restructuring the impact of hospital organization on

The Demography of Inequality in Brazil

The Demography of Inequality in Brazil

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wood, Charles H. / Carvalho, Jose Alberto Magno / Knight, Alan, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book examines how transformations in Brazil's social, economic and political ong>organizationong> affect ong>theong> demographic behaviour ong>ofong> people who live in different parts ong>ofong> ong>theong> country and who occupy different positions in ong>theong> social system. ong>Theong> authors review ong>theong> history ong>ofong> unequal development and document ong>theong> concentration ong>ofong> income and land ownership. Using data from ong>theong> and censuses, ong>theong>y show how ong>theong> Brazilian style ong>ofong> economic growth unequally affected different population subgroups. Mortality estimates for white and non-white people measure ong>theong> consequences ong>ofong> racial inequality on ong>theong> life chances ong>ofong> children. Oong>theong>r chapters investigate rural out-migration, ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> Amazon colonization schemes on rural poverty, and ong>theong> implications ong>ofong> differential rates ong>ofong> population growth among rich and poor households for future patterns ong>ofong> inequality and underemployment. ong>Theong> overall perspective places ong>theong> concept ong>ofong> inequality at ong>theong> centre ong>ofong> ong>theong> study ong>ofong> demographic and structural change.

Poverty and Economic Reforms: The Social Concerns

Poverty and Economic Reforms: The Social Concerns

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aurora, G., PUBLISHER: Academic Foundation, Based on research carried out in a few villages in South India, this book's chief concern was to examine ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> ong>theong> economic reforms on ong>theong> poor with a focus on levels and intensity ong>ofong> poverty, social dimensions ong>ofong> deprivation, food security, and ong>theong> role ong>ofong> MNCs.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Poverty and Economic Reforms: The Social Concerns
The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Singh, Renuka, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, Giving Buddha's spiritual journey a contemporary dimension, this anthology contains essays by spiritual leaders like His Holiness ong>theong> Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Yeshe on ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> Buddhist philosophy on ong>theong>m. Equally poignant are ong>theong> accounts ong>ofong> oong>theong>rs who, dissatisfied with ong>theong> present world, embark on a search for salvation. Varied and meaningful, ong>Theong> Path ong>ofong> ong>theong> Buddha provides a rare glimpse into Buddhism.

Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law

Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fiadjoe, Albert, PUBLISHER: Routledge Cavendish, Taking a critical look at ong>theong> major areas ong>ofong> constitutional and administrative law, Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law places a firm emphasis on ong>theong> protection ong>ofong> citizens' rights and good governance. ong>Theong> third edition ong>ofong> this book builds on ong>theong> success ong>ofong> ong>theong> previous two editions, setting-out ong>theong> established legal principles through Caribbean cases, along with critique and commentary ong>ofong> ong>theong> law where appropriate. Contemporary issues and changes in Caribbean public law are addressed including: ong>theong> refining ong>ofong> ong>theong> rules governing judicial review; recent cases dealing with ong>theong> death penalty; and ong>theong> likely ong>impactong> on CARICOM initiatives on ong>theong> rights ong>ofong> citizens.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law
The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harper, T. N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is ong>theong> first general social and political history ong>ofong> Malaya. Focusing on ong>theong> years to , ong>theong> last years ong>ofong> British rule and ong>theong> achievement ong>ofong> independence, it embraces a wealth ong>ofong> social, economic and cultural, as well as political ong>theong>mes. It contains new research on ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> ong>theong> Second World War in Malaya, ong>theong> origins and course ong>ofong> ong>theong> Communist Emergency, and ong>theong> response ong>ofong> Malaya's various ethnic communities to nationalism and social change. A concluding chapter takes ong>theong>se ong>theong>mes forward into ong>theong> s to shed new light on ong>theong> emergence ong>ofong> this important Souong>theong>ast Asian nation.

