Your American Birthright: Investing in Oil and Gas
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thompson, Stephen M., PUBLISHER: Leland Energy Inc, "Your American Birthright" is a practical, how-to guide for the successful investor who wants to learn the necessary background for investing in domestic oil and natural gas production. Unlike most countries around the world, America offers its investors the opportunity to gain wealth through direct participation in domestic oil and gas production. "Your American Birthright" cogently describes the current world's energy markets as becoming more competitive. While there is still a substantial supply of oil and gas, locating it and bringing it to market is a difficult and arduous process. These limitations, coupled with the current surge in the growing global demand for energy consumption, will keep the energy markets increasingly profitable for those investors who are able to take advantage of these financial opportunities. "Your American Birthright" clearly explains all aspects involved in domestic oil and gas production and in energy investments. He also discusses how direct participation in energy production investments favorably compares to other investment alternatives, such as stocks, bonds and real estate. "Your American Birthright" contains a chapter of frequently asked questions that require objective answers all investors need to know. For the novice, Mr. Thompson provides a convenient glossary of energy related terminology.