my spiritual journey finding hope and encouragement along

Master Strokes: Spiritual Growth Through the Game of Golf

Master Strokes: Spiritual Growth Through the Game of Golf

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: York, Gary D. / Osness, Ken, PUBLISHER: Tyndale House Publishers, Golfers will see the parallels between their favorite game and priority principles for living their spiritual life. Along with great stories, readers will enjoy quotes from professionals and humorous observations on the game from famous people.

Blue Highways: A Journey Into America

Blue Highways: A Journey Into America

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heat Moon, William Least, PUBLISHER: Back Bay Books, Hailed as a masterpiece of American travel writing, Blue Highways is an unforgettable journey along our nation's backroads. William Least Heat-Moon set out with little more than the need to put home behind him and a sense of curiosity about "those little towns that get on the map-if they get on at all-only because some cartographer has a blank space to fill: Remote, Oregon; Simplicity, Virginia; New Freedom, Pennsylvania; New Hope, Tennessee; Why, Arizona; Whynot, Mississippi." His adventures, his discoveries, and his recollections of the extraordinary people he encountered along the way amount to a revelation of the true American experience.

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Vancouver Walking

Vancouver Walking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Quartermain, Meredith, PUBLISHER: NeWest Press, Journey along Vancouver s city streets past its landmarks through the sounds and smells of Chinatown Ramble along the seawall on English Bay ride the curving streets to Kitsilano on a winter afternoon and experience the vibrant sights and sounds of the city s history as it jostles for a place in the present

Dances with Waves: Around Ireland

Dances with Waves: Around Ireland

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wilson, Brian, PUBLISHER: O'Brien Press, Brian Wilson circumnavigated Ireland by kayak and this is his story of the grueling -mile voyage along a beautiful and often perilous coastline, including his adventures on land at tach stop along the way. Dances with Waves weaves seafaring lore and natural history in an absorbing journey around Ireland into the heart of Irish culture and people.

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Marcel and Paddy Save the Day

Marcel and Paddy Save the Day

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kosara, Tori, PUBLISHER: Scholastic Inc., laugh along with Marcel and Paddy as they help Alpha wolf Kate and Omega wolf Humphrey make the long journey back to their pack.

God's Little Devotional Book for Teens

God's Little Devotional Book for Teens

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Honor Books, PUBLISHER: Honor Books, These dynamic books combine inspiring quotes and corresponding Scriptures with heart-stirring meditations to provide instant spiritual encouragement.

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Remember My Soul: A Guided Journey Through Shiva and the

Remember My Soul: A Guided Journey Through Shiva and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Palatnik, Lori, PUBLISHER: Leviathan Press, The Jewish experience of mourning is divided into a seven day period--Shiva, and then a thirty day period. This book does three things) Explores the ideas of the soul, death and the afterlife.) Guides the mourner through the traditions and rituals of the Shiva period.) Offers a thirty day guided excercise that both comforts the mourner and--according to Jewish mystical tradition--provides spiritual elevation for the soul of the departed.

The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the

The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Madsen, Susan Arrington, PUBLISHER: Millennial Press, In . President Brigham Young sent rescue teams to the aid of more than a thousand pioneers who were stranded in winter storms on the plains. Little did anyone know then of the need those faithful Saints would have for a Second Rescue-a spiritual rescue that would begin 135 years later. In , the saints of the Riverton Wyoming Stake embarked on a sacred trek of their own, a journey filled with miracles and laden with spiritual blessings. The Second Rescue is the story of that journey. It tells of faithful people working together to provide temple blessings of the Willie and Martin handcart pioneers and for their immediate families. It chronicles their trials and triumphs in their efforts to build monuments and pave the way for others to experience the sacred sites associated with the handcart prioneers.

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Cancer and the Lord's Prayer: Hope & Healing Through

Cancer and the Lord's Prayer: Hope & Healing Through

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, Greg, PUBLISHER: Meredith Corporation, Join best-selling author Greg Anderson as he explores the Lord's Prayer in a new and uplifting way. Anderson invites cancer patients, survivors and loved ones to find emotional and spiritual health in his new book Cancer and the Lord's Prayer. Line-by-line, Anderson walks readers through the well-known and beloved prayer that has brought hope and healing to millions worldwide. See how the daily discipline of following Jesus' words can help leave adis-easea behind and bring faith forward.

