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Sit' n go strategy - Collin moshman

Sit' n go strategy - Collin moshman

Vendo libro di poker usato



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Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Libro
Poker texas hold'em - Sit'n go strategy

Poker texas hold'em - Sit'n go strategy

Libro usato ma in buone condizioni, ci sono alcune sottolineature e l'ultima pagina è parzialmente strappata. Spese di spedizione da concordare. Possibilità di ritiro a mano a Brescia e limitrofi

Libri di Poker in lingua italiana

Libri di Poker in lingua italiana

Vengo 3 libri di poker nello specifico: ONLINE CASH GAME NO LIMIT HOLD'EM 6 MAX....HEADS UP NO LIMIT.... SIT'N GO STRATEGY... Comprati per 105 euro NO PERDITEMPO

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Libri di Poker in lingua italiana
Libri poker

Libri poker

Solo in blocco non scambio con nulla.titoli Sit and go strategy, ogni mano rivelata gusto Hansen, harrington vol 3, sklansky no limit hold em, hold em da torneo, poker mindset ian Taylor, Texas hold em odds e probabilitĂ , il nuovo poker Flavio Ferrero zumbini, il grande libro del poker, tournament poker advenced sklansky, poker strategy Daniel negreanu.

Libri poker

Libri poker

Salve come da titolo vendo libri per poker. Condizioni ottime, letti e riposti in libreria. I prezzi sono i seguenti: Harrington vol.1: 30? Harrington vol.2: 30? Harrington vol.3: 30? Il libro dei bluff: 25? Super system 1: 35? Super system 2: 32? Analytical no-limit holdem: 32? Power holdem strategy: 32? Odds e probabilitĂ : 22? Sit'n go strategy: 32? Killer poker online: 22? Online cash game: 25? (Prezzi comprensivi di spese di spedizione) PossibilitĂ  naturalmente di acquisti multipli. Per maggiori chiarimenti o fotografie non esitate a contattarmi. Grazie

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Libri poker
Sit 537 abc sit 507 efd

Sit 537 abc sit 507 efd

Disponibilita schede accensione marca sit 537 abc o sit 507 efd e anche altri modelli con posibilita di montaggio solo su roma

Libri poker

Libri poker

Vendo libri per imparare a giocare a poker. Uno tratta argomento heads'up, ovvero giocare testa a testa. L'altro riguarda i sit e go, che prevede il gioco da 6 giocatori a 9giocatori. Scritti dal professionista di poker Colin Moshman.Entrambi sono ottimi libri per chi vuole sia imparare che migliorare la propria strategia di gioco. Entrambi sono libri nuovissimi, sembrano illibati, tenuti benissimo. Il prezzo originale è 35 euro cadauno. Li vendo a 20 euro ciascuno.

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Libri poker
PASSEGGINO doppio Sit N Stand

PASSEGGINO doppio Sit N Stand

PASSEGGINO doppio Sit N Stand della Baby Trend con possibilitĂ  per il secondo bambino di stare in piedi sulla pedana Ottime condizioni.

Marketing Planning and Strategy

Marketing Planning and Strategy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jain, Subhash C. / Haley, George T., PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, Marketing Planning and Strategy is designed for courses at the junior/senior-level in marketing strategy, business unit strategy analysis, strategic market planning, marketing planning, strategic marketing management and advanced marketing. It focuses on building the strategic skills necessary to compete in the global economy by using a variety of analytical frameworks to understand how companies formulate strategy, make strategic decisions, and how they implement strategy. This text focuses on marketing strategy from the viewpoint of the business unit and clearly distinguishes marketing strategy from marketing management.

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Marketing Planning and Strategy
I segreti di Babilonia, Headline, Collin, Misteri

I segreti di Babilonia, Headline, Collin, Misteri

I segreti di Babilonia, Headline, Collin, Misteri d'Oriente n.4, 1°Ed. EL . Librogame. Il libro è in ottimo stato. Sul retro piccola abrasione in corrispondenza del prezzo. Registro d'equipaggiamento senza scritte. 2 euro piego di libri semplice, 5 raccomandato (tracciabile). Spedizioni in imballi rigidi e antipioggia.

