retardation in young children developmental study of

Retardation in Young Children: A Developmental Study of

Retardation in Young Children: A Developmental Study of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Broman / Broman, Sarah H. / Nichols, Paul L., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Results of the Collaborative Perinatal Project report disclose the risk factors for mental retardation found in children examined from the prenatal period to age seven. Both biological and social risk factors are analyzed for both severe and mild cognitive deficits. The authors of this volume investigated the etiologies of the neurological subgroups of the retarded and reveal, through comparisons with non-retarded groups, important population factors related to normal cognitive development.

Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth to Eight

Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth to Eight

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Allen, K. Eileen / Allen-Morotz / Allen, Eileen K., PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, This Third Edition book offers a comprehensive, yet concise, guide to the development of young children. Parents, caregivers, and educators alike will find this book interesting and informative. This book covers the physical, cognitive, and affective development of children from prebirth through age eight. Developmental milestones are described in a nontechnical style that provides basic knowledge, informing readers of what they can expect and how they can provide appropriate learning experiences at each stage of development.

Offerte relazionate retardation in young children developmental study of: Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth to Eight
Play and Educational Theory and Practice

Play and Educational Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnston, M. C. / Lytle, Don / Lytle, Donald E., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Combining the research talents of many long-standing members of the Association for the Study of Play, this work provides discussions of the theory and applied value of play, as well as ongoing research from America, Australia, Taiwan, and Korea. The developmental and educational theories of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky are analyzed in several chapters. The world's premiere play scholar, Brian Sutton-Smith, continues his seminal play theory work, following up on previously presented findings and constructing a developmental theory of play based on emotions. Chapters address: Play as a parody of emotional vulnerability Learning to observe children at play Symbolic play through the eyes and words of children The activities of children at recess in middle school Professors, teachers, scholars, and university students interested in early childhood education, child development, play theory and practice, and preschool and elementary education will find this volume of interest.

Imagining the Impossible: Magical, Scientific, and Religious

Imagining the Impossible: Magical, Scientific, and Religious

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rosengren, Karl S. / Johnson, Carl N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The study of early cognitive development has emphasized the way in which young children act like scientists, testing and revising theories about the physical, biological, and psychological world. Evidence of this early understanding of the natural order has led researchers to reconsider children's thinking about magical, religious, or otherwise supernatural orders. The present volume offers reviews of new lines of research on children's thinking that stretch beyond the ordinary boundaries of reality. More than being "little scientists," children are here considered as "little magicians," "little metaphysicians," "little theologians" and "little story tellers" or "dramatists," imagining other-worldly possibilities.

Offerte relazionate retardation in young children developmental study of: Imagining the Impossible: Magical, Scientific, and Religious
Teaching Developmentally

Teaching Developmentally

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gang, Fay, PUBLISHER: High Noon Books, Here is a handbook that shows the developmental milestones (from "0" to 80 months) children pass through in their journey to competent skills in reading, spelling, numbers, and handwriting. Each chapter is devoted to the developmental stages for each academic skill and includes a case study which cross-references intervention activities.

Developmental Psychology - A Reader

Developmental Psychology - A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David Messer, David / Messer, David / Dockrell, Julie, PUBLISHER: Hodder Arnold Publishers, This is a lively and stimulating resource for all students of child development. The book begins with an overview of the field, placing the subsequent readings in context within the discipline. It includes classic essays and important recent research, divided into six sections which reflect the major areas of study in developmental psychology: starting off in life; language and communication; cognition and representation; literacy and numeracy; others and their influence; and towards adulthood. In addition the editors have provided suggestions for using the reader and for developing related study skills. Ideal for students in developmental psychology, the book will also interest students in education, social work, and health professions.

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The Peaceful Way: A Children's Guide to the Traditions of

The Peaceful Way: A Children's Guide to the Traditions of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Iedwab, Claudio A. / Standefer, Roxanne / Standefer, Roxanne L., PUBLISHER: Destiny Books, - The first book on the hows and whys of martial arts practice written especially for children. - More than four million children study some form of martial arts in North America. - Explains the respectful, nonviolent discipline fundamental to all martial arts. - Shows young readers what to expect when they study a martial art--from beginner to Black Belt. "The Peaceful Way" makes it clear that martial arts are not about fighting, rather they are about resolving conflict in life. The key word in the practice of martial arts is respect--for teachers, others, and self. By cultivating a positive attitude of humility, honesty, awareness, and discipline, the martial arts student gains both physical and mental focus. In clear, simple language the authors lead young readers into the world of martial arts. From the leaving of shoes at the door of the dojo to the mastery of black-belt skills, they emphasize that a cooperative spirit is the key to success in any martial art. Each point is beautifully illustrated with graphics, sidebars, and anecdotes to hold the young reader's attention. Furthermore, its glossary and references for additional exploration make it the perfect educational tool for the young martial artist and a powerful resource for librarians, parents, teachers, and martial arts educators.

