perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers

Perceptions of Horace A Roman Poet and His Readers

Perceptions of Horace A Roman Poet and His Readers

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: L B T Houghton, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, NA

The Cambridge Companion to Horace

The Cambridge Companion to Horace

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Horace is a central author in Latin literature. His work spans a wide range of genres, from iambus to satire, and odes to literary epistle, and he is just as much at home writing about love and wine as he is about philosophy and literary criticism. He also became a key literary figure in the regime of the Emperor Augustus. In this volume a superb international cast of contributors present a stimulating and accessible assessment of the poet, his work, its themes and its reception. This provides the orientation and coverage needed by non-specialists and students, but also suggests fresh and provoking perspectives from which specialists may benefit. Since the last general book on Horace was published half a century ago, there has been a sea-change in perceptions of his work and in the literary analysis of classical literature in general, and this territory is fully charted in this Companion.

Offerte relazionate perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers: The Cambridge Companion to Horace
Terminus Cauchemar (Roman +, 14) (French Edition)

Terminus Cauchemar (Roman +, 14) (French Edition)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Denis Cote, PUBLISHER: La Courte Echelle, About the Horror and Fantasy series by Denis Cote: Denis Cote knows how to bring out the deepest fears in his characters (and his readers). His troubling stories of strange manifestations push horror and suspense to the extreme. About the Roman + series: Designed for teenagers, the Roman + series addresses themes that today's adolescents face. The series features romance, suspense, science fiction, horror and more...

Le Monsieur Qui Se Prenait Pour L'Hiver (Premier Roman, 41)

Le Monsieur Qui Se Prenait Pour L'Hiver (Premier Roman, 41)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Trudel, Sylvain, PUBLISHER: La Courte Echelle, The world of Sylvain Trudel: In his simple, moving style, Sylvain Trudel writes of solitude, poverty and the meaning of life: a modern philosopher for young readers. About the Premier Roman series: The Premier Roman series was especially designed for children learning to read. These novels feature universal themes, endearing characters and plenty of humor, presented in short chapters and simple sentences with an airy layout and many illustrations.

Offerte relazionate perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers: Le Monsieur Qui Se Prenait Pour L'Hiver (Premier Roman, 41)
Dryden in Revolutionary England

Dryden in Revolutionary England

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bywaters, David A., PUBLISHER: University of California Press, In , when he wrote "Absalom and Achitophel," John Dryden was poet laureate and historiographer royal at the court of his patron Charles II, and the acknowledged champion of a successful political cause. Only a few years later, Dryden's conversion to Roman Catholicism, followed by James II's deposition for favoring Catholics, had cost the poet both his honors and his public. In no way, however, did Dryden accept the status of a political has-been. David Bywaters argues convincingly that this post-revolutionary phase of Dryden's career reveals a polemic as consistent as that of earlier periods. Dryden not only lived on in the country that had metaphorically cast him out but also remained a public literary figure, responding in his work to contemporary political changes. Between and he developed a subtle and powerful rhetoric in order to reconstruct his political and literary authority. Discussing both major and less-studied works, "Dryden in Revolutionary England" tells us much about the relation between politics and literature during a crucial, formative moment.

Rich Mullins: His Life and Legacy: An Arrow Pointing to

Rich Mullins: His Life and Legacy: An Arrow Pointing to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, James Bryan / Manning, Brennan / Mullins, David, PUBLISHER: B&H Publishing Group, A devotional biography giving readers an insight into the life of Rich Mullins, but more importantly, allowing readers to learn and experience what was most important to Rich, drawing closer to God. Challenges readers to build on his legacy of joy, compassion, brokenness, unblinking honesty, and wonder of an Awesome God.

Offerte relazionate perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers: Rich Mullins: His Life and Legacy: An Arrow Pointing to
Postmoderism and Christian Philosophy

Postmoderism and Christian Philosophy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ciapalo, Roman T., PUBLISHER: Catholic University of America Press, Acquaints readers with the main outlines of postmodern philosophy and diagnoses its strengths and weaknesses.

37 Poems

37 Poems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sekou, Lasana M., PUBLISHER: House of Nehesi, Poetry. African Diaspora Studies. Lasana M. Sekou's 37 POEMS was written in China while the St. Martin poet was a visiting fellow at Asia's first International Writers' Workshop () in Hong Kong and Beijing. Coming from a 37-square-mile Caribbean island, Sekou has been steadily reaching readers in the Caribbean, the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia through his writing and performances. Readers who think they know his poetic style will be pleasantly surprised at his streamlined use of language in 37 POEMS, which makes the collection even more potent than Sekou's previous release, THE SALT REAPER, which predates 37 POEMS by just a few months. "Somewhere between the grace of haiku and the weight of the epic, Sekou has crafted his most elegant work to date. 37 POEMS is both love song and lament"-Drisana Deborah Jack, author of "The Rainy Season."

Offerte relazionate perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers: 37 Poems
A Moth to the Flame: The Life of the Sufi Poet Rumi

A Moth to the Flame: The Life of the Sufi Poet Rumi

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zweig, Connie, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, In A Moth to the Flame, the first novel about the life of the Sufi Poet Rumi, based on original sources in both Farsi and English, we discover the key moments that shaped his genius. Although this story happened a long time ago, during another time of war between Islam and the West, this tale of an individual life fully lived is the tale of every life. In the tradition of Siddhartha or The Last Temptation of Christ, his story is the mythic story of the human soul. We watch his faith tested, and we witness his meeting with the beloved which overturned his world and led, eventually, to his union with God. For centuries Rumi has remained alive in the hearts of millions around the world. His story, as told in this novel, burns like a torch of inspiration for us all.

Not a Tame Lion: The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis

Not a Tame Lion: The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Glaspey, Terry W. / Grant, George, PUBLISHER: GCB Publishing Group, C.S. Lewis in his time was a teacher, a scholar, a public speaker, a writer, a friend, a man of simple tastes; above all, he was a man surrendered to God. His legacy is a rich one: in his books we find a winsome and creative personality who was unswerving in his commitment to orthodoxy, and whose tremendous intellect was wedded not only to his reason but to a powerful imagination (for it was in his flights of literary fantasy that his deepest perceptions of God were birthed). This book is a finely crafted introduction to the character and works of a man who was a true "defender of the faith" -- both in his creation of Aslan and the Land of Narnia and in his non-fiction apologia.

Offerte relazionate perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers: Not a Tame Lion: The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis
Selected Poems of C.N. Bialik

Selected Poems of C.N. Bialik

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bialik, Hayyim Nahman / Bialik, C. N. / Aberbach, David, PUBLISHER: Overlook Press, More than 60 years after his death, Chaim Nachman Bialik is inevitably called the finest and most influential modern Hebrew poet. Hailed as the poet laureate of Jewish nationalism, he was seen as the poet of hope and revival in an age that witnessed the Russian Pale of Settlement, pogroms, the Russian Revolution, and the rise of Zionism. Bialik's legacy is poetry that inspires, astonishes, and delights, and David Aberbach, the distinguished Hebrew scholar, has produced translations of a high order to stand beside the author's original Hebrew. Edited and translated by David Aberbach.

The Tale of Genji

The Tale of Genji

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shikibu, Murasaki / Suematsu, Kencho, PUBLISHER: Tuttle Publishing, Written centuries before the time of Shakespeare and Chaucer, "The Tale of Genji" marks the birth of the novel--and after more than a millennium, this seminal work about the life and loves of Prince Genji, master poet, dancer, musician and painter, continues to enchant readers throughout the world.

Offerte relazionate perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers: The Tale of Genji
William Wordsworth: Poems

William Wordsworth: Poems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wordsworth, William / Gonet, Stella / Gwynne, Haydn, PUBLISHER: HighBridge Audio, Born in , William Wordsworth was and remains Britain's most celebrated poet. This splendid anthology features poems from the Lyrical Ballads, his famous collection written in collaboration with Samuel Taylor Coleridge; from The Prelude, the autobiographical work that explores the development of the man and the poet; and his personal and lyrical poems, including "I wandered lonely as a cloud" and "Composed upon Westminster Bridge". Includes poems in their entirety and unabridged excerpts.

Compl Wks Rbt Browning 16: With Variant Readings and

Compl Wks Rbt Browning 16: With Variant Readings and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Browning, Robert / Crowl, Susan / King, Roma A., JR., PUBLISHER: Ohio University Press, Robert Browning wrote Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in Their Day in his seventy-third year. The work is a capstone to the poet's long career, encompassing autobiography as well as influences bearing on the poet's life and career and on Victorian thought and culture in general. One of Browning's most complex works, Parleyings is also a work essential to understanding his genius and career as a whole. The Ohio/Baylor Browning edition offers keys to the complexity and interest of Parleyings through a definitive, emended text, full annotations for allusions both explicit and implicit in the text, and variant readings for the manuscript and all editions revised by Browning during his lifetime. In form and structure, Parleyings is a series of seven poems written in Browning's own voice and addressed to figures influential in his development. The series is framed by a prologue and an epilogue, the whole amounting to some lines. The poems are a formal contrast and a pendant to the great series of linked dramatic monologues in The Ring and the Book. They demonstrate the zest for innovation possessed by the master of the dramatic monologue in his ripe maturity. Interested readers as well as students and scholars of Browning will find a rich field of poetry and a critical mass of resources in Volume XVI of the Ohio/Baylor Browning edition.

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Language in the Confessions of Augustine

Language in the Confessions of Augustine

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burton, Philip, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Philip Burton explores Augustine's treatment of language in his Confessions - a major work of Western philosophy and literature, with continuing intellectual importance. One of Augustine's key concerns is the story of his own encounters with language: from his acquisition of language as a child, through his career as schoolboy orator then star student at Carthage, to professor of rhetoric at Carthage and Rome. Having worked his way up to the eminence of Court Orator to the Roman Emperor at Milan, Augustine rediscovered the catholic Christianity of his childhood - and decided that this was incompatible with his rhetorical profession. Over the next ten years, he gradually reinvents himself as a different sort of language professional: a Christian intellectual, commentating on Scripture and preaching to his flock.

LA Malediction Des Opales (Roman Jeunesse, 63) (French

LA Malediction Des Opales (Roman Jeunesse, 63) (French

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brouillet, Chrystine, PUBLISHER: La Courte Echelle, About the Roman Jeunesse series: The "Roman Jeunesse series gives advanced readers, aged 9 to 12, a wide range of literary genres: adventure, mystery, suspense, humour, horror and more, with heroes their own age. These finely illustrated, intriguing and moving novels will appeal to all tastes.

Offerte relazionate perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers: LA Malediction Des Opales (Roman Jeunesse, 63) (French
The Architecture of the Roman Empire: An Urban Appraisal

The Architecture of the Roman Empire: An Urban Appraisal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacDonald, William, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, The author of a classic work on the architecture of imperial Rome here broadens his focus to present an original study of urban architecture in Roman market towns, port cities, veterans' colonies, and major metropolitan centers throughout the empire. "Simply the best book on Roman urbanism that] I know.... A formidable breakthrough. It brings to life the genius of Roman urbanism and reveals its continuing relevance for present urban planning and architecture."-Leon Krier, Architects Journal "In this very fine book-the successor to his Introductory Study-William L. MacDonald lays before the reader the physical evidence of what a Roman city was like for its inhabitants.... The illustrations in An Urban Appraisal, this second volume of The Architecture of the Roman Empire, are superbly chosen, illuminating the text as well as being interesting in themselves.... It is a joy to find a book so attractively designed, worthy of both its author and his subject."-Martin Henig, The Times Literary Supplement Winner of the Alice Davis Hitchcock Award of the Society of Architectural Historians for the most distinguished work of scholarship in architectural history. Acquista Ora

Des Photos Qui Parlent (Roman Jeunesse, 32) (French Edition)

Des Photos Qui Parlent (Roman Jeunesse, 32) (French Edition)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Poupart, Jean-Marie, PUBLISHER: La Courte Echelle, About the Roman Jeunesse series: The "Roman Jeunesse series gives advanced readers, aged 9 to 12, a wide range of literary genres: adventure, mystery, suspense, humour, horror and more, with heroes their own age. These finely illustrated, intriguing and moving novels will appeal to all tastes.

Offerte relazionate perceptions of horace a roman poet and his readers: Des Photos Qui Parlent (Roman Jeunesse, 32) (French Edition)
Canciones del Que No Canta

Canciones del Que No Canta

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Benedetti, Mario, PUBLISHER: Alfaguara, In a life lived with the intensity of those that experience it to the fullest, the poet makes a pause along the way to analyze and recount that which he really appreciates and which truly belongs to him. And it is during this introspection that he discovers that nothing that is inherently human is alien to him. A discovery in which us, his readers, are both joyful participants and passengers to his personal voyage ???since Benedetti's poetry is, as should be the case with every example of this literary form, the launching pad for a journey to the deepest recesses of our souls. Acquista Ora

Selected Poems

Selected Poems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ireland, Kevin, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This new collection of poetry by Kevin Ireland brings together the best of his work, including some new and previously uncollected poems. The volume follows Ireland's progress from his earliest rhyming pieces to his more recent powerful work. Having lived in England for a large part of his career as a poet, this New Zealander fits well into the modern British tradition of verse-writing.

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John Donne - The Major Works: Including Songs and Sonnets

John Donne - The Major Works: Including Songs and Sonnets

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Donne, John / Carey, John, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, John Donne () is perhaps the most important poet of the seventeenth century, and has often been referred to as the founder of the metaphysical genre. His poetry is highly distinctive and individual, adopting a multitude of tones, images, forms, and personae. This collection of Donne's verse includes a wide selection from both his secular and divine poems, including such well-known poems as "Air and Angels," "The Flea," the "Holy Sonnets," and "The Progress of the Soul." The poems are provided with full Notes and a useful Introduction to Donne's life and poetry.

El Principito (Spanish)

El Principito (Spanish)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Saint-Exupery, Antoine de / Del Carril, Bonifacio, PUBLISHER: Mariner Books, In Harcourt proudly reissued Antoine de Saint-Exupery's masterpiece, The Little Prince, in a sparkling new format. Newly translated by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Richard Howard, this timeless classic was embraced by critics and readers across the country for its purity and beauty of expression. And Saint-Exupery's beloved artwork was restored and remastered to present his work in its original and vibrant colors. Now Harcourt is issuing uniform full-color foreign language editions. The restored artwork glows like never before. These affordable and beautiful editions are sure to delight an entire new generation of readers, students, children, and adults for whom Saint-Exupery's story will open the door to a new understanding of life.

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Mefiez-Vous Des Monstres Marins (Roman Jeunesse, 27) (French

Mefiez-Vous Des Monstres Marins (Roman Jeunesse, 27) (French

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sylvie Desrosiers, PUBLISHER: La Courte Echelle, About the Notdog seriesby Sylvie Desrosier: Notdog, the ugliest dog in the village, and the inseparable Agnes, John and Jocelyn form the Notdog detective agency: always on top of the latest mystery in these humorous novels. About the Roman Jeunesse series: The "Roman Jeunesse series gives advanced readers, aged 9 to 12, a wide range of literary genres: adventure, mystery, suspense, humour, horror and more, with heroes their own age. These finely illustrated, intriguing and moving novels will appeal to all tastes.

Lion Let Loose

Lion Let Loose

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tranter, Nigel, PUBLISHER: Hodder & Stoughton, This book tells the story of James the First of Scotland, who was an extraordinary poet, thinker, warrior, athlete, and statesman. His romance with Joanna Beaufort is one of the great love stories in history, and the love for him of Catherine Douglas one of the most poignant. Acquista Ora

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The Raymond Williams Reader

The Raymond Williams Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Williams, Raymond / Higgins / Higgins, John, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, This carefully-structured reader presents a survey of the whole body of Williams' existing work, providing existing readers with a new perspective on his writings, and new readers with the opportunity to explore his ideas in depth.
