neurological complications of hiv aids

Neurological Complications of HIV-AIDS

Neurological Complications of HIV-AIDS

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: A G Saimot Gerard Said, PUBLISHER: W B Saunders Company, NA

Compatibilità carceraria, hiv/aids e malattia part

Compatibilità carceraria, hiv/aids e malattia part

Giuffrè editore, Compatibilità carceraria, hiv/aids e malattia particolarmente grave, autore Demori, testo nuovo anno , possibilità di spedizione con posta prioritaria piego libri € 1.80 o posta raccomandata € 3.80.

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: Compatibilità carceraria, hiv/aids e malattia part
The No-Nonsense Guide to HIV/AIDS

The No-Nonsense Guide to HIV/AIDS

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Usdin, Shereen, PUBLISHER: Verso, Twenty-two million people have died from AIDS-related illnesses since AIDS was first discovered almost 25 years ago--more people than died in Europe during the Black Death of the Middle Ages. And 42 million people are now infected, two-thirds of them in sub-Saharan Africa. Already across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, HIV/AIDS threatens to erode fragile economies and set back development for decades. But this may be the tip of the iceberg: the HIV virus is poised to explode in Asia and the former Soviet Union. Meanwhile, in the West, sophisticated drugs have given people with AIDS new hope. This No-Nonsense Guide tells the story so far, looking at the origins of the disease, the way it spreads, the profits made by drug companies, the special vulnerability of women, and the positive action being taken by people and communities to fight back. Acquista Ora

Atlas of the Difficult Airway

Atlas of the Difficult Airway

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Masci, Joseph R., PUBLISHER: Mosby, This revised and repackaged new edition provides the primary care physician with practical strategies for the evaluation and care of patients at all stages of HIV infection. With expanded contents and more detail, "Outpatient Management of HIV Infection" is useful for practitioners who care for a substantial number of AIDS patients.

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: Atlas of the Difficult Airway
Pin Pins Spilla Spille Nastro della Consapevolezza HIV AIDS

Pin Pins Spilla Spille Nastro della Consapevolezza HIV AIDS

Pin Pins Spilla Spille Nastro della Consapevolezza Rosso HIV AIDS Il prezzo si riferisce all'acquisto di entrambe le spille Quello che vendi è quello che compri

Impact of AIDS: Psychological and Social Aspects of HIV

Impact of AIDS: Psychological and Social Aspects of HIV

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: CATALAN, PUBLISHER: Taylor & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Francis Group, NA

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: Impact of AIDS: Psychological and Social Aspects of HIV
AIDS: The Biological Basis

AIDS: The Biological Basis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weeks, Benjamin S. / Alcamo, I. Edward, PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Completely updated with the latest findings and data, the Fifth Edition of this award-winning text builds upon the foundation established by the late Edward Alcamo. Dr. Alcamo's accessible writing style is maintained with completely updated content and extended commentary on current developments. The text provides the necessary background information for students to understand the biology of HIV and AIDS while also providing information on critical epidemiological patterns and research developments.

Complications in Anesthesia

Complications in Anesthesia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Atlee, John L. / Ross, Allan, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, This easy-to-use resource details all of the complications likely to be encountered in clinical practice. A narrative outline format explains the nature, likelihood, and causes of each problem, then discusses the appropriate treatment measures.

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Handbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing

Handbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing / Moreau, David, PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, Now included are nursing priority flowcharts, health promotion pointers, and physiologic and psychosocial guidelines for geriatric care. Covered are more than 265 disorders and more than 60 procedures -- including the latest on cryptosporidiosis, MI, Fanconi's syndrome, AIDS, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, thalassemia, asthma, granulocytopenia, stroke, and more. Life-threatening complications and nursing alerts are highlighted. For each disorder, nurses find a definition, causes, complications, assessment, diagnostic tests, treatment, key nursing diagnoses and patient outcomes, and nursing interventions. Treatment entries include an overview of the procedure, key nursing diagnoses and patient outcomes, and nursing interventions.

International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions

International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lyons, Karen / Manion, Kathleen / Carlsen, Mary, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book argues the necessity for social professionals working locally to equip themselves with knowledge of global mechanisms and cross-cultural issues. Local level examples include the increase in victims of trafficking or the effects of HIV/AIDS on some immigrant groups. International examples include the risk to children moving across borders, the growth of international pedophile networks, and the proliferation of terrorism.

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions
Color Atlas of Oral Manifestations of AIDS

Color Atlas of Oral Manifestations of AIDS

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Silverman, Sol, PUBLISHER: Mosby Elsevier Health Science, Dr. Silverman provides clinicians with a quick, updated and practical approach to diagnosing and managing oral lesions associated with HIV infection and advises them to be suspicious of an infection when the explicitly illustrate the clinical lesions. Content relating to epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment modalities have been upgraded for this edition.

Scheda telefonica sull' HIV

Scheda telefonica sull' HIV

Scheda telefonica Telecom per la lotta contro l'AIDS. Perfette condizioni, tiratura oltre un milione, da lire . Prezzo 0,20€

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: Scheda telefonica sull' HIV
Collezione Pins Varie

Collezione Pins Varie

Collezione di Pins così composto: - Auser (euro 3) - Forbidden City (euro 5) - Hard Rock Cafe' Paris New Year's (euro 5) - Il telefono Azzurro (euro 2) - Nastro della Consapevolezza Hiv Aids pezzi 2 (euro 5) - Queen A Kind Of Magic (euro 8) - Vasco (euro 3)

Eating Positive: A Nutrition Guide and Recipe Book for

Eating Positive: A Nutrition Guide and Recipe Book for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Huber, Jeffrey T. / Riddlesperger, Kris, PUBLISHER: Haworth Press, Proper nutrition is essential to individuals with HIV/AIDS. Yet, it is often difficult to maintain an adequate diet due to a variety of conditions associated with the disease and/or medications used to alleviate symptoms. Eating Positive: A Nutrition Guide and Recipe Book for People with HIV/AIDS solves this problem with easy-to-follow, enticing recipes that fit a variety of common diet restrictions and specific health needs of individuals with HIV/AIDS. You can use this practical nutrition guide and recipe book to customize diet plans for your patients or for yourself (with a doctor's approval) that provide proper nutrition and satisfy the tastebuds.Chapters in Eating Positive are organized by diet type. Each chapter describes the diet type, its benefits and specific restrictions, and actual recipes. Each recipe is accompanied by its respective nutritional values, such as calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates, and percent of daily recommended allowance. An alphabetical index consisting of specific conditions, complications, diet titles, and food stuffs provides ease of use and quick reference. Here is just a sample of some of the many diet types, their benefits, and tasty recipes that are included: Full Liquid Diet: good for people with mouth pain and difficulty chewing as it is easy on the digestive system; recipes include: Orange Cow, Easy Egg Drop Soup, Cherry Dessert, Cottage Cheese Jello Salad, Tropical Frozen Delight, more Fiber Restricted Diet: slows bowel movement and decreases inflammation of the tissues making it a great ally in fighting diarrhea and bowel discomfort; recipes include: Sauteed Cocktail Tomatoes, Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breasts, Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers, Ham Rolls with Eggplant Filling, more Bland Diet: for those who should avoid caffeine, alcohol, spices; recipes include: Raspberry Float, Pasta Salad, Easy Tortellini Soup, One-Eyed Egyptians, Noodle Pudding, Watercress Soup, Sour Cream Coffee Cake, German Potato Dumplings, more High Protein High Calorie Diet: increased calories and nutritional content build up energy resources and assist in improving and maintaining the immune system, stopping and possibly reversing tissue wasting and weight loss and assisting in wound healing; recipes include: Garlic Pasta, Beef and Rice Creole, Spinach Cheese Pie, Tournedos of Beef with Shallot Sauce, Banana Nut Bread, Butterscotch Pie, Pineapple Coconut Cake, many moreThese diets are not prescriptions but rather guides for creating and consuming a practical diet to suit individual needs. You'll find that Eating Positive puts individuals with HIV/AIDS on the road to a more pleasing, fulfilling, and healthy diet.

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: Eating Positive: A Nutrition Guide and Recipe Book for
AIDS and the Hospice Community

AIDS and the Hospice Community

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Amenta, Madalon O'Rawe / Miller, Gale, PUBLISHER: Routledge, With the rise of the AIDS epidemic, hospice units and care centers play an important role in the care of terminally ill AIDS patients. AIDS and the Hospice Community documents facts and discusses concerns in current AIDS hospice care. It presents an authoritative commentary on many common AIDS perceptions held in the United States and describes research projects and findings that detail these and other barriers to AIDS hospice care. This insightful book gives examples of hospices that have entered into AIDS patient care and shows that such programs can be extremely successful for everyone involved. By describing successful programs and barriers that still need to be overcome, it helps agency administrators plan AIDS policies and programs and promotes further research by identifying specific areas in need of study. AIDS and the Hospice Community discusses all aspects of AIDS and hospice care, including AIDS in prisons and rural areas, eligibility criteria, variations in the normal grieving process when the bereavement is a death from AIDS, and the great need for education to dispel myths and misconceptions about AIDS. Chapters also explore reasons hospices are often hesitant to take on AIDS patients, such as confusion and fear of transmission of the disease, the social stigma, financial considerations, and the severity of personal and professional demands on caregivers. All professionals involved in AIDS care, especially in hospice settings, including clinicians, managers, educators, planners, and policymakers will become aware of the specific challenges they face in providing AIDS care and discover ways to successfully meet these challenges.

Chanda's Secrets

Chanda's Secrets

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stratton, Allan, PUBLISHER: Annick Press, "A girl's struggle amid the African AIDS pandemic." ""As soon as I get back from the shabeen, I go next door to see Mrs. Tafa. I have to ask to use her phone to let our relatives know about Sara. I'm nervous. Mrs. Tafa would like to run the world. Since she can't run the world she's decided to run our neighborhood."" So speaks sixteen-year-old Chanda, an astonishingly perceptive girl living in the small city of Bonang, a fictional city in Southern Africa. While Mrs. Tafa's hijinks are often amusing, the fact is that Chanda's world is profoundly difficult. When her youngest sister dies, the first hint of HIV/AIDS emerges. In this sensitive, swiftly-paced story readers will find echoes of "To Kill a Mockingbird" as Chanda must confront undercurrents of shame and stigma. Not afraid to explore the horrific realities of AIDS, Chanda's Secrets also captures the enduring strength of loyalty, friendship and family ties. Above all, it is a story about the corrosive nature of secrets and the healing power of truth. Through the artful style of acclaimed author Stratton, the determination and resilience Chanda embodies will live on in readers' minds.

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: Chanda's Secrets
Scheda telefonica sull'HIV

Scheda telefonica sull'HIV

Vendo scheda telefonica sull'Associazione Nazionale per la Lotta contro. l'AIDS, tiratura oltre un milione, da lire . Prezzo 0,30 cent Se interessati ad altre schede italiane richiedetemi le foto o fate click su annunci utente.

Killer AIDS, di Massimo Consoli

Killer AIDS, di Massimo Consoli

KILLER AIDS, di Massimo Consoli, edito da Kaos Edizioni nel . Prima edizione. Brossura di 165 pagine in buone condizioni, normali segni d'uso sulle copertine. Storia dell'aids attraverso le sue vittime...

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: Killer AIDS, di Massimo Consoli
Prognosis of Neurological Disorders

Prognosis of Neurological Disorders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Evans, Randolph W. / Baskin, David S. / Yatsu, Frank M., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This is the first comprehensive book devoted to the prognosis of neurological disorders. It addresses the questions: what is the natural history and how does medical and/or surgical treatment alter the outcome? Introductory chapters view prognosis from the perspective of a medical ethicist using coma as an example; a psychologist exploring how a patient's perception of prognosis might alter outcome; and a neuroepidemiology group examining the methodology of prognostic studies. In discussing the various types of neurological disease, the authors consistently provide an introduction to the topic, a review of the relevant literature, and a critical assessment of the prognostic factors. This volume is a practical guide for the clinician that can be used on a daily basis as a reference source when discussing prognosis with patients and their families and with other members of the health care team. It will be of interest to neurologists, neurosurgeons, physiatrists, neuropsychologists, internists, and attorneys. In years to come, outcome analysis will be of increasing importance as beleaguered health care payers attempt to provide the most cost-effective treatment possible.

The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Murison, Justine S., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, For much of the nineteenth century, the nervous system was a medical mystery, inspiring scientific studies and exciting great public interest. Because of this widespread fascination, the nerves came to explain the means by which mind and body related to each other. By the s, the nervous system helped Americans express the consequences on the body, and for society, of major historical changes. Literary writers, including Nathaniel Hawthorne and Harriet Beecher Stowe, used the nerves as a metaphor to re-imagine the role of the self amidst political, social and religious tumults, including debates about slavery and the revivals of the Second Great Awakening. Representing the 'romance' of the nervous system and its cultural impact thoughtfully and, at times, critically, the fictional experiments of this century helped construct and explore a neurological vision of the body and mind. Murison explains the impact of neurological medicine on nineteenth-century literature and culture. Acquista Ora

