Polar Bears in inglese
Titolo: Polar Bears in inglese Autori: Sirling Ian, Ian Stirling Editore: University of Michigan Press Data di Pubblicazione: January Pagine: Euro 25 condizioni ottime Every once in a while a book comes along that combines both art and research so completely, so intuitively, that it becomes a classic, offering the reader not only a wealth of information, but an escape into the life of the subject covered. Polar Bears is such a book. Here, you will learn from one of the world's leading polar bear experts, Ian Stirling, how the polar bear evolved and adapted to its world of snow and ice. You will follow the life of the polar bear from its birth in a snowy den in the middle of winter through its fascinating methods of hunting seals on the sea ice, its seasonal migrations, and its passage into old age. And you will learn about the impact of man on the survival of this magnificent animal. Renowned wildlife photographer Dan Guravich's spectacular visual commentary captures the playfulness and the majestic beauty of the polar bear. Over 150 color photographs portray the animals as the powerful predators they are. You will see the scars of battle, and you will see the tenderness between a mother and her cubs. In all, you will experience a truly fitting tribute to one of the most beautiful creatures in the world--the very spirit of Arctic living. "Few men other than the Inuit themselves have had as intimate an acquaintance with polar bears as Ian Stirling and Dan Guravich. The combination of Stirling's scholarly research and Guravich's incomparable photographs are a superb celebration of these glamorous 'Lords of the Arctic.'" -- Disponibile in Roma altezza stazione Tiburtina o Rieti zona Petrella Salto con formula visto e piaciuto Solo contatto telefonico o sms per essere richiamati Per vedere altri annunci digita nella ricerca mariomarco