oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity

Oration Before the Democracy of Worcester and Vicinity,

Oration Before the Democracy of Worcester and Vicinity,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Augustus Orestes, PUBLISHER: BiblioLife LLC, NA

Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Midlarsky, Manus I., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The relationship between inequality and democracy is a compelling one for the contemporary social scientist. This book addresses questions raised as early as the time of Aristotle, and continue through Marx to the present day. Theories of inequality in relation to democracy are explored, and the book focuses on the sources of democracy, the relationship between economic development and thresholds of democracy, and finally responses to democratization. As the gap between rich and poor widens within and between nations, the subject of this book becomes increasingly important worldwide.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development
A Wizard in War: The Third Chronicle of the Magnus D'Armand,

A Wizard in War: The Third Chronicle of the Magnus D'Armand,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stasheff, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Tor Books, The medieval planet of Maltroit seems to be repeating Earth's bloody history in the worst possible manner. It's up to the Rogue Wizard to give the downtrodden a crash course in democracy, so before you can say "Magna Carta," he's bent the course of history by teaching the nobles the rudiments of democracy, and schooling the peasants in the basics of radical politics.

Democracy After Slavery: Black Publics and Peasant

Democracy After Slavery: Black Publics and Peasant

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sheller, Mimi, PUBLISHER: University Press of Florida, Mimi Sheller's ground-breaking comparative study analyzes the struggle for freedom and democracy in two Caribbean societies in the aftermath of the abolition of slavery. Pairing the revolutionary Republic of Haiti with the British colony of Jamaica, the author shows how peasants in the 19th-century Caribbean developed a radical critique of elite liberalism and constructed an alternative Pan-Caribbean African identity. Comparing two major peasant rebellions and the relation between them, she describes how Haitian and Jamaican survivors of slavery contributed to the making of democracy in the West.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: Democracy After Slavery: Black Publics and Peasant
Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey

Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heper, Metin / Sayari, Sabri, PUBLISHER: Lexington Books, Since the founding of the modern Turkish republic in , Turkey's political leaders have been decisive in shaping the development of their country's democratic patterns and processes. Beginning with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey analyzes the origins, political careers, beliefs, and policies of eleven of modern-day Turkey's most influential leaders. The chapters offer a unique perspective into the complex and fascinating world of Turkish political leadership and the transition to, and consolidation of, democracy. This crucial addition to Turkish studies and comparative politics is the first book to undertake a systematic study of the role political leaders have played in shaping the successes, as well as the shortcomings, of Turkey's grand democratic experiment.

Patterns of Democracy di Arend Lijphart

Patterns of Democracy di Arend Lijphart

Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries (Inglese) Copertina flessibile - 31 lug di Arend Lijphart In this updated and expanded edition of his classic text, Arend Lijphart offers a broader and deeper analysis of worldwide democratic institutions than ever before. Examining thirty-six democracies during the period from to , Lijphart arrives at important-and unexpected-conclusions about what type of democracy works best. Praise for the previous edition: "Magnificent...The best-researched book on democracy in the world today."-Malcolm Mackerras, American Review of Politics "I can't think of another scholar as well qualified as Lijphart to write a book of this kind. He has an amazing grasp of the relevant literature, and he's compiled an unmatched collection of data."-Robert A. Dahl, Yale University "This sound comparative research...will continue to be a standard in graduate and undergraduate courses in comparative politics."-Choice Venduto con piego di libri 1,50 euro

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: Patterns of Democracy di Arend Lijphart
Before Jim Crow: The Politics of Race in Postemancipation

Before Jim Crow: The Politics of Race in Postemancipation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dailey, Jane Elizabeth, PUBLISHER: University of North Carolina Press, Long before the Montgomery bus boycott ushered in the modern civil rights movement, black and white southerners struggled to forge interracial democracy in America. This innovative book examines the most successful interracial coalition in the nineteenth-century South, Virginia's Readjuster Party, and uncovers a surprising degree of fluidity in postemancipation southern politics. Melding social, cultural, and political history, Jane Dailey chronicles the Readjusters' efforts to foster political cooperation across the color line. She demonstrates that the power of racial rhetoric, and the divisiveness of racial politics, derived from the everyday experiences of individual Virginians--from their local encounters on the sidewalk, before the magistrate's bench, in the schoolroom. In the process, she reveals the power of black and white southerners to both create and resist new systems of racial discrimination. The story of the Readjusters shows how hard white southerners had to work to establish racial domination after emancipation, and how passionately black southerners fought each and every infringement of their rights as Americans.