Brand Narrative Strategy

Brand Narrative Strategy

Brand Narrative Strategy. Il segreto dell'onda. Alberto De Martino. Franco Angeli Editore

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Brand Narrative Strategy
Robot serie go nagai collection

Robot serie go nagai collection

Vendo i seguenti go nagai N°43 Marchesa Yanus N°92 Dokaider N°53 Gratonios N°27 Doublas M2 N°79 Professor Procton N° 1 daltanious (solo robot)

Judicial Minimalism - For and Against: Proceedings of the

Judicial Minimalism - For and Against: Proceedings of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: n/a, PUBLISHER: Franz Steiner Verlag, In his Kobe Lecture, Cass Sunstein reflects upon his judicial minimalism, a doctrine asserting that the proper role of the judiciary is to go narrow and shallow, collectively making minimal changes to its jurisprudence. He goes beyond judicial minimalism by reflecting on the goal and conditions that make the minimalist strategy reasonable, culminating in the conclusion that there are situations when a different strategy is more efficient.Ten commentators carefully examine Sunstein's legal theory, especially his arguments for and against judicial minimalism. Sunstein himself replies to the comments by appealing to the notion of fallibility. This book attempts to evaluate the pros and cons of judicial minimalism as an important strategy for legal interpretation. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Judicial Minimalism - For and Against: Proceedings of the
Cavo USB per TomTom GO 500

Cavo USB per TomTom GO 500

Compatibile con: TomTom ONE V1, Rider 2, GO 910, GO 700, GO 510, GO 500, GO 300,

Gioco Golf Strategy

Gioco Golf Strategy

Golf Strategy, gioco per gli appassionati di golf con 18 planimetrie. Prezzo di listino Massima serieta' Eventuali spese di spedizione escluse

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Gioco Golf Strategy
Monpattino stop'n go

Monpattino stop'n go


ABDOMINAZER blu x sit up addominali

ABDOMINAZER blu x sit up addominali

ABDOMINAZER blu x sit up addominali Attrezzo comodo maneggevole in materiale trasportabile e leggero azzurro per fare esercizi addominali abdominazer sit up.Comodo piccolo da poter nascondere sotto il letto od armadio ritiro CinecittĂ  est

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Seggiolonr chicco I-sit

Seggiolonr chicco I-sit

Bellissimo seggiolone I-sit utilizzabile in tre diverse posizioni segue la crescita del bambino da 6 mesi a 15 anni circa ?50

Computer Games II

Computer Games II

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Levy, David N. L. / Wilcox, Bruce / Thorpe, Edward O., PUBLISHER: Ishi Press, Computer Games II is the second volume in a two-part compendium of papers covering the most important material available on the development of computer strategy games. These selections range from discussions of mathematical analysis of games, to more qualitative concerns of whether a computer game should follow human thought processes rather than a "brute force" approach, to papers which will benefit readers trying to program their own games. Next to chess, more has been written about computer Go than any other strategy game. Selections by Bruce Wilcox, a major contributor to the development of computer Go, are included here. This volume also contains papers on Othello, a game of pure skill which has been programmed successfully enough to win against a human World Champion, and Poker, which adds the dimensions of bluff and uncertainty to the challenge of computer game programming. Games in this volume include: OthelloPoker GoHearts Go-MokuBridge BridgeQubic DominoesPush-Over DamaChemin-De-Fer Othello is a registered trademark of the Anjar Company, Inc. Computer Games I, the companion volume, covers the following games: Backgammon Chess Checkers Scrabble David Levy, the editor of these volumes, is an International Chess Master. He is chairman of a company in England which specializes in programming strategy games.

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Computer Games II
Riduttore cuscino per seggiolone

Riduttore cuscino per seggiolone

Riduttore cuscino imbottito per seggiolone in legno, adatto a tutti i seggioloni della ditta Roba Baumann Sit Up ), Grow Up (), Sit Up Maxi () und Sit Up Super Maxi (). Lavabile in lavatrice a 30° ATTENZIONE NON E' UN GIOCATTOLO

Go go furl real

Go go furl real

Go go originale cagnolino interattivo come nuovo

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Tastiera Color sit

Tastiera Color sit

Vendo tastiera color sit con ingresso pin jack. Possiede tasti di controllo in alto a destra,come volume,mute,e_mai etc.

Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of

Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mintzberg, Henry / Ahlstrand, Bruce / Lampel, Joseph, PUBLISHER: Free Press, "Strategy Safari, " the international bestseller on strategy by leading management thinker Henry Mintzberg and his colleagues Bruce Ahlstrand and Joseph Lampel, is widely considered a classic work in the field. No other book synthesizes the entire history and evolution of strategic management in so lively and entertaining a fashion. Since the initial publication of "Strategy Safari, " managers, consultants, and academics all over the world have found this book an indispensable and delightful tool -- it has been translated into more than ten languages, including Chinese, Russian, and French, and has been used in top MBA programs worldwide. "Strategy Safari" makes sense of a field that often seems to make no sense. Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, and Lampel pair their sweeping vision of strategy making with an authoritative catalog in which they identify ten schools of strategy that have emerged over the past four decades. Why struggle through the vast, confusing terrain of strategy formation? With clarity and depth, "Strategy Safari" maps the strategic landscape and facilitates intelligent, informed strategy formation. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate sit n go strategy collin moshman: Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of
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Valvola gas SIT

Vendo valvola gas SIT 822 NOVA perfettamente funzionante
