ms excel data analysis and business modelling

MS Excel Data Analysis and Business Modelling

MS Excel Data Analysis and Business Modelling

libro nuovo: MS Press - MS Excel Data Analysis and Business Modelling

Microsoft Access Data Analysis

Microsoft Access Data Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alexander, Michael, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Go beyond Excel(r) with Access's more powerful analysis capabilities Get better visibility into your data with custom views Scale up your data pool without limitation Master the four fundamentals of data analysis Discover shortcuts with the helpful Input Mask Wizard Integrate your data with the web and enterprise data sources Avoid the common pitfalls of data crunching Harness VBA to improve data analysis Leverage information from the field with real-world scenarios Companion web site See examples from this book firsthand, in our companion web site at The site also includes templates and tools to get you started.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Microsoft Access Data Analysis
Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach

Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coelho, Sergio Teixeira / Coelho, S. T. U., PUBLISHER: Research Studies Press, Rigorous application of the method to different performance fields of water networks, illustrated by various case studies. Detailed analysis of key areas of water networks' behaviour, including advances in the analysis and modelling procedures that are currently available, e.g. in water quality modelling and reliability analysis. Applicable to a range of engineering problems in water distribution. Performance analysis is becoming a key issue in the engineering approach to the control of water supply and distribution systems, both as a natural process of evolution of the modelling and design methods available, and as a consequence of an ever increasing awareness of the quality of the service provided within the water industry today. This book presents a systematic approach to the analysis of technical performance of water networks by creating a framework in which a variety of concepts and criteria can be included. The system presented provides a shift in the way engineering problems are formulated in water supply, allowing greater control of analysis objectives and improved sensitivity.

Insight.Xla Business Analysis Software for Microsoft Excel

Insight.Xla Business Analysis Software for Microsoft Excel

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sam Savage, PUBLISHER: Duxbury Resource Center, Make better decisions with this suite of software add-ins for Microsoft "RM" Excel. -- Each add-in contains numerical and graphical capabilities

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Insight.Xla Business Analysis Software for Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel 97: Advanced Topics [With *]

Microsoft Excel 97: Advanced Topics [With *]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jacobson, Reed / Catapult Inc / Catapult Inc, PUBLISHER: Microsoft Press, @lt;DIV@gt;With this book and Microsoft Excel 97, you'll learn to work with multiple worksheets, work with formulas, use functions, manipulate and summarize lists, publish documents, create charts and data maps, share data or an entire workbook with a group, and record macros. This book, combined with Microsoft Excel 97 Step by Step, provides complete preparation for the Certified Microsoft Office User Expert exam.@lt;/div@gt;

Health Services Research Methods

Health Services Research Methods

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shi, Leiyu, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, This book is intended to become a reference on research methods and analysis for health related research. It provides health students, practitioners, and researchers with a practical guide for conducting and evaluating health related research. It details the major components involved in conducting research including conceptualization, groundwork, choice of research methods, design, sampling, measurement, data collection and processing, statistical analysis and research reporting and application.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Health Services Research Methods
Npl portfolio manager

Npl portfolio manager

NPL Portfolio Manager Leading international Company focused on real estate-based NPL. Capacity to identify routes to recovery at a borrower and at portfolio level; Knowledge of NPL portfolios management processes and procedures; Economic and financial assessment, modelling and planning skills in the credit sector; Frequent business travels. 5/7 Y experience in real estate-based NPL, including credit analysis, due diligence and loan documentation; Fluent in English with a financial or legal background; Strong attitude, negotiation ability with clear priorities to achieve; Very good analytic toolkit; Stronglyresult-oriented. Previous experience at commercial/corporate banks, NPL servicers, advisory corporate finance appreciated. Inserzionista: Michael Page

Business Economics

Business Economics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moschandreas, Maria / Moscheandreas, Maria, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning Emea, Business Economics is concerned with the nature, scope and the functioning of business enterprises. The book synthesises traditional and modern economic concepts and tools of analysis to build a coherent analytical framework capable of dealing with questions of direct relevance to business. Business Economics uses real world examples and is enriched with case studies drawn from a variety of sources in the UK and other countries, from the small firm to the international corporation. A unique feature of this textbook is the inclusion of applications following each chapter. These case studies and the numerous questions and problems are designed to illustrate economic thinking, to assist business problem solving and to stimulate seminar discussions. This new edition adopts a more user-friendly approach, and has been thoroughly up-dated to incorporate important recent developments in business economics.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Business Economics
Microsoft Office Home and business

