protection or free trade an examination of the tariff

Protection or Free Trade An Examination of the Tariff

Protection or Free Trade An Examination of the Tariff

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Henry George, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

Ronsard and the Age of Gold

Ronsard and the Age of Gold

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Armstrong, Elizabeth Htylerr / Armstrong, Kelley / Armstrong, Elizabeth, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Age of Gold was one of the so-called 'commonplaces' inherited by the Renaissance from classical antiquity, a myth (taking many different forms) telling of an era of human happiness without war or want. Most writers used it as a convenient device, predicting its return as an age of peace and plenty upon the accession of a ruler or the signing of a treaty: others moralized it as a reformed or spiritually regenerated society. Elizabeth Armstrong's search for an answer to this question has entailed a study of a wide range of possible influences, classical, medieval and contemporary, and an examination of neglected areas of Ronsard's own vast literary output. Most of all an explanation is sought in his temperament and tastes, which made the theme of the Age of Gold at one period in his life a welcome vehicle for poetry expressing his love of freedom and his sensibility to untouched nature.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: Ronsard and the Age of Gold
Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization

Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sharma, Shalendra D., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Challenging assumptions about the benefits of specific development practices, this book provides readers with overview of how competing frameworks have developed and the ways that specific development practices reflect specific understandings of the main debates, as well as offering a comprehensive historical overview of attempts to achieve economic development. It: offers a historical overview of the main debates and how they have evolved over time undertakes an examination (or rather re-examination) of the relationship between agriculture and poverty alleviation presents an exploration of recent international development negotiations from the perspective of OECD countries. Drawing on the lessons of some six decades of development experiences and illuminating theoretical insights and accumulated empirical knowledge, this book is a key resource for all students of development studies and development economics.

The Bhsai Course Companion

The Bhsai Course Companion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: French, Jo, PUBLISHER: J. A. Allen, The British Horse Society Assistant Instructor's Certificate is the basic qualification for the teaching of riding in the UK. An ever-rising number of candidates apply every year, as the horse world increasingly recognizes the value of an examination structure dedicated to improving the level of instruction for the public, as well as the improved well-being of the horse and pony population. This book presents a summary of the syllabus, together with the required information, covering areas such as stable management, saddlery, psychology, physiology, health, riding, and teaching. There is also advice on how to approach the various parts of the examination, as well as test questions.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: The Bhsai Course Companion
Free Radicals in Aging

Free Radicals in Aging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Yu, Byung Pal, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Free Radicals in Aging presents new findings regarding the involvement of free radicals in the aging process. It covers the basic elements of free radical biochemistry, free radicals in cellular damage, anti-oxidant defenses, implications of free radicals in a variety of age-related diseases, and future directions of free radicals in gerontology. The effects of exercise on free radicals and the aging process are discussed as well. Free Radicals in Aging is an excellent reference for gerontologists, pathologists, and other researchers interested in this increasingly important topic.

Dispute Settlement Reports : Volume 7, Pages

Dispute Settlement Reports : Volume 7, Pages

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wto / World Trade Organization / World Trade Organization, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under the provisions of the Marrakesh Agreement. These are the WTO authorized and paginated reports in English. An essential addition to the library of all practising and academic trade lawyers, and needed by students worldwide taking courses in international economic or trade law. DSR : VII contains two reports in relation to one case. Firstly, there is the Report of the Appellate Body concerning the United States' import prohibition of certain shrimp and shrimp products. Secondly, this volume contains the Panel report in the same case. The form of citation for this volume recommended by the WTO is DSR : VII.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: Dispute Settlement Reports : Volume 7, Pages
Breaking Ground: An Immigrant's Journey from Poland to

Breaking Ground: An Immigrant's Journey from Poland to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Libeskind, Daniel / Crichton, Sarah, PUBLISHER: Riverhead Books, More than a memoir. An autobiography of architecture, culture, and people. One of the most influential architects of our time recounts an extraordinary life-from his childhood in post-war Poland as the son of Holocaust survivors to his controversial and dramatic recounting of the designing of the Freedom Tower at the World Trade Center.

