software engineering 6th edition i sommerville

Software Engineering, 6th edition, I. Sommerville

Software Engineering, 6th edition, I. Sommerville

Vendo libro "Software Engineering", 6a edizione, di Ian Sommerville. Il libro è come nuovo e vendo per totale inutilizzo. E' in lingua inglese ed è la versione internazionale, ossia quella venduta anche in Italia. Prezzo d'acquisto: 70 euro

Software Engineering: Principles and Practice

Software Engineering: Principles and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: van Vliet, Hans, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Software Engineering: Principles and Practice challenges the reader to appreciate the issues, design trade-offs and teamwork required for successful software development. This new edition has been brought fully up to date, with complete coverage of all aspects of the software lifecycle and a strong focus on all the skills needed to carry out software projects on time and within budget. Highlights of the third edition include: * Fully updated chapters on requirements engineering and software architecture. * New chapters on component-based software engineering, service orientation and global software development. * Extensive coverage of the human and social aspects of software development. * Balanced coverage of both traditional, heavyweight development and agile, lightweight development approaches such as Extreme Programming (XP). Written to support both introductory and advanced software engineering courses, this book is invaluable for everyone in software development and maintenance who wants an accessible account of the problems incurred in large-scale software development and the proposed solutions. A companion website with additional resources for students and instructors can be found at vliet

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Software Engineering: Principles and Practice
Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction

Vendo libro "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction" di William D. Callister Jr. 6th edition (testo in Inglese) Copertina rigida – lug + cd - libro testo per Ingegneria Aerospaziale (acquistato nel ma mai usato, nuovo!) - ritiro a mano zona Firenze, per spedizione da calcolare prezzo a parte

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction

Vendo libro "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction" di William D. Callister Jr. 6th edition (testo in Inglese) Copertina rigida - lug + cd - libro testo per Ingegneria Aerospaziale (acquistato nel ma mai usato, nuovo!) - ritiro a mano zona Firenze, per spedizione da calcolare prezzo a parte

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction
Fundamentals of software engineering Carlo Gherzi

Fundamentals of software engineering Carlo Gherzi

Fundamentals of software engineering Gherzi Jazayeri Mandrioli. Copertina rigida. Ottimo stato

Ingegneria del software

Ingegneria del software

Nuovo, mai usato. Ottava edizione. Di Ian Sommerville.

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Ingegneria del software
Contact Annual of Photographers - 6th Edition

Contact Annual of Photographers - 6th Edition

Contact Annual of Photographers - 6th Edition Misure 22 x 28,5 x pagine Lingua inglese Per altri libri di fotografia, design, pubblicitĂ  clicca su: Annunci online

Contact Annual of Photographers - 6th Edition - Elfande

Contact Annual of Photographers - 6th Edition - Elfande

Contact Annual of Photographers - 6th Edition - Elfande Misure 22 x 28,5 x pagine Lingua inglese Per altri libri di fotografia, design, pubblicitĂ  clicca su: Altri annunci dell'utente >

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Contact Annual of Photographers - 6th Edition - Elfande
Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Vendo libro "Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering", 4a edizione, di Stephen R. Scharch. Il libro è come nuovo e vendo per totale inutilizzo. E' in lingua inglese ed è la versione internazionale, ossia quella venduta anche in Italia.

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, William Fortune, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, This text, an expanded and rearranged version of Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, 2/e, is appropriate for a first course in materials science and engineering for engineering students.

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction to Operations Research

Introduction to Operations Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hillier, Frederick S., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, The 8th edition of" Introduction to Operations Research" remains the classic operations research text while incorporating a wealth of state-of-the-art, user-friendly software and more coverage of modern OR topics. The hallmark features of this edition include solid coverage of fundamentals and state-of-the-practice operations research software used in conjunction with examples from the text. This edition will also feature the latest developments in OR, such as metaheuristics, simulation, and spreadsheet modeling.

