religion and the politics of tolerance how christianity

Religion and the Politics of Tolerance: How Christianity

Religion and the Politics of Tolerance: How Christianity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eisenstein, Marie Ann, PUBLISHER: Baylor University Press, Challenging a widespread belief that religious people are politically intolerant, Marie Ann Eisenstein offers compelling evidence to the contrary. In this surprising and significant book, she thoroughly re-examines previous studies and presents new research to support her argument that there is, in fact, a positive correlation between religious belief and practice and political tolerance in the United States. Eisenstein utilizes sophisticated new analytical tools to re-evaluate earlier data and offers persuasive new statistical evidence to support her claim that religiousness and political tolerance do, indeed, mix - and that religiosity is not the threat to liberal democracy that it is often made out to be.

Christian Theology in Asia

Christian Theology in Asia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kim, Sebastian C. H., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The majority of the world's Christians now live outside Europe and North America, and global Christianity is becoming increasingly diverse. Interest in the history and theology of churches in non-Western contexts is growing rapidly as 'old world' churches face this new reality. This book focuses on how Asian Christian theologies have been shaped by the interaction of Christian communities with the societies around them and how they relate to the specific historical contexts from which they have emerged. The distinctiveness of Asian Christianity is shown to be the outcome of dealing with various historical challenges. Questions addressed include: - How does Asian Christianity relate to local socio-cultural, religious and political environments? - What is distinctive about the historical development of Asian theologies? - How have Asian theologies contributed to contemporary theological discussions within world Christianity?

Offerte relazionate religion and the politics of tolerance how christianity: Christian Theology in Asia
Religion Politics Europe

Religion Politics Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bradley, James E. / Van Kley, Dale K., PUBLISHER: University of Notre Dame Press, Religion and Politics in Enlightenment Europe, a collection of original essays from leading scholars, demonstrates that the collapse of the post-Reformation confessional state was more the result of religious dissent from within, much of it orthodox, than attacks of an anti-religious Enlightenment. In sharp contrast to the Reformation-era religious conflicts which tended to pit Protestant and Catholic confessions and states against each other, the eighteenth-century religious conflicts described in Religion and Politics in Enlightenment Europe took place within the various confessional establishments and states that founded and maintained them, such as Russian Orthodoxy in the East and the Anglican Establishment in England and Ireland. In the course of its analysis, Religion and Politics in Enlightenment Europe destroys the notion of any kind of privileged relationship between "religion" and political or social "reaction." This book reveals the religious roots of modern ideas of individual rights and limitations on government, as well as the imperative of political order and the need for social hierarchy. It also shows the impossibility of any purely secular treatment of eighteenth-century European political history or institutions. Based on fresh, primary research as well as a synthesis of secondary sources, Religion and Politics in Enlightenment Europe turns the familiar eighteenth century of the textbooks upside down and inside out, challenging the dominant narratives of secularization and inevitable conclusion in the French Revolution.

Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious

Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Audi, Robert / Wolterstorff, Nicholas, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This vigorous debate between two distinguished philosophers presents two views on a topic of worldwide importance: the role of religion in politics. Audi argues that citizens in a free democracy should distinguish religious and secular considerations and give them separate though related roles. Wolterstorff argues that religious elements are both appropriate in politics and indispensable to the vitality of a pluralistic democracy. Each philosopher first states his position in detail, then responds to and criticizes the opposing viewpoint.

Offerte relazionate religion and the politics of tolerance how christianity: Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious
Heresy: Ten Lies They Spread about Christianity

Heresy: Ten Lies They Spread about Christianity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coren, Michael, PUBLISHER: Signal Books, Bestselling author Michael Coren explodes popular myths about the history, beliefs, and culture of Christianity. Michael Coren explores why and how Christians and Christian ideas are caricatured in popular media as well as in sophisticated society. He takes on, and debunks, ten great myths about Christianity: that it supports slavery, is racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-intellectual, anti-Semitic, provokes war, resists progress, and is repressive and irrelevant. In a climate that is increasingly as ignorant of Christianity as it is good at condemning it, Coren gives historical background, provides examples of how these attacks are made, and explains the reality of the Christian response, outlining authentic Christian beliefs.

Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of

Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crapo, Richley H., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, This text offers an alternative to the case-driven approach that the sole use of a reader tends to foster. It provides students with ways of conceptualizing what religion is, what its social and psychological functions are, the nature of religious symbolism and religious behavior, and the organizational structure of religions. This text covers all the standard topics (e.g., ideology and symbolism, ritual and ceremony, organizational forms, and social and psychological functions of religion) as well as ones of more recent interest such as religion and gender, the psychology of religion, and pilgrimage. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate religion and the politics of tolerance how christianity: Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of
Regional Politics: America in a Post-City Age

Regional Politics: America in a Post-City Age

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Savitch, H. V. / Vogel, Ronald K., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Bringing together the thoughts of outstanding contributors, Regional Politics presents a comparative study on the emerging regional nature of local and urban politics. Recent studies tend to focus on the politics and power of internal cities or on suburban areas that have gained incredible strength in the past decade. However, this important volume explores how politics work in the extended metropolis or "functional city"--which includes and surrounds the urban core and whose economy, society, and politics are integrally joined. Contributors center on detailed case studies of 10 cities with a look at the development of regional patterns, an analysis of the impact regionalism has on urban politics, and an outline for an overall approach. The comprehensive and state-of-the-art expertise presented in this volume makes Regional Politics ideal for planners, policymakers, academics, researchers, and students in the areas of urban politics, state and local government, and public policy.

Religion and Politics in the Contemporary United States

Religion and Politics in the Contemporary United States

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Griffith, R. Marie / McAlister, Melani, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, This collection of essays from a special issue of American Quarterly explores the complex and sometimes contradictory ways that religion matters in contemporary public life. Religion and Politics in the Contemporary United States offers a groundbreaking, cross-disciplinary conversation between scholars in American studies and religious studies. The contributors explore numerous modes through which religious faith has mobilized political action. They utilize a variety of definitions of politics, ranging from lobbying by religious leaders to the political impact of popular culture. Their work includes the political activities of a very diverse group of religious believers: Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and others. In addition, theA book explores the meanings of religion for people who might contest the term -- those who are spiritual but not religious, for example, as well as activists who engage symbols of faith and community but who may not necessarily consider themselves members of a specific religion. Several essays also examine the meanings of secular identity, humanist politics, and the complex evocations of civil religion in American life. No other book on religion and politics includes anything like the diversity of religions, ethnicities, and topics that this one does -- from Mormon political mobilization to attempts at Americanizing Muslims in the post-9/11 United States, from CA(c)sar ChAvez to James Dobson, from interreligious cooperation and conflict over Darfur to the global politics surrounding the category of Hindus and South Asians in the United States.

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The Gods of Roman Britain

The Gods of Roman Britain

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Green, Miranda J. / Aldhouse-Green, Miranda, PUBLISHER: Shire Publications, This book looks at the religious beliefs of the people of the Roman province of Britain and at the gods they worshipped. Little literary evidence survives and it is therefore necessary to rely almost wholly on epigraphic and iconographical representations. The book first examines the pre-Roman Celtic background to Romano-British religion from about 500 BC. The chapters following analyse the nature of the evidence; the introduction of Roman religion to the province; oriental cults including Christianity; the integration of Roman with pre-existing British and other Celtic cults, and the resulting composite religion which thus emerged. The final chapter examines stylised Celtic representations of anonymous divinities. Miranda Green is currently Professor of Archaeology at University of Wales College, Newport, where she is also Director of the SCARAB Research Centre.

