spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy

Spacetime and Electromagnetism: An Essay on the Philosophy

Spacetime and Electromagnetism: An Essay on the Philosophy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hodgson, P. E. / Lucas, J. R., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, That space ong>ong>anong>dong> time should be integrated into a single entity, ong>spacetimeong>, is the great insight of Einstein's special theory of relativity, ong>ong>anong>dong> leads us to regard ong>spacetimeong> as a fundamental context in which to make sense of the world around us. But it is not the only one. Causality is equally importong>anong>t ong>ong>anong>dong> at least as far as the special theory goes, it cong>anong>not be subsumed under a fundamentally geometrical form of explong>anong>ation. In fact, the agent of propagation of causal influence is electromagnetic radiation. In this examination, the authors find support for a rationalist approach to physics, never neglecting experimentation, but rejecting a simple empiricist or positivist view of science.

Kim Jong Il on the Juche Philosophy Pyongyang, Korea

Kim Jong Il on the Juche Philosophy Pyongyang, Korea

Kim Jong Il on the Juche Philosophy; Binding: Softcover; Pages:190; Dimensions: 21x15cm Weight:140 grams; Brong>ong>anong>dong>: Foreign Long>anong>guages Publishing House, Pyongyong>anong>g, Korea . Collection of 6 Works of Kim Jong Il On The Juche Philosophy. Includes: - On Some Questions In Understong>ong>anong>dong>ing The Juche Philosophy - On Correctly Understong>ong>anong>dong>ing The Originality Of Kimilsungism - On The Juche Idea - On Some Problems On The Ideological Foundations Of Socialism - On Having A Correct Viewpoint ong>ong>Anong>dong> Understong>ong>anong>dong>ing Of The Juche Philosophy - The Juche Philosophy Is ong>Anong> Original Revolutionary Philosophy. Le tariffe postali sono: - Raccomong>ong>anong>dong>ata.........€. 5,10 - Piego libri ordinario.........€. 2,10

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Kim Jong Il on the Juche Philosophy Pyongyang, Korea
An Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation by

An Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation by

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: de Charles, PUBLISHER: BiblioLife LLC, NA

Quantum Mechanics and Gravity

Quantum Mechanics and Gravity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sachs, Mendel, PUBLISHER: Springer, This book describes a paradigm chong>anong>ge in modern physics from the philosophy ong>ong>anong>dong> mathematical expression of the quong>anong>tum theory to those of general relativity. The approach applies to all domains - from elementary particles to cosmology. The chong>anong>ge is from the positivistic views in which atomism, nondeterminism ong>ong>anong>dong> measurement are fundamental, to a holistic view in realism, wherein matter - electrons, galaxies, - are correlated modes of a single continuum, the universe. A field that unifies ong>electromagnetismong>, gravity ong>ong>anong>dong> inertia is demonstrated explicitly, with new predictions, in terms of quaternion ong>ong>anong>dong> spinor field equations in a curved ong>spacetimeong>. Quong>anong>tum mechong>anong>ics emerges as a linear, flatspace approximation for the equations of inertia in general relativity.

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity
Causal Realism: An Essay on Philosophical Method and the

Causal Realism: An Essay on Philosophical Method and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cahalong>anong>, John C., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, NOTE: Series number is not ong>anong> integer: n/a

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and Other Stories

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and Other Stories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, - Critical ong>essayong>s reflecting a variety of schools of criticism - Notes on the contributing critics, a chronology of the author's life, ong>ong>anong>dong> ong>anong> index - ong>Anong> introductory ong>essayong> by Harold Bloom.

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and Other Stories


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Mowat, Barbara A. / Werstine, Paul, PUBLISHER: Washington Square Press, "Each edition includes: " - Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play - Full explong>anong>atory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play - Scene-by-scene plot summaries - A key to famous lines ong>ong>anong>dong> phrases - ong>Anong> introduction to reading Shakespeare's long>anong>guage - ong>Anong> ong>essayong> by ong>anong> outstong>ong>anong>dong>ing scholar providing a modern perspective on the play - Illustrations from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare books "ong>Essayong> by" Susong>anong> Snyder The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is home to the world's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, ong>ong>anong>dong> a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performong>anong>ces ong>ong>anong>dong> programs. For more information, visit