Gas Turbine Theory (6th Edition) Cohen

Gas Turbine Theory (6th Edition) Cohen

Come da titolo, vendo libro di progettazione turbomacchine Gas Turbine Theory (6th Edition) 6th Edition by H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo (Author), G.F.C. Rogers (Author), H. Cohen (Author), Paul Straznicky (Author) acquistato nuovo a gennaio , adoperato per lo studio per un mese e mezzo. Il libro è come nuovo, con poche note a bordo pagina a matita, utili come guida per lo studio, comunque facilmente cancellabili. Ricco di spiegazioni, esercizi svolti e da svolgere con risultati. Visto il tempo che ci ho passato su, vale la pena studiare dal libro originale invece che stare a perdere diottrie sulle fotocopie. Copertina rigida ed avvolto in copertina trasparente. Consegna a mano su Bari sconto di 5€ per i colleghi del Poliba contatti via mail, grazie

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Gas Turbine Theory (6th Edition) Cohen
Vendita licenza Software di calcolo strutturale SismiCAD

Vendita licenza Software di calcolo strutturale SismiCAD

Cedo licenza Software di calcolo strutturale agli elementi finiti SismiCAD della Concrete Srl (Structural Engineering Software) - Versione SismiCAD CLASSIC (c.a + murature) integrato con l’ACCIAIO e WallCAD Plus. Se interessati contattatemi tramite il seguente indirizzo mail:

Software engineering 5e pressman eng version

Software engineering 5e pressman eng version

il libro come nuovo, senza segni d'uso

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Software engineering 5e pressman eng version
CORMAN'S Colon & Rectal Surgery 6th Edition

CORMAN'S Colon & Rectal Surgery 6th Edition

Pari al nuovo, mai aperto. Ottimamente tenuto.

Interaction 6th Edition

Interaction 6th Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Susan St Onge, PUBLISHER: Clark Boardman Callaghan, NA

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Interaction 6th Edition
Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering:

Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Partridge, Derek, PUBLISHER: AMACOM/American Management Association, The computer is a surprisingly seductive device: it tempts us with the promise of its great power, but also entices the unwary to overstep the bounds of manageable complexity. Managers, business owners, computer literate individuals, and software developers alike are all seeking an understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and wondering what its uses might be. In this literate and easy-to-read discussion, Derek Partridge helps us understand what AI can and cannot do. Topics discussed include: -- strengths and weaknesses of software development and engineering -- the promises and problems of machine learning -- expert systems and success stories -- practical software through artificial intelligence, and more.

Software Process

Software Process

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fuggetta, Alfonso / Wolfe, A. / Wolfe, Alexander, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, The papers in this collection represent the spectrum of activities in the area of software process. Together they present a picture of software process as an important component of the software engineering enterprise, one that is supported by sound technological advances, objective evaluation criteria and significant experience in putting improved processes into place.

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Software Process
First Aid at Sea 6th Edition

First Aid at Sea 6th Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Colin Berry Douglas Justins, PUBLISHER: Adlard Coles, NA

Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Autori: Steve Halladay, Michael Wiebel Anno: Lingua: INGLESE Argomento: Informatica, Programmazione, C++ Sottolineature a matita.

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Vibrations in Rotating Machinery

Vibrations in Rotating Machinery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Professional Engineering Publishers, PUBLISHER: Professional Engineering Publishing, NA



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: Langenscheidt Publishers Incorporated, NA

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: WINE: UPDATED 6TH EDITION
Taxation of Trusts and NGOs 6th Edition

Taxation of Trusts and NGOs 6th Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Manoj Fogla, PUBLISHER: Taxmann Publications Pvt Ltd, NA

IPod nano 6th

IPod nano 6th

Vendo iPod nano 6th ancora nella scatola originale, mai aperto, colore graphite, 16GB Prezzo trattabile

Offerte relazionate software engineering 6th edition i sommerville: IPod nano 6th
Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dandy, G. C. / Dandy / Warner, R., PUBLISHER: Spons Architecture Price Book, This comprehensive introduction to the scope and nature of engineering offers students a commonsense approach to the solution of engineering problems. Case studies and real-world examples are used to illustrate the role of the engineer, the type of work involved and the methodology employed in engineering practice.