Great Awakenings

Great Awakenings

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fishwick, Marshall W. / Hoffmann, Frank / Ramirez, Beulah B., PUBLISHER: Routledge, As religious fervor grows, Dr. Fishwick, a recipient of the Ray and Pat Browne Award for Lifetime Achievement from The American Culture Association, takes a sweeping look at religion in the United States--the country with the highest church attendance in the Western world. Popular religion can take many shapes and forms. It can wax and wane, but it cannot be eliminated or ignored. That is what prompted him to write Great Awakenings: Popular Religion and Popular Culture.He ponders how religion affects American life and popular culture, and why religion has become a major force in contemporary politics. How has the Electronic Revolution furthered the religious right? What does popular religion tell us about popular culture? And about our faith?He identifies and explores five great religious revivals or "Great Awakenings: " the Atlantic Seaboard Awakening the Urban Awakening the Modernist Awakening the Celebrity Preacher Awakening the Electronic AwakeningFishwick explores the current events preceding and during each awakening, its leaders, followers, and critics. Great Awakenings gives a new understanding of the American religious past and leaves us with an anticipation for the next great awakening.

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The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology,

The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brooke, John L., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Mormon religious belief has long been a mystery to outsiders, either dismissed as anomalous to the American religious tradition or extolled as the most genuine creation of the American imagination. The Refiner's Fire presents a new and comprehensive understanding of the roots of Mormon religion, whose theology promises the faithful that they will become "gods" through the restoration of ancient mysteries and regain the divine powers of Adam lost in the fall from Paradise. Professor Brooke contends that the origins of Mormonism lie in the fusion of radical religion with occult ideas, and organizes his book around the two problems of demonstrating the survival of these ideas into the nineteenth century and explaining how they were manifested in Mormon doctrine. In the concluding chapter, the author provides an outline of how Mormonism since the s gradually moved toward traditional Protestant Christianity. As well as religion, the book explores magic, witchcraft, alchemy, Freemasonry, counterfeiting, and state-formation. John L. Brooke is professor of history at Tufts University and the acclaimed author of The Heart of the Commonwealth: Society and Political Culture in Worcester County, Massachusetts, (CUP, ), which has won, among other prizes, the Organization of American Historians' Merle Curti Award for Intellectual History and the National Historical Society Book Prize for American History.

The International Politics of Central Asia

The International Politics of Central Asia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, John, PUBLISHER: Manchester University Press, Central Asia is a fascinating region yet remote and unfamiliar to many people. This new study provides an introduction to the politics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgzstan, Tajikistan, Turkestan, and Uzbekistan. The early chapters introduce the readers to the history of Russian and Soviet involvement in the region up until the collapse of communism, whilst the bulk of the book focuses on the politics of independence. The search for national identity in each region and the influence of Islam are discussed and attention is paid to political, economic and international developments. A central theme of the book is the importance of informal politics associated with national, regional and tribal networks in shaping the evolution of the five states.

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Cauldron of Transformation

Cauldron of Transformation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabrina, Lady / Sabrina, PUBLISHER: Llewellyn Publications, Explains the finer points of Paganism and how to blend and combine the wisdom of different traditions into a living spiritual system of your own. Explore the origins, customs and beliefs of five religious traditions: Celtic Druidism, Buddhism, Christianity, Santeria and Shamanism. This book also provides new and dynamic tools to help extend and expand personal spiritual awareness.

Religion in Psychodynamic Perspective: The Contributions of

Religion in Psychodynamic Perspective: The Contributions of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pruyser, Paul W. / Malony, H. Newton / Spilka, Bernard, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, At his death in , Paul W. Pruyser of the Menninger Foundation was widely recognized as one of America's foremost authorities on the psychology of religion. His book A Dynamic Psychology of Religion set the stage for creative dialogue on the subject. In this volume, two leading practitioners in the field present a compilation of Pruyser's seminal articles, providing an overview of the major themes in Pruyser's thought. Newton Malony and Bernard Spilka evaluate Pruyser's viewpoint and suggest how his position continues to influence the psychology of religion.

