portrait of the artist as young man di joyce

A portrait of the artist as a young man, di Joyce

A portrait of the artist as a young man, di Joyce

VERO AFFARE Svendo libro di testo universitario in lingua originale, A portrait of the artist as a young man, di James Joyce. Pari al nuovo, qualsiasi visione, spedizione inclusa. ISBN

A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man (Naxos AudioBooks)

A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man (Naxos AudioBooks)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James Joyce, PUBLISHER: H N H International Limited, NA

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man (Naxos AudioBooks)


Vendo i seguenti libri originali: - "Historia de la literatura española", tomo V, el siglo XIX (di J. Canavaggio) - S. Beckett, "Waiting for Godot" + "Happy Days" - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - C. Dickens, "Hard times", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, "Sonnets" (inglese/italiano) - K. Mansfield, “Tutti I racconti” (Bliss and other stories), Adelphi ediz. - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford

Libri in lingua originale

Libri in lingua originale

Vendo i seguenti libri in lingua originale: - O. Wilde “The picture of Dorian Grey”, Penguin - S. Beckett, "Happy Days" - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, “The comedy of errors”, garzanti testo a fronte -Jean Rhys, “Wide Sargasso sea”, penguin - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford - Rosalia de Castro “En las orillas del sar” (in spagnolo) - Carmen Martin Gaite “El cuarto de atràs” (in spagnolo, ediz. Destino) - Esther Tusquets “El mismo mar de todos los veranos” (in spagnolo – ediz. Anagrama) - F. Scarpa “La traduzione Specializzata”, Hoepli ediz.

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: Libri in lingua originale
Libri in lingua originale

Libri in lingua originale

Vendo i seguenti libri originali: - S. Beckett, "Happy Days" + "Waiting for Godot" (in lingua) - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, "Sonnets" (inglese/italiano) - W. Shakespeare, "The comedy of errors", garzanti testo a fronte -Jean Rhys, "Wide Sargasso sea", penguin - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford - Rosalia de Castro "En las orillas del sar" (in spagnolo) - Carmen Martin Gaite "El cuarto de atrĂ s" (in spagnolo, ediz. Destino) - Esther Tusquets "El mismo mar de todos los veranos" (in spagnolo - ediz. Anagrama)

Testi in LINGUA ORIGINALE (livello universitario)

Testi in LINGUA ORIGINALE (livello universitario)

Vendo i seguenti libri originali: - S. Beckett, "Happy Days" + “Waiting for Godot” (in lingua) - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, "Sonnets" (inglese/italiano) - W. Shakespeare, “The comedy of errors”, garzanti testo a fronte -Jean Rhys, “Wide Sargasso sea”, penguin - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford - Rosalia de Castro “En las orillas del sar” (in spagnolo) - Carmen Martin Gaite “El cuarto de atràs” (in spagnolo, ediz. Destino) - Esther Tusquets “El mismo mar de todos los veranos” (in spagnolo – ediz. Anagrama)

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: Testi in LINGUA ORIGINALE (livello universitario)
Libri classici in lingua originale

Libri classici in lingua originale

Vendo i seguenti libri in lingua originale: - O. Wilde “The picture of Dorian Grey”, Penguin - S. Beckett, "Happy Days" - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, "Sonnets" (inglese/italiano) - W. Shakespeare, “The comedy of errors”, garzanti testo a fronte -Jean Rhys, “Wide Sargasso sea”, penguin - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford - Rosalia de Castro “En las orillas del sar” (in spagnolo) - Carmen Martin Gaite “El cuarto de atràs” (in spagnolo, ediz. Destino) - Esther Tusquets “El mismo mar de todos los veranos” (in spagnolo – ediz. Anagrama) - F. Scarpa “La traduzione Specializzata”, Hoepli ediz.

Libri in lingua originale

Libri in lingua originale

Vendo i seguenti libri originali: - O. Wilde “The picture of Dorian Grey”, Penguin - S. Beckett, "Happy Days" + “Waiting for Godot” (in lingua) - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, "Sonnets" (inglese/italiano) - W. Shakespeare, “The comedy of errors”, garzanti testo a fronte -Jean Rhys, “Wide Sargasso sea”, penguin - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford - Rosalia de Castro “En las orillas del sar” (in spagnolo) - Carmen Martin Gaite “El cuarto de atràs” (in spagnolo, ediz. Destino) - Esther Tusquets “El mismo mar de todos los veranos” (in spagnolo – ediz. Anagrama) - F. Scarpa “La traduzione Specializzata”, Hoepli ediz.

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: Libri in lingua originale
Libri in lingua originale

Libri in lingua originale

Vendo i seguenti libri in lingua originale: - O. Wilde “The picture of Dorian Grey”, Penguin - S. Beckett, "Happy Days" - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, “The comedy of errors”, garzanti testo a fronte -Jean Rhys, “Wide Sargasso sea”, penguin - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford - Rosalia de Castro “En las orillas del sar” (in spagnolo) - Carmen Martin Gaite “El cuarto de atràs” (in spagnolo, ediz. Destino) - Esther Tusquets “El mismo mar de todos los veranos” (in spagnolo â€" ediz. Anagrama) - F. Scarpa “La traduzione Specializzata”, Hoepli ediz.