The Secret of Success and Other Stories

The Secret of Success and Other Stories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zuber-Sharfstein, Chana / Mindel, Nissan / Kleinman, Zalman, PUBLISHER: Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, More short stories for young children by the author of "The Call of the Shofar." The title story reveals how the unselfish generosity of on young man brought blessings of wealth and success to many generations of his descendants - the famous House of Rothschild. The theme of charity and kindness recurs in each of these charming tales.

Offerte relazionate retardation in young children developmental study of: The Secret of Success and Other Stories
Cima study text

Cima study text

4 volumi di libri universitari, come nuovi della casa editrice Kaplan. - CIMA C01 Study Text Fundamentals of Management Accounting; - CIMA C02 Study Text Fundamentals of Financial Accounting; - CIMA C03 Study Text Fundamentals of Business Mathematics; - CIMA C05 Study Text Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law. Il prezzo รจ riferito a volume, eventuale spedizione da valutare.

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Girod, Christina M., PUBLISHER: Lucent Books, Children born with the chromosomal abnormality that causes Down Syndrome experience a range of developmental difficulties, some of which can be overcome through schooling and independent living programs.

Offerte relazionate retardation in young children developmental study of: Down Syndrome
Children and Media Outside the Home: Playing and Learning in

Children and Media Outside the Home: Playing and Learning in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vered, Karen Orr, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, Karen Orr Vered demonstrates how children's media play contributes to their acquisition of media literacy. Theorizing after-school care as intermediary space, a large-scale ethnographic study informs this theory-rich and practical discussion of children's media use beyond home and classroom.

Exploring C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia

Exploring C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beetz, Kirk H., PUBLISHER: Beacham Publishing Corporation, Year after year since , The Chronicles of Narnia remains one of the best-selling and best loved children's series of all time. Full of biblical references, myths and legends, the chronicles provide a moral frame for millions of young readers. The Chronicles of Narnia sourcebook traces Lewis's spiritual journey from atheist to Christian, identifies and explains the many uses he makes of the Bible, and takes readers into the land of Narnia as they have never experienced it. The sourcebook includes projects and activities for young readers, questions that generate lively discussion between parents and children, websites for internet research by young surfers, lesson plans for teachers, and resources for librarians.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hart, Tony / Hellard, Susan, PUBLISHER: Callis Editora, Detailing the childhood lives of famous artists, this series shows young readers some of the amazing things that have been accomplished by children. The stories both educate and inspire children to be creative, work hard, and follow their dreams.

Moscow Theatres for Young People: A Cultural History of

Moscow Theatres for Young People: A Cultural History of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Van De Water, Manon, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, "Moscow Theatres for Young People "shows how the totalitarian ideology of the Soviet period shaped the practices of Soviet theatre for youth, as exemplified by the two oldest theatres for children and youth in Moscow: the Central Children's Theatre/RAMT and the Moscow Tiuz. Weaving together politics, economics, pedagogy, and aesthetics the author paints a vivid picture of the theatrical developments in Soviet/Russian theatre for young people from its inception in up to the new millennium, revealing the complex intersections between theatre and its socio-historical conditions.

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Counseling Treatment for Children and Adolescents with

Counseling Treatment for Children and Adolescents with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erk, Robert R., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Designed to give readers a better understanding of children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with an emotional, behavioral, or mental disorder. Disorders are approached from the perspective of the child/adolescent and examined in context; and, each discussion includes practical guidance for assessment and treatment based on the most recent research in the field. To the expertise of the main author are added contributions by several counselor educators, psychologists, and clinicians who directly practice, teach, and focus on key topics addressed in the book. Provides a thorough discussion of the most-commonly diagnosed disorders of children and adolescents, and examines the biological, developmental, and environmental causes of these disorders. Key focus is on psychopathology, DSM-IV, child psychopathology, and child/adolescent counseling. Coverage emphasizes the importance of viewing children and adolescents with DSM-IV-TR disorders within a sound developmental framework. Contains two chapters on treatment planning--one that discusses practical guidelines for planning and one consisting of four case studies. For future counselor educators, psychologists, and clinicians.

Wind and Us

Wind and Us

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Powell, Jillian, PUBLISHER: Smart Apple Media, We may take our planet's weather for granted, but the way it changes is amazing to young children. This new four-book series offers a colorful, eye-opening study of how weather develops and how it affects us.

