


Pointer cuccioli e pronta caccia




Offerte relazionate pointers: POINTERS Cuccioli
Mouse logitech

Mouse logitech

Vendo spendido mouse logitech blu completo di istruzioni e custodia in panno per riporlo. Il mouse è stato utilizzato pochissimo. Per le specifiche tecniche: http://www.logitech.com/it-it/mice-pointers/mice/devices/

Writing and Getting Published: A Primer for Nurses

Writing and Getting Published: A Primer for Nurses

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barnum, Barbara S., PUBLISHER: Springer Publishing Company, A step-by-step guide to developing professional writing skills and navigating the publication process. It includes pointers on structuring one's writing, avoiding common mistakes, writing query letters and book proposals, and finding and working with a publisher.

Professional Guide to Signs & Symptoms

Professional Guide to Signs & Symptoms

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing / Schull, Patricia / Springhouse, PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, A comprehensive manual that helps health care professionals recognize and interpret their patients' signs and symptoms. Alphabetical coverage of more than 300 signs and symptoms of common and uncommon disease indicators. More than 500 illustrations, tables, and flow charts. New features this edition include geriatric pointers, tips on the effects of herbal drugs, cultural cues, and useful English-Spanish phrases.

Handbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing

Handbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing / Moreau, David, PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, Now included are nursing priority flowcharts, health promotion pointers, and physiologic and psychosocial guidelines for geriatric care. Covered are more than 265 disorders and more than 60 procedures -- including the latest on cryptosporidiosis, MI, Fanconi's syndrome, AIDS, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, thalassemia, asthma, granulocytopenia, stroke, and more. Life-threatening complications and nursing alerts are highlighted. For each disorder, nurses find a definition, causes, complications, assessment, diagnostic tests, treatment, key nursing diagnoses and patient outcomes, and nursing interventions. Treatment entries include an overview of the procedure, key nursing diagnoses and patient outcomes, and nursing interventions.

Offerte relazionate pointers: Handbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing
German Wirehaired Pointers(oop)

German Wirehaired Pointers(oop)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Comprere, Newton L. / Compere, Newton, PUBLISHER: TFH Publications, This book, illustrated throughout entirely with full-color photos and drawings, presents sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a German Wirehaired Pointer. It concentrates on providing readers with the information they need and want -- all given in an interesting and easy-to-read style. Following is just a partial listing of the topics covered: History of the German Wirehaired Pointer -- Description of the German Wirehaired Pointer -- Grooming -- Selecting Your Dog -- The New Family Member -- Feeding Requirements -- Accommodations -- Housebreaking and Training -- Behavior Modification -- Health Care -- Preventive Dental Cares -- Breeding -- Dogs and the Law -- Index



ALMANACCO DEL POINTER INGLESE di Carlo Gabrielli 1' e 2' volume OPERA COMPLETA 1' volume pagine ' volume pagine 924; Formato: cm. 22,5 x 30,5 legatura editoriale; Bella carta patinata lucida. Sovraccoperta a colori e copertina supplementare illustrata. Prefazione dell'Autore. Presentazione di: Don Rino Dossena, Carlo Zironi, Giorgio Morsiani e Maurizio Barbieri. Raccolta davvero monumentale di Pointers, pedigree, titoli conseguiti dagli stessi, risultati ottenuti, esiti in riproduzione dei più famosi esponenti della razza dal ai giorni nostri. Il tutto arricchito dalle foto dei soggetti citati e dalle relazioni delle prove e delle esposizioni a cui hanno partecipato, rilasciate dai più importanti Giudici Internazionali. Importantissimo testo di consultazione storica di grande interesse per chi si occupa e non della selezione del Pointer. Opera minuziosa ed appassionata, indispensabile per ogni Pointerman. CONTATTARE: BENEDETTO GIAIMO Tel. +39

Offerte relazionate pointers: ALMANACCO del POINTER INGLESE (Nuovi)
Almanacco del pointer inglese 1° e 2° vol. (nuovi).

Almanacco del pointer inglese 1° e 2° vol. (nuovi).

ALMANACCO DEL POINTER INGLESE di Carlo Gabrielli 1° e 2° volume OPERA COMPLETA 1° volume pagine ° volume pagine 924; Formato: cm. 22,5 x 30,5 legatura editoriale; Bella carta patinata lucida. Sovraccoperta a colori e copertina supplementare illustrata. Prefazione dell'Autore. Presentazione di: Don Rino Dossena, Carlo Zironi, Giorgio Morsiani e Maurizio Barbieri. Raccolta davvero monumentale di Pointers, pedigree, titoli conseguiti dagli stessi, risultati ottenuti, esiti in riproduzione dei più famosi esponenti della razza dal ai giorni nostri. Il tutto arricchito dalle foto dei soggetti citati e dalle relazioni delle prove e delle esposizioni a cui hanno partecipato, rilasciate dai più importanti Giudici Internazionali. Importantissimo testo di consultazione storica di grande interesse per chi si occupa e non della selezione del Pointer. Opera minuziosa ed appassionata, indispensabile per ogni Pointerman. CONTATTARE: BENEDETTO GIAIMO Tel. +39

The Reading for Real Handbook

The Reading for Real Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Colin / Harrison, Colin / Coles, Martin, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "The Reading for Real Handbook" is a genuinely balanced attempt to explore current theory and put forward some conclusions on the success of certain teaching methods. It It provides an account of the current theories that underpin reading and the teaching of reading and also offers guidance on how to implement those theories. Rather than simply describing good practice, it offers clear pointers indicating why the practical approaches which are put forth for consideration are theoretically sound and can be fully supported by recent advances in theory. A series of questions is posed at the end of each chapter, intended as a stimulus to self-reflection and as a potential starting point for staff discussion. An annotated booklist is also provided, which readers might use to follow up ideas contained in the chapter.