Offerte relazionate religion and the politics of tolerance how christianity: Religion in Psychodynamic Perspective: The Contributions of
How Levesque Won

How Levesque Won

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: DuPont, Pierre / DuPont, Pierre / Fischman, Sheila, PUBLISHER: James Lorimer & Company, Canadian politics changed dramatically on November with the stunning election victory of Rene Levesque and the Parti Quebecois. This book tells the story behind that election campaign, offering the background that explains how Levesque won--and why. It considers why Robert Bourassa called the election even though secret Liberal polls were unfavourable, and examines the role played by Pierre Trudeau and the federal party in arranging a virtual takeover of the provincial party during the campaign. First published in , "How Levesque Won" is a vivid and immediate report on a siesmic shift in Canadian politics, the aftershocks of which continue to be felt today.

Crossdressing in Context, Vol. 4 Transgender & Religion

Crossdressing in Context, Vol. 4 Transgender & Religion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bolich, Ph. D. G. G., PUBLISHER: Psyche's Press, Much debate exists over the proper religious perspective on transgender realities and people. This volume examines transgender in the major world religions. Extensive consideration is given to Christianity, including the arguments presented both against transgender behaviors and by supporters of transgender people. Religions covered include Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and indigenous religions such as Native American religions of the United States.

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Electronic Colonialism: The Future of International

Electronic Colonialism: The Future of International

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McPhail, Thomas L., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), A balanced, yet dramatic, insider's account of how the politics of international communication -- by such means as the New World Information Order debates of the 70's and the actions of such agencies as UNESCO -- have shifted power away from North America and Western Europe to newer nations. McPhail also shows how Western governments and news agencies have responded.

Public Life and Propertied Englishmen, : The Ford

Public Life and Propertied Englishmen, : The Ford

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Langford, Paul, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The common view of eighteenth-century politics is one of aristocratic dominance coexisting with plebeian vitality. Langford explores the terrain which lay between the high ground of elite rule and the low ground of popular politics, offering a major reassessment of the place of the propertied class.

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Seven Pillars of Jewish Denial: Shekinah, Wagner, and the

Seven Pillars of Jewish Denial: Shekinah, Wagner, and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chernin, Kim, PUBLISHER: North Atlantic Books, Raised by an activist mother, Kim Chernin was taught that the politics of religion are just that: politics. As her beliefs evolved, she came to understand the necessity of embracing her Jewish heritage while questioning the notion of taking on Jewishness as a role, religion, and qualifying trait, particularly with respect to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The essays in "Seven Pillars of Jewish Denial" set forth a justifiable criticism of Israel. Chernin explores memory, survivor's guilt, and denial as debilitating to Jewish consciousness, which cannot see criticism of Israel as morally feasible in an anti-Semitic world. In her view, creating true peace requires understanding and believing that the lives of other human beings matter more than Jewish ideology.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vattimo, Gianni / D'Isanto, Luca / Webb, David, PUBLISHER: Stanford University Press, In this highly personal book, one of Europe's foremost contemporary philosophers confronts the theme of faith and religion. He argues that there is a substantial link between the history of Christian revelation and the history of nihilism, in particular as the latter appears in the work of Nietzsche and Heidegger, Vattimo's philosophical specialty. Tracing the relation between his response to these two thinkers and his own life as a devout Catholic, Vattimo shows how his interpretation of Heidegger's work and his conceptions of "weak thought" and "weak ontology" can be seen as closely linked to a rediscovery of Christianity. Vattimo speaks here in the first person--a risk that results in a disarmingly open exploration of the themes of charity, truth, dogmatism, morality, and sin, viewed through the lens of his own life and his own return to Christianity. While deeply critical of institutionalized religion and the Church, Vattimo discovers in the Christian tradition a voice (not a distinct message) whose interpretation is still being played out around us. Shaped by his readings of Nietzsche and Heidegger, Vattimo's decision to affirm his formation within the Christian tradition provides an original and engaging contribution to the contemporary debate on religion. At the center of this book is the enigma of belief. Freed by modernity from its Platonic subordination to knowledge, belief is recovered as a crucial and inevitable feature of our cultural and personal lives. "Do you believe?" Vattimo is asked. "I believe so," he replies. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate religion and the politics of tolerance how christianity: Belief
Myth and Method Myth and Method