Why Is My Baby Crying?: The Parent's Survival Guide for

Why Is My Baby Crying?: The Parent's Survival Guide for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lester, Barry M. / Grace, Catherine O'Neill, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins Publishers, Each year, of the approximately four million babies born, suffer from colic: excessive crying that causes extreme distress to parents and children. In this informative and accessible guide, renowned colic expert Barry M. Lester, Ph.D., explores the science of colic and its long-lasting effects on the physical and emotional health of the child and family. He provides simple, proven strategies and detailed clinical suggestions for alleviating the array of symptoms associated with crying problems. With sympathy and candor, Dr. Lester gives encouragement, support, and hope to moms and dads as they navigate this first crisis in the parent-child relationship.

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A casa per natale

A casa per natale

David Baldacci A journalist is forced to make his Christmas journey from New York to Los Angeles by train and rediscovers himself and the goodness of people along the way. (cod. I_)

Three Divine Works

Three Divine Works

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maloney, Sharon, PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, There are many simple treasures in life. Happiness is one of them and, in my opinion, is the ultimate goal for many people who seek after it. Three Divine Works is a book where you can discover what creates happy feelings and how to achieve this. The main themes are spirituality and inspirational thought. Both of these ideas bring about happiness in different ways. Having a spiritual goal can be helpful in finding peace or structure in your life. Believing in God, for example, can be a beneficial approach to coping with stress, or other issues that seem too complicated or confusing to handle by yourself. Looking for a spiritual solution might be the answer, and when a bad situation works out, happiness results. My poetry will leave you with a lasting impression and a happy note concerning your feelings and special desires that make life so interesting that you want to see more each day. The stars above and the rainbow after the rain has come are indeed a part of nature and the big scheme of things that inspire, delight, and capture your heart I have also written poems about my experiences while traveling, meeting people, and becoming a writer.

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Lessons on Living from Joshua

Lessons on Living from Joshua

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kroll, Woodrow Michael, PUBLISHER: Back to the Bible Publishing, Woodrow Kroll brings readers twelve 31-day devotionals based on the lives of biblical characters who faced challenging times and turned to God for help and courage. Each study gives wisdom, hope, and encouragement for living a fruitful Christian life.

The Pleasure of My Company Finding the Motivation and

The Pleasure of My Company Finding the Motivation and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morrell Susan, PUBLISHER: BookSurge, NA

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The Busy Family's Guide to Spirituality: Practical Lessons

The Busy Family's Guide to Spirituality: Practical Lessons

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Robinson, David, PUBLISHER: Crossroad Publishing Company, Drawing on timeless principles of monastic communal living, this spiritual guide for families offers effective tools to meet many challenges and counteract the divisive forces that can splinter a healthy home. Cultivating a sense of togetherness and nurturing the spiritual development of both the family and its individual members is a challenge that many find difficult to meet. Though hectic schedules and competing interests chip away at the sense of community and the support systems that family members need to thrive, each chapter of this book includes a practical lesson from the rule of St. Benedict and the Benedictine traditions which have been cornerstones of Western Christian monastic life for millennia. Spiritual practice, making time, discipline, sharing, hospitality, and changing family dynamics are some of the topics addressed in this wise and wide-ranging handbook, while exercises, checklists, and ideas for family activities are included at the end of every chapter. The gentle, reassuring tone offers encouragement to both traditional and nontraditional families, and reinforces the importance of parenting as a spiritual calling.

Beloved Mystery: Poems and Songs

Beloved Mystery: Poems and Songs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doug Hodges, Hodges, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Beloved Mystery is a story of my life. people and incidents that have confounded, beset, devastated, and blessed my way along the road. Unlike my previous two volumes, this one is of poetry and song. The poems herein go back much further than my quest, my communion with the Spirits. My first poem was given to me in the 5th grade, so very many years ago. Poetry wove itself into the tapestry of my life; music gave it structure and rhythm. They gave me a voice that so needed to speak. I proudly and humbly share this continuing saga of myself in hopes that a moment, an emotion, a light, a song. may spark, entertain, touch, and bless.

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Between Heaven and a Hard Place: A Divine Paradox

Between Heaven and a Hard Place: A Divine Paradox

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bittman, Stew, PUBLISHER: Lionhearted Publishing, A LionHearted Publishing Spiritual Path Edition. The spiritual/healing path comes complete with its pitfalls and pratfalls, its pity parties and power trips, its puns and poetry, its problems and paradoxes. Dr. Stew experiences them all on his journey from his head to his heart, and shares them with wit and wisdom, inspiration and irreverence. This warm and honest travelogue will be an inspiration to anyone who knows their thoughts often get in the way of their dreams. Dr. Stew lives his dream inside and outside his chiropractic practice. The principles of Life are the beacon on his long, strange trip, and are the thread that holds it all together. Barley...



