permaculture in a nutshell

Permaculture in a Nutshell

Permaculture in a Nutshell

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Whitefield, Patrick / Greenwell, Terry / Kindred, Glennie, PUBLISHER: Permanent Publications, Permaculture is a creative approach to abundant and fulfilling lifestyles. It is for everyone wishing to live sustainable and tread more lightly on the Earth. Permaculture is an ecologically sound approach to providing for our needs, including our food, shelter and financial and social structures. It is based on co-operating with nature and caring for the Earth and its people. "Permaculture in a Nutshell" is a concise and accessible introduction to the principles and practice of permaculture in temperate climates. It covers how permaculture works in the city, the country and on the farm and explores ways in which people can work together to recreate real communities. This inspiring book clearly describes how we can live fruitfully and sustainably and is essential reading for anyone wishing to reduce their environmental impact.

Java in a Nutshell - 5a edizione

Java in a Nutshell - 5a edizione

Vendo libro in lingua inglese "Java in a Nutshell" di David Flanagan Spedizione con Piego Libri a ? per raccomandazione) ISBN:

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: Java in a Nutshell - 5a edizione
LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell

LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell

LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell Adam Haeder, Stephen Addison Schneiter, Bruno Gomes Pessanha, James Stange O'Reilly Come nuovo. Mai usato. Lingua inglese. Copertina brossura. Terza edizione. 520 pp. ISBN

Trading in a Nutshell Planning for consistently profitable

Trading in a Nutshell Planning for consistently profitable

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stuart McPhee, PUBLISHER: Wrightbooks, NA

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: Trading in a Nutshell Planning for consistently profitable
Fast Facts for the School Nurse School Nursing in a Nutshell

Fast Facts for the School Nurse School Nursing in a Nutshell

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Janice Loschiavo, PUBLISHER: Springer Publishing Company Incorporated, NA

The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf [With CDROM]

The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Reilly & Associates Inc, PUBLISHER: O'Reilly Media, Computer professionals increasingly rely on the Web, online help, and other online information sources to ease information pain. Now The "Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf gives you convenient online access to your favorite books from your CD-ROM drive. "The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf is a power-packed collection of books from O'Reilly: both electronic and print versions of "Java Enterprise in a Nutshell, plus electronic versions of "Java in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition; "Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell; "Enterprise JavaBeans, 2nd Edition; "Java Servlet Programming; "Java Security; and "Java Distributed Computing. Never has it been easier to learn, or look up, what you need to know online. Formatted in HTML, "The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf can be read using any Web browser. The books are fully searchable and cross-referenced. In addition to individual indexes for each book, there's a master index for the entire library.

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf [With CDROM]
LIBRO Nuclear Physis

LIBRO Nuclear Physis

LIBRO Nuclear Physis in a nutshell autore Bertulani. Il libro è in ottime condizioni simile al nuovo.

Le Avventure di Cip & Ciop - VHS Vintage

Le Avventure di Cip & Ciop - VHS Vintage

Le Avventura di Cip & Ciop VHS Vintage Ottimo Stato Come nuovo Ideale per Collezionisti Episodi: All in a Nutshell Food For Feudin Out of Scale Donald Applecore Two Chips and a Miss The Lone Chipmunks Up a Tree

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: Le Avventure di Cip & Ciop - VHS Vintage
Pick Your Brains about Greece

Pick Your Brains about Greece

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sanderson, Caroline, PUBLISHER: Cadogan Guides, At last, a book that tells children what they want to know about Greece, whether they are visiting on holiday, learning about Greece at school, bored at the airport or want to learn more about their Greek heroes. Pick Your Brains about Greece and find out its: Vital facts and figures * History in a nutshell * Local customs * Fabulous buildings and sights * Great inventors, artists, writers and scientists * Food and drink * Incredible festivals and the stories behind them * Sport * Good books and wicked websites * Emergency phrases in greek such as 'my parents will pay '.

Libri fisica, astrofisica, matematica

Libri fisica, astrofisica, matematica

Vari libri di fisica, astrofisica, matematica: dalla meccanica alla teoria quantistica dei campi alla relatività generale. Per il prezzo contattatemi dato che alcuni sono libri originali, altri delle ristampe più economiche. Spedisco a carico acquirente, vendo preferibilmente gruppi di libri e non singole unità. NO perditempo. LISTA attuale: Quantum Field Theory in a nutshell A. Zee Lezioni sulla Teoria dell'Integrale Alessandro Fonda Geometrical Methods of mathematical physics B. Schutz Cosmology Steven Weinberg Problems and Solutions on Quantum Mechanics Yung-Kuo Lim Questi invece sono stampe: Group Theory - C. Ludeling (stampa) Quantum and Statistical Field Theory - M Le Bellac (stampa)

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: Libri fisica, astrofisica, matematica


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Behavior Adjustment Training: Bat for Fear, Frustration, and

Behavior Adjustment Training: Bat for Fear, Frustration, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stewart, Grisha, PUBLISHER: Dogwise Publishing, Think "functional" to solve your dog's reactivity issues Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) was developed by author Grisha Stewart to rehabilitate and prevent dog reactivity. BAT looks at the function of growling, lunging, or fleeing and helps dogs learn socially acceptable behaviors that serve that same function. In a nutshell, BAT builds confidence by giving dogs a chance to learn to control their environment through peaceful means. That makes BAT very empowering to your dog or puppy, in a good way. It's also empowering for you, as you learn how to understand your dog and help him learn to safely get along with people, dogs, and other "triggers."

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: Behavior Adjustment Training: Bat for Fear, Frustration, and
Libri informatica vari

Libri informatica vari

Vari libri informatica in lingua inglese e italiano, tutti in buono stato. Python In a Nutshell O'Reilly Alex Martelli Prezzo: 20€ Learning Python O'Reilly Mark Lutz e David Ascher Prezzo: 20€ Programming Python O'Reilly Mark Lutz Prezzo: 25€ Python Coockbook O'Reilly Alex Martelli,Anna Martelli e David Ascher Prezzo: 25€ Usare Mysql O'Reilly George Reese, Randy Jay Yarger e Tim King Prezzo: 20€ Programming With QT O'Reilly Matthias Kalle Dalheimer Prezzo: 20€ Understanding the Linux Kernel O'Reilly Daniel P. Bovet e Marco Cesati Prezzo: 25€ Google Hacking for Penetration Tester Syngress Johnny Long Prezzo: 25€ Java. La guida completa McGraw Hill Herbert Schildt Prezzo: 30€ Architettura dei Computer Andrew S. Tanenbaum UTET Prezzo: 20€ I Moderni Sistemi Operativi Andrew S. Tanenbaum Jackson Libri Università Prezzo: 25€ In blocco spedizione compresa, singolarmente da valutare

Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative

Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Allen-Gil, Susan / Stelljes, Lia / Borysova, Olena, PUBLISHER: Springer, As the importance of environmental security increases worldwide, colleges and universities are evaluating how well they are preparing the next generation of environmental scientists and managers and developing new educational approaches. In this volume, we examine: (1) current educational practices and the need for change, (2) educational needs from the perspective of employers and professionals, and (3) new practices in higher education in environmental fields. The contributors were carefully selected by an international coordinating team based on their international reputations in the field of progressive educational approaches and understanding of the global employment market in environmental science. Although the focal geographic areas are North America, Europe and the former Soviet republics, the ideas and strategies discussed are universal to all institutions of higher education. We highlight specific non-traditional approaches such as using the university as a curricular tool, developing permaculture programs, and applying sustainability pedagogy, and document their success from both a student and employer perspective. We also include case studies on risk assessment and eco-efficiency education to illustrate why and how transdisciplinary education can be accomplished. We conclude that it is imperative that our educational systems teach environmental security at the university level within a transdisciplinary context; and that opportunities, such as internships and other methods of applied learning, are included in the curriculum.

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative
Raving Fans

Raving Fans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blanchard, Ken / Bowles, Sheldon M. / MacKay, Harvey, PUBLISHER: William Morrow & Company, "Your customers are only satisfied because their expectations are so low and because no one else is doing better. Just having satisfied customers isn't good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create Raving Fans." This, in a nutshell, is the advice given to a new Area Manager on his first day--in an extraordinary business book that will help everyone, in every kind of organization or business, deliver stunning customer service and achieve miraculous bottom-line results. Written in the parable style of "The One Minute Manager, Raving Fans" uses a brilliantly simple and charming story to teach how to define a vision, learn what a customer really wants, institute effective systems, and make Raving Fan Service a constant feature--not just another program of the month. America is in the midst of a service crisis that has left a wake of disillusioned customers from coast to coast. "Raving Fans" includes startling new tips and innovative techniques that can help anyone create a revolution in any workplace--and turn their customers into raving, spending fans.

Testi universitari informatica usati

Testi universitari informatica usati

Vendo i seguenti testi universitari, tutti a metà del prezzo di copertina. Spedizione con Pieghi di Libri pagamento con PayPal. Sistemi di basi di dati. Fondamenti Elmasri Modelli e linguaggi di interrogazione Atzeni Database Security Castano Lezioni di ricerca operativa Fischetti Centoventi esercizi di ricerca operativa Dell'Amico I moderni sistemi operativi Tanenbaum Sistemi operativi. Progetto e implementazione Tanenbaum Dai fondamenti agli oggetti. Corso di programmazione Java Pighizzini Thinking in Java Eckel Introduzione agli algoritmi e strutture dati Cormen Architettura dei computer. Un approccio quantitativo Patterson Fondamenti di fisica Halliday Ingegneria del software. Fondamenti e principi Ghezzi Design patterns Gamma X Networking e internet Halsall Automi, linguaggi e calcolabilità Hopcroft Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach Russell Norving Risoluzione dei testi di geometria Zucchetti B00HH629JU Algoritmic Inference in Machine Apolloni The Puzzle of Granular Computing Apolloni Architettura e organizzazione dei calcolatori elettronici Bucci Reti logiche Apogeo Circuiti elettrici Charles Esercizi di elettrotecnica Ghigi B00AN3W3UE Economia Samuelson Discrete Mathematics Biggs Modern Compiler Implementation in C Appel Numerical Recipes William H. Press First Course in Numerical Analysis Ralston Introduction to Numerical Analysis Hildebrand BCJCE0 Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science Graham Knuth Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach Arora LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell Pritchard 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL Stafford Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test Ibt Phillips Barron's Toefl Ibt Sharpe Kaplan TOEFL iBT Premier : With 4 Practice Tests Kaplan

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: Testi universitari informatica usati
Burning City: Poems of Metropolitan Modernity

Burning City: Poems of Metropolitan Modernity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rasula, Jed / Conley, Tim, PUBLISHER: Action Books, Poetry. BURNING CITY acts as a "multisensory Baedecker" to the many incarnations of international modernism from . Inspired by the abandoned plans of the early avant-garde poet Yvan Goll to write a history of modernity through the poetry of that era, scholars Jed Rasula and Tim Conley have carried out Goll's project, scouring the small journals and magazines of the period for both lost and seminal texts. BURNING CITY is organized not just according to the cities which inspired the texts--Paris, Cracow, Buenos Aires, and so on--but according to such icons of the modern urban experience as "Cineland," "Music Hall," "Electric Man." BURNING CITY makes a new contribution to anthologies of both poetry and modernism by its thematic focus on city life, by its inclusion of poets from languages and nationalities seldom represented in standard US surveys, and by its preservation of the typographic versatility of the this feverishly innovating period."'The fascination of cities, ' wrote Langston Hughes, 'seizes me, burning like a fever in the blood.' BURNING CITY enacts that passion with astonishing skill and learning. Whatever else Modernism was or was not, its geography was that of the New Urbanism: from Paris and Berlin to Sao Paulo and Shanghai, from such icons as the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building to Moscow's Nikitin Circus, it is the City in all its contradictions, its splendors and miseries, that was to become the laboratory of modernism, still dominating our dreams and nightmares a century after the fact. Truly global in its reach, yet local in its exacting particularities, BURNING CITY breaks down the old familiar isms and genre divisions, introducing us to writings we've never seen before, printed side by side with our favorite poems by Huidobro and Musil, Mayakovsky and Mina Loy. In a nutshell, the map of modernism will never be the same "--Marjorie Perloff

Libri di matematica Fisica Scienza ecc

Libri di matematica Fisica Scienza ecc

Vendiamo i seguenti libri (per informazioni dettagliata scriveteci): - Arnold Vladimir I., Metodi matematici della meccanica classica 15 euro - Ikramov C. Problemi di algebra lineare - 15 euro - A.M. Mood, F.A. Graybill, D.C. Boas, Introduzione alla statistica - 30 euro - Nikolskij S. M. Corso di analisi matematica I - 15 euro - G. Accascina, V. Villani Geometria - 25 euro - G. Accascina, V. Villani Algerbra linerae - 25 euro - G. Accascina, V. Villani Esercizi di Algerbra linerae - 25 euro - V. Zorich, Mathematical Analysis 1 - 40 euro - V. Zorich, Mathematical Analysis 2 - 40 euro - A.N. Shiryaev, Probability (Second Edition) - 40 euro - J.B. Conway, Functions of One Complex Variable I - 40 euro - G. H. Hardy, A course of pure mathematics - 25 euro - G. Nardulli, Meccanica Quantistica II - Applicazioni - 20 euro - G. Mahan, Quantum Mechanics in a Nutshell - 30 euro - D. Kreps, Corso di Microeconomia - 22 euro - R. Dornbusch, S. Fischer Macroeconomia - 20 euro - Spiegel Murray R., Statistica (875 Problemi risolti) - 7 euro - Laforgia Andrea, Analisi matematica - 11 euro - Krasnov, Kiselev, Makarenko, Equazioni integrali - 12 euro - Baranenkov, Demidovic, Efimenko, Frolov... Esercizi e problemi di analisi matematica - 13 euro - Najmark M. A., Stern A. I, Teoria delle rappresentazioni dei gruppi - 13 euro - Voronov A.A., Basic principles of automatic control theory, Special linear and nonlinear system - 15 euro - Lawuere William, Schanuel Stephen, Teoria delle categorie. Unâ€(TM)introduzione alla matematica. Matematica concettuale - 16 euro - Smirnov Vladimir, Corso di matematica superiore (Volume 2) - 16 euro - Macrobert Thomas M., Functions of a complex variable - 20 euro - Piskunov Nikolaj S., Calcolo differenziale e integrale (2 Voll) - 28 euro - Jean Perrin, Gli atomi - 10 euro - Landau L.D., Lifsic E.M., Fisica teorica. 7. Teoria dellâ€(TM)Elasticità. 10 euro - Landau L.D., Lifsic E.M.,1. Meccanica - 13 euro - Landau L.D., Lifsic E.M., Fisica teorica. 7. Teoria dei campi - 14 euro - Landau L.D., Lifsic E.M., Fisica statistica euro - Babko A.k., Pilipenko A., Photometric analysis. Methods of determining non-mentals - 15 euro - Zhigarev A., Electron optics and electron-beam devices - 15 euro - Hancock N.N., Matrix analysis of electrical machinery - 15 euro - Maiani Luciano (a cura) Le particelle fondamentali. Quark, leptoni e lâ€(TM)unificazione delle forze - 15 euro - R. Kippenhahn, A. Weigert, Stellar Structure and Evolution - 25 euro - Nakahara M. Geometry, Topology and Physics - 25 euro

Offerte relazionate permaculture in a nutshell: Libri di matematica Fisica Scienza ecc
Corporate Insurance Broker

Corporate Insurance Broker

Make It Cheaper has been helping to put a smile on the face of British businesses since – and that’s something we continue to strive for every day. So how do we do it? In a nutshell, our service takes the hassle out of shopping around for better deals on electricity, gas, insurance, telecoms and water. Our incredible people, coupled with the great service we provide, have made us the biggest (and best!) energy broker for SME’s in the UK which is why we are trusted by Go Compare, MoneySupermarket and uSwitch to look after their business customers. We are continually growing our Insurance customer base and through an exciting new project will be fulfilling an ambitious growth plan over the next three years. The Insurance team is responsible for building excellent rapport with new and existing customers as well as though who are introduced from our Energy and Telecoms teams.    The Insurance broker will be a key part of our growth and will be responsible for look-ing after Commercial Insurance customers from quotation and policy sale through to renewal to build a long-term customer relationship. Of utmost importance is dealing with large to very large business customers who have more complex insurance requirements and demand a different level of knowledge and insurance experience from their Insurance Broker.   Duties and responsibilities •             Building and maintaining strong business relationships with clients •             Discussing, assessing and advising on clients' current and future insurance needs with strong negotiation skills •             Taking ownership of diary management; scheduling and attending meetings •             Researching insurance policies and products for suitability to both the business and clients •             Existing relationships with Insurers and Underwriters with ability to negotiate policy terms and costs with insurance providers •             Arranging insurance cover for clients with the insurance provider •             Developing key relationships with customers who use Make it Cheaper for other services Identifying ways to improve customer experience •             Meeting regulatory standards, including Data Protection and FCA guidelines Minimum of 3 years, ideally 5 years Commercial Insurance Broking experience •             Preferably Dip CII qualified or progress towards •             Experience of dealing with large commercial clients •             Existing relationships with Insurers and Underwriters with ability to negotiate policy terms and costs with insurance providers •             Proven sales ability in winning new business deals of all sizes with demonstrable conversion rates •             Experience of Agricultural Insurance desirable (but not essential) •             Exceptional written English skills •             Excellent telephone manner •             Experience of taking referrals from junior members of staff, preferable but not essential Based in the City of London £    