Endgames: The Irreconcilable Nature of Modernity: Essays and

Endgames: The Irreconcilable Nature of Modernity: Essays and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wellmer, Albrecht / Midgley, David, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), A common theme of this set of thirteen ong>essayong>s by one of the major figures in contemporary Germong>anong> philosophy is the idea of a postmetaphysical modernity. In his preface Wellmer relates the title of his book, "Endgames," to this common theme: The historical utopias of the Marxist tradition ong>ong>anong>dong> the programs of ultimate justification in the Kong>anong>tiong>anong> tradition are both endgames "within" metaphysics, the deconstruction of those utopias ong>ong>anong>dong> programs of ultimate justification are endgames played "with" metaphysics, ong>ong>anong>dong> the game with ong>anong> end as ultimate telos--the end(s) of history, the end(s) of knowledge, the end(s) of humong>anong> life--is metaphysics. The title, "Endgames," finally also refers polemically to postmodernist games with ong>anong> end of modernity; as opposed to these, Wellmer defends the fragile moral ong>ong>anong>dong> political substong>anong>ce of the modernity that postmodernists attempt to overcome--ong>ong>anong>dong> that sense of what needs to be preserved of the modern tradition for a postmetaphysical modernity is what makes his writings unique. In the first of the book's three parts, "Negative ong>ong>anong>dong> Communicative Freedom," Wellmer focuses on political philosophy, examining in particular the links ong>ong>anong>dong> tensions between liberal basic rights ong>ong>anong>dong> modern ideas of democracy. In Part II, "Postmetaphysical Perspectives," he attempts to develop a postmetaphysical perspective on aesthetics ong>ong>anong>dong> metaphysics (with ong>ong>anong>dong> against Adorno), on the problem of truth (with ong>ong>anong>dong> against Richard Rorty, Jurgen Habermas, ong>ong>anong>dong> Karl-Otto Apel), ong>ong>anong>dong> on hermeneutics (with ong>ong>anong>dong> against Hong>anong>s-Georg Gadamer ong>ong>anong>dong> Karl-Otto Apel). Part III, "Images of the Times," contains occasional pieces on Ludwig Wittgenstein, the Frong>anong>kfurt School, Hong>anong>s Jonas, ong>ong>anong>dong> architecture. The book closes with ong>anong> appended critical ong>essayong> on Hong>anong>nah Arendt, reflecting the importong>anong>ce of Arendt's political philosophy to Wellmer's work.

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Endgames: The Irreconcilable Nature of Modernity: Essays and
An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms

An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tucker, Dennis / Ballard, Wayne / Ballard, Jr. H. Wayne, PUBLISHER: Mercer University Press, Introduction to Wisdom Literature ong>ong>anong>dong> the Psalms offers a unique approach to studying this material in the classroom. This book is a collection of ong>essayong>s that explore themes ong>ong>anong>dong> background issues intended for the student of the Old Testament. Divided into two sections on the Psalms ong>ong>anong>dong> Wisdom Literature, each section offers ong>anong> in-depth ong>essayong> on history of interpretation, forms of poetry, the text's relationship to the ong>anong>cient Near East, the cong>anong>onical shape of the material, the theology of the texts, ong>ong>anong>dong> contemporary issues currently under scholarly investigation.

Schopenhauer and the Wild Years of Philosophy:,

Schopenhauer and the Wild Years of Philosophy:,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Safrong>anong>ski, Rudiger / Osers, Ewald / Safrong>anong>ski, R]diger, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Years of Philosophy" succeeds in bringing to life ong>anong> intriguing figure in philosophy ong>ong>anong>dong> the intellectual battles of his time, whose consequences still shape our world.

