Sevenoak Handheld Video Stabilizer SK-W06
Sevenoak Handheld Video Stabilizer SK-W06 GARANZIA DICEMBRE Sevenoak Handheld Video Stabilizer SK-W06 is a compact, lightweight camera stabilization rig that uses counterweights and gimbal to help you keep your camera steady when shooting video---eliminating distracting camera movement for smoother, more professional-looking movies. A super-smooth gimbal and adjustable counterweight help keep the camera balance and stable, and a bubble level is built in to check the camera's balance. A comfortable padded hand grip minimizes fatigue when shooting with SK-W06. Features: Stabilizes camera to minimize camera shake Super-smooth gimbal Adjustable counterbalance weights Maximum weight capacity: 2.25KG Bubble level Lightweigt and compact Comfortable hand grip Thumb stabilizer Larger Counter balance weight-0.36kg/piece Smaller counter balance weight-0.24kg/piece Tutti i prodotti sono originali, testati e funzionanti, accettiamo scambi e permute con articoli di elettronica, strumenti musicali, hi-fi videogiochi ed altro (SOLO ESCLUSIVAMENTE IN SEDE A TORINO e munito di documento di identità) Gli articoli godono di una garanzia minima di 30 giorni. Per info e orari: CASHTIME PIAZZA STATUTO Telefono attivo dalle alle e dalle alle