principles and applications of assessment in counseling

Principles and Applications of Assessment in Counseling

Principles and Applications of Assessment in Counseling

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Whiston, Susan C., PUBLISHER: Thomson Brooks/Cole, Become a better counselor with PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS OF ASSESSMENT IN COUNSELING Created specifically for counseling students, this counseling text provides you with a comprehensive introduction to appraisal and assessment and focuses on the importance of using assessment results to evaluate the efficacy of counseling. With cases studies found throughout, you will easily learn to apply principles to real life.

Diagnostic Sonography: Principles and Clinical Applications

Diagnostic Sonography: Principles and Clinical Applications

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fleischer, Arthur C. / Kepple, Donna M., PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, The 2nd edition of DIAGNOSTIC SONOGRAPHY presents all of the major clinical and diagnostic applications of sonography. It includes material on Doppler scanning, transvaginal and transrectal ultrasound, and vascular sonography. More than illustrations enhance understanding, including over 85 in color.

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Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holland, Kathleen / Bloome, David / Solsken, Judith, PUBLISHER: Praeger, One of the realities of educational practice in the late 20th century is the increasing role of assessment, especially of children's oral and written language. While there are many issues and problems surrounding this assessment, one problem that needs to be addressed is the lack of alternative ways of assessing children's language and literacy for K-12 practitioners. There are many ways to approach the assessment of language and literacy. How one approaches the assessment of oral and written language depends, in large part, on how language is defined and on what purposes language is viewed as serving. In this book, alternative ways of assessing language are based on three different perspectives defining language and its uses: anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary. Although applying these perspectives to language is not new, only recently have educators and others taken seriously the need for assessment of language to be consistent with the perspectives of language underlying classroom instruction. Simply put, as language education (including reading, writing, and oral language) becomes increasingly based upon anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary principles, the assessment of language and literacy must also be based upon such principles. This book discusses and illustrates how to reconceptualize assessment in terms of the alternative perspectives outlined here.

Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and

Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sax, Gilbert, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This edition continues Sax's tradition of comprehensive and comprehensible coverage of testing and measurement principles while including the most recent theory and research.

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Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice

Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Rhonda M. / Rospond, Raylene M., PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists will benefit from learning the latest in patient assessment skills. This all-inclusive text emphasizes basic A&P and symptomology, interviewing skills and assessment techniques. Plus, to meet the needs of today's pharmacist, each chapter explores pharmacy practice applications for ambulatory care and special communities such as pediatric and geriatric settings. Part I focuses on fundamental assessment processes and skills. Part II progresses logically into patient assessment by specific body systems. Inside you'll find: Assessment techniques for special populations in every chapter. Extensive use of case studies and patient decision trees that bring theory and technique to life. Pharmaceutical Care Plans that correspond to case studies for practical applications. Special sidebar highlights on the Signs and Symptoms of Diseases, Causes of Diseases, and Drug-Related Causes of Diseases. Complete glossary of terms. Rich visual content including vivid, full-color plates of diseases, numerous two-color illustrations, and black-white photography. With its breadth of content and reader-friendly design, Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice is an especially strong resource for pharmacy students who are about to enter their introductory clinical clerkships. Practicing pharmacists will value the up-to-date practice applications for the special communities they serve.

Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications

Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Granato, Paul A. / Morton, Verna / Mizer, Helen Eckel, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, The emphasis of this lab manual is on the basic principles of diagnostic microbiology for students preparing to enter an allied health field. Students are led through a series of exercises that allow them to learn basic microbiology techniques and to practice safety in the laboratory and hospital environment. It remains oriented primarily toward meeting the interests and needs of those who will be directly involved in patient care and who wish to learn how microbiological principles should be applied in the practice of their professions. The authors have emphasized the purposes and function of the clinical microbiology laboratory in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The exercises illustrate as simply as possible the nature of laboratory procedures used for isolation and identification of infectious agents as well as the principles of asepsis, disinfection and sterilization. Attention is given to the role of the health professional in regard to appropriate collection of clinical specimens and the applications of aseptic and disinfectant techniques as they relate to patient care.

Offerte relazionate principles and applications of assessment in counseling: Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications
Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular biology in ottimo stato, mai usato quindi no sottolineature e pieghe a 20 euro. Marcello 346/ Dopo le ore 16 Grazie. NO MAIL.

Applications of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis

Applications of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weaver, H. Joseph, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, An applications oriented, introductory text covering the concepts and properties of Fourier Analysis. Emphasizes applications to real scientific and engineering problems. Defines the Fourier series, Fourier transform, and discrete Fourier transform. Includes over 200 illustrations.

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Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular...

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular...

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular biology in ottimo stato, mai usato quindi no sottolineature e pieghe a 20 euro. Marcello 346/ NO MAIL.

