Roboz: A Painter's Paradox
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor, John Russell, PUBLISHER: David Messum, Zsuszi Roboz the person is a unique mixture of British and exotic; Zsuzsi Roboz the artist is a unique mixture of Classical and Romantic. Though she was born and raised in Hungary, a dramatic series of events brought her to Britain in her teens, and all her subsequent life has been spent there. Her art is in once sense intensely Romantic, concerned with the mysterious and magical life of the imagination. But it is all founded on a finely disciplined grasp of classic draughtsmanship, acquired from the best sources: she was one of Annigoni's favourite pupils. This book tells her story, its agonies and ecstasies, and traces the roots of her passionate art. Along the way she has known and portrayed many extraordinary men and women, especially those - the musicians, the dancers, the actors, the painters, the girls of the Windmill - who have been one way and another connected with the arts. Her portrait drawings range from Spanish gypsies and Croatian peasants to aristocratic grandees and the great beaut