The European Union and the Council of Europe

The European Union and the Council of Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kolb, Marina, PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan, With the increasing prominence of fundamental rights within the EU it increasingly interferes in the core competence of the Council of Europe. This book traces the EU and the Council of Europe relationship in the field of human rights - marked by mutual interferences and overlap - and explores which factors trigger cooperation or conflict between the two organizations. Investigating the cases of data protection, the fight against terrorism, challenging Roma discrimination, the Memorandum of Understanding and the Fundamental Rights Agency through the lens of an implementation literature and management studies-perspective, this book contends that the biggest threat to interorganizational cooperation is organizational self-interest, despite a shared policy outlook. The book furthers the agenda set by the literature in this field by providing a new theoretical framework and an in-depth empirical study of two main actors in the field of human rights protection in Europe from a political science perspective.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: The European Union and the Council of Europe
The Search for Rational Drug Control

The Search for Rational Drug Control

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zimring, Franklin E. / Hawkins, Gordon, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book presents a comprehensive examination of the drug control policy process in the United States. How are policy choices identified, debated and selected? How are the consequences of governmental policy measured and evaluated? How, if at all, do we learn from our mistakes? Zimring and Hawkins present different ways of understanding American drug policy and provide a foundation for an improved policy process. They argue that protection of children and youth should shape policy toward illicit crime, with attention to the fact that youth protection objectives may limit the effectiveness of some drug controls.

CPS Examination Review for Office Systems and Administration

CPS Examination Review for Office Systems and Administration

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schroeder, Betty L. / Routhier Graf, Diane / Routhier-Graf, Diane, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, This self-study manual is part of the Certified Professional Secret Secretary (CPS "RM") Examination Review Series which provides valuable assistance to anyone preparing for the CPS Examination. The Series focuses on key topics test-takers must know in order to pass the exam. It is the only examination preparation series produced in conjunction with the International Association of Administration Professionals (IAAP "TM"). Content is based on the current CPS Examination Review Guide published by the IAAP "TM". Each chapter contains: An overview; text, in outline form, with examples highlighted in italics; illustrations; review questions in formats similar to those found on the CPS Examination; solutions to review questions -- with some explanation of correct answers, where needed, and references to the portion of the outline that explains the answer more fully; term review; glossary at the end of the manual, with references to the chapter where the terms may be found in context. An accompanying Self-study Guide enhances material in the manual.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: CPS Examination Review for Office Systems and Administration
Victorian Visions of Global Order: Empire and International

Victorian Visions of Global Order: Empire and International

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bell, Duncan, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This wide-ranging and original study provides an insight into the climate of political thought during the lifespan of what was, at this time, the most powerful empire in history. A distinguished group of contributors explores the way in which thinkers in Britain theorised influential views about empire and international relations, exploring topics such as the evolution of international law; the ways in which the world was notionally divided into the 'civilised' and the 'barbarian'; the role of India in shaping visions of civil society; grandiose ideas about a global imperial state; the development of an array of radical critiques of empire; the varieties of liberal imperialism; and the rise and fall of free trade. Together, the chapters form an analysis of political thought in this context; both of the famous (Bentham, Mill, Marx, and Hobson) and of those who, whilst influential at the time, are all but forgotten today.