Fundamentals of Medical Imaging

Fundamentals of Medical Imaging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Suetens, Paul, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Fundamentals of Medical Imaging, second edition, is an invaluable technical introduction to each imaging modality, explaining the mathematical and physical principles and giving a clear understanding of how images are obtained and interpreted. Individual chapters cover each imaging modality - radiography, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine and ultrasound - reviewing the physics of the signal and its interaction with tissue, the image formation or reconstruction process, a discussion of image quality and equipment, clinical applications and biological effects and safety issues. Subsequent chapters review image analysis and visualization for diagnosis, treatment and surgery. New to this edition: - Appendix of questions and answers - New chapter on 3D image visualization - Advanced mathematical formulae in separate text boxes - Ancillary website containing 3D animations: - Full colour illustrations throughout Engineers, clinicians, mathematicians and physicists will find this an invaluable aid in understanding the physical principles of imaging and their clinical applications. Acquista Ora

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MMPI-2: A Practitioner's Guide

MMPI-2: A Practitioner's Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Butcher, James Neal, PUBLISHER: American Psychological Association (APA), The MMPI-2: Practitioner's Guide is a compendium of original contributions that focus on new developments and applications for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), the most widely researched and broadly used personality assessment instrument. This handbook, which is specifically geared for clinicians and graduate students, addresses both research and clinical applications of the MMPI-2. The contributors to this volume are a distinguished team of psychologists with established expertise in both assessment research and practical contributions to test interpretation. The chapters cover theoretical issues that affect the interpretation of the MMPI-2 in a wide range of circumstances, such as the presence of neurological injury, PTSD, or substance abuse, as well as in particular settings and with diverse populations. An overview of current relevant research underlying each specific application is provided along with established guidelines for administration and interpretation of the MMPI-2 in the test application. The volume is richly illustrated with case examples and chapter highlights to illustrate these test applications.

Microsoft Visual Basic : Reloaded

Microsoft Visual Basic : Reloaded

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zak / Zak, Diane, PUBLISHER: Course Technology, Pairing fundamental programming concepts with business applications and also fun and engaging game applications, MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC : RELOADED, 4E provides a solid foundation in programming principles and how to use them. The book begins by covering the basics, like creating user interfaces, and understanding variables, constants, and calculations. Building upon this knowledge, coverage progresses to more advanced topics like creating classes and objects and using ADO.NET, LINQ, and ASP.NET. This edition leverages the powerful pedagogy of previous editions, but brings it up-to-date with Visual Basic and new examples and applications.

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Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Illustrated Notebook

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Illustrated Notebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tortora, Gerard J. / Grabowski, Sandra Reynolds, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A solid scientific presentation of the principles of the human structure and function The outstanding illustration program and innovative learning features frame a superb balance between anatomy and physiology that emphasizes correlations between normal physiology and pathophysiology, normal anatomy and pathology, and homeostasis and homeostatic imbalances.

Principles and Applications of the Twelve Universal Laws A

Principles and Applications of the Twelve Universal Laws A

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Leia A Stinnett, PUBLISHER: Light Technology Publishing LLC, NA Acquista Ora

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Com Programming by Example

Com Programming by Example

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swanke, John E., PUBLISHER: Cmp, Use MFC, ActiveX, ATL, ADO and COM+ to develop COM applications Implement client/server applications with ease with this example-oriented approach to the details and implementation of COM technology in network applications. If there was ever a subject th Implement client/server applications with ease You get a quick, thorough overview of COM technology, and dozens of real-life examples that can be used to accomplish virtually all of the requirements of a COM project. Contains source code to insert into your applications.

Libri di chimica e scienze naturali per università

Libri di chimica e scienze naturali per università

CHIMICA Piercarlo Fantucci, Luca De Gioia - Chimica Generale Sacco Pasquali Marchetti - Chimica Generale e Inorganica Kenny Lipkowiz and Donald Boyd - Reviews in Computational Chemistry Piero Caldirola - Industrial Applications of Plasma Physics International School of Plasma Physics Nabil Mustafa - Plastic Waste Management. Disposal, Recycling, and Reuse M.C. Desjonquères, D. Spanjaard - Concepts in Surface Physics Schueraf- Handbook of Thin-Film Deposition, Processes and Techniques. Principles, Methods, Equipment and Applications. F. Ciccacci - Fondamenti di Fisica Atomica e Quantistica Atkins and Friedman. Molecular Quantum Mechanics Third Edition Greiner - Quantum Mechanics, Special Chapters Altri libri nei miei annunci!

Offerte relazionate principles and applications of assessment in counseling: Libri di chimica e scienze naturali per università
Counseling Across Cultures

Counseling Across Cultures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Draguns, Juris G. / Pedersen, Paul B. / Lonner, Walter J., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This is a completely updated edition of Counseling across Cultures, which broke new ground when published almost 20 years ago. This volume takes stock of the many developments and changes that have occurred since then, and is a combined effort of leading authors to examine the priority issues of counselling from a variety of perspectives. The issues discussed are of particular relevance, but are not limited, to multicultural counselling. The volume focuses on specific ethnic groups in North America as well as international students and refugees. A chapter devoted to gender issues in multicultural counselling is new to this edition. Other topics discussed include ethics, cultural empathy, appraisal and assessment. The

Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths

Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olson, David / DeFrain, John / Skogrand, Linda, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, An introductory text, "Marriages and Families" accentuates the positive aspects of relationships and focuses on enriching students' knowledge and experience in building strong, successful couple and family relationships. The authors, seasoned family scholars and therapists, integrate research, theory, and practical applications with an interdisciplinary perspective on marriage and family. To enhance teaching and student learning, an updated AWARE (Awareness of Attitudes and Relationships Expectations) Online computerized assessment contains 15 categories that match the chapters of the book.

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Seismic Methods and Applications: A Guide for the Detection

Seismic Methods and Applications: A Guide for the Detection

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stark, Andreas, PUBLISHER: Brown Walker Press (FL), This book has been written for those who need a solid understanding of the seismic exploration method without difficult mathematics. It is presented in a format that allows one to naturally progress from the underlying physical principles to the actual seismic method. The mathematics needed for the subject is kept as simple as possible; students only need high school physics and mathematics to thoroughly grasp the principles covered. Dr. Stark has developed this text and honed its content with feedback from hundreds of students over nearly two decades of teaching seismic exploration geophysics. This textbook will teach students the principles for the detection of geologic structures, earthquake zones and hazards, resource exploration, and geotechnical engineering.

Empirically Based Assessment of Child and Adolescent

Empirically Based Assessment of Child and Adolescent

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Achenbach, Thomas M. / McConaughy, Stephanie H., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The authors present an empirically based assessment approach that provides concrete guidelines for clinical work. Using ratings, direct observations and interviews, they discuss methods for assessing childhood dysfunction based on a comprehensive integration of information from parents, teachers and children. The material is presented with clinical illustrations that convey the use of specific assessment techniques for intake, case evaluation, decisions about treatment, management and follow-up.

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Principles of the Constitutional Order

Principles of the Constitutional Order

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Utley, Robert L., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, The essays in this volume consider the writings of those who drafted the Constitution, as well as the arguments pro and con presented during the ratification debates. The first of these essays examine the founding principles from historical, political and philosophical perspectives. The second group outlines the main Anti-Federalist arguments. A discussion of the nature and implications of the doctrine of separated powers follows and the volume closes with psycho-historical portraits of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The volume focuses attention on the Founding period so that the original character and principles of our political order may be seen clearly, in spite of the glory and veneration with which age and custom have draped our constitution.

The Craft of Investing: Growth and Value Stocks, Emerging

The Craft of Investing: Growth and Value Stocks, Emerging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Train, John / Train, PUBLISHER: HarperBusiness, John Train's status as an investment wizard is the result of decades of stock market investing and investment counseling. "The Craft of Investing" is the ultimate treatise on how to invest well, outlining Train's key strategies and the principles that have brought him success. Train addresses everything from the psychology of the market to practical portfolio management tips. He explains growth investing, value investing, when to buy and when to sell, estate planning and shows how to build wealth and value systematically. Authoritative and practical, Train's analysis of winning techniques will help every investor.

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principles of anatomy and physiology twelfth edition

principles of anatomy and physiology twelfth edition

Vendo copia libro ottimo stato principles of anatomy and physiology twelfth edition a 20 euro

Popular History of Priestcraft in All Ages and Nations

Popular History of Priestcraft in All Ages and Nations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howitt, William, PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing, Two Evil Principles: Kingcraft and Priestcraft; Paganism; Mythology of the Assyrians and Syrians; Establishment of Monkery (monks); Popish Arrogance and Atrocities; Jesuits and Inquisitors; English Church; Ministerial Plan of Irish Church Reform; Clerical Incomes; Evils of the system of Church Patronage; Retrospect view of of the Effects of Priestcraft.

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Counseling Treatment for Children and Adolescents with

Counseling Treatment for Children and Adolescents with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erk, Robert R., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Designed to give readers a better understanding of children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with an emotional, behavioral, or mental disorder. Disorders are approached from the perspective of the child/adolescent and examined in context; and, each discussion includes practical guidance for assessment and treatment based on the most recent research in the field. To the expertise of the main author are added contributions by several counselor educators, psychologists, and clinicians who directly practice, teach, and focus on key topics addressed in the book. Provides a thorough discussion of the most-commonly diagnosed disorders of children and adolescents, and examines the biological, developmental, and environmental causes of these disorders. Key focus is on psychopathology, DSM-IV, child psychopathology, and child/adolescent counseling. Coverage emphasizes the importance of viewing children and adolescents with DSM-IV-TR disorders within a sound developmental framework. Contains two chapters on treatment planning--one that discusses practical guidelines for planning and one consisting of four case studies. For future counselor educators, psychologists, and clinicians.
