Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mitchell, Alanna, PUBLISHER: Emblem Editions, All life -- wheong>ong>theong>ong>r on land or in ong>ong>theong>ong> sea -- depends on ong>ong>theong>ong> oceans for two things: - Oxygen. Most of Earth's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton in ong>ong>theong>ong> sea. ong>ong>Theong>ong>se humble, one-celled organisms, raong>ong>theong>ong>r than ong>ong>theong>ong> spectacular rain forests, are ong>ong>theong>ong> true lungs of ong>ong>theong>ong> planet. - Climate control. Our climate is regulated by ong>ong>theong>ong> ocean's currents, winds, and water-cycle activity. Sea Sick is ong>ong>theong>ong> first book to examine ong>ong>theong>ong> current state of ong>ong>theong>ong> world's oceans -- ong>ong>theong>ong> great unexamined ecological ong>crisisong> of ong>ong>theong>ong> planet -- and ong>ong>theong>ong> fact that we are altering everything about ong>ong>theong>ong>m; temperature, salinity, acidity, ice cover, volume, circulation, and, of course, ong>ong>theong>ong> life within ong>ong>theong>ong>m. Alanna Mitchell joins ong>ong>theong>ong> crews of leading scientists in nine of ong>ong>theong>ong> global ocean's hotspots to see firsthand what is really happening around ong>ong>theong>ong> world. Wheong>ong>theong>ong>r it's ong>ong>theong>ong> impact of coral reef bleaching, ong>ong>theong>ong> puzzle of ong>ong>theong>ong> oxygen-less dead zones such as ong>ong>theong>ong> one in ong>ong>theong>ong> Gulf of Mexico, or ong>ong>theong>ong> shocking implications of ong>ong>theong>ong> changing Ph balance of ong>ong>theong>ong> sea, Mitchell explains ong>ong>theong>ong> science behind ong>ong>theong>ong> story to create an engaging, accessible yet authoritative account. "From ong>ong>theong>ong> Hardcover edition."