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Handbook of Landscape Archaeology

Handbook of Landscape Archaeology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David, Bruno / Thomas, Julian, PUBLISHER: Left Coast Press, Over the past three decades, "landscape" has become an umbrella term to describe many different strands of archaeology. From the processualist study of settlement patterns to the phenomenologist's experience of the natural world, from human impact on past environments to the environment's impact on human thought, action, and interaction, the term has been used. In this volume, for the first time, over 80 archaeologists from three continents attempt a comprehensive definition of the ideas and practices of landscape archaeology, covering the theoretical and the practical, the research and conservation, and encasing the term in a global framework. As a basic reference volume for landscape archaeology, this volume will be the benchmark for decades to come. All royalties on this Handbook are donated to the World Archaeological Congress.

Cane Sugar Handbook: A Manual for Cane Sugar Manufacturers

Cane Sugar Handbook: A Manual for Cane Sugar Manufacturers

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chen James C P / Chou, Chung-Chi, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, In print for over a century, it is the definitive guide to cane sugar processing, treatment and analysis. This edition expands coverage of new developments during the past decade--specialty sugars, plant maintenance, automation, computer control systems and the latest in instrumental analysis for the sugar industry.

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Kiplinger's Practical Guide to Your Money: Keep More of It,

Kiplinger's Practical Guide to Your Money: Keep More of It,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kiplinger's Personal Finance, PUBLISHER: Dearborn Trade, "Kiplinger's Practical Guide to Your Money" covers every one of life's financial milestones in detail-from renting or buying a home, purchasing life insurance, and sizing up banks and credit unions, to marrying, paying for a child's education, and planning for retirement-making this the most exhaustive handbook on the market. What's more, Kiplinger's Web site,, complements the guide by providing all the latest tax code information. When it comes to money, the editors of "Kiplinger's Personal Finance" contend that people should be able to keep more of it, make it grow, enjoy it, protect it, and pass it on. Equipped with their sound advice, readers will assume responsibility for their financial futures, so that they can gain and maintain greater financial independence.

Handbook of Selected Supreme Court Cases for Criminal

Handbook of Selected Supreme Court Cases for Criminal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Roger LeRoy, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This supplementary handbook covers almost 40 landmark cases, each of which includes a full case citation, an introduction, a summary from WestLaw, excerpts from the case, and the decision. The updated edition includes Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, Roper v. Simmons, Ring v. Arizona, Atkins v. Virginia, Illinois v. Caballes, and much more.

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Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office 13th Edition

Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office 13th Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marilyn Fordney, PUBLISHER: Saunders, NA

Handbook silver dawn

Handbook silver dawn


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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Provan, Drew / Singer, Charles R. J. / Baglin, Trevor, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haemotology continues to provide the essential core knowledge needed in modern clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of patients with possible disorders of the blood. Major advances in the specialty have been reflected in this thoroughly revised new edition. Essential knowledge is covered with the main differential diagnoses, along with relevant investigations that will help the junior doctor to arrive at a definitive diagnosis. The management of the patient is provided in a way that allows the junior to initiate treatment whilst waiting for review of the patient by a senior member of staff. As with the first edition, the new edition of this Handbook will have wide appeal and readership amongst senior medical undergraduates, junior doctors and trainees in haemotology, residents, interns and fellows, family doctors, intensive care staff and specialist nurses.

National Electrical Safety Code Handbook

National Electrical Safety Code Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clapp, Allen L., PUBLISHER: Standards Information Network IEEE Press, "The NESC Handbook, Sixth Edition," edited by Allen Clapp, is an essential companion to the Code. It gives users insight into what lies behind the NESC's rules and how to apply them. The Handbook was developed for use at many levels in the electric and communication industries, including those involved in system design, construction, maintenance, inspection, standards development and worker training. The Handbook also discusses how the NESC Committee has interpreted the rules in the Code and responded to change proposals during the past 85 years. This allows users to understand how questions they may have were dealt with in the past. The Handbook looks at how the Code, with its many additions and revisions, differs from the version and what this means for users. The Code includes changes in a great many areas, including: - Rounding numbers found in the rules - Metal grounding poles - Starting voltages and clearances - Grounding and insulation for guys - Clearances between transmission lines - Multiplex cable attachment to neutral brackets - Loading due to freezing rain and wind - Fiber-reinforced polymer elements - Worker loads - Equipment bonding - Arc exposure analysis - Antenna radiation exposure limits The edition also contains new appendices on loading and conductor movement, extreme wind loading, and maximum over-voltage at a work site.