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Schopenhauer and the Wild Years of Philosophy:,
An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy

An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lai, Karyn L., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This comprehensive introductory textbook to early Chinese philosophy covers a rong>anong>ge of philosophical traditions which arose during the Spring ong>ong>anong>dong> Autumn ( BCE) ong>ong>anong>dong> Warring States ( BCE) periods in China, including Confuciong>anong>ism, Mohism, Daoism, ong>ong>anong>dong> Legalism. It considers concepts, themes ong>ong>anong>dong> argumentative methods of early Chinese philosophy ong>ong>anong>dong> follows the development of some ideas in subsequent periods, including the introduction of Buddhism into China. The book examines key issues ong>ong>anong>dong> debates in early Chinese philosophy, cross-influences between its traditions ong>ong>anong>dong> interpretations by scholars up to the present day. The discussion draws upon both primary texts ong>ong>anong>dong> secondary sources, ong>ong>anong>dong> there are suggestions for further reading. This will be ong>anong> invaluable guide for all who are interested in the foundations of Chinese philosophy ong>ong>anong>dong> its richness ong>ong>anong>dong> continuing relevong>anong>ce. Acquista Ora

French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gutting, Gary, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In this book Gary Gutting tells, clearly ong>ong>anong>dong> comprehensively, the story of French philosophy from to . He examines the often neglected background of spiritualism, university idealism, ong>ong>anong>dong> early philosophy of science, ong>ong>anong>dong> also discusses the privileged role of philosophy in the French education system. Taking account of this background, together with the influences of avong>anong>t-garde literature ong>ong>anong>dong> Germong>anong> philosophy, he develops a rich account of existential phenomenology, which he argues is the central achievement of French thought during the century, ong>ong>anong>dong> of subsequent structuralist ong>ong>anong>dong> poststructuralist developments. Gary Gutting is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame ong>ong>anong>dong> a leading authority on the work of Michel Foucault. In addition to continental philosophy, he has done importong>anong>t work in philosophy of science ong>ong>anong>dong> philosophy of religion. Gutting is the author of several books, including Michel Foucault's Archaeology of Scientific Knowledge (Cambridge, ), Pragmatic Liberalism ong>ong>anong>dong> the Critique of Modernity (Cambridge, ), ong>ong>anong>dong> the editor of The Cambridge Compong>anong>ion to Foucault (Cambridge, ).

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century
The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play

The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hutchinson, G. Evelyn, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, In the three lectures which give their title to this delightful collection of esays, the author of "The Enchong>anong>ted Voyage" ong>ong>anong>dong> "The Itinerate Ivory Tower" turns his attention to the influence of the environment on the course of evolution. The first lecture considers the nature of the terrestrial biosphere, both as a unique phenomenon on earth ong>ong>anong>dong> as one of a class of possible spaces on other bodies; the second examines the nature of the ecological niche; ong>ong>anong>dong> the third discusses some of the possible environmental interactions of a single species, emphasis being placed on the extremely recondite nature of the selective forces that act on mong>anong>, as on other ong>anong>imals. ong>Anong>other of the pieces deals with the problem of the relation of natural beauty to works of art, particularly in the context of the similarities ong>ong>anong>dong> differences apparent when natural history museums ong>ong>anong>dong> art galleries are compared. The final ong>essayong>, "The Cream in the Gooseberry Fool," is ong>anong> account of the role of ong>anong> English country clergymong>anong> ong>ong>anong>dong> of the Europeong>anong> magpie most in one of the most significong>anong>t early discoveries of genetics. Acquista Ora

Kant: A Biography

Kant: A Biography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kuehn, Mong>anong>fred, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is the first full-length biography in more thong>anong> fifty years of Immong>anong>uel Kong>anong>t, one of the giong>anong>ts among the pong>anong>theon of Western philosophers, ong>ong>anong>dong> one of the most powerful ong>ong>anong>dong> influential in contemporary philosophy. Taking account of the most recent scholarship, Mong>anong>fred Kuehn allows the reader to follow the same journey that Kong>anong>t himself took in emerging as a central figure in modern philosophy. Mong>anong>fred Kuehn was formerly Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University. A specialist on Germong>anong> philosophy of the period, he is the author of numerous articles ong>ong>anong>dong> papers on Immong>anong>uel Kong>anong>t.

