pavilion of women

Women's Movement in: Kuwait, Egypt, Iran and the UK

Women's Movement in: Kuwait, Egypt, Iran and the UK

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alessa, Amani Saleh, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, This book focus on the history of mainly the women's movement, it also reflects at the same time the domination of women through out history. It studies the movement of three Middle Eastern countries, Kuwait, Egypt, and Iran then it shows the experience of the women's movement in the UK as an example of a Western society to distinguish to what extent these societies appreciate women. Now there are some similarities as well as some differences between the East and the West which forms the interesting part to observe the struggle of women in different cultures.

Fighting Women: Anger and Aggression in Aboriginal Australia

Fighting Women: Anger and Aggression in Aboriginal Australia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burbank, Victoria Katherine, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, Fighting is common among contemporary Aboriginal women in Mangrove, Australia--women fight with men and with other women. Victoria Burbank's depiction of these women offers a powerful new perspective that can be applied to domestic violence in Western settings. Noting that Aboriginal women not only talk without shame about their emotions of anger but also express them in acts of aggression and defense, Burbank emphasizes the positive social and cultural implications of women's refusal to be victims. She explores questions of hierarchy and the expression of emotions, as well as women's roles in domestic violence. Human aggression can be experienced and expressed in different ways, she says, and is not necessarily always "wrong." Timely and controversial, "Fighting Women" will stimulate discussion of aggression and gender relations and will enlarge the debate on the victimization of women and children everywhere.

Women in Muslim Societies: Diversity Within Unity

Women in Muslim Societies: Diversity Within Unity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bodman, Herbert L., PUBLISHER: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Authors from a variety of disciplines assess the issues facing women in Muslim societies not only in the Middle East but also in Africa and Asia. They stress the importance of historical context, local customs and policies in defining the status of Muslim women, and examine how women are coping with challenges such as modernity and conservative reaction.

Women in Medieval Times

Women in Medieval Times

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacDonald, Fiona, PUBLISHER: Peter Bedrick Books, "The Other Half of History" explores an aspect of history that is often overlooked - the history of women. This fascinating book looks at the lives of women in medieval Europe. In the eyes of the law, women were children, to be guarded and controlled. Motherhood was their main purpose in life. The Church also taught that women were dangerous and sinful. On the other hand, wives helped their husbands in the fields and in workshops, and many nuns and abbesses were respected for their wisdom and learning. Although women rarely gained power without the support of men, a few noblewomen used their position to play a part in the political struggles and battles of medieval Europe.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: Women in Medieval Times
Componenti Pavilion serie DV5; serie DV diversi mod

Componenti Pavilion serie DV5; serie DV diversi mod

Disponibili ricambi e componenti funzionanti in ottimo stato per: DV5 Pavilion DVel Pavilion DVem Pavilion DVel DV Pavilion DV - dveu Pavilion DV - dvea Pavilion DV - dvel Pavilion DV - dvel Inviare email riguardo disponibilità, costi e spedizione.

Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18

Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Women in German Yearbook / Joeres, Ruth-Ellen B. / Herminghouse, Patricia A., PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, "Women in German Yearbook" is a refereed publication that presents a wide range of feminist approaches to all aspects of German literary, cultural, and language studies, including pedagogy. Each issue contains critical studies on the work, history, life, literature, and arts of women in the German-speaking world, reflecting the interdisciplinary perspectives that inform feminist German studies.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18
The Fourth Estate

The Fourth Estate

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shahar, Shulamith / Shahar, S. / Shahar Shulamit, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Did women really constitute a "fourth estate" in medieval society and, if so, in what sense? In this wide-ranging study, Shulamith Shahar considers this and the whole question of varying attitudes to women and their status in Western Europe between the twelfth and the fifteenth centuries. She draws a cohesive picture of women in a range of situations: nuns and married women, peasants and noblewomen, townswomen, and women involved in heretical movements and witchcraft.