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fitzgerald, Brenna, PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, ANSWERS was written in hopes of causing reactions. And once beyond the reaction, I hope, if youare a Christian, you will pause to reflect, then read and study your Bible and pray, and that will start a journey that will lead you closer to God and His answers. I hope that it will give you an awareness that your Christian walk may not be going anywhere because youare not walking but merely sitting. And if youare a non-believer, I hope the answers you find will lead you to the Lord Jesus Christ. Donat read this book if you donat want your life changed. Pick it up expecting changes in your life.

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What the Bleep Do We Know!?: Discovering the Endless

What the Bleep Do We Know!?: Discovering the Endless

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arntz, William / Chasse, Betsy / Vicente, Mark, PUBLISHER: Health Communications, Everyone is still talking about the movie What the Bleep Do We Know ? Now comes the paperback edition of the book based on the mind-boggling movie that grossed $11 million in the U.S. alone. As the movie did, this book compels readers to ask themselves Great Questions that will recreate their lives as they know them. With the help of fourteen leading quantum physicists, scientists and spiritual thinkers, this book guides readers on a course from the scientific to the spiritual, and from the universal to the deeply personal. Along the way, it asks such questions as: Are we seeing the world as it really is? What are thoughts made of? What is the relationship between our thoughts and our world? Are we biologically addicted to certain emotions? How can I create my day every day? What the Bleep answers this question and others through an innovative, new approach to self-help and spirituality that's far different--and more exciting--than anything else on bookshelves. More than twenty short, focused, interactive chapters take readers on a journey that will integrate the answers to these Great Questions into every aspect of their lives.

A Dove in the Night

A Dove in the Night

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pulsifer, Mark E., PUBLISHER: Malachite Publishing Company, A memoir about finding faith in God and in yourself. Twenty-three chapters are grouped into six thematic sections. A poem sets the tone for each section. Character growth, spiritual adventures, and unique perspective make this an interesting, inspirational book.

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Preaching with Passion

Preaching with Passion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Montoya, Alex / MacArthur, John, PUBLISHER: Kregel Academic & Professional, Passion is the power, the energy, the life in the delivery of a sermon. A "dull preacher" should be a contradiction in terms because the essence of preaching should be energetic thinking, spiritual power, and passionate delivery. Pastor and seminary professor Alex Montoya takes you on a Journey through eight characteristics of passionate preaching, Showing how preaching should contain (1) spiritual power, (2) conviction, (3) compassion, (4) authority, (5) urgency, (6) brokenness, (7) your whole being, and (8) imagination.

The Big Questions: How to Find Your Own Answers to Life's

The Big Questions: How to Find Your Own Answers to Life's

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Das, Lama Surya, PUBLISHER: Rodale Press, The best-selling author of "Awakening the Buddha Within" addresses life's most provocative and tantalizing questions simply, directly, and powerfully. Every life is a journey through the unknown. Along the way, however, we tend to encounter the same perplexing questions again and again. Some are cosmic enigmas that have always tested the human mind: What is my purpose in life? What happens after I die? Others are puzzles presented by daily life in modern society: What, if anything, justifies assisted suicide? What is my personal responsibility to the homeless? According to Lama Surya Das, one of the foremost Western Buddhist scholars and teachers, the more we seek to resolve these mysteries, the more fully we live. Along with his own personal beliefs, the author presents a variety of thoughtful points of view representing different schools of Buddhism, other religions, spirituality in general, and pragmatism. "The Big Questions" challenges readers in the most stimulating and thoughtful way to formulate individual, authentic responses to life's big questions.

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The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Singh, Renuka, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, Giving Buddha's spiritual journey a contemporary dimension, this anthology contains essays by spiritual leaders like His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Yeshe on the impact of Buddhist philosophy on them. Equally poignant are the accounts of others who, dissatisfied with the present world, embark on a search for salvation. Varied and meaningful, The Path of the Buddha provides a rare glimpse into Buddhism.

The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom

The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nisker, Wes Scoop, PUBLISHER: HarperOne, Hang on for a Wild Journey through the Political and Spiritual Adventures of the Baby-Boom Generation Join Wes "Scoop" Nisker as he takes us on a hilarious, wild ride through the heyday of the Beats and the Hippies and the birth of the modern environmental movement, and the surge of Buddhism in the West.

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Grace Walk

Grace Walk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McVey, Steve, PUBLISHER: Harvest House Publishers, What you've always wanted in the Christian life...but never expected. Learn to push self-sufficiency aside and let Christ live through you. Experience the grace walk, and know the spiritual fulfillment you have been striving for all along.