The picture of dorian gray

The picture of dorian gray

Oscar Wilde An exquisitely beautiful young man in Victorian England retains his youthful and innocent appearance over the years while his portrait reflects both his age and evil soul as he pursues a life of decadence and corruption.

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: The picture of dorian gray
Classici in lingua originale

Classici in lingua originale

Vendo i seguenti libri originali: - S. Beckett, "Happy Days" + “Waiting for Godot” (in lingua) - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - C. Dickens, "Hard times", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, "Sonnets" (inglese/italiano) - W. Shakespeare, “The comedy of errors”, garzanti testo a fronte -Jean Rhys, “Wide Sargasso sea”, penguin - K. Mansfield, “Tutti I racconti” (Bliss and other stories), Adelphi ediz. - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford - Rosalia de Castro “En las orillas del sar” (in spagnolo) - Carmen Martin Gaite “El cuarto de atràs” (in spagnolo, ediz. Destino) - Esther Tusquets “El mismo mar de todos los veranos” (in spagnolo – ediz. Anagrama)

Libri in lingua originale

Libri in lingua originale

Vendo i seguenti libri originali: - S. Beckett, "Happy Days" + "Waiting for Godot" (in lingua) - J. Joyce, "Ulysses", penguin classics - J. Swift, "Gulliver's travels", penguin classics - J. Conrad, "Youth" + "The end of tether", penguin classics - S. Richardson, "Pamela", penguin classics - H. Fielding, "Tom Jones", penguin classics - D. Defoe, "Moll Flanders" + "Robinson Crusoe", penguin classics - C. Dickens, "Hard times", penguin classics - J. Joyce, "A portrait of the artist as a young man", Oxford classics - W. Shakespeare, "Sonnets" (inglese/italiano) - W. Shakespeare, "The comedy of errors", garzanti testo a fronte -Jean Rhys, "Wide Sargasso sea", penguin - K. Mansfield, "Tutti I racconti" (Bliss and other stories), Adelphi ediz. - Dizionario Monolingua Inglese. Ediz. Oxford - Rosalia de Castro "En las orillas del sar" (in spagnolo) - Carmen Martin Gaite "El cuarto de atrĂ s" (in spagnolo, ediz. Destino) - Esther Tusquets "El mismo mar de todos los veranos" (in spagnolo - ediz. Anagrama)

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: Libri in lingua originale
Francesco Gennari

Francesco Gennari

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Risaliti, Sergio / Gennari, Francesco, PUBLISHER: Charta, Stabilized trees, the fossil vertebrae of whales that lived millions of years ago, clods of earth painted pure gold, images of everyday objects reflected in windows and mirrors: this is the world as reconstructed by a young Italian artist whose work is founded on the spiritual idea of an art that can recreate the social and philosophical relations between man and nature.

Ordinary Things

Ordinary Things

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pratt, Chrstopher, PUBLISHER: Breakwater Books,Canada, "Insightful and thought-provoking journal entries, from the s to , on the creative process, art, life, and province of renowned Canadian artist Christopher Pratt. Ordinary Things is laced with astute observations that summarize the artistic process, and the motivations and contemplations of not only an artist, but any man. It contains slices of truth about life and Newfoundland itself, and the dynamic world of the ordinary, on which Pratt has drawn so heavily on in his work. These passages have an obvious appeal to anyone in the arts, though they will have a deep resonance with a broader audience as well. Ordinary Things paints with words and evocative self-portrait of a renowned Canadian artist."

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: Ordinary Things
Uncanny Spectacle: The Public Career of the Young John

Uncanny Spectacle: The Public Career of the Young John

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Simpson, Marc / Weinberg, H. Barbara / Ormond, Richard, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, By the time John Singer Sargent turned thirty, years old in , he already commanded an international reputation in the art world, creating a stream of works for exhibition that people eagerly awaited and discussed at length. Henry, James noted that Sargent's talent offered "the slightly 'uncanny' spectacle" of an artist on the threshold of his career who in fact had nothing more to learn. This book explores how the young American painter in just over a decade jumped from apprenticeship to wide acclaim, how he presented himself and his works, and how he sought to shape public perception of his talent. The book includes illustrations of every painting Sargent exhibited in Paris, London, and New York through . Drawing on the correspondence of the artist, his friends, and his family, as well as an extensive review of contemporary critical responses, the text examines these works of Sargent's early maturity -- some unseen in this century and others among his best-known works, including Smoke of Ambergris and Madame X. The authors contend that the canvases present a fresh view of Sargent's aspirations and ambitions, representing a metaphoric self-portrait of the artist as a young man. The early paintings, their relationship to one another, and their reception also shed light on the complex, cosmopolitan art world in which Sargent lived. Uncanny Spectacle accompanies an exhibition of John Singer Sargent's early paintings that will open in June at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

Ciotolina ceramica bianca traforata

Ciotolina ceramica bianca traforata

Markus Zusak Trying to make sense of the horrors of World War II, Death relates the story of Liesel-a young German girl whose book-stealing and story-telling talents help sustain her family and the Jewish man they are hiding, as well as their neighbors.