Synopsis of Biological Data on the Northern Pike

Synopsis of Biological Data on the Northern Pike

FAO Fisheries Synopsis: Synopsis ong>ofong> Biological Data on ong>theong> Norong>theong>rn Pike Esox Lucius Linneaus, No 30, Rev 2 Paperback รขโ‚ฌ" by Alexander J.P. Raat (Author) Paperback, 178 pages Publisher: Food & Agriculture ong>Organizationong> ong>ofong> ong>theong> United Nations (FAO); Language: English Euro 200

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Synopsis of Biological Data on the Northern Pike
Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System

Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wasby, Stephen L. / Winkates, James E., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, ong>Theong> fourth edition ong>ofong> this authoritative text has been completely updated through ong>theong> term. New material is presented on ong>theong> Rehnquist Court, ong>theong> Court's recourd on civil liberties, and ong>theong> Clarence Thomas nomination. ong>Theong> text focuses on ong>theong> Supreme Court, but also analyzes oong>theong>r federal courts and ong>theong> entire court system. ong>Theong> Court's political roles are discussed first. ong>Theong> structure ong>ofong> ong>theong> judicial system and ong>theong> ways ong>ofong> selecting federal judges follows. A separate chapter is devoted to ong>theong> role ong>ofong> lawyers and interest groups. ong>Theong> book concludes with an account ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> court rulings.

Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe

Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Park, William / Rees, G. Wyn, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, This is a survey ong>ofong> ong>theong> principle items on ong>theong> European security agenda following ong>theong> end ong>ofong> ong>theong> Cold War. ong>Theong> book focuses on regions where ong>theong> reconsideration ong>ofong> security issues has been particularly prong>ofong>ound and analyzes ong>theong> main security institutions which have survived ong>theong> Cold War including NATO, ong>theong> European Union/Western European Union and ong>theong> ong>Organizationong> for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Also strides ong>theong> Central European countries, Russia and states ong>ofong> ong>theong> former USSR.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe
Culture and Local Development

Culture and Local Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Local Economic and Employment Development, PUBLISHER: ong>Organizationong> for Economic Cooperation & Devel, This publication highlights ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> culture on local economies and ong>theong> methodological issues related to its identification. In particular, ong>theong> book demonstrates that ong>theong> contemporary contribution ong>ofong> culture to economic development is not only limited to attracting tourists, but that it increasingly acts as a catalyst for oong>theong>r activities to furong>theong>r develop through territorial clusters. It also demonstrates ong>theong> power ong>ofong> culture as a tool for ong>theong> social integration ong>ofong> distressed people and communities, thus contributing to sustainable development.

The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liu, Lewis-Guodo, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Since that time, ong>theong> literature on ong>theong> Internet and its ong>impactong> on and role in libraries and research has exploded. A simple keyword search in " Library Literature and Information Index," a primary electronic index ong>ofong> library and information science research literature, retrieves over items related to ong>theong> Internet. ong>Theong> dominance ong>ofong> ong>theong> Internet not only provides great opportunities for libraries to provide better services, but also poses tremendous challenges to librarians and library and information science scholars. This volume includes discussions ong>ofong> current issues and trends, written by scholars and practitioners in ong>theong> fields ong>ofong> library and information science, computer science, and computer engineering.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and
The 360 Degree Leader Workbook: Developing Your Influence

The 360 Degree Leader Workbook: Developing Your Influence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maxwell, John C., PUBLISHER: Nelson ong>Impactong>, In his nearly thirty years ong>ofong> teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I'm not ong>theong> boss? In ong>Theong> 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes ong>theong> discussion even furong>theong>r. You don't have to be ong>theong> main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant ong>impactong> in your ong>organizationong>. Good leaders are not only capable ong>ofong> leading ong>theong>ir followers but are also adept at leading ong>theong>ir superiors and ong>theong>ir peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on ong>theong> challenges, John Maxwell ong>ofong>fers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless ong>ofong> ong>theong>ir position in an ong>organizationong>. By applying Maxwell's principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System in Children

Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System in Children

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelly, Deirdre A., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, ong>Theong> editor is affiliated with ong>Theong> Birmingham Childrens ong>Hospitalong>, UK; ong>theong> 21 contributors are from ong>theong> UK, except for a few from ong>theong> US and Canada. Eighteen chapters are arranged in sections on assessment; ong>theong> neonate; acute disease; older children; metabolic liver disease; management ong>ofong> chronic disease; ong>theong> liver and oong>theong>r organs; surgical management; and transplantation. Coverage is wide, including such aspects as ong>theong> psychology ong>ofong> parents ong>ofong> children on transplant waiting lists to ong>theong> genetic disturbances ong>ofong> bilirubin and bile salt transport in ong>theong> neonate.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System in Children
Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on ong>theong> completion ong>ofong> ong>theong> latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual ong>Organizationong>s synong>theong>sizes ong>theong> latest thinking in knowledge management with ong>theong> design ong>ofong> information technology and ong>theong> Internet-enabled new ong>organizationong> forms. ong>Theong> major emphasis ong>ofong> this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual ong>organizationong>s and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual ong>organizationong>s.

Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American

Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boudreau, Tom / Boudreau, Thomas E. / Carfora, John M., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Believing that current educational policies and practices in American institutions ong>ofong> higher learning contribute to an incoherent, disjunctive, and wasteful four-year experience for many undergraduates, ong>theong> author provides a sense ong>ofong> new direction to aid in ong>theong> ong>restructuringong> and reform ong>ofong> undergraduate education in America. ong>Theong> primary question ong>ofong> ong>theong> work is: How can ong>theong> years ong>ofong> undergraduate education empower ong>theong> student with ong>theong> knowledge and integrated set ong>ofong> skills needed for a lifetime ong>ofong> learning and productive work? Boudreau focuses on ong>theong> primary responsibility ong>ofong> all institutions ong>ofong> higher learning to provide a superior undergraduate education. All oong>theong>r functions ong>ofong> a university should be secondary to this commitment. Unfortunately, this basic premise seems lost today. This work argues that universities must undergo significant reform and renewal, especially at ong>theong> undergraduate level, if ong>theong>y are to prepare students successfully for ong>theong> future.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American
Triage X, Vol. 2

Triage X, Vol. 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sato, Shouji, PUBLISHER: Yen Press, Mochizuki General ong>Hospitalong> boasts some ong>ofong> ong>theong> most well-trained (and well-endowed) nurses in town. But though ong>theong>se ladies spend much ong>ofong> ong>theong>ir day battling disease, ong>theong>ir after-hours are spent fighting a very different sort ong>ofong> disease...Under ong>theong> leadership ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>hospitalong> chairman, a handful ong>ofong> staff members and local teenagers form a group ong>ofong> mercenary assassins, targeting ong>theong> "cancers" ong>ofong> society and excising those individuals before ong>theong>ir wickedness spreads.

Massachusetts General Hospital Manual of Oral and

Massachusetts General Hospital Manual of Oral and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Massachusetts General ong>Hospitalong> / Donong>ofong>f, R. Bruce, PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, This new third edition provides all ong>ofong> ong>theong> essential information residents and surgeons need in a succinct outline format. ong>Theong> manual is packed with a multitude ong>ofong> algorithms that guide ong>theong> reader step-by-step through procedural decisions. ong>Theong> Basic Care Guidelines explain everything from ong>hospitalong> protocols to postoperative care. And ong>theong> Specific Care Guidelines discuss salivary gland disease, odontogenic infection, cancer in ong>theong> oral cavity and oropharynx, nerve injury, and more

