science 100 scientists who changed the world

2LP Bowie"The man who sold the world" Vinili verdi

2LP Bowie"The man who sold the world" Vinili verdi

Doppio LP di David Bowie "The man who sold the world" del . Edizione limitata della Ryko Analogue. Vinili verdi trasparenti. Gatefold Nuovo Vasta collezione di vinili nuovi italiani e stranieri Per ricerche particolari contattatemi

Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and

Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Arthur I., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), How can new knowledge be created from already existing knowledge? "Insights of Genius" shows how seeing is central to the greatest advances of the human intellect. Artists and scientists alike rely on visual representations of worlds both visible and invisible. "Insights of Genius, " first published by Copernicus in , explores the creative leaps that led some of the greatest scientists and artists to dramatically transform how we understand nature. The scope of figures runs from Galileo and da Vinci to Einstein and Picasso. Focusing on the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the age of modern art and modern physics, the book travels through the philosophy of mind and language, cognitive science, neurophysiology, and art history. "Insights of Genius" discusses intuition, aesthetics, realism, representation, metaphors, and visual imagery. Allied to these concepts are causality, relativity, energy conservation, entropy, the correspondence principle, scientific creativity, and Cubism. Running through the book is the idea that science extends our intuition from common sense to an understanding of a world beyond our perception.

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A Vision for Science Education: Responding to Peter

A Vision for Science Education: Responding to Peter

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cross, Roger / Cross, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, One of the most important and consistent voices in the reform of science education over the last thirty years has been that of Peter Fensham. His vision of a democratic and socially responsible science education for all has inspired change in schools and colleges throughout the world. Often moving against the tide, Fensham travelled the world to promote his radical ideology. He was appointed Australia's first Professor of Science Education, and was later made a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his work in this new and emerging field of study. In this unique book, leading science educators from around the world examine and discuss Fensham's key ideas. Each describes how his arguments, proposals and recommendations have affected their own practice, and extend and modify his message in light of current issues and trends in science education. The result is a vision for the future of science teaching internationally. Academics, researchers and practitioners in science education around the world will find this book a fascinating insight into the life and work of one of the foremost pioneers in science education. The book will also make inspiring reading for postgraduate students of science education.

David Bowie The Man Who Sold The World CD

David Bowie The Man Who Sold The World CD

David Bowie The Man Who Sold The World CD Vendo Eu 5,90 tel.

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: David Bowie The Man Who Sold The World CD
The edge of darkness

The edge of darkness

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chase, Mary Ellen, PUBLISHER: Norton, How the mystery of the Bible's greatest story shaped geology: a MacArthur Fellow presents a surprising perspective on Noah's Flood.In Tibet, geologist David R. Montgomery heard a local story about a great flood that bore a striking similarity to Noah's Flood. Intrigued, Montgomery began investigating the world's flood stories and--drawing from historic works by theologians, natural philosophers, and scientists--discovered the counterintuitive role Noah's Flood played in the development of both geology and creationism. Steno, the grandfather of geology, even invoked the Flood in laying geology's founding principles based on his observations of northern Italian landscapes. Centuries later, the founders of modern creationism based their irrational view of a global flood on a perceptive critique of geology. With an explorer's eye and a refreshing approach to both faith and science, Montgomery takes readers on a journey across landscapes and cultures. In the process we discover the illusive nature of truth, whether viewed through the lens of science or religion, and how it changed through history and continues changing, even today.

Firsts: Origins of Everyday Things That Changed the World

Firsts: Origins of Everyday Things That Changed the World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Casey, Wilson, PUBLISHER: Alpha Books, For anyone who ever wanted to know the history of the chocolate chip cookie, earmuffs, and Daylight Savings... Firsts-history through the milestones of human achievement-are fun. And Wilson Casey, trivia expert, has collected over 500 firsts in nearly every major category of culture: from fashion to food, politics to science, entertainment to art to architecA-ture. Each "first" is a full explanation of the topic at hand, written in a humorous yet authoritative style. It includes: a The true history of the golf tee a How a blind man came up with cruise control a The myth behind the origins of the Caesar salad a Why and how the first dieter dieted

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: Firsts: Origins of Everyday Things That Changed the World
Whig Loyalism: An aspect of political ideology in the

Whig Loyalism: An aspect of political ideology in the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: William Benton, PUBLISHER: Associated University Presses, Re-examines the causes of the American Revolution, looking at those men in leadership positions who actively supported the pre-revolutionary movement, but who after changed their minds, and opposed the Revolution to such an extent that they became Loyalists.

Botanizers: Amateur Scientists in Nineteenth-Century America

Botanizers: Amateur Scientists in Nineteenth-Century America

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keeney, Elizabeth B., PUBLISHER: University of North Carolina Press, Keeney examines the role of botany in the lives of nineteenth-century 'botanizers,' amateur scientists who collected, identified, and preserved plant specimens as a pastime. Using popular magazines, fiction, and autobiographies of the day, she explores the popular culture of this avocation, which attracted both men and women by the thousands.

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: Botanizers: Amateur Scientists in Nineteenth-Century America


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: IAN KERSHAW, PUBLISHER: ALLEN LANE, The newest immensely original undertaking from the historian who gave us the defining two-volume portrait of Hitler, "Fateful Choices" puts Ian Kershawas analytical and storytelling gifts on dazzling display. From May to December , the leaders of the worldas six major powers made a series of related decisions that determined the final outcome of World War II and shaped the course of human destiny. As the author examines the connected stories of these profound choices, he restores a sense of drama and contingency to this pivotal moment, producing one of the freshest, most important books on World War II in yearsaone with powerful contemporary relevance.

Measuring the Universe: Our Historic Quest to Chart the

Measuring the Universe: Our Historic Quest to Chart the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ferguson, Kitty, PUBLISHER: Walker & Company, More than years ago, Eratosthenes, in Alexandria, used a stick, a hole in the ground, sunllght at summer solstice, and elementary geometry to measure the circumference of the Earth with surprising accuracy, long before anyone was able to circumnavigate it. Today, scientists are attempting to measure the entire universe and to determine its origin. Although the methods have changed, the quest to chart the horizons of space and time continues to be one of the great adventures of science. "Measuring the Universe" is an eloquent chronicle of the men and women- from Aristarchus to Cassini, Sir Isaac Newton to Henrietta Leavitt and Stephen Hawking-who have gradually unlocked the mysteries of "how far" and in so doing have changed our ideas about the size and nature of the universe and our place in it. Kitty Ferguson reveals their methods to have been as inventive as their results were-and are-eye-opening. Advances such as Copernicus's revolutionary insights about the arrangement of the solar system, William Herschel's meticulous creation of the first three-dimensional map of the universe, and Edwin Hubble's astonishing discovery that the universe is expanding have by turns revolutionized our concept of the universe. Connecting centuries of breakthroughs with the political and cultural events surrounding them, Ferguson makes astronomy part of the sweep of history. To measure the seemingly immeasurable, scientists have always pushed the boundaries of the imagination-today, for example, facing the paradox of an ever-expanding universe that doesn't appear to expand "into" anything. In Kitty Fergeson's skillfill hands, the unimaginable becomes accessible and the splendid quest something we all can share.

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: Measuring the Universe: Our Historic Quest to Chart the
Einstein Anderson #1: The Howling Dog and Other Stories

Einstein Anderson #1: The Howling Dog and Other Stories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Simon, Seymour, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins Publishers, Match wits with Einstein Anderson, a twelve-year-old whiz kid who uses science to solve the most mind-boggling of mysteries. This book contains ten baffling puzzlers combining basic science skills with downright fun. Here you'll find: The Rotating Rollerblades The Howling Dog The Incredible Shrinking Machine The Universal Solvent The Strange Museum The Heavy Weight The Flying-Saucer People The Angry Bull The Disappearing Cookies The Baseball Pitching Challenge.

The Story of the Bible

The Story of the Bible

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pingry, Patricia A., PUBLISHER: Ideals Publications, This spectacular volume spans the time from the pyramids to the present day. Here are the stories of the writing of Genesis and Joshua, the times and tribulations of the prophets, the songs and Psalms of David, the story of the wisest man in the world, Solomon, and accounts of the fall of Judea and Israel. There is the triumphant story of Jesus Christ and His apostles, from the twelve to Luke and Paul, perhaps the most influential man in the history of Christianity. But the story doesn't stop there. There is the account of the Gutenberg press that changed Bible making forever, the story of Jerome, Wyckliff, and Tyndale, who suffered for their work. And finally, this story of the Bible ends with the making of what has been called the greatest literary achievement in the world, The Authorized King James Version of .