The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few

The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schacht, James, PUBLISHER: AuthorHouse, The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few Possibilities makes the vast fields of modern American political philosophy and politics more accessible to both those engaged and those not engaged in these professions. Based in part on an exhaustive reading of American political philosophy and writers who have influenced American political philosophy, James Schacht explores what democracy has been in the past, what it is now, and what it can be in the future. Going as far back as the Englishman John Locke, whose writings strongly influenced Thomas Jefferson in his writing of the Declaration of Independence, he provides a comprehensive view of American political philosophy and its origins up to today, describes the institution of democracy, describes the culture associated with this institution, makes some predictions, and describes a framework for pursuing our best hope for the future.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few
Kronstadt : The Fate of a Soviet Democracy

Kronstadt : The Fate of a Soviet Democracy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Getzler, Israel, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is the first major study of revolutionary Kronstadt to span the period from February to the uprising of March . It focuses attention on Kronstadt's forgotten golden age, between March and July , when Soviet power and democracy flourished there. Professor Getzler argues that the Kronstadters' 'Third Revolution' of March was a desperate attempt at a restoration of that Soviet democracy which they believed had been taken from them by Bolshevik 'commissarocracy'. Pointing to continuity in personnel, ideology and institutions linking the Kronstadt experiment in Soviet democracy with the March uprising, the author sees that continuity reflected in the Kronstadt tragedy's central figure, the long-haired, dreamy-eyed student Anatolii Lamanov. Chairman of the Kronstadt Soviet in and chief editor of its Izvestiia, Lamanov became the ideologist of the uprising and was soon after executed as a 'counter-revolutionary'.

The Tale of Genji

The Tale of Genji

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shikibu, Murasaki / Suematsu, Kencho, PUBLISHER: Tuttle Publishing, Written centuries before the time of Shakespeare and Chaucer, "The Tale of Genji" marks the birth of the novel--and after more than a millennium, this seminal work about the life and loves of Prince Genji, master poet, dancer, musician and painter, continues to enchant readers throughout the world.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: The Tale of Genji
The Return of the Political

The Return of the Political

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mouffe, Chantal, PUBLISHER: Verso, An original and powerful statement which enables us to close the widening gap between liberal democracy and the events of a disordered world.

The Core of Japanese Democracy: Latent Interparty Politics

The Core of Japanese Democracy: Latent Interparty Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kuroda, Yasumasa, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, The book uses an original language-based bilayer theory to throw light on the secretive structure of power in the Japanese Diet, its national parliament, and relates its findings to Japanese parliamentary democracy in historical perspective. In so doing, the book answers questions about the latent policymaking process of Japanese politics that resulted in a reduction of social alienation and disorganization while Japan industrialized. Industrialization significantly reduced poverty and increased the size of the middle class, enabling the nation to move towards democracy. The reader will see why socialists were so quixotically dogmatic toward conservatives to the point of absurdity during the Cold War period. Yet, they were able to form a coalition government following the end of Cold War era.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: The Core of Japanese Democracy: Latent Interparty Politics
War, Democracy and Culture in Classical Athens

War, Democracy and Culture in Classical Athens

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pritchard, David M., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Athens is famous for its direct democracy and its innovative culture. Not widely known is its contemporaneous military revolution. Athens invented or perfected new forms of combat, strategy and military organisation and was directly responsible for raising the scale of Greek warfare to a different order of magnitude. The timing of this revolution is striking: it followed directly the popular uprising of 508 BC and coincided with the flowering of Athenian culture, which was largely brought about by democracy. This raises the intriguing possibility that popular government was one of the major causes of Athenian military success. Ancient writers may have thought as much, but the traditional assumptions of ancient historians and political scientists have meant that the impact of democracy on war has received almost no scholarly attention. This volume brings together ancient historians, archaeologists, classicists and political scientists to explore this important but neglected problem from multiple perspectives.

Is Democracy Exportable?

Is Democracy Exportable?

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barany, Zoltan / Moser, Robert G., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Can democratic states transplant the seeds of democracy into developing countries? What have political thinkers going back to the Greek city-states thought about their capacity to promote democracy? How can democracy be established in divided societies? In this timely volume a distinguished group of political scientists seeks answers to these and other fundamental questions behind the concept known as "democracy promotion." Following an illuminating concise discussion of what political philosophers from Plato to Montesquieu thought about the issue, the authors explore the structural preconditions (culture, divided societies, civil society) as well as the institutions and processes of democracy building (constitutions, elections, security sector reform, conflict, and trade). Along the way they share insights about what policies have worked, which ones need to be improved or discarded, and, more generally, what advanced democracies can do to further the cause of democratization in a globalizing world. In other words, they seek answers to the question, Is democracy exportable? Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: Is Democracy Exportable?
Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious

Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Audi, Robert / Wolterstorff, Nicholas, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This vigorous debate between two distinguished philosophers presents two views on a topic of worldwide importance: the role of religion in politics. Audi argues that citizens in a free democracy should distinguish religious and secular considerations and give them separate though related roles. Wolterstorff argues that religious elements are both appropriate in politics and indispensable to the vitality of a pluralistic democracy. Each philosopher first states his position in detail, then responds to and criticizes the opposing viewpoint.

