpowers: The Middle East After Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait
A History of the Modern Middle East

A History of the Modern Middle East

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cleveland, William L., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, This comprehensive work provides a penetrating analysis of modern Middle Eastern history, from the Ottoman and Egyptian reforms, through the challenge of Western imperialism, to the Iranian Revolution and the recent Gulf War. After introducing the reader to the region's history from the origins of Islam in the seventh century, Cleveland focuses on the past two centuries of profound and often dramatic change. While built around a framework of political history, the book also carefully integrates social, cultural, and economic developments into a single, carefully crafted account.Cleveland sets the stage with a superb, concise overview of the long-term, general patterns of Middle Eastern history. The book opens with a portrayal of Islam that stresses an understanding of this great world religion and culture on its own terms and in its specific historical setting. The rich potential of this culture manifested itself in shifting centers of Islamic florescence, culminating in the rise of the Ottoman and Safavid Empires as the central political and social entities of the Middle East in the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries.The book next examines the crucial developments of the nineteenth century--an era characterized by attempts at the self-transformation of Middle Eastern societies, a process sometimes misleadingly referred to as "modernization" or "Westernization." The resulting disruption of the established order was a wrenching and disorienting experience for the peoples of the region.Defeat in World War I delivered the coup de grace to Ottoman rule and brought in the "mandate system" through which the British and the French sought to impose their overlordship on the Arab world.The interwar years, through to the end of World War II, were characterized by the Arab struggle for independence. This struggle led to the emergence of the major political ideologies of the Arab world--regionalism, pan-Arab nationalism--combined with the enduring appeal of Islamic solidarity. During this same period the two major independent states of the region, Turkey and Iran, embarked on intensive programs of secular reform designed to remake their societies in the image of the West. Several Arab states were able to establish their independence, but this process was greatly complicated by the legacies of European rule, especially the founding of the state of Israel in and the cold war rivalry of the superpowers.Many of the problems faced in the region today are a direct consequence of this historical legacy: the Arab-Israeli conflict, the concentration of oil wealth into the hands of a few, the Iran-Iraq war, the Palestinian problem, the dissolution of Lebanon, Islamic fundamentalism, and the striving for power on the world stage of states such as Syria, Iraq, and Iran."A History of the Modern Middle East" explains the deep historical currents flowing beneath today's headlines, making it essential reading for anyone s