Microsoft Office Home and business

Microsoft Office Home and business contenente le seguenti applicazioni: Word - Excel - PowerPoint OneNote - Outlook Nessun CD, La confezione contiene i codici di attivazione del software da scaricare dal sito Microsoft. Licenza Originale Vendo causa inutilizzo No crack Se siete interessati contattatemi.

Business plan con Excel

Business plan con Excel

Vendo libro business plan con Excel-edizioni FAG Milano

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Business plan con Excel
Performance Improvement Methods: Fighting the War on Waste

Performance Improvement Methods: Fighting the War on Waste

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrington, H. James / Lomax, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill, Waste-eliminating, performance-improvement weapons Discover the best ways to overcome todayAEs most stubborn business issues: waste of resources, personnel, and opportunity. Performance Improvement Methods, by H. James Harrington and Kenneth C. Lomax, details the 85 most effective performance-enhancing weapons you can use to get the most from the least, and get the jump on your competitors. You'll learn about activity-based of experiments...failure mode and effect analysis...matrix data analysis...process benchmarking, redesign,and reengineering...QFD...simulation modeling...the six-sigma system...value-added analysis...and all the other strategies performance experts have identified as the best ways to promote efficiency and productivity, and maximize opportunities in every arena. This book/CD-ROM package gives you ready-to-download sample forms, agreements and analyses, plus exercises, games,definitions, case histories and more that help you put these creative and efficient tools to work.

Applied Statistics for Network Biology

Applied Statistics for Network Biology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dehmer, Matthias / Emmert-Streib, Frank / Graber, Armin, PUBLISHER: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, This book introduces a number of cutting edge statistical methods which can be used for the analysis of genomic, proteomic and metabolomic data sets. In particular in the field of systems biology, researchers are trying to analyze as much data as possible in a given biological system (such as a cell or an organ). The appropriate statistical evaluation of these large scale data is critical for the correct interpretation and different experimental approaches require different approaches for the statistical analysis of these data. This book is written by biostatisticians and mathematicians but aimed at experimental researcher as well as computational biologists who often lack an appropriate background in statistical analysis.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Applied Statistics for Network Biology
Designing Enterprise Client/Server Systems

Designing Enterprise Client/Server Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gold-Bernstein, Beth / Marca, David, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, This book contains a complete, proven set of tools and techniques for reducing the risks and increasing the manageability of client/server projects.The book contains extensive coverage of the organizational and management issues involved in successful client/server planning, followed by an exclusive method for modeling adaptive client/server systems that are business-driven, scaleable, and enable change. Among the many powerful real-world tools this book provides are: specific decision criteria for choosing technical components of a distributed system; methods and guidelines for partitioning data and processing across processors and locations; and techniques for performing traffic analysis even before one line of code is written.All IT executives, project managers, business analysts and implementers of client/server technology.

Office Home and Business  T5D-

Office Home and Business T5D-

Microsoft Office Home and Business Codice "Product Key" Licenza d'uso PKC codice T5D- Questa versione di Microsoft Office include: - Microsoft Office Word - Microsoft Office Excel - Microsoft Office PowerPoint - Microsoft Office OneNote - Microsoft Office Outlook Prodotto nuovo, ORIGINALE e mai installato.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Office Home and Business T5D-
Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Vendo Introduction to calculus and Analysis I Introduction to calculus and Analysis II Courant, John - Springer Le condizioni generali sono buone, presente qualche annotazione e alcune pagine del volume II/2 si sono staccate (ma ci sono tutte) Consegna a mano a Roma

Signal and Linear System Analysis

Signal and Linear System Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carlson / Carlson, Gordon E., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, This book explores general signal and system concepts and characteristics for both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. It progresses from signal representation and characteristics to the analysis of the effect of systems on signals.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Signal and Linear System Analysis
Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis

Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Posada, David, