new media influence on social and political change in africa

New Media Influence on Social and Political Change in Africa

New Media Influence on Social and Political Change in Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anthony A Olorunnisola Aziz Douai, PUBLISHER: IGI Global, NA

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harper, T. N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is the first general social and political history of Malaya. Focusing on the years to , the last years of British rule and the achievement of independence, it embraces a wealth of social, economic and cultural, as well as political themes. It contains ong>newong> research on the impact of the Second World War in Malaya, the origins and course of the Communist Emergency, and the response of Malaya's various ethnic communities to nationalism and social change. A concluding chapter takes these themes forward into the s to shed ong>newong> light on the emergence of this important Southeast Asian nation.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya
Redeeming Modernity: Contradictions in Media Criticism

Redeeming Modernity: Contradictions in Media Criticism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jensen, Joli, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This book examines the explicit and implicit logic operating in claims of ong>mediaong> ong>influenceong>. Beginning with a close analysis of arguments by four critical voices - Dwight Macdonald, Daniel Boorstin, Stuart Ewen and Neil Postman - on the nature of ong>mediaong> ong>influenceong>, the author demonstrates how they mobilize three dominant metaphors - ong>mediaong> as information, ong>mediaong> as art, and ong>mediaong> as education. She then examines the historical and intellectual roots of these concepts in American social and cultural thought and explores ong>mediaong> as a ong>newong> technology as a means for more positive expectations of ong>mediaong> ong>influenceong>. The book closes with a section considering how debates on postmodernism redirect but do not resolve the basic contradictions in social and cultu

Politics in Wired Nations

Politics in Wired Nations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pool, Ithiel De Sola / De Sola Pool, Ithiel / Etheredge, Lloyd S., PUBLISHER: Transaction Publishers, Politics in Wired Nations presents Pool's pioneering work on the social and political impact of communication systems. Included are the first studies of trends in a global information society, and of social networks and the "small world" phenomenon that creates ong>newong> relationships and routes of informal ong>influenceong> and political power, both domestic and international. Pool describes a nonviolent revolution in freedom and political control as the world changes from the era of one-way mass communications -- targeted to national audiences -- to a ong>newong> era of abundant, high-capacity, low-cost, interactive, and user-controlled communications on a global scale. He discusses policy choices for freedom, the battlegrounds ahead, and the risks of government involvement in the regulation of ong>newong> telecommunication technologies.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: Politics in Wired Nations
Ecological Research to Promote Social Change: Methodological

Ecological Research to Promote Social Change: Methodological

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Revenson, Tracey A. / D'Augelli, Anthony R., PUBLISHER: Springer, During the past quarter century, community psychologists have worked to make relevant contributions to human welfare in community settings and to effect social change. Working with and in schools, neighborhood organizations, religious institutions, social programs, and government agencies, the community psychologist has come to understand how social settings and social policy ong>influenceong> behavior and foster change that promotes individual health and well-being. Using a social ecological paradigm as their guiding framework, they focus on the interactions between persons and their environments, cultural diversity, and local empowerment for understanding organizational, community, and social change. Community psychologists have relied on multiple methods of obtaining data but more often, they have had to develop ong>newong> methodologies or adapt existing ones. These innovative methods have been recorded in the American Journal of Community Psychology throughout the years of its history and have changed the way that researchers in the field have gathered data.

Islam, Politics, and Social Movements

Islam, Politics, and Social Movements

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burke, Edmund, III / Lapidus, Ira M. / Abrahamian, Ervand, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, Taken together the essays in this work not only provide ong>newong> research essential to the study of Islamic societies and Muslim peoples, but also set a ong>newong> standard for the concrete study of local situations and illuminate the forces shaping the history of modern Muslim societies. This collection is unique in its sophisticated interpretation of the social protest and political resistance movements in Muslim countries during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The contributors take two principal approaches to the study of their subject. Utilizing "ong>newong> cultural history," they explore how particular movements have deployed the cultural and religious resources of Islam to mobilize and legitimize insurgent political action. Others rely on "ong>newong> social history" to study the economic, political, and social contexts in which movements of anti-colonial resistance and revolution have developed. This work brings together contributions from specialists on Islamic North Africa, Egypt, the Arab fertile crescent, Iran and India.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: Islam, Politics, and Social Movements
Feminist Academics: Creative Agents for Change