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Recovering a Public Vision for Public Television

Recovering a Public Vision for Public Television

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Etzioni, Amitai / Balas, Glenda R., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, The book's six-point plan proposes a reconstitution and rejuvenation of public broadcasting's mission so it can advance into the twenty-first century as a leader in public speech. Visit our website for sample chapters

Australia Handbook: The Travel Guide

Australia Handbook: The Travel Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swaffer, Andrew / O'Brien, Katrina / Donald, Darroch, PUBLISHER: Footprint Handbooks, Footprint's South American Handbook, the longest-running guidebook in the English language, celebrates its 80th anniversary this year. As the Minneapolis Star Tribune declared, it is "amazingly detailed, updated every year, and has good city maps. It has set the standard since ." The same could be said for Footprint's 80 other travel guides as well. Covering more than 120 of the world's most exciting destinations, Footprint guides offer everything discerning travelers need to get the most out of their trip.

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The Makeup Artist Handbook Techniques for Film, Television,

The Makeup Artist Handbook Techniques for Film, Television,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gretchen Davis Mindy Hall, PUBLISHER: Focal Press, NA

The DLX Instruction Set Architecture Handbook

The DLX Instruction Set Architecture Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sailer, Patty / Kaeli, David R. / Sailer, Philip M., PUBLISHER: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, The definitive source for the DLX instruction set architecture introduced in John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson's "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach. DLX is a selective amalgam of several sophisticated load/store architectures; it was developed to serve as a simple example of a pure RISC architecture and is invoked throughout "Computer Architecture" to demonstrate design principles. With its complete and up-to-date information on the details of DLX, this handbook is a valuable supplement for anyone studying from "Computer Architecture," whether self-taught or as part of a class. It will also make an informative addition to the library of any computer systems designer or RISC aficionado. Beginning with the origins and history of DLX, the opening section of the handbook covers the essential topics of registers, data formats, addressing, and interrupt handling. The second section provides a general description of the instruction set architecture, followed by the specifics of DLX instruction types, format notation, and operation notation. Appendices provide a quick reference to the instruction set and the latest available version of documentation for the DLXsim simulator.

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The Brief Wadsworth Handbook

The Brief Wadsworth Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kirszner, Laurie G. / Mandell, Stephen R., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, The most comprehensive brief handbook available, THE BRIEF WADSWORTH HANDBOOK, Sixth Edition, provides students with extensive coverage of rhetorical concerns, the writing and research process, writing and researching with computers, visual rhetoric, and other topics essential for 21st-century student writers. This versatile and proven text is a uniquely effective guide to help students develop the critical thinking, reading, and writing skills they need to become successful communicators in college and beyond. Practicing teachers and collaborative writing partners throughout their careers, Kirszner and Mandell bring an "in-the-trenches" pragmatic understanding of instructor and student needs to every page of this Sixth Edition. Acquista Ora

The Reading for Real Handbook

The Reading for Real Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Colin / Harrison, Colin / Coles, Martin, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "The Reading for Real Handbook" is a genuinely balanced attempt to explore current theory and put forward some conclusions on the success of certain teaching methods. It It provides an account of the current theories that underpin reading and the teaching of reading and also offers guidance on how to implement those theories. Rather than simply describing good practice, it offers clear pointers indicating why the practical approaches which are put forth for consideration are theoretically sound and can be fully supported by recent advances in theory. A series of questions is posed at the end of each chapter, intended as a stimulus to self-reflection and as a potential starting point for staff discussion. An annotated booklist is also provided, which readers might use to follow up ideas contained in the chapter.

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Longhorns Handbook: Stories, STATS and Stuff about Texas

Longhorns Handbook: Stories, STATS and Stuff about Texas

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barnhouse, Wendell, PUBLISHER: Midwest Sports, Let the Longhorns Handbook steer you through more than a century of Texas football. Covering everything from the program's humble beginnings to the making of its champions. Foreword by Darrell Royal.

The Architect's Portable Handbook: First-Step Rules of Thumb

The Architect's Portable Handbook: First-Step Rules of Thumb

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Guthrie, Pat, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, From conception to completion, no architectural project should proceed without this bookThis is a complete revision of the bestselling architect's quick guide to the latest code and cost information. The book presents the 20% of the data that architects need 80% of the time in the preliminary stage of designing buildings of all types and sizes--and of the spaces in between. With a structure that parallels the progress of a typical architectural project, The Architect's Portable Handbook, Fourth Edition delivers pertinent coverage--along with hundreds of detailed illustrations--of every step in the process: from initial planning and estimating through design and completion. The handbook is updated to reflect ICC International Building Code and the NFPA Building Code. To help you customize the book, pages for notes and/or changing data as experience dictates are included.

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The Doctoral Examination Process: A Handbook for Students,

The Doctoral Examination Process: A Handbook for Students,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tinkler, Penny / Tinkler, Carolyn / Jackson, Carolyn, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, The Ph.D. examination process has been "secret" and "mystifying"--but this book sheds light on the process. The authors provide students, supervisors, and examiners with constructive ways of understanding, preparing for, and undertaking the Ph.D. examination. This book is informed by four years of research on the experiences and practices of academics and candidates across disciplines and from across Britain. Valuable for everyone involved in Ph.D. examinations.

Handbook of rigging

Handbook of rigging

Vento bellissimo libro " handbook of rigging "for construction and industrial operation third edition mcgraw-hill book company. pagina 383. il libro è in ottime condizioni

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Handbook of Teacher Evaluation

Handbook of Teacher Evaluation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Millman, Jason, PUBLISHER: Corwin Press, Millman's tightly-edited volume answers the questions: who should evaluate teachers? For what purpose? And using what methods and techniques? The strengths and weaknesses of students, other teachers, or administrators as evaluators are discussed and the use of evaluation as a tool for self-improvement or for making decisions about promotion and salary is explored. Finally all commonly employed methods are summarized.

The Layman's Bible Handbook

The Layman's Bible Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Knight, George W., PUBLISHER: Barbour Publishing, The third title in the popular Layman's series is now available in an attractive hardcover edition. The Layman's Bible Handbook features brief, easy-to-read overviews of each Bible book, and chapter-by-chapter summaries that put the people, events, and concepts into comprehensible bites. Sidebars provide even more information on key passages, classic illustrations bring the text to life, and an index of key words helps to make The Layman's Bible Handbook a mini-encyclopedia of biblical information. Practical, reliable, and understandable, this handbook is a remarkable value at $8.97, and makes an excellent companion to The Layman's Bible Dictionary and The Layman's Quick Reference Concordance Want to know the Bible better? Turn to The Layman's Bible Handbook--explaining each book and chapter in context--now in a handsome hardcover binding. Acquista Ora

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Clinical Handbook of Surgical Critical Care

Clinical Handbook of Surgical Critical Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burchard, Kenneth W. / Wiles, Charles E. / Gann, Donald S., PUBLISHER: Informa Healthcare, The surgical patient may exhibit a variety of subtle and not so subtle clues that a problem, or in the words of the authors a hole, is present. Therefore, when evaluating and managing the critically ill patient, the critical care surgeon must proceed through a series of three questions: Where is the hole? How do I repair the hole? and the most critical question, Why is the hole there? The Clinical Handbook for Surgical Critical Care is a guide to answering these questions, bringing into focus the importance of why is the hole there? and exploring how to effectively make it disappear. Since much of surgical critical illness is secondary to either inadequate circulation, pathological inflammation, or both, the authors pay particular attention to the recognition of these conditions associated with particular disease states. The authors examine the pathophysiology that underlie these disease states and then the physical examination, monitoring, and laboratory results that lead to a diagnosis. They discuss appropriate management of the deranged physiology and provide the supporting evidence for treatment. The Clinical Handbook for Surgical Critical Care serves as a manual for reviewing and contrasting organ physiology during normal and pathological states and recognizing the pathophysiological states related to surgical disease and procedures. It gives you a clear understanding of the link between deficits in the circulation and pathological inflammation that is key to a successful outcome.

Bone in inglese

Bone in inglese

Dal numero 1 al numero 8 più Rose e Handbook di Bone #1 Out From Boneville #2 The Great Cow Race #3 Eyes of the Storm #4 The Dragonslayer #5 Rock Jaw Master of the Eastern Border #6 Old Man's Cave #7 Ghost Circles #8 Treasure Hunters Rose Handbook Per maggiori info o foto contattatemi.

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World Radio TV Handbook

World Radio TV Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bobbett, David G., PUBLISHER: Watson-Guptill Publications, The best-selling handbook to world radio has been completely updated and provides, as always, the most comprehensive and up-to-date information for anyone seeking information about radio or television broadcasts anywhere in the world. Among the features of this guide are over 300 pages of radio listings; details of over English broadcasts; broadcaster web sites and e-mail addresses; worldwide television-station contacts and addresses; articles with detailed technical information, tuning tips, and recommended programs; and reviews of the latest and most exciting radio equipment.

Prayers to Move Your Mountains

Prayers to Move Your Mountains

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Klassen, Michael / Freiling, Thomas, PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, "Prayers to Move Your Mountains" is a new intercessory prayer handbook for Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians. Like classic books of prayer that have helped believers in their prayer lives over the years, this book emphasizes not only prayers for self, but others, too. Each prayer is woven together with scripture verses and with notes referring to specific biblical texts. Types of prayers include prayers that worship and glorify the Lord, praying to enter God's presence, praying for revival, praying for others, praying for forgiveness and power over sin, praying for personal needs, and praying for the coming of the Kingdom of God.

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Supreme Logo Red Only S Fade White Tee T Shirt

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