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Massachusetts General Hospital Manual of Oral and
On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gall, PUBLISHER: General Books, Title: On ong>theong> Functions ong>ofong> ong>theong> Brain and ong>ofong> Each ong>ofong> Its Parts: With Observations on ong>theong> Possibility ong>ofong> Determining ong>theong> Instincts, Propensities, and Talents, or ong>theong> Moral and Intellectual Dispositions ong>ofong> Men and Animals, by ong>theong> Configuration ong>ofong> ong>theong> Brain and Head Volume: 5-6 Publisher: Boston, Marsh, Capen

The Sinking of the Princess Sophia: Taking the North Down

The Sinking of the Princess Sophia: Taking the North Down

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coates, Ken / Morrison, William, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, On October , ong>theong> Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Sophia left Skagway, Alaska, on its last run ong>ofong> ong>theong> season to Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle. A storm rose and at 2 a.m. it ran aground on Vanderbilt Reef. Rescue vessels were quickly assembled, but ong>theong> storm worsened and ong>theong>y were forced to take shelter ong>theong>mselves. By ong>theong> following morning, ong>theong> Princess Sophia had sunk to ong>theong> bottom ong>ofong> ong>theong> Lynn Canal, taking all ong>ofong> its passengers--a significant cross-section ong>ofong> ong>theong> population ong>ofong> ong>theong> Yukon and Alaska--with it. This volume examines ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> this loss on a society that, with ong>theong> end ong>ofong> ong>theong> gold rush, was already in decline.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: The Sinking of the Princess Sophia: Taking the North Down
Coping with Crisis: Austerity, Adjustment, and Human

Coping with Crisis: Austerity, Adjustment, and Human

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Samong>ofong>f, Joel, PUBLISHER: UNESCO, Drawing on a series ong>ofong> transnational and transdisciplinary UNESCO/ILO studies, this publication considers ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> public education expenditure cuts on resource development, particularly in ong>theong> developing world. It examines ong>theong> crucial issue ong>ofong> structural adjustment and identifies ong>theong> social sectors most sheltered from public spending reductions.

Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for

Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graham, Kevin / Chandler, Gary, PUBLISHER: Pruett Publishing Company, A book showcasing ong>theong> successes ong>ofong> ordinary people whose simple, practical efforts have minimized ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> modern life on ong>theong> environment. Focusing on environmental opportunities and new solutions to old problems, Environmental Heroes demonstrates that anyone can make a positive difference for ong>theong> fate ong>ofong> our planet.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for
The Unified Black Movement in Brazil,

The Unified Black Movement in Brazil,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Covin, David, PUBLISHER: McFarland & Company, This intensive historical study ong>ofong> Brazil's Movimento Negro Unificado centers on ong>theong> political effects and ramifications ong>ofong> ong>theong> group. In order to present a complete picture ong>ofong> ong>theong> MNU, it looks at ong>theong> ong>organizationong> within four separate contexts: international, national, historical and human. Through this approach, ong>theong> MNU is examined in relation to ong>theong> African Diaspora, ong>theong> European colonization ong>ofong> ong>theong> Americas, ong>theong> Atlantic Slave Trade, and ong>theong> development ong>ofong> Brazil as an independent state. From a national perspective, ong>theong> MNU is viewed amid oong>theong>r social ong>organizationong>s and cultural expressions. ong>Theong> result is a detailed study that admits ong>theong> ong>organizationong>'s shortcomings but assesses ong>theong>m contextually, providing a more complete and nuanced understanding ong>ofong> ong>theong> significance ong>ofong> ong>theong> MNU's problems and achievements. Appendices ong>ofong>fer ong>theong> MNU Letter ong>ofong> Principles, ong>theong> Constitution ong>ofong> ong>theong> MNU, ong>theong> preamble to ong>theong> MNU Action Program and ong>theong> MNU Hymn. A glossary is also included.

Handbook of Landscape Archaeology

Handbook of Landscape Archaeology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David, Bruno / Thomas, Julian, PUBLISHER: Left Coast Press, Over ong>theong> past three decades, "landscape" has become an umbrella term to describe many different strands ong>ofong> archaeology. From ong>theong> processualist study ong>ofong> settlement patterns to ong>theong> phenomenologist's experience ong>ofong> ong>theong> natural world, from human ong>impactong> on past environments to ong>theong> environment's ong>impactong> on human thought, action, and interaction, ong>theong> term has been used. In this volume, for ong>theong> first time, over 80 archaeologists from three continents attempt a comprehensive definition ong>ofong> ong>theong> ideas and practices ong>ofong> landscape archaeology, covering ong>theong> ong>theong>oretical and ong>theong> practical, ong>theong> research and conservation, and encasing ong>theong> term in a global framework. As a basic reference volume for landscape archaeology, this volume will be ong>theong> benchmark for decades to come. All royalties on this Handbook are donated to ong>theong> World Archaeological Congress.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: Handbook of Landscape Archaeology
El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-Mining Frontier, African

El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-Mining Frontier, African

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dumett, Raymond E., PUBLISHER: James Currey, Gold mining occupies a central place in ong>theong> economic evolution ong>ofong> Ghana. This text examines ong>theong> period ong>ofong> transition from traditional mining systems to mechanized, capitalized mining companies in ong>theong> Akan area ong>ofong> ong>theong> Gold Coast. Looking at ong>theong> role ong>ofong> African as well as European mining entrepreneurs, female as well as male mining labour, this study encompasses issues ong>ofong> gender, ethnicity, business ong>organizationong>, pressure groups and exploitation. ong>Theong> author seeks to reveal a new complexity in ong>theong> economic and social history ong>ofong> mining in ong>theong> late 19th century. In particular he concludes that it is in ong>theong> individualization ong>ofong> land transfers to mining concessionaires, raong>theong>r than in ong>theong> mobilization ong>ofong> a permanent unskilled wage labour force, that ong>theong> greatest ong>impactong> on economic and social change can be measured.

With the 3rd Wisconsin Badgers: The Living Experience of the

With the 3rd Wisconsin Badgers: The Living Experience of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Raab, Steven S. / Willard, Van R., PUBLISHER: Stackpole Books, Presents an edited version ong>ofong> ong>theong> diary ong>ofong> infantryman Van R. Willard as he lived through such events ong>ofong> ong>theong> Civil War as ong>theong> Battle ong>ofong> Antietam, a lengthy stay at a ong>hospitalong> in Frederick, and ong>theong> Battle ong>ofong> Gettysburg. Throughout ong>theong> editor ong>ofong>fers comments explaining some ong>ofong> ong>theong> events framing ong>theong> narrative ong>ofong> ong>theong> diary.

Offerte relazionate restructuring the impact of hospital organization on: With the 3rd Wisconsin Badgers: The Living Experience of the
Slavery and Colonial Rule in Africa

Slavery and Colonial Rule in Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miers, Suzanne / Klein, Martin A., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Colonial rule started with an endless succession ong>ofong> small, but ong>ofong>ten brutal, wars ong>ofong> conquest, ong>theong> moral justification for which was that ong>theong> European conquerors were bringing 'civilization' to 'darkest Africa'. An intrinsic part ong>ofong> this so-called 'civilizing mission' was ong>theong> eradication ong>ofong> slave raiding, slave trading and slavery, all ong>ofong> which were widespread on ong>theong> continent. Some ong>ofong> ong>theong> studies in this book are on areas where ong>theong>re has been little research, such as ong>theong> German colonies and ong>theong> Algerian Sahara. Oong>theong>rs throw new light on questions already debated, such as emancipation on ong>theong> Gold Coast. Some focus on ong>theong> ong>impactong> ong>ofong> abolition on particular groups ong>ofong> slaves. Among ong>theong> ong>theong>mes considered is ong>theong> role ong>ofong> slaves in ong>theong>ir own emancipation, ong>theong> short and long term results ong>ofong> abolition, ong>theong> role ong>ofong> ong>theong> League ong>ofong> Nations, and ong>theong> vestiges ong>ofong> slavery in Africa today.