Feminist Academics: Creative Agents for Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morley, Louise / Walsh, Val, PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis Group, This text brings together leading feminists who explore questions of feminist interventions in organisations of knowledge production, covering both the structure and culture of academic institutions and the social divisions between women. Feminism is located as a force for change, empowering women to gain a political understanding and providing a methodology for ong>newong> approaches to teaching, learning, research and writing in the academy. Contributions demonstrate how an analysis of the micropolitics of the academy in terms of power, policies, discourses, pedagogy and interpersonal relationships provides a framework for de- privatising women's experience and influencing change. Using theoretical constructs and their own biographies and experience, the contributors present predicaments, inequalities and strategies. Power and ong>influenceong> are considered in conjunction with gender, 'race', social class and sexuality.

Re Orient: Change in Asian Societies

Re Orient: Change in Asian Societies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vervoorn, Aat, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Reorient: Change in Asian Societies offers a thematic look at the major issues facing societies in Asia. While the book examines the major changes, trends, and problems experienced by Asian societies in the modern world, it does so by recognizing the ong>influenceong> of history on a societys cultural patterns, institutions, and people. The text questions stereotypes about Asia, arguing that each society is unique and complex, and that although different societies all face much the same issues and problems, it may be appropriate for them to respond in different ways. Topics include globalisation; demographic change and population growth; ethnicity and political self-determination; economic development and inequality; gender relations; environmental degradation and resource depletion; employment; and ong>mediaong> and censorship.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: Re Orient: Change in Asian Societies
Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual

Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liestol, Gunnar / Morrison, Andrew / Rasmussen, Terje, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), Arguing that "first encounters" have already applied traditional theoretical and conceptual frameworks to digital ong>mediaong>, the contributors to this book call for "second encounters," or a revisiting. Digital ong>mediaong> are not only objects of analysis but also instruments for the development of innovative perspectives on both ong>mediaong> and culture. Drawing on insights from literary theory, semiotics, philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, ong>mediaong> studies, sociology, and education, the contributors construct ong>newong> positions from which to observe digital ong>mediaong> in fresh and meaningful ways. Throughout they explore to what extent interpretation of and experimentation with digital ong>mediaong> can inform theory. It also asks how our understanding of digital ong>mediaong> can contribute to our understanding of social and cultural change. The book is organized in four sections: Education and Interdisciplinarity, Design and Aesthetics, Rhetoric and Interpretation, and Social Theory and Ethics. The topics include the effects on reading of the multimodal and multisensory aspects of the digital environment, the impact of practice on the medium of theory, how digital ong>mediaong> are dissolving the boundaries between leisure and work, and the impact of cyberspace on established ethical principles.

High Technology, Space, and Society

High Technology, Space, and Society

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Castells, Manuel / Castells, Manuel, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The relationship between the technological revolution and the simultaneous process of worldwide urban-regional restructuring is examined in this book. Two overview chapters by Manuel Castells and Peter Hall summarize current research in the United States and Great Britain. Additional chapters examine locational patterns and regional effects of high-tech manufacturing; the impact of technological change on service industries and metropolitan economies; and the social, spatial, and political effects of ong>newong> communications technologies.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: High Technology, Space, and Society
E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / Andrews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning Theory and Practice the authors set out different perspectives on e-learning. The book deals with the social implications of e-learning, its transformative effects, and the social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning. The authors present ong>newong> perspectives on the subject by exploring the way teaching and learning are changing with the presence of the Internet and participatory ong>mediaong>; providing a theoretical grounding in ong>newong> learning practices from education, communication and information science; addressing e-learning in terms of existing learning theories, emerging online learning theories, ong>newong> literacies, social networks, social worlds, community and virtual communities, and online resources; and emphasizing the impact of everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and the classroom, locally and globally.This book is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students and researchers.

Economic Change Governance and Natural Resource Wealth: The

Economic Change Governance and Natural Resource Wealth: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reed, David / David Reed / Kaimowitz, David, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This book confronts the stark realities of how the economic and political reforms imposed in southern Africa have affected sectors based on agriculture, mining, tourism and forestry and what they have meant for the poor and the environment. It asks why the reforms evolved as they did, who has gained and who has lost. It shows that, with very few exceptions, the changes have benefited foreign companies and domestic elites, fostering corruption and monopolies and undermining civil society and political life. From this it explains what will have to be done by the international development and business communities to reverse these trends and stimulate the development of effective institutions for long-term, sustainable prosperity and social vitality.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: Economic Change Governance and Natural Resource Wealth: The
Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kryzanek, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, "Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach" is a unique text that integrates a comprehensive study of eight nations with critical policy issues facing those nations. The individual chapters on the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Japan, China, Mexico, South Africa and Iraq provide a wide-ranging examination of nations that are representative of the diversity in decision-making frameworks and political development in the international community. "Comparative Politics" is designed to guide the reader through a series of discussions on key political milestones in the nation's history, the structure of government, the relationship of citizen to state, the role played by political parties, groups and elections, the shape and ong>influenceong> of the political elite, the current status of the political economy and the future direction of the nation in a global environment.

Evolutionary Politics

Evolutionary Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schubert, Glendon A., JR., PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, This synthesis of research into the behavior of humans and other social animals ranges horizontally from a congruence of the perspectives of the life sciences, social sciences, and physical sciences and longitudinally from that of the most recent 60 million years, but emphasizing the last 12 thousand years. From a political science perspective, these essays focus on both individual and small-group political behavior. Schubert's work draws extensively on contemporary evolutionary theory, biosocial and psychobiological theory, ethology and primatology, behavioral ecology, experimental work in animal behavior, neurobiology, human development, and the philosophy of both life and social sciences. Introducing and concluding the book are essays that discuss the implications of biology and the life sciences for the study of political science. The others center on five topics: political ethology (naturalistic study of human behavior as animal behavior); political evolution; evolutionary theory; evolutionary development (ecological, epigenetic, and ontogenetic); and the evolution of human thinking.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: Evolutionary Politics
Specialista Social Media

Specialista Social Media

Specialista Social ong>Mediaong> The ideal candidate will have a strong ability to create effective and measurable social ong>mediaong> campaigns. They should be able to steadily build a brand and social ong>mediaong> presence and constantly adapt their efforts to address ong>newong> trends. This candidate should also be comfortable creating engaging content that will reach a targeted audience and maximize outcomes. Responsibilities Create and launch effective and novel social ong>mediaong> campaigns to meet objectives Develop client brand and manage social ong>mediaong> presence through targeted content Analyze, evaluate and adapt campaigns and strategies to reach desired outcomes Monitor industry trends in order to stay relevant with social ong>mediaong> approach. Maggiori dettagli nella sezione riservata agli utenti Premium. Inserzionista: ong>Mediaong>match

The Discretionary Economy: A Normative Theory of Political

The Discretionary Economy: A Normative Theory of Political

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tool, Marc R., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, The Discretionary Economy argues that we do in fact control our own political and economic destinies. As a community, we have discretion over policies that determine whether an economic process adequately provides for the necessities of life. We also determine who participates in normative public judgments and whether decisions distinguish between what is and what ought to be. Tool argues that we must continuously organize the institutional structures through which economic and political functions in the social process are carried on. We must exercise discretion by creating and modifying institutions that coordinate our behavior. To exercise discretion effectively requires that we employ distinctively American economic, political, and philosophical theory. In this volume, the pivotal twentieth-century contributors to this encompassing theory of political economy are Thorstein Veblen, John Dewey, Clarence Ayres, and R. Fagg Foster. This volume presents, in detail, their analytical and philosophical perspective on social change. A major purpose of this volume is to compare and contrast the American tradition with the traditions of capitalism, Marxism, and fascism, demonstrating that the former can resolve compelling economic and political problems and the latter two cannot. This book explains how to identify and analyze social, economic, and political problems confronted in all communities, and how to go about framing and implementing structural adjustments in the political economy. It will be of interest to students in non-traditional courses in political economy including institutional economics, contemporary social problems, economics and social policy, methodology, andcontemporary economic thought.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: The Discretionary Economy: A Normative Theory of Political
Sorcery and Sovereignty: Taxation, Power, and Rebellion in

Sorcery and Sovereignty: Taxation, Power, and Rebellion in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Redding, Sean, PUBLISHER: Ohio University Press, Rebellions broke out in many areas of South Africa shortly after the institution of white rule in the late nineteenth century and continued into the next century. However, distrust of the colonial regime reached a ong>newong> peak in the mid-twentieth century, when revolts erupted across a wide area of rural South Africa. All these uprisings were rooted in grievances over taxes. Rebels frequently invoked supernatural powers for assistance and accused government officials of using witchcraft to enrich themselves and to harm ordinary people. As Sean Redding observes in Sorcery and Sovereignty, beliefs in witchcraft and supernatural powers were part of the political rhetoric; the system of taxation--with all its prescribed interactions between ruler and ruled--was intimately connected to these supernatural beliefs. In this fascinating study, Redding examines how black South Africans' beliefs in supernatural powers, along with both economic and social change in the rural areas, resulted in specific rebellions and how gender relations in black South African rural families changed. Sorcery and Sovereignty explores the intersection of taxation, political attitudes, and supernatural beliefs among black South Africans, shedding light on some of the most significant issues in the history of colonized Africa.

A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt: Documents in

A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt: Documents in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thorner, Thomas / Frohn-Nielson, Thor, PUBLISHER: University of Toronto Press, This ong>newong> edition of Broadview's two volume anthology of documents in Canadian history, A Few Acres of Snow and A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt, presents many ong>newong> documentary sources on Canadian history, combined with the most compelling passages from the first edition, Included are documents that focus on the history of Canada's various regions; on social, cultural, political and intellectual history; and on the experiences of women, Native peoples, immigrants and labour.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt: Documents in
Managerial Job Change: Men and Women in Transition

Managerial Job Change: Men and Women in Transition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nicholson, Nigel, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Work role transitions are among the most significant yet least understood forms of social change, and how they affect individuals' careers, self-concepts and organizational adjustment is of great practical and theoretical importance. This book provides the first comprehensive, large-scale study of the causes, form and outcomes of job change. Focussing on one of the most influential segments of society - middle to senior managers - the book offers a ong>newong> theoretical approach to the analysis and understanding of job change. The authors ask how much job change is taking place, assess who is most affected, and evaluate the psychological consequences for the individual manager. They discuss organizations' handling of job transitions, and provide a unique focus on women in management, evaluating how their experience of careers and job change differs from men's. This book presents important ong>newong> findings to specialists in life-span development, careers, managerial performance and organizational behaviour. It also offers the non-specialist insights into wider questions, such as the relationship between social change and organizational life, and the individual's experience of changes in industrial society's structures, practices and values.

The British Press

The British Press

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Temple, Mick, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, ""Mick Temple's book makes an important contribution to the debate on the critical historical role and uncertain future of ong>newong>spapers and the key place of quality journalism within that debate." Jeremy Dear, General Secretary of the National Union of Journalists, UK "This book provides a brilliant synthesis of academic and journalistic debate on the past, present and future of the British ong>newong>spaper. Impressively up-to-date, it is an accessible and well sign-posted introduction to students of the ong>newong>s ong>mediaong> and political communication and should become an essential addition to their reading." Martin Conboy, University of Sheffield, UK "A thorough and thoughtful investigation into the British press and its contribution to our social and political culture." Simon Kelner, Editor-in-Chief, The Independent" This exciting book offers a practical introduction to the history, theory, politics and potential future of British ong>newong>spapers. Focussing on the relationship between the press and political history, it examines their social and political impact, assessing the press's contribution to enlarging and informing the public sphere. The author provides a theoretical critique of press developments. The first part of the text leads you through key historical moments from the English Civil War to Wapping and beyond, while the second half takes an in-depth look at current empirical and theoretical concerns. Scholarly yet accessible, Mick Temple is not afraid to take a position on today's contentious issues. The book takes a more positive perspective on the British press than has often been the case, highlighting the online strength of great brand names like the Telegraph, Guardian, Sun and Mail. Temple argues that throughout their history, our ong>newong>spapers have been vital conduits for public opinion and, on occasion, catalysts for social change. "The British Press" is key reading for journalism, ong>mediaong> and social science students.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: The British Press
Women in Washington: Advocates for Public Policy

Women in Washington: Advocates for Public Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tinker, Irene, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The book synthesizes the successes and failures of two decades in the struggle to improve the lives of American women through the political process. Many of the contributors have worked in federal government, and they consider such areas as education, employment, law and business -- testifying to the wider social and political role that so-called 'women's issues' have played in shaping American society since the early s. This book is destined to shape the agenda of the women's movement for the next generation. '...the text is a wonderful resource for students of political science, organizational change, and women's studies.' -- Choice, May 'Written in a lucid and jargon-free style, the book provides both the general reader and the professional with ong>newong> information on much-studied issues such as the ERA...' -- Perspective

Preempting Dissent: The Politics of an Inevitable Future

Preempting Dissent: The Politics of an Inevitable Future

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elmer, Greg / Opel, Andy, PUBLISHER: Arbeiter Ring, The Bush administrationas aWar on Terrora ushered in a ong>newong> logic of surveillance, suppressing public dissent and mobilizing both afaitha and afear.a Elmer and Opel reveal the underlying logic of preemption whereby threats must be eliminated before they materialize, drawing on social theories and ong>mediaong> analyses to assess the wider impact of this ong>newong> era of security and political order. They track three emerging strategies: zoning or incarceration of protesters, expansion of human surveillance techniques by police and law enforcement agencies, and deployment of astealtha forms of crowd control. Addressing the logic of preemption, Elmer and Opel lay the groundwork for more effective resistance.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: Preempting Dissent: The Politics of an Inevitable Future
The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of

The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reddy, William M., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Navigation of Feeling critiques recent psychological and anthropological research on emotions. William M. Reddy offers a ong>newong> theory of emotions and historical change, drawing on research from many academic disciplines. This ong>newong> theory makes it possible to see how emotions change over time, how emotions have a very important impact on the shape of history, and how different social orders either facilitate emotional life or make it more difficult. This theory is fully explored in a case study of the French Revolution.

Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West

Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Parker, David, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Presents eight European case studies including the English revolution of , the French Revolution and the recent revolutions within the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe () and examines them not only in their specific political, economic and social contexts but also as part of the wider European revolutionary tradition. A chapter on the American Revolution is also included as a revolution which grew out of a European expansionist and a European political culture. David Parker brings together leading writers on European history, who make a major contribution to the controversial debate on the role of revolution in the development of European history. This is a truly comparative book which includes discussion on each of the following key themes: *the causes of revolution, including the importance of political, social and economic factors *the effects of political and philisophical ideas or ideology on the revolution *the form and process of a revolution, including the importance of violence and popular support *the outcome of revolution, both short-term and long-term *the way revolution is viewed in history particularly since the collapse of Communism in Europe As well as providing ong>newong> historical perspectives on the concept of revolution, this book also provides a comparative survey of all the major revolutions in the West over the past 400 years.

Offerte relazionate new media influence on social and political change in africa: Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West
Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies

Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zimmerman, Jan / Sahlin, Doug, PUBLISHER: For Dummies, Everything your business needs for a successful social ong>mediaong> campaign Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are today's hottest marketing tools. This all-in-one guide by an expert on social ong>mediaong> strategy helps you take full advantage of them in creative ong>newong> ways. Lena West is a consultant who helps her clients develop a social ong>mediaong> strategy uniquely designed for their businesses. She offers her techniques and advice to help your business develop and manage a strategy, solicit buy-in from upper management, engage ong>influenceong>rs, and evaluate the results. Customers of every business are already communicating on social ong>mediaong> sites; an effective marketing strategy today must include these venues Author Lena West is a recognized expert and consultant in social ong>mediaong> marketing This guide offers professional advice on developing and managing a social ong>mediaong> strategy that uses all the hottest tools Self-contained minibooks cover creating a strategy; blogging, podcasting, and vlogging; successful tweeting; establishing a Facebook presence; using MySpace; marketing through LinkedIn; other social ong>mediaong> tools; and measuring success In the fun and friendly "For Dummies" style, "Social ong>Mediaong> Marketing All-in-One For Dummies" arms you with the information you need for successful social ong>mediaong> marketing.