Wound Management: Principles and Practice

Wound Management: Principles and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Myers, Betsy A. / Meyers, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Key Benefit: Wound Management is a comprehensive resource that covers the broad spectrum of managing patients with open wounds. Appropriate for both practicing clinicians and students, this resource takes a holistic approach to treatment, with an emphasis on the patient - not the wound. Key Topics: This resource covers anatomy and adverse effects, details an overview of examination, intervention, and discusses specific wound types. Market: Appropriate for professionals or students in the occupational therapy, physical therapy, or massage therapy field.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: Wound Management: Principles and Practice
Art of the Renaissance, the

Art of the Renaissance, the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harris, Nathaniel, PUBLISHER: Parragon Publishing, The Life and Works art series collects the world's greatest artists and art movements into a handsome set of monographs Each book features a biography of an artist or an explanation of the movement, followed by 50 magnificent, individually commentated reproductions Each is an affordable treasure, sure to please every seasoned critic and newcomer to the beauty of great art.

Public Health at the Crossroads: Achievements and Prospects

Public Health at the Crossroads: Achievements and Prospects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beaglehole, Robert / Bonita, Ruth, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book, both an introduction to public health as a discipline and a critique of its development over recent times, reviews epidemiological and demographic trends internationally. It provides an overview of major health trends; a summary of the current state of the world's health; a review of recent estimates of the global burden of disease; and an examination of the pattern of modern epidemics, the impact of disability, and the causes of premature death in rich and poor countries alike. With examples drawn from diverse geographical and medical areas, this text challenges clinicians and public health practitioners at all levels. The authors argue for an inclusive vision of public health based on the application in public policy of improved epidemiological understanding of the causes of disease.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: Public Health at the Crossroads: Achievements and Prospects
Managing People in Public Agencies: Personnel and Labor

Managing People in Public Agencies: Personnel and Labor

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brock, Jonathan, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, An examination of personnel management from the perspective of the program manager, rather than that of a personnel officer or other staff specialist. It takes the case study approach, containing 16 original case studies. Its ultimate aim is to help managers and policy makers fully integrate human resources and needs with the overall program or institutional objectives. It provides diagnostic and management tools and focuses on balancing productivity with organizational goals and personnel satisfaction. Originally published in by Little, Brown and Company.

Rosa Luxemburg: A Life for the International

Rosa Luxemburg: A Life for the International

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Abraham, Richard, PUBLISHER: Berg Publishers, This volume offers a synthesis of the findings of recent major monographs and an examination of the material currently available in German, Polish, Russian, French and other European languages.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: Rosa Luxemburg: A Life for the International
Direct Digital Control Systems

Direct Digital Control Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nardone, Mary S., PUBLISHER: Springer, Direct Digital Control Systems: Application A- Commissioning offers an insightful examination of the critical role of the DDC system in the commissioning process. Included is solid coverage of microprocessor-based control systems combined with the protocols and procedures needed to effectively integrate DDC system validation into systems commissioning. This field handbook is an everyday reference on Direct Digital Control for commissioning personnel. Whether designer, contractor, air balancer, technician, vendor, commissioning agent, owner, operator or student, increasing one's knowledge of DDC control systems will directly improve project performance.

Australian Intellectual Property Law

Australian Intellectual Property Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davison, Mark / Monotti, Ann / Wiseman, Leanne, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Intellectual property law in Australia has changed dramatically in the last decade and continues to change. Developments in technology, the rise of the internet, the globalisation of trade and the increasing importance of 'superbrands' or trade marks with global appeal have all impacted on the laws surrounding intellectual property. Furthermore, globalisation has resulted in greater pressure to expand the rights of intellectual property owners as they endeavour to capture the potential benefits of ownership in an increasingly affluent and integrated world economy. This book provides a detailed and scholarly insight into Australian intellectual property law. It aims to offer students and legal professionals a detailed discussion of the black-letter aspects of the law, with the primary emphasis on the legal principles and complexities within.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: Australian Intellectual Property Law
An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and

An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dabydeen, Sally Ramage, PUBLISHER: iUniverse, It is not easy to prevent others from using your ideas or information for gain unless you use the sophisticated and esoteric legal techniques of intellectual property law. Copyright, which is especially important, is a form of protection afforded to many different types of work. Copyright protection for literary work is well known, and this regime also applies to musical and artistic works, broadcasts, sound and video recordings and typographical arrangements. "An Introduction to Intellectual Property," an introduction to topics in intellectual property law by the unusual method of using moots, mock trials, questions and answers and essays, is not a textbook. It serves to interest the inquisitive without going into the deep law of IP. It will certainly encourage the reader to read an IP textbook and help students when faced with a decision to choose the subject for study.