The Siege of Derry

The Siege of Derry

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Macrory, Patrick, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book traces the events surrounding the siege of Londonderry by Catholic soldiers, the siege that Macaulay was to call "the most memorable in the annals of the British Isles." Macrory draws on a wide range of sources to chart the origins of the conflict--the Tyrone wars, the Plantation of Ulster, the Catholic rising of , and Cromwell's retribution at Brogheda and Wexford--and vividly recounts the siege itself, stressing throughout how many of the problems Ulster faces today have their roots in the 17th century and before.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: The Siege of Derry
Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Datta Gupta, Sobhanlal, PUBLISHER: Anthem Press, This volume is a collection of essays on an alternative understanding of Marxism, anchored in the ideas of humanism, democracy and pluralism. The essays question the stereotyped, positivist notion of Marxism as practised by the exponents of official Marxism. They highlight the legacy of the suppressed voices in the Marxist tradition, and provide new insights in the reading of Marxism in the twenty-first century. The essays provide a new reading of Antonio Gramsci, Rosa Luxemburg, Nikolai Bukharin, David Ryazanov and the Frankfurt School; review the phenomenon of Perestroika; explore the new historiography on Comintern; and examine the relation between Marxism and postmodernism. Acquista Ora

Sante Fe Trail

Sante Fe Trail

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crutchfield, James A., PUBLISHER: Republic of Texas Press, The Santa Fe Trail extended from the American settlements in westernmost Missouri to the Mexican town of Santa Fe in present-day New Mexico. Its path followed some of the wildest, most desolate yet beautiful country in America. A spirited and graphic account of life along the Santa Fe Trail, this book includes the history of the land before the famous trail, the lure of Santa Fe, the dangers of surveying and traveling, the cattle drives and the people who trailed west, the Indians, the army, the women, the railroad, and the freighters during its long and useful l

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: Sante Fe Trail
The New American Democracy

The New American Democracy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fiorina, Morris P. / Peterson, Paul E. / Johnson, Bertram, PUBLISHER: Longman Publishing Group, With an emphasis on elections and their importance in the American political system, this groundbreaking offers a stimulating, analytical approach to American government and a unique perspective on contemporary politics. Noted scholars and teachers all, the authors propose in their text that politicians today are perpetually engaged in the election process-a "permanent campaign"-which has profoundly affected how our government functions today. The proliferation of public opinion polls, the growing influence of the Internet, the ubiquitous nature of the news media, and the increasingly important role of interest groups-all demonstrate that America is moving toward a more popular democracy and have blurred the lines between politicians campaigning and governing. The sixth edition of this prestigious text will have been brought completely up-to-date through the end of the George W. Bush administration and Presidential Election, by its publication. The alternate version of "The New American Democracy "includes the exact same coverage as the comprehensive version without the policy chapters.

Radical Islam's Rules: The Worldwide Spread of Extreme

Radical Islam's Rules: The Worldwide Spread of Extreme

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marshall, Paul, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, A major feature of the rise of Islamism in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and parts of the West is the current rapid growth of a starkly repressive version of shari'a, Islamic law. In this book, noted human rights activists and scholars trace the growth of such law in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Nigeria, Malaysia, and Indonesia; document its threat to the status of women, religious freedom, and democracy itself; and suggest how the rest of the world should respond. Published in cooperation with Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: Radical Islam's Rules: The Worldwide Spread of Extreme
Pros and Cons of Democracy

Pros and Cons of Democracy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Backstrom, Gunnar, PUBLISHER: GB Publishing, This book sets democratic regimes in a perspective of competing organizations that aim to interfere with the intended rule by ordinary people. The most astonishing of such powers are the three leading religions, based on ancient scriptures of debatable origin. Popular movements have recently demonstrated interest in more liberal legislation and increased individual freedom. Democracy may appear to be robust, but disturbing factors still have to be watched carefully.

The Quiet Diplomacy of Liberation: International Politics

The Quiet Diplomacy of Liberation: International Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Landsberg, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Jacana Media, A leading analyst of South Africa's national and foreign policy chronicles the complexities of the transition from apartheid to democracy and South Africa's current approach to diplomacy in Africa and further afield.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: The Quiet Diplomacy of Liberation: International Politics
Idea of Democracy

Idea of Democracy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Copp, David / Roemer, John E. / Hampton, Jean E., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In the wake of the recent expansion of democratic forms of government around the world, political theorists have begun to rethink the nature and justification of this form of government. The essays in this book address a variety of foundational questions about democracy: How effective is it? How stable can it be in a pluralist society? Does it deserve its current popularity? Can it successfully guide a socialist society?

A Quick History of Grand Lake: Including Rocky Mountain

A Quick History of Grand Lake: Including Rocky Mountain

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Geary, Michael M., PUBLISHER: Western Reflections Publishing Company, Grand Lake is Colorado's largest natural body of water. Even though located at an elevation of , it has been attracting humans to its shores for thousands of years. A Quick History of Grand Lake presents a concise and interesting account of the people and events that have influenced the human history of Grand Lake and its immediate vicinity -- including Rocky Mountain National Park and the Grand Lake Lodge.

Offerte relazionate oration before the democracy of worcester and vicinity: A Quick History of Grand Lake: Including Rocky Mountain
The Declaration of Something Mysterious

The Declaration of Something Mysterious

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swindoll, Charles R., PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, On the hillsides and seashores of Galilee, Jesus proclaimed a message that people had never heard before. It was bold, challenging and often mysterious. In this third of four studies on the book of Luke, you'll discover anew the promises and commands for the kingdom living-straight from the Master, for yesterday and for always.