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OROLOGIO AIDS Foundation Limited Ed. E.John Boy London EF-501 Edizione limitata nuovo mai usato nella sua confezione originale

When God Stood Up: A Christian Response to AIDS in Africa

When God Stood Up: A Christian Response to AIDS in Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cantelon, James, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, THE VICTIMS OF THE AIDS PANDEMIC IN AFRICA ARE FAR MORE NUMEROUS THAN THE DEAD AND DYING. MILLIONS OF ORPHANS AND WIDOWS ARE TRYING TO SURVIVE IN EXTREME POVERTY AND SOCIAL OPRESSION. JAMES CANTELON, A CANADIAN PASTOR, HAS CHALLENGED CHURCHES IN AFRICA-AND IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES-TO UNITE IN A COMMON CAUSE TO BRING RELIEF TO SUFFERING OF INTOLERABLE MAGNITUDE. When God Stood Up is the story of a remarkable journey that affirms God's presence in the most ravaged places on Earth. Millions of our fellow human beings are depending on just to be "God's hand extended." Read about their stories and be humbled. "The book puts HIV/AIDS into terrifying perspective. Jim and Kathy Cantelon are the face of God's love to so many who are so desperate." --Deborah Grey, MP (ret'd). "As Jim narrates his accelerated response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, it reminds one of the image G.K. Chesterton captured of St. Francis: always running.' Within a matter of weeks, the author catapults out of Vancouver to the Durban colloquium, to hospitals and church events across the sub-Sahara-you sometimes look for a page to catch your breath Come to think of it, with the awesome destruction of human life described here, what could be mode appropriate? When God Stood Up carries a sense of that which it issues a call for: breathless haste." --John & Ruth Kerr, Trans-Africa Theological College, Kitwe, Zambia "Posturing God as standing up sends readers a signal: beware. Coddled for years by an image of a benign and permissive deity, Cantelon gives a yank on our leash of grace. Human tragedy, he reminds us, isn't just unfortunate-it's the stuff of life that strikes at the very heart of faith, a fait he asserts that should neither be smug nor comfortable. This God of justice makes it clear that those who call themselves by his name are to do no less than embrace justice." --Brian Stiller, President, Tyndale University & Seminary, Toronto "This is more than the story of the calling of a man to a god-sized mission. It is an informative, unfolding drama of perhaps the most critical issue of our time-AIDS in Africa. As Jim has cast and recast his vision, people all over the world have been caught and reeled in to unexpected roles, in response to the pandemic. My husband and I are in that number. Be warned as you read, you too may be stirred to action " --Moira Brown, Co-host, 100 Huntley Street, CTS-TV

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing / Norris, June, PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, Covers more than 530 diseases, including emerging diseases such as Ebola virus. For each disorder, readers learn the causes, complications, assessment findings, tests, treatments, and interventions. Also included are NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses, DSM-IV criteria, revised classification system for HIV infection, peptic ulcer causes and treatment, the latest findings in immunology, and much more. Chapter introductions cover such topics as disease transmission and prevention, anatomy and physiology, assessment, and diagnostic tests. Critical warnings, assessment tips, and home care information are highlighted. Nurses also find sample plans of care, plus over 500 clear photographs, illustrations, and charts that show the visible effects of diseases, clarify pathophysiology, compare disease types and characteristics, and more.

Aids sapere = vivere

Aids sapere = vivere

Vendo libro a cura dell'ANLAIDS, associazione nazionale per la lotta contro l'AIDS. è un libro informativo sull'aids con immagini, adatto per i giovani, per gli adulti, per la scuola e per la famiglia. il libro è in ottimo stato consegna a mano spedizione a carico acquirente

Offerte relazionate neurological complications of hiv aids: Aids sapere = vivere
Illustrated Guide to Diagnostic Tests

Illustrated Guide to Diagnostic Tests

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing / Schull, Patricia / Springhouse, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This newly revised edition reflects important changes in technology and the effects of managed care and home health care. New information includes the latest CT and MRI scans; color-tabbed guide to adult, geriatric, and pediatric laboratory test values; 15-page appendix of teaching aids for patient preparation; 12-page, illustrated guide to home testing, including HIV screening, ovulation testing, pregnancy verification, glucose monitoring, and more; illustrated collection techniques for blood and urine samples; and a guide to color-top collection tubes. Included are more than 550 laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures.