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: The Story of the Bible
No More Dodos: How Zoos Help Endangered Wildlife

No More Dodos: How Zoos Help Endangered Wildlife

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nirgiotis, Nicholas / Nirgiotis, Theodore, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, Uncover the intriguing, and often mysterious, world of science in Lerner's Discovery series. From late-breaking hot topics to conundrums whose answers have been concealed for centuries, books in this series provide in-depth coverage of science topics that young readers everywhere will find fascinating Supports the national science education standards Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems, Order, and Organization; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Constancy, Change, and Measurement; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Evolution and Equilibrium; Life Science; and Science in Personal and Social Perspectives as outlined by the National Academics of Science and endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association.

Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of

Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cobern, William W. / Cobern, W. W., PUBLISHER: Springer, The primary goal of Everday Thoughts about Nature is to understand how typical ninth-grade students and their science teachers think about Nature or the natural world, and how their thoughts are related to science. In pursuing this goal, the book raises a basic question about the purpose of science education for the public. Should science education seek to educate scientific thinkers' in the pattern of science teachers? Or, should science education seek to foster sound science learning within the matrices of various cultural perspectives? By carefully examining the ideas about Nature held by a group of students and their science teachers, Cobern argues that the purpose of science education for the public is to foster sound science learning within the matrices of various cultural perspectives'. Cobern's two books, World View Theory and Science Education Research and now Everyday Thoughts about Nature, provide complementary accounts of theoretical and empirical foundations for worldview theory in science education. While many graduate students and researchers have benefited from his earlier work, many more will continue to benefit from this book.

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of
Competing Truths

Competing Truths

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coleman, Richard J., PUBLISHER: T&T Clark, Pushes the discussion of science and religion beyond the paradigms of comparison and contrast, opposition and competition, into the use of narrative truth as a means for both scientists and theologians to continue seeking the truth.

Goethe's Way of Science

Goethe's Way of Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seamon, David / Zajonc, Arthur, PUBLISHER: State University of New York Press, Though best known for his superlative poetry and plays, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe () also produced a sizable body of scientific work that focused on such diverse topics as plants, color, clouds, weather, and geology. Goethe's way of science is highly unusual because it seeks to draw together the intuitive awareness of art with the rigorous observation and thinking of science. Written by major scholars and practitioners of Goethean science today, this book considers the philosophical foundations of Goethe's approach and applies the method to the real world of nature, including studies of plants, animals, and the movement of water. Part I discusses the philosophical foundations of the approach and clarifies its epistemology and methodology; Part II applies the method to the real world of nature; and Part III examines the future of Goethean science and emphasizes its great value for better understanding and caring for the natural environment.

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: Goethe's Way of Science
Tell the World

Tell the World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: WritersCorps / Alexie, Sherman, PUBLISHER: Harper Teen, Through poetry we tell the world who we are, where we're from, what we love, what we think, how we feel, and why we hope. "Tell the World" is a stunning collection of poems by teens who have taken part in workshops run by WritersCorps, a national alliance of literary arts programs for youth. Their words represent the thoughts, hopes, and dreams of teens everywhere, offering both insight and empathy.

Overview Series Endngrd Anmls & Habitats: Turtles & Tortoise

Overview Series Endngrd Anmls & Habitats: Turtles & Tortoise

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawxhurst, Joan C., PUBLISHER: Lucent Books, Fulfills the standards: "Science as Inquiry" and "Life Science" from the National Science Education Standards for Grades 5-8.

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: Overview Series Endngrd Anmls & Habitats: Turtles & Tortoise
Integrated Science

Integrated Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tillery, Bill W. / Enger, Eldon / Ross, Frederick C., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill, Integrated Science is a straight forward, easy-to-read, but substantial introduction to the fundamental behavior of matter and energy in living and nonliving systems. It is intended to serve the needs of non-science majors who are required to complete one or more science courses as part of a general or basic studies requirement. It introduces basic concepts and key ideas while providing opportunities for students to learn reasoning skills and a new way of thinking about their environment. No prior work in science is assumed. The language, as well as the mathematics, is as simple as can be practical for a college-level science course. Acquista Ora

Zippo The Who

Zippo The Who

Zippo NUOVO con confezione, tutto originale loggato con il simbolo " Nukes " North American Tour " Fallout Shelter " della progressive-hard rock band inglese anni ' The Who...Who is Who ?...Quadrophenia...The kids are allright...Tommy...

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: Zippo The Who
In Defense of Science: Why Scientific Literacy Matters

In Defense of Science: Why Scientific Literacy Matters

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spellman, Frank R. / Price-Bayer, Joni, PUBLISHER: Government Institutes, Today, only a few people outside of the scientific community are conversant with the tradition of science and its many breakthroughs. The rest are scientifically illiterate. So say Frank R. Spellman and Joni Price-Bayer, authors of In Defense of Science: Why Scientific Literacy Matters. This book explains why ordinary citizens need to have an understanding of science, its methods, and its groundbreaking discoveries. The authors introduce the most basic scientific concepts in accessible and straightforward language. Along the way they debunk several misconceptions of science and scientists, and arrive at a view of science as an integral part of society, policy, and everyday life. The book begins with an introduction to science and its basic concepts, including a brief and entertaining history of science and scientific discoveries, before taking on current views of science in society. It surveys the many sources of our ideas of science, including pop culture, classics of literature, news media, and political discourse. Much of the information from these sources tends to mislead, and the only way to guard against such misinformation is to become scientifically literate, and promote scientific literacy in society. The book therefore delves into the reasons that so many people do not understand basic scientific principles and do not keep up with scientific breakthroughs, and finishes by examining the current state of science education. It includes many resources for further reading, and is presented in an engaging and entertaining way. It offers much food for thought for anyone concerned with science in today's world.

Talking Science

Talking Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, Adam Hart / Hart-Davis, Adam, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Adam Hart Davis has interviewed some of the most influential scientists and thinkers of our time. In this fascinating insight into modern science he presents the stories behind the science, the difficulties behind the discoveries and the future of the findings, as explained by the people themselves. Adam Hart Davis talks with: Jocelyn Bell Burnell (Bath, UK) Sir Michael Berry (Bristol, UK) Colleen Cavanaugh (Harvard, US) Richard Dawkins (Oxford, UK). Loren Graham (MIT, US) Richard Gregory (Bristol, UK) Eric Lander (MIT, US) Lord May of Oxford (UK) John Maynard Smith (Sussex, UK) Rosalind Picard (MIT, US) Peter Raven (St Louis, US) Sir Martin Rees (Cambridge, UK) Eugenie Scott (Oakland, US) Lewis Wolpert (UCL, UK)

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: Talking Science
Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and

Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Numbers, Ronald L., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, If we want nonscientists and opinion-makers in the press, the lab, and the pulpit to take a fresh look at the relationship between science and religion, Ronald Numbers suggests that we must first dispense with the hoary myths that have masqueraded too long as historical truths. Until about the s, the dominant narrative in the history of science had long been that of science triumphant, and science at war with religion. But a new generation of historians both of science and of the church began to examine episodes in the history of science and religion through the values and knowledge of the actors themselves. Now Ronald Numbers has recruited the leading scholars in this new history of science to -puncture the myths, from Galileo's incarceration to Darwin's deathbed conversion to Einstein's belief in a personal God who "didn't play dice with the universe." The picture of science and religion at each other's throats persists in mainstream media and scholarly journals, but each chapter in "Galileo Goes to Jail" shows how much we have to gain by seeing beyond the myths.

The Naked Mole-Rat Mystery: Scientific Sleuths at Work

The Naked Mole-Rat Mystery: Scientific Sleuths at Work

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jarrow, Gail / Sherman, Paul / Mendez, Raymond A., PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, Uncover the world of science in Lerner's Discovery series. From late-breaking hot topics to conundrums that have been mysteries for decades, books in the Discovery series provide in-depth coverage of science topics.

Offerte relazionate science 100 scientists who changed the world: The Naked Mole-Rat Mystery: Scientific Sleuths at Work
The Evolution Book

The Evolution Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stein, Sara Bonnett / Beame, Rona, PUBLISHER: Workman Publishing, How did life begin? What makes the continents move? Are Birds really dinosaurs? The answers to such questions can be discovered by reading the ancient messages left on the earth. Sara Stein, author of "The Science Book" and "The Body Book," involves children, who are earth's newest inhabitants, in exploring beaches, mountains, woodlands, and swamps and unlocking the ancient secrets of the world. Scores of fascinating projects range from raising tadpoles and preserving snake skins and paw prints to making a plankton net, a plant press, and seaweed pudding. Hundreds of drawings and photographs are featured throughout. Selection of the Children's Book-of-the-Month Club. Winner of the New York Academy of Sciences Children's Science Book Award, First Prize. Suitable for ages copies in print.