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Kant: A Biography
The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice

The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: May, Charles E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, The short story is one of the most difficult types of prose to write ong>ong>anong>dong> one of the most pleasurable to read. From Boccaccio's Decameron to The Collected Stories of Reynolds Price, Charles May gives us ong>anong> understong>ong>anong>dong>ing of the history ong>ong>anong>dong> structure of this demong>ong>anong>dong>ing form of fiction. Beginning with a general history of the genre, he moves on to focus on the nineteenth-century when the modern short story begong>anong> to come into focus. From there he moves on to later nineteenth-century realism ong>ong>anong>dong> early twentieth-century formalism ong>ong>anong>dong> finally to the modern renaissong>anong>ce of the form that shows no signs of abating. A chronology of significong>anong>t events, works ong>ong>anong>dong> figures from the genre's history, notes ong>ong>anong>dong> references ong>ong>anong>dong> ong>anong> extensive bibliographic ong>essayong> with recommended reading round out the volume.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Skidelsky, Robert Jacob, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, John Maynard Keynes () is a central thinker of the twentieth century, not just as ong>anong> economic theorist ong>ong>anong>dong> statesmong>anong>, but in the borderlong>ong>anong>dong> of economics, philosophy, politics ong>ong>anong>dong> culture. Keynes's doctrines continue to inspire strong feelings in admirers ong>ong>anong>dong> detractors alike. This short, engaging study of his life ong>ong>anong>dong> thought explores the mong>anong>y positive ong>ong>anong>dong> negative stereotypes ong>ong>anong>dong> also examines the quality of Keynes's mind, his cultural ong>ong>anong>dong> social milieu, his ethical ong>ong>anong>dong> practical philosophy, ong>ong>anong>dong> his monetary thought. Recent scholarship has significong>anong>tly altered the treatment ong>ong>anong>dong> assessment of Keynes's contribution to twentieth-century economic thinking, ong>ong>anong>dong> the current state of the debate initiated by the Keynesiong>anong> revolution is discussed in a final chapter on its legacy. No other work on Keynes provides such a readable introduction to his life ong>ong>anong>dong> work.

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Keynes
American Jewry and the Civil War

American Jewry and the Civil War

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Korn, Bertram Wallace, PUBLISHER: Jewish Publication Society of America, War has long been considered a classic text on the Jewish role in early Americong>anong> history -- on the Jewish community as a whole during the tumultuous years of the war, ong>ong>anong>dong> on its effort to raise the concept of humong>anong> rights ong>ong>anong>dong> equality above restrictions based on race or religion. This extensive volume features a new foreword ong>ong>anong>dong> new afterword, as well as ong>anong> author's preface to the original edition, ong>anong> author's preface to the first paperback edition (), ong>anong> epilogue, four appendixes, notes, a bibliography, ong>ong>anong>dong> ong>anong> index.

The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few

The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schacht, James, PUBLISHER: AuthorHouse, The Future of Democracy in America ong>ong>anong>dong> the World: A Few Possibilities makes the vast fields of modern Americong>anong> political philosophy ong>ong>anong>dong> politics more accessible to both those engaged ong>ong>anong>dong> those not engaged in these professions. Based in part on ong>anong> exhaustive reading of Americong>anong> political philosophy ong>ong>anong>dong> writers who have influenced Americong>anong> political philosophy, James Schacht explores what democracy has been in the past, what it is now, ong>ong>anong>dong> what it cong>anong> be in the future. Going as far back as the Englishmong>anong> John Locke, whose writings strongly influenced Thomas Jefferson in his writing of the Declaration of Independence, he provides a comprehensive view of Americong>anong> political philosophy ong>ong>anong>dong> its origins up to today, describes the institution of democracy, describes the culture associated with this institution, makes some predictions, ong>ong>anong>dong> describes a framework for pursuing our best hope for the future.

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few
The Lesson in Appreciation An Essay on the Pedagogics of

The Lesson in Appreciation An Essay on the Pedagogics of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frong>anong>k Herbert Hayward, PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing LLC, NA

The Philosophy of Schopenhauer

The Philosophy of Schopenhauer

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Magee, Bryong>anong>, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The most comprehensive treatment in English of Schopenhauer's philosophy, this book presents a brief biography of Schopenhauer, a systematic exposition of his thought, ong>ong>anong>dong> a critical discussion of the problems to which it gives rise ong>ong>anong>dong> its influence on a wide rong>anong>ge of philosophers ong>ong>anong>dong> artists, particularly Wagner ong>ong>anong>dong> Wittgenstein.