Offerte relazionate pointers: The Reading for Real Handbook


ALMANACCO DEL POINTER INGLESE di Carlo Gabrielli 1° e 2° volume OPERA COMPLETA 1° volume pagine ° volume pagine 924; Formato: cm. 22,5 x 30,5 legatura editoriale; Bella carta patinata lucida. Sovraccoperta a colori e copertina supplementare illustrata. Prefazione dell'Autore. Presentazione di: Don Rino Dossena, Carlo Zironi, Giorgio Morsiani e Maurizio Barbieri. Raccolta davvero monumentale di Pointers, pedigree, titoli conseguiti dagli stessi, risultati ottenuti, esiti in riproduzione dei più famosi esponenti della razza dal ai giorni nostri. Il tutto arricchito dalle foto dei soggetti e dalle relazioni delle prove, delle esposizioni a cui hanno partecipato rilasciate dai più importanti Giudici Internazionali. Importantissimo testo di consultazione storica di grande interesse per chi si occupa della selezione e per tutti gli amanti di questa splendida razza che è il Pointer. Opera minuziosa ed appassionata, indispensabile per ogni "Pointer Man". CONTATTARE: BENEDETTO GIAIMO Tel. +39

Can You Say a Few Words?: How to Prepare and Deliver Award

Can You Say a Few Words?: How to Prepare and Deliver Award

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Detz, Joan, PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Griffin, -Your alma mater asks you to say a few words at an upcoming fundraising dinner -You've won an employee award and will have to give a short acceptance speech at the ceremony -Your parents are celebrating their 50th anniversary, and you'd like to make a toast at their party Everyone's counting on you to sound polished, to be prepared, to speak with savvy-in short, to give a speech that's as memorable as the occasion itself. Don't dread these invitations to speak. Instead, learn to prepare clear, concise, and engaging speeches that will live up to your audience's expectations and match the mood of the occasion. Award-winning corporate speechwriter Joan Detz offers solid advice for tackling this nerve-racking task-with pointers, tips, and trade secrets that will help you make the most of every speaking opportunity. Clearly written and fun to read, this invaluable guide provides all the practical advice and encouragement you need to deliver a winning speech.

Footprint Vietnam Handbook: The Travel Guide

Footprint Vietnam Handbook: The Travel Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Colet, John / Eliot, Joshua, PUBLISHER: Footprint Handbooks, The Footprint Vietnam Handbook is the most up-to-date guide available to this increasingly popular destination. The country's coastline stretches nearly miles, but there is more to Vietnam than beaches. This thoroughly revised guide shows you what else is on offer in this friendly developing nation. From outstanding background information on Vietnam's modern history and invaluable pointers on learning the language to mouth-watering details on local cuisine and the best places to sample it, this guide will appeal to whatever the traveler is seeking. It takes you to the best locally produced goods on offer and provides valuable shopping tips for once you're there and helps you find the best place to stay with up-to-date listings and advice on how to escape the hoards. Footprint travel guides are synonymous with discovery and adventure -- their purpose is to convey the very essence of a destination and to feel its pulse. Eye-opening, accurate, and reliable information is given in each guide, ensuring that every trip is memorable, enlightening, and informing. Footprint's guidebooks are the future of travel, stressing a sensitivity to local issues.

Drafting Wills & Trusts

Drafting Wills & Trusts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marsh, Lucy A., PUBLISHER: Vandeplas Pub., Drafting effective wills and trust allows property to be given to the people or institutions that matter most to an individual. This book explains how to do the special, thoughtful drafting required by anyone who truly cares about distribution of property, care of elderly parents, guardians for young children, or care for pets after the owner is gone. The book is richly illustrated by samples of techniques used in the actual wills and trusts of well-known Americans. Topics covered include: WHAT HAPPENS WITHOUT A WILL; CAPACITY TO MAKE A WILL; SELECTING THE TRUSTEES; DESIGNING PET TRUSTS. Realistic, thought-provoking DRAFTING EXERCISES followed by detailed POINTERS FOR DRAFTING help the reader develop the skills needed for effective drafting. The concluding chapters cover related documents, including: MEDICAL AND FINANCIAL POWERS OF ATTORNEY, MEDICAL DIRECTIVES and LIVING WILLS. About the author: Lucy Marsh, Professor of Law at University of Denver Sturm College of Law is a native to Denver. She is a graduate of Smith College and a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School. While attending the University of Michigan, she played a key role in setting up the first legal clinic in Ann Arbor to serve the underprivileged. She has led a distinguished career as an attorney, professor and advocate for community causes. Admitted to the bar in both Connecticut and Colorado, she was the first woman elected to the Colorado Bar Association Real Estate Section's Title Standards Committee, served the city as member of the Denver District Attorney's Office in the 's, was a commissioner to the Colorado Real Estate Commission, and provided legal assistance to the Colorado AIDS project. Her academic career at the University of Denver began in as a part time professor and led up to her present position as a full professor in . Since that time she was voted DU Professor of the Year in and was elected by the students in to give the commencement address. She now leads a unique program in which the students in her Trust and Estates classes participate in a Will's Lab, providing free services for the indigent and elderly. She also employs a unique teaching tool called the Technicolor System, attributed to her father, Thompson Marsh, to assist in the learning process by color coding different types of information in student's legal drafts

Offerte relazionate pointers: Drafting Wills & Trusts