Offerte relazionate retardation in young children developmental study of: Wind and Us
How to Raise Children of Destiny

How to Raise Children of Destiny

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morgan, Patricia, PUBLISHER: Whitaker House, God has a divine plan for this generation, a plan for the children on this earth. This groundbreaking book reveals the link between the rise of young prophets, priests, and kings in the body of Christ and the God-ordained heads of nations, spiritual leaders, and deliverers responsible for the salvation of a generation. Dr. Patricia Morgan calls godly parents to train their children to be the next generation of leaders and to teach them the strength and power that is found in the covenant promises of the God of their fathers

Vinile 33 Giri ACDC "For Those About to Rock"

Vinile 33 Giri ACDC "For Those About to Rock"

In perfette condizioni. Non rigato. Tracce For Those About to Rock (Young, Young & Johnson) - 5:44 Put the Finger on You (Young, Young & Johnson) - 3:26 Let's Get it Up (Young, Young & Johnson) - 3:54 Inject the Venom (Young, Young & Johnson) - 3:31 Snowballed (Young, Young & Johnson) - 3:23 Evil Walks (Young, Young & Johnson) - 4:24 C. O. D. (Young, Young & Johnson) - 3:19 Breaking the Rules (Young, Young & Johnson) - 4:23 Night of the Long Knives (Young, Young & Johnson) - 3:26 Spellbound (Young, Young & Johnson) - 4:30

Offerte relazionate retardation in young children developmental study of: Vinile 33 Giri ACDC "For Those About to Rock"
Light My World Board Book: Animals

Light My World Board Book: Animals

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kinkade, Thomas / Thomas Nelson Publishers, PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, Children will love exploring the beauty of God's world through the art of Thomas Kinkade. Not only will these board books help young children learn to identify shapes, colors, and animals, they will also foster an early sense of art appreciation. Adults who enjoy the beauty of Thomas Kinkade's art can now share it with their children in these fun, interactive books. "Colors" will delight children as they look for pink dogwood trees, blue flowers, and a red double-decker bus among the other bright objects on its pages. "Shapes" invites the young viewer to find the circles, triangles and hearts in depictions of objects like wreaths, boat sails, and windows. And in "Animals," children will want to look again and again at Kinkade's chickens, sheep, swans, and many other friendly creatures.

Working with Children in the Early Years

Working with Children in the Early Years

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Devereux, Jane / Miller, Linda / Devereux Jane, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers, By offering practitioners working in a variety of early years settings the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills for working with young children, this book builds on the increased government interest in and support for early years provision. The book looks at four key areas: the range of practitioners and the diversity of roles; the different perspectives on early years provision across the UK; the development of children aged 0 to 8; and the importance of play and learning in a young child's care and education. This book pays particular attention to the range of provision available and to the diversity of good practice. The strongly practical approach that underpins the writing provides a clear structure for practitioners to apply to their own contexts, and these different perspectives will help individuals to develop a firm understanding of the issues surrounding how children learn and develop.

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Ghosts and Golems: Haunting Tales of the Supernatural

Ghosts and Golems: Haunting Tales of the Supernatural

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Palmer, Michele / Penn, Malka / Black, Theodor, PUBLISHER: Jewish Publication Society of America, Here is a collection of contemporary tales with 21st-century children as the main characters. The stories are suspenseful and haunting: The spirits are the forces for momentous change in the lives of the children who encounter them--helping them to gain a new understanding of themselves and of their Jewish tradition. So, too, will these stories have a lasting impact upon young readers.

The Christmas Story: From the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

The Christmas Story: From the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnson, Cathy Ann, PUBLISHER: Tommy Nelson, Fully illustrated low-priced picture book which tells the story of Christmas straight from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke using the text from the International Children's Bible, a translation that is easily understood by young children. Perfect for families to read together during the holiday season.

Offerte relazionate retardation in young children developmental study of: The Christmas Story: From the Gospels of Matthew and Luke
Children's Literature Review: Excerpts from Reviews,

Children's Literature Review: Excerpts from Reviews,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morad, Debroah, PUBLISHER: Gale Cengage, This illustrated series covers nearly 600 writers and illustrators for children and young adults. Typical entries consist of a listing of major works and award and excerpts from significant reviews and commentaries on the author's or artist's works.

Children's Book Award Handbook

Children's Book Award Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marks, Diana F. / Frey, Susanne, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, Diana Marks looks at children's and young adult book awards in depth. The history, award criteria, and a biography of the person behind each of the well-known awards is included. Also of interest are lists of the winners in each category, teaching and exploration activities, reproducible teaching aides, and a timeline of events leading up to the establishment of the award. Information about well-known awards is accompanied by information on the lesser known, Pura Belpre, Jane Addams, etc. Information is formatted in quick, easy-to-read tables and charts suitable for classroom duplication. Although some of this information is available online, this is a "one stop" handbook that contains lesser-known awards, and offers activities for enriching the study of each award, whether well-known or not. Grades K-8.

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Small Wonders: Nature Education for Young Children

Small Wonders: Nature Education for Young Children

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hannah Thomas Linda Garrett, PUBLISHER: University Press of New England, NA