Sarah: Facing Life's Uncertainties with a Faithful God

Sarah: Facing Life's Uncertainties with a Faithful God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Couchman, Judith / Grant, Janet Kobobel / Meberg, Marilyn, PUBLISHER: Zondervan Publishing Company, This is one volume in a series of Bible studies on women of the Bible from Women of Faith. 6 Sessions.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: Sarah: Facing Life's Uncertainties with a Faithful God
Bilingual Women: Anthropological Approaches to Second

Bilingual Women: Anthropological Approaches to Second

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ardener, Shirley / Burton, Pauline / Dyson, Ketaki Kushari, PUBLISHER: Berg Publishers, This book studies women's language use in bilingual or multi-lingual cultural situations. The authors - social anthropologists, language teachers, and interpreters cover a wide variety of geographical and linguistic situations, from the death of Gaelic in the Outer Hebrides, to the use of Spanish by Quechua and Aymara women in the Andes. Certain common themes emerge: dominant and sub-dominant languages, women's use of them; ambivalent attitudes towards women as translators, interpreters and writers in English as a second language; and the critical role of women in the survival (or death) of minority languages such as Gaelic and Breton.

Women of Valors

Women of Valors

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rinn, Miriam, PUBLISHER: Troll Communications, Certain women in history have exhibited unusual courage and strength of character. Enlighten your students with the life stories of this select group. Biographies include: Sacajawea, Elizabeth Blackwell, Clara Barton, Helen Keller, and Rosa Parks.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: Women of Valors
Job's Daughters: Women and Power

Job's Daughters: Women and Power

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chittister, Joan, PUBLISHER: Paulist Press, A historical/sociological review of women's powerlessness, taking Job as the prototype of the innocent victim and using May's classifications of power to find the integrative power of the future.

The Forgotten Generation: French Women Writers of the

The Forgotten Generation: French Women Writers of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Milligan, Jennifer, PUBLISHER: Berg Publishers, As a wave of open misogyny swept through French literature and society in the aftermath of the Great War, a new generation of professional women writers took up pen to redress the situation. They disputed the prescriptive social and cultural roles ascribed to women and proposed inspiring new definitions of womanhood. Many critics today are oblivious to women's literary achievements during this period, which remain subject to severe critical neglect. This book analyzes and challenges the way in which these important women writers have been marginalized in the annals of French literary history and offers fresh readings and reappraisals of their thematically and aesthetically innovative works.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: The Forgotten Generation: French Women Writers of the
Italian Women Poets

Italian Women Poets

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Brien, Catherine, PUBLISHER: Irish Academic Press, This book provides a critical analysis of the work of Italian women poets from to the late s. Each chapter evaluates the work of an individual poet and is accompanied by a number of poems in parallel translation.

Advancing Women's Careers: Research in Practice

Advancing Women's Careers: Research in Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burke, Bill / Nelson, John / Burke, Ronald J., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, An edited volume that takes a more practical look at the area of women in management, indicating the initiatives that leading edge organizations have implemented to support the career advancement of managerial and professional women.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: Advancing Women's Careers: Research in Practice
Gender Conflicts

Gender Conflicts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Iacovetta, Franca / Valverde, Mariana, PUBLISHER: University of Toronto Press, In the early s, when women's history began to claim attention as an emerging discipline in North American universities, it was dominated by a middle-class Anglo-Saxon bias. Today the field is much more diverse, a development reflected in the scope of this volume. Rather than documenting the experiences of women solely in a framework of gender analysis, its authors recognize the interaction of race, class, and gender as central in shaping women's lives, and men's.; These essays represent an exciting breakthrough in women's studies, expanding the borders of the discipline while breaking down barriers between mainstream and women's history.