Myth and Method Myth and Method

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Patton, Laurie L. / Doniger, Wendy, PUBLISHER: University of Virginia Press, In the wake of the elegant master theories of Joseph Campbell, Mircea Eliade, Georges Dumezil, and Claude Levi-Strauss, how are mythology and the comparative study of religion to be understood? In Myth and Method, a leading team of scholars assesses the current state of the study of myth and explores the possibilities for charting a methodological middle course between the comparative and the contextual issues raised in the last ten years. In confronting these tension, they provide an outline of the most troubling questions in the field and offer a variety of responses to them.

The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture

The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bigsby, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture offers a comprehensive, authoritative and accessible overview of the cultural themes and intellectual issues that drive the dominant culture of the twentieth century. This companion explores the social, political and economic forces that have made America what it is today. It shows how these contexts impact upon twentieth-century American literature, cinema and art. An international team of contributors examines the special contribution of African Americans and of immigrant communities to the variety and vibrancy of modern America. The essays range from art to politics, popular culture to sport, immigration and race to religion and war. Varied, extensive and challenging, this Companion is essential reading for students and teachers of American studies around the world. It is the most accessible and useful introduction available to an exciting range of topics in modern American culture.

Offerte relazionate religion and the politics of tolerance how christianity: The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture
Before Jim Crow: The Politics of Race in Postemancipation

Before Jim Crow: The Politics of Race in Postemancipation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dailey, Jane Elizabeth, PUBLISHER: University of North Carolina Press, Long before the Montgomery bus boycott ushered in the modern civil rights movement, black and white southerners struggled to forge interracial democracy in America. This innovative book examines the most successful interracial coalition in the nineteenth-century South, Virginia's Readjuster Party, and uncovers a surprising degree of fluidity in postemancipation southern politics. Melding social, cultural, and political history, Jane Dailey chronicles the Readjusters' efforts to foster political cooperation across the color line. She demonstrates that the power of racial rhetoric, and the divisiveness of racial politics, derived from the everyday experiences of individual Virginians--from their local encounters on the sidewalk, before the magistrate's bench, in the schoolroom. In the process, she reveals the power of black and white southerners to both create and resist new systems of racial discrimination. The story of the Readjusters shows how hard white southerners had to work to establish racial domination after emancipation, and how passionately black southerners fought each and every infringement of their rights as Americans.

Capitalism and Religion

Capitalism and Religion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goodchild, Philip B., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Our global ecological crisis demands that we question the rationality of the culture that has caused it: Western modernity's global free market capitalism. Goodchild develops arguments from Nietzsche, Adorno and Horkheimer to suggests that our love of Western modernity is an expression of a piety and that it has become a global religion in practice, if not always in belief. He condemns modernity, presenting a philosophical alternative that demands attention from philosophers, critical theorists, philosophers of religion, theologians and those in ecological politics.

Offerte relazionate religion and the politics of tolerance how christianity: Capitalism and Religion
In the Course of a Lifetime: Tracing Religious Belief,

In the Course of a Lifetime: Tracing Religious Belief,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dillon, Michele / Wink, Paul, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, "In the Course of a Lifetime "provides an unprecedented portrait of the dynamic role religion plays in the everyday experiences of Americans over the course of their lives. The book draws from a unique sixty-year-long study of close to two hundred mostly Protestant and Catholic men and women who were born in the s and interviewed in adolescence, and again in the s, s, s, and late s. Woven throughout with rich, intimate life stories, the book presents and analyzes a wide range of data from this study on the participants' religious and spiritual journeys. A testament to the vibrancy of religion in the United States, "In the Course of a Lifetime "provides an illuminating and sometimes surprising perspective on how individual lives have intersected with cultural change throughout the decades of the twentieth century. Acquista Ora
