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Best Choices From the People's Pharmacy

Best Choices From the People's Pharmacy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Joe Graedon & Teresa Graedon PhD MS, PUBLISHER: Rodale Press, From the "New York Times" bestselling authors of "The People's Pharmacy"?, a reliable resource for remedies and treatment?now in an easy-to-use trade format. After more than three decades as one of the world's premier sources for authoritative, trustworthy health information, The People's Pharmacy? delivers its most groundbreaking resource yet, identifying bestchoice treatments for hundreds of common medical conditions that smart health-care consumers want to know about. Inside readers will find: ? Remedies for scores of health concerns, from acne and allergies to heart disease and depression ? At-a-glance descriptions of the best choices? complete with possible side effects and approximate cost ? Remedy ratings that allow readers to compare treatment options for each condition ? The People's Pharmacy? Favorite Picks?self-care strategies tested and recommended by fans Whether the best choice may be home remedies, lifestyle changes, herbal or nutritional supplements, or over-the-counter or prescription drugs, "Best Choices from the People's Pharmacy"? clearly evaluates the effectiveness, safety, and cost of treatment options?so readers can make the right decision for optimum health.

 Ways to Pay for College: Practical Strategies to Make

Ways to Pay for College: Practical Strategies to Make

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tanabe, Gen / Tanabe, Kelly Y., PUBLISHER: SuperCollege, Balancing detailed explanations with real-life examples and practical resources, this guide reveals a multitude of ways to finance higher education. Topics include how to find and win scholarships, negotiate with colleges for more financial aid, maximize assistance from state and federal governments, take advantage of educational tax breaks, and benefit from government-subsidized student loans. Also included are creative strategies such as starting profitable dorm-room enterprises, trading tuition costs for volunteer service, and canceling debts with loan repayment programs. This book is designed to aid high school, college, adult, and graduate school students and their parents.

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Statistics for Dummies

Statistics for Dummies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rumsey, Deborah, PUBLISHER: For Dummies, The fun and easy way to get down to business with statistics Stymied by statistics? No fear ? this friendly guide offers clear, practical explanations of statistical ideas, techniques, formulas, and calculations, with lots of examples that show you how these concepts apply to your everyday life. "Statistics For Dummies" shows you how to interpret and critique graphs and charts, determine the odds with probability, guesstimate with confidence using confidence intervals, set up and carry out a hypothesis test, compute statistical formulas, and more. Tracks to a typical first semester statistics course Updated examples resonate with today's students Explanations mirror teaching methods and classroom protocol Packed with practical advice and real-world problems, "Statistics For Dummies" gives you everything you need to analyze and interpret data for improved classroom or on-the-job performance.

Mastering Emergency Medicine: A Practical Guide

Mastering Emergency Medicine: A Practical Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Trivedy, Chetan R. / Hall, Mathew / Parfitt, Andrew, PUBLISHER: Royal Society of Medicine Press, Mastering Emergency Medicine is a concise textbook that covers everything that candidates need to know in order to pass the College of Emergency Medicine's (CEM) membership examination (MCEM) to enter training, and to pass the fellowship examination (FCEM) to complete their Certificate of Specialist Training. The book takes a practical approach to the subject, which makes it an invaluable blueprint for management of cases that trainees will come across in their everyday work, as well as providing a highly detailed revision guide for the OSCE exams.

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Economics for Life: Smart Choices for You, First Edition

Economics for Life: Smart Choices for You, First Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cohen, AVI J. / Howe, Ian, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, "Economics for Life: Smart Choices for You" offers a new approach to learning and teaching economics that demonstrates the relevance of economics to students. Accessible language, a non-mathematical approach and use of practical examples connects economics to students' lives in a meaningful way. This text will teach students about economics, unlike traditional texts, that teach how to be an economist.

Democratic Architecture: Practical Solutions to Today's

Democratic Architecture: Practical Solutions to Today's

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacDonald, Donald, PUBLISHER: Watson-Guptill Publications, Required reading for architects, designers, urban planners, and housing officials, this compassionate report takes a hard look at today's lack of affordable housing and growing homeless population, then offers clear, practical plans to help fill the pressing need. Ideas range from expanding and dividing existing spaces to constructing new buildings without damaging the environment.

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Fuelling Body, Mind and Spirit: A Balanced Approach to

Fuelling Body, Mind and Spirit: A Balanced Approach to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoffer, Miriam, PUBLISHER: Sumach Press, Miriam Hoffer faces off with the diet industry in this clear-sighted look at food, eating and women's relationship with their weight. Fuelling Body, Mind and Spirit not only considers what women eat, but also when, why, and how they make the food choices that they do. After exposing the effects of 'triangle' eating, Hoffer offers nutritional alternatives, with ways to break down the barriers to healthy eating faced by many women.Drawing on her years of experience with Health Watch, a women's wellness clinic, Hoffer interweaves her liberating nutritional theories with insights on living well gleaned from her patients. With these women's words for inspiration and Hoffer's own practical advice, Fuelling Body, Mind and Spirit shows how, through balanced eating, we can respect our bodies, and reap the rewards of an energetic, healthy life.

Minute Motivators for Women

Minute Motivators for Women

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stan Toler, PUBLISHER: Dust Jacket, A minute's worth of reading could lead to a lifetime of excellence. In pointed and practical readings, Stan and Linda Toler have supplied the ingredients for an award winning recipe for living in the twenty-first century. These brief writings boost confidence and a positive approach to each day. Minute Motivators for Women is a minute of inspiration and encouragement for you--for the busy woman you are, and the woman you want to be.

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Writing for the Real World 2: An Introduction to Business

Writing for the Real World 2: An Introduction to Business

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barnard, Roger / Meehan, Antoinette, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Writing for the Real World is a two-level course in writing for practical purposes.

The Green Witch Herbal: Restoring Nature's Magic in Home,

The Green Witch Herbal: Restoring Nature's Magic in Home,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Griggs, Barbara / Van Der Zee, Barbara, PUBLISHER: Healing Arts Press, As we seek more natural alternatives to harsh synthetic products, we are learning a new and healthy respect for the traditional wisdom our ancestors took for granted. Women are rediscovering their foremothers' "green witchcraft"--the use of flowers, leaves, berries, roots, and barks in home and garden, for hygiene and beauty, for pleasure and for health. Now, that lore may be found in this modern source book of the domestic use of herbs. Full of practical advice and fascinating historical insights, this delightful book shows you how to tap into the astonishing power of plants and herbs. Includes recipes for a variety of remedies and personal care products, and devotes a chapter to the creative use of herbs in the kitchen for cooking and as natural cleansers and disinfectants. Griggs' best-selling and widely-praised Green Pharmacy is considered the standard work on the history of herbal medicine.

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The Way to Write for Children: An Introduction to the Craft

The Way to Write for Children: An Introduction to the Craft

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aiken, Joan, PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Griffin, In addressing "the way to write for children," Joan Aiken starts at the beginning. Is writing a children's book as simple as it looks? Do you want to write for children or about them? Do you want to write a picture book for young children, a book for new readers, or a chapter book for preteens? Why is Beatrix Potter so beloved? E. Nesbit? A. A. Milne? Maurice Sendak? After more than fifteen years as a writing shelf classic, "The Way to Write for Children" has been completely revised and updated. From analysis of what makes the best-loved children's books so successful, to where to look for inspiration, to practical advice on how to structure a plot, Aiken delivers an extremely useful book for anyone who's ever considered writing a children's book.

Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the

Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Summers, Nancy, PUBLISHER: Thomson Brooks/Cole, Become an effective case manager with FUNDAMENTALS OF CASE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE This practical, ahow-toa workbook gives you the practice and information you need to be able to function competently in a social service setting. A step-by-step case management procedure takes you from intake to termination, providing clear directions for each step in the process, practical tips, and practice scenarios taken from real case management situations. The workbook includes actual agency forms that provide with the opportunity to practice using forms similar to those you will use on the job.

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Nature's Weeds, Native Medicine: Native American Herbal

Nature's Weeds, Native Medicine: Native American Herbal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miczak, Marie Anakee / Miczak, Marie, PUBLISHER: Lotus Press (WI), This book offers a unique insight to the secret healing herbs used by the first inhabitants of North America. More than Native American herbology, these time honored remedies represent the heritage of all Americans as it was previously known as frontier medicine. Discover for yourself what the ancient tribes of the United States used for health, nutrition & healing. Acquista Ora

Cardiac Safety of Noncardiac Drugs: Practical Guidelines for

Cardiac Safety of Noncardiac Drugs: Practical Guidelines for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morganroth, Joel / Gussak, Ihor, PUBLISHER: Humana Press, Basic and clinical researchers from industry and academia detail the preclinical, clinical, and regulatory principles currently used to assess the cardiac safety of new drugs. The authors explain the parameters of cardiac safety at all stages of clinical research and drug development, including both the preclinical and pharmacogenomic aspects generally and the clinical methodologies and technical aspects for investigational drugs based on cardiac repolarization, as defined by the duration of the QTc interval. Additional chapters comprehensively review the application of electrocardiography in clinical research, the fundamentals of ECG interpretation in clinical trials, the statistical analysis plans for ECG data obtained in formal clinical trials, and the practical interpretation of the ECG results. Highlights include practical guidance on how to conduct a thorough ECG Trial in New Drug Development, how to use new ECG and web based technology in clinical research, and how to follow the new FDA requirements for ECG submissions.

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Design Standards for Children's Environments

Design Standards for Children's Environments

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruth, Linda Cain, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Designing spaces for children requires specialized information--and this A-to-Z resource has it all, from data on scale to suppliers of furnishings and fixturesThe first--and only--stand-alone resource for facilities for children; indispensable for architects, interior designers, and facilities managersCovers residential interiors, schools, playgrounds, and other facilities

Tools for Active Christians

Tools for Active Christians

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Herb, PUBLISHER: Chalice Press, The "tools" Miller teaches church leaders to use are practical, down-to-earth functions that keep congregations alive and lively.

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How to Help a Grieving Friend: A Candid Guide for Those Who

How to Help a Grieving Friend: A Candid Guide for Those Who

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Whitson, Stephanie Grace, PUBLISHER: NavPress Publishing Group, This quick read will help you know how to act and what to say around a grieving friend. Learn to speak healing words instead of tired cliches, comfort and empathize with others, and break down barriers.

Great Preaching: Practical Advice from Powerful Preachers

Great Preaching: Practical Advice from Powerful Preachers

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Group Publishing, PUBLISHER: Group Publishing(CO), Take your preaching skills to the next level with practical insights from some of the most effective preachers of our time Each chapter highlights a prominent preacher's spirit-led journey of ministering and leading others to Christ. A cross-section of Christian traditions is represented. Great for seminary students, people aspiring to preach and other public speakers

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Putting Out the Fire of Addiction

Putting Out the Fire of Addiction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sultanoff, Barry / Klinger, Roger F., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, Coauthored by a medical doctor and an addictions specialist, this book offers practical, holistic strategies for deep healing and personal transformation. Featuring such user-friendly tools as imagery, prayer, meditation, and storytelling, it will help those recovering as well as their families, friends, and clinicians in their quest to live sober lives filled with richness and joy.

Jesus and Divorce: A Biblical Guide for Ministry to Divorced

Jesus and Divorce: A Biblical Guide for Ministry to Divorced

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ewald, George R., PUBLISHER: Herald Press, George R. Ewald brings to the topic a thorough understanding of Jewish law. While he acknowledges with respect Jesus' high standard for marriage, he shows how Jesus' teachings free us to bring a ministry of love, acceptance, and forgiveness to divorced persons. Contains practical guidelines for the church in developing helpful attitudes and ministry to divorced persons. Ewald calls for an active educational approach. Included is a 13-unit leader's guide that makes this book useful for study by Sunday school classes, discussion groups, and church boards.

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Fundamental Orthopedic Management for the Physical Therapist

Fundamental Orthopedic Management for the Physical Therapist

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shankman, Gary A., PUBLISHER: Mosby, This is the first book on orthopedic management specifically for physical therapist assistants. It focuses on fundamental scientific principles, as well a clinical applications. The consistent chapter format that includes descriptions of fractures and pathologies, and signs and symptoms for modification of exercise. Excellent chapters on injury repair, tissue healing, healing restraints relative to therapeutic intervention, and the foundations of therapeutic exercise. Pedagogical features include chapter outlines, chapter objectives firmly grounded in clinical practice, and key terms.

Practical Coal Mine Management

Practical Coal Mine Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Britton, Scott G., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A practical, detailed guide to all aspects of the structure, organization, and management of today's coal mining operations, with special emphasis on middle and front-line management. Delineates guidelines for becoming an effective mine manager. Discusses a wide range of techniques for improving mine productivity, labor-management relations, costs, training, and safety.

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Micromovement in Orthopaedics

Micromovement in Orthopaedics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Turner-Smith, A. / Smith, Alan R. / Turner-Smith, Alan R., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The musculo-skeletal system undergoes constant micromovement in response to mechanical influences, which in turn effect the healing of fractures, the development of arthritis and osteoporosis, and the body's response to prosthetic implants. At one magnitude, micromovement promotes the healing of fractures, but at a higher magnitude, it inhibits healing. Micromovement of a total joint replacement can lead to bone resorption and subsequent loosening of the prosthesis. To what extent do theory, laboratory measurements of micromovement, and early in vivo measurements relate to each other and to final clinical outcome? What is the role played by physiological feedback in the control of load during the healing of the musculo-skeletal system? Clinicians and engineers together explored the medical implications of micromovement and evaluated methods for its measurement at a meeting held by the Oxford Orthopedic Engineering Centre in April . This book is based on a selection of contributions and the lively debate that followed.

Fly with Me: A True Story of Healing from Multiple Sclerosis

Fly with Me: A True Story of Healing from Multiple Sclerosis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Phillips, Helen, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Back Cover Multiple Sclerosis is an incurable disease and is becoming more and more prevalent. This true story of God healing from multiple sclerosis will give other sufferers the faith, hope, and tools to go to God for their healing. "Helen's painful testimony is written in a gripping style. You don't want to put this down once you start. As you read you feel as if you want to go to the last chapter to see whether it all ends well. For anyone who is sick and trusting God for a miraculous healing this is a must read." Pastor John Thomas. Baptist Union. This story is about God helping in all circumstances, not only sickness and paralysis, but also war, death, divorce and financial problems and will inspire people to trust Him for help in all their trials. This true story gives the means and methods God showed an ordinary woman in the ups and downs of her life, until victory was finally obtained. This is not about a perfect person but a fallible human being making mistakes and struggling in faith against steep odds. As readers 'fly with her' they will be able to embrace the lessons God taught her and obtain victory in their own lives. Add photograph of the author here

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JUnit Recipes: Practical Methods for Programmer Testing

JUnit Recipes: Practical Methods for Programmer Testing

JUnit Recipes: Practical Methods for Programmer Testing J. B. Rainsberger, Scott Stirling Manning Come nuovo. Mai usato. Lingua inglese. Copertina brossura. 721 pp. ISBN
