ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Laufer, Stephen / Tsedu, Matada, PUBLISHER: Arnoldsche Verlagsanstalt GmbH, The rising of the black youths 25 years ago, on the 16 June , marks an historical turning- point in South Africa. For the first time, black stood up against the apartheid regime fo the government. Their protest set into motion the long final phase fo white supremacy in the country. For thier lives. Today, Soweto with its great disparities between recently acquired affluence and the old-time misery of the squatters symbolises urbanised South Africa in transition - a country that still vividly carries the scars of its apartheid past in the black townships on the outskirts of Johannesberg, for example. In spite of this, the new South Africa shows promise for the future. This publication includes not only an interview with Nelson Mandela, but also 100 exemplary, striking photographs of Soweto's past and present. It is an impressive photographic account of the contrarities that haunt this South African myth.