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: Ciotolina ceramica bianca traforata
Young Catholics at the New Millennium: The Religion and

Young Catholics at the New Millennium: The Religion and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fulton, John / Borowik, Irena / Long Marler, Penny, PUBLISHER: University College Dublin Press, How "religious" are young Catholics today? Focusing on the experiences of young Catholics in the U.S., Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and Malta, these authors provide a thorough portrait of young Catholics today.

CD nuovo Gruppo: AC/DC Titolo: Ballbreaker

CD nuovo Gruppo: AC/DC Titolo: Ballbreaker

CD nuovo ancora impachettato nel suo cellophane originale – NEW – Sealed Cantante / gruppo: AC/DC Titolo CD: Ballbreaker Anno: Stampa tedesca – Made in Germany Casa discografica / Record company: EastWest Codice / Code number: Tracks: 1. Hard as a Rock (Young, Young) - . Cover You in Oil (Young, Young) - . The Furor (Young, Young) - . Boogie Man (Young, Young) - . The Honey Roll (Young, Young) - . Burnin' Alive (Young, Young) - . Hail Caesar (Young, Young) - . Love Bomb (Young, Young) - . Caught With Your Pants Down (Young, Young) - . Whiskey on the Rocks (Young, Young) - . Ballbreaker (Young, Young) - 4:32 Spese di spedizione da concordare

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: CD nuovo Gruppo: AC/DC Titolo: Ballbreaker
Storia di una ladra di libri

Storia di una ladra di libri

Markus Zusak Trying to make sense of the horrors of World War II, Death relates the story of Liesel-a young German girl whose book-stealing and story-telling talents help sustain her family and the Jewish man they are hiding, as well as their neighbors. (cod. I_)

The complete short stories

The complete short stories

Oscar Wilde Wilde's short fiction includes such masterpieces as 'The Happy Prince', 'The Selfish Giant', 'Lord Arthur Savile's Crime' and 'The Canterville Ghost', as well as the daring narrative experiments of 'The Portrait of Mr. W. H.' and 'Poems in Pro (cod. I_)

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: The complete short stories
The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wilde, Oscar / Mighall, Robert, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, Enthralled by a portrait of himself, young Dorian Gray makes a Faustian bargain to exchange his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Thus he is able to indulge in his desires, as only the portrait bears the traces of his decadence and becomes a nightmarish picture of his soul. Edited with an Introduction by Robert Mighall Preface by Peter Ackroyd

The Roosevelt I Knew

The Roosevelt I Knew

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Perkins, Frances / Cohen, Adam, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, A vivid and intimate portrait of the New Deal president by the first woman ever appointed to the U.S. Cabinet. When Francis Perkins first met Franklin D. Roosevelt at a dance in , she was a young social worker and he was an attractive young man making a modest debut in state politics. Over the next thirty-five years, she watched his career unfold, becoming both a close family friend and a trusted political associate whose tenure as secretary of labor spanned his entire administration. FDR and his presidential policies continue to be widely discussed in the classroom and in the media, and "The Roosevelt I Knew" offers a unique window onto the man whose courage and pioneering reforms still resonate in the lives of Americans today.

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: The Roosevelt I Knew
The Secret of Success and Other Stories

The Secret of Success and Other Stories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zuber-Sharfstein, Chana / Mindel, Nissan / Kleinman, Zalman, PUBLISHER: Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, More short stories for young children by the author of "The Call of the Shofar." The title story reveals how the unselfish generosity of on young man brought blessings of wealth and success to many generations of his descendants - the famous House of Rothschild. The theme of charity and kindness recurs in each of these charming tales.

The Outsiders

The Outsiders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hinton, S. E., PUBLISHER: Viking Books, First published by Viking in , "The Outsiders" immediately resonated with young adults. This groundbreaking novel was like nothing else out thereait was honest and gritty, and was a deeply sympathetic portrayal of Ponyboy, a young man who finds himself on the outside of regular society. Forty years later, with over thirteen million copies sold, the story is as fresh and powerful to teenagers today as it ever was. Celebrate the fortieth anniversary of a classic with this stunning edition, featuring the original cover.

Offerte relazionate portrait of the artist as young man di joyce: The Outsiders
Cereal Tycoon: Henry Parsons Crowell: Founder of the Quaker

Cereal Tycoon: Henry Parsons Crowell: Founder of the Quaker

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Musser, Joe, PUBLISHER: Moody Publishers, A story of a man who, in his business lunches with great leaders, his work to rid the city of Chicago of debauchery, or his contributions to the Moody Bible Institute, above all sought to share Christ with those around him. See how the vows Crowell made as a young man came to fruition.