The Girls: Jewish Women of Brownsville, Brooklyn,

The Girls: Jewish Women of Brownsville, Brooklyn,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ford, Carole Bell, PUBLISHER: State University of New York Press, This book tells the stories of the Jewish women who came of age in Brownsville, Brooklyn, in the s and s. Through in-depth interviews with more than forty women, Carole Bell Ford explores the choices these women made and the boundaries within which they made them, offering fresh insights into the culture and values of Jewish women in the postwar period. Not content to remain in the past, The Girls is also a story of women who live in the present, who lead fulfilling lives even as they struggle to adjust to changes in American society that conflict with their own values and that have profoundly affected the lives of their children and grandchildren.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: The Girls: Jewish Women of Brownsville, Brooklyn,
The Imprisonment of African American Women: Causes,

The Imprisonment of African American Women: Causes,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Collins, Catherine F., PUBLISHER: McFarland & Company, Child care, medical conditions, the historical plight of incarcerated black women, alternatives to prisons and future trends are covered. The primary research is supported by the author's survey of prison populations.

borsa women of the world italia

borsa women of the world italia

Marca: BRACCIALINI. Genere: donna. Colore: Multicolore. Materiale: Ecopelle. Descrizione prodotto: Borsa women of the world Italia con cartellino [ID: ]

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: borsa women of the world italia
Woman's Study Bible: Opening the Word of God to Women

Woman's Study Bible: Opening the Word of God to Women

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelley, Rhonda Harrington / Patterson, Dorothy Kelley, PUBLISHER: Nelson Bibles, No other woman's Bible has a more dazzling array of features than The Woman's Study Bible. It's far more than a devotional Bible. It has over pages of study articles, annotations, and topical notes on hundreds of subjects of interest to women of all ages and in all stages of life. The Woman's Study Bible has been lovingly crafted by more than 80 godly women, noted Christian leaders who have combined their expertise to produce the only comprehensive study Bible that highlights the unique needs of women.

Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty

Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rountree, Cathleen, PH.D., PUBLISHER: Crossing Press, These candid interviews and beautiful photographs will inspire all women who are navigating through the mid-life passage. The updated look of this bestselling classic makes it the perfect companion to the later decades of Rountree's series on women.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty
Women in U.S. History: A Resource Guide

Women in U.S. History: A Resource Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hardy, Lyda Mary, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, Discover the best books, Web sites, audiovisual items, and other materials to research notable women of the United States. Learn about women from Colonial times to the present day who have made strides in many fields of endeavor including the arts, literature, politics, religion, science, and sports. Materials listed feature women from all regions of the country and from many American cultural groups. The guide concentrates on materials published or produced during the s, and its final section outlines the field of women's history in terms of its historiography, theory and methodology, and its place in education.

Women of the 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause

Women of the 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor, Dena / Sumrall, Amber C., PUBLISHER: Crossing Press, A collection of women's own stories on the many facets of menopause -- from hot flashes and hormone replacement therapy to new-found sexuality and spiritual awakenings.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: Women of the 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause
Women of Words

Women of Words

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bukovinsky Teacher, Janet / Powell, Jenny, PUBLISHER: Running Press Book Publishers, "Women of Words" celebrates the best of women's writing from the last two centuries. Featuring 35 extraordinary writers, including Mary Wollstonecraft, Toni Morrison, Willa Cather, and Edith Wharton, this elegant treasury presents carefully selected excerpts from each woman's writings. A concise biography and original, full-color portrait accompany each profile.

A History of European Women's Work:  to the Present

A History of European Women's Work: to the Present

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Simonton, Deborah / Simonton, D., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "A History of European Women's Work" draws together recent research, lively personal accounts and statistical evidence to take an overview of trends in women's work from the pre-industrial period to the present. Deborah Simonton discusses the definition of work within and without patriarchal families, the status of work and the skills involved. She examines local as well as Europe-wide developments, contrasting countries such as Britain, Germany and France. She considers women's own perceptions of work and its place in their lives as well as age and class, to present a rounded account of the shifting patterns of employment and the continuities which are evident in the women's own experience.

Offerte relazionate pavilion of women: A History of European Women's Work: to the Present
Princess Diana

Princess Diana

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Licata, Renora, PUBLISHER: Blackbirch Press, Slowly but surely, the accomplishments of women are being recognized and appreciated by the world at large. In our schools and in the media, more emphasis is being placed on the meaningful roles women play. The "Library of Famous Women" series features an international collection of courageous and determined individuals who have overcome both personal adversity and societal predjudice to achieve their goals.