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: The Philosophy of Schopenhauer
The Oceans

The Oceans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bramwell, Martyn, PUBLISHER: Frong>anong>klin Watts, Updated, comprehensive editions on physical geography examine the Earth's long>ong>anong>dong>scapes ong>ong>anong>dong> forces, with special emphasis on the environment ong>ong>anong>dong> conservation. Each book includes ong>anong> index ong>ong>anong>dong> glossary

Much ADO about Nothing

Much ADO about Nothing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Werstine, Paul / Mowat, Barbara A., PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster, FOLGER Shakespeare Library The world's leading center for Shakespeare studies "Each edition includes: " - Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play - Full explong>anong>atory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play - Scene-by-scene plot summaries - A key to famous lines ong>ong>anong>dong> phrases - ong>Anong> introduction to reading Shakespeare's long>anong>guage - ong>Anong> ong>essayong> by a leading Shakespeare scholar providing a modern perspective on the play - Illustrations from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare books "ong>Essayong> by" Gail Kern Paster The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is home to theworld's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, ong>ong>anong>dong> a magnet forShakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open tothe public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performong>anong>cesong>ong>anong>dong> programs. For more information, visit

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Much ADO about Nothing
Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths

Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olson, David / DeFrain, John / Skogrong>ong>anong>dong>, Linda, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humong>anong>ities/Social Sciences/Long>anong>gua, ong>Anong> introductory text, "Marriages ong>ong>anong>dong> Families" accentuates the positive aspects of relationships ong>ong>anong>dong> focuses on enriching students' knowledge ong>ong>anong>dong> experience in building strong, successful couple ong>ong>anong>dong> family relationships. The authors, seasoned family scholars ong>ong>anong>dong> therapists, integrate research, theory, ong>ong>anong>dong> practical applications with ong>anong> interdisciplinary perspective on marriage ong>ong>anong>dong> family. To enhong>anong>ce teaching ong>ong>anong>dong> student learning, ong>anong> updated AWARE (Awareness of Attitudes ong>ong>anong>dong> Relationships Expectations) Online computerized assessment contains 15 categories that match the chapters of the book.

Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective

Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kheel, Marti / Ruether, Rosemary Radford, PUBLISHER: Rowmong>anong> & Littlefield Publishers, PMIn Nature Ethics: ong>Anong> Ecofeminist Perspective, Marti Kheel explores the underlying worldview of Onature ethics,O offering ong>anong> alternative ecofeminist perspective. She focuses on four prominent representatives of holist philosophy: two early conservationists (Theodore Roosevelt ong>ong>anong>dong> Aldo Leopold) ong>ong>anong>dong> two contemporary philosophers (Holmes Rolston III, ong>ong>anong>dong> trong>anong>spersonal ecologist Warwick Fox). Kheel argues that in directing their moral allegiong>anong>ce to abstract constructs (e.g. Ospecies,O Othe ecosystem,O or Othe trong>anong>spersonal SelfO) these influential nature theorists represent a masculinist orientation that devalues concern for individual ong>anong>imals. Seeking to heal the divisions among the seemingly disparate movements ong>ong>anong>dong> philosophies of feminism, ong>anong>imal advocacy, environmental ethics, ong>ong>anong>dong> holistic health, Kheel proposes ong>anong> ecofeminist philosophy that underscores the importong>anong>ce of empathy ong>ong>anong>dong> care for individual beings as well as larger whole

Offerte relazionate spacetime and electromagnetism an essay on the philosophy: Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective
European Review of Philosophy, 5: Emotion and Action

European Review of Philosophy, 5: Emotion and Action

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pacherie, Elizabeth / CSLI Publications, PUBLISHER: Center for the Study of Long>anong>guage ong>ong>anong>dong> Informat, Recent years have seen ong>anong> explosion of interest in the study of emotion ong>ong>anong>dong> cognition, ong>ong>anong>dong> ong>anong> increasing rejection of the traditional philosophical prejudice against emotions as irrational or disruptive. The ong>essayong>s in this collection explore various facets of the relationships among emotion, action, rationality, ong>ong>anong>dong> self-knowledge, with particular attention to three main sets of issues: the relationships between emotions ong>ong>anong>dong> action, the roles emotion ong>ong>anong>dong> action play in the development of self-awareness, ong>ong>anong>dong> the rationality of emotions ong>ong>anong>dong> emotional action.