Redeeming the Time: A Political Theology of the Environment

Redeeming the Time: A Political Theology of the Environment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Scharper, Stephenbede, PUBLISHER: Continuum, What is the proper role of the human in light of the ecological crisis? After a sympathetic and critical analysis of the principal answers to that question, Stephen Scharper argues that only a religious perspective -- viewing human agency as central to both the devastation and the reclamation of planetary life -- is viable. Such a perspective must include social, economic, cultural, as well as theological transformation in order to be effective in confronting threats to the ecosystem. Among the principal answers or "paradigms" assessed by this book are the new cosmology, ecofeminism, process thought, Gaia theory, and liberation theology. Each of these recognizes the role of the human in the present environmental crisis. But each of these also approaches the "human problematic" in incomplete or inadequate ways. Thus Redeeming the Time is both an examination of the state of the question, and a constructive effort at building bridges among the various current paradigms and remedying, or redeeming, their inadequacies.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: Redeeming the Time: A Political Theology of the Environment
Furs and Frontiers in the Far North: The Contest Among

Furs and Frontiers in the Far North: The Contest Among

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bockstoce, John R. / Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, This comprehensive history of the native and maritime fur trade in Alaska during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is without precedent. The Bering Strait formed the nexus of the circumpolar fur trade in which Russians, British, Americans, and members of fifty native nations competed and cooperated. The desire to dominate the fur trade fed the European expansion into the most remote regions of Asia and America and was an agent of massive change in these regions. Award-winning author John R. Bockstoce fills a major gap in the historiography of the area in covering the scientific, commercial, and foreign-relations implications of the northern fur trade. In addition, the book provides rare insight into the relationship between the Western powers and the Native Americans who provided them with fur, ivory, and whalebone in exchange for manufactured goods, tobacco, tea, alcohol, and hundreds of other things. But this is also the story of the enterprising individuals who energized the Alaskan fur trade and, in doing so, forever altered the region's history.

A Notorious Voices: Feminist Biblical Criticism,

A Notorious Voices: Feminist Biblical Criticism,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Selvide, Marla J., PUBLISHER: Continuum, An examination of the pre-feminist writings of women and men who reinterpreted the Bible from a woman-centered perspective.

Offerte relazionate protection or free trade an examination of the tariff: A Notorious Voices: Feminist Biblical Criticism,
Off the Map (Rlb)

Off the Map (Rlb)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, William / Roop, Peter / Roop, Connie, PUBLISHER: Walker & Company, -- Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies, "An eminently readable introduction to the exploration of the American West". -- WPBW.AAAS, PW, SLJ. .

Michel foucault ?the birth of the clinic ?

Michel foucault ?the birth of the clinic ?

Michel foucault ?the birth of the clinic ? an archaeology of medical reception language american vintage books a division of random house,inc content: space and classes a politica consciousness the free field the hold age of the clinic the lesson of the hospitals signs and cases seeing and knowing open up a few corpses the visible invisible crisis in fevers spedisco anche

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The Art of Responsive Drawing

The Art of Responsive Drawing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goldstein, Nathan, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, More a "how-to-see-it" than a "how-to-do-it" book, this edition explores the disguises and characteristics of shapes and forms in nature, and it examines the visual elements and the relational, moving, and emotive forces that constitute the language of drawing. Clear and objective, this book offers an intensive examination of vital drawing processes and concepts, an in-depth analysis of exceptional drawings by old and contemporary artists, and suggested exercises to enhance the readers' grasp of important measurable and dynamic phenomena. For the art student, the art teacher, the interested amateur, and the practicing artist.
