NYSTCE Last Liberal Arts and Sciences Test 001
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wynne, Sharon A., PUBLISHER: Xam Online.com, Review for your Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST) with confidence using XAMonline's sate-aligned LAST study guide, which offers comprehensive content for the sub-areas of Scientific, Mathematic, and Technological Processes; Historical and Social Scientific Awareness; Artistic Expression and the Humanities; and Communication and Research Skills. Sample test questions, over 80 in total, are provided at the end of each content area to help you practice and prepare for the real exam. Check your responses using the detailed answer rationales. In addition to a brand new layout, this edition features a bonus Assessment of Teaching Skills- Written (ATS-W) section. Get the guide that gets results and start studying today for your Liberal Arts and Sciences Test You can also purchase flashcards at www.xamonline.com for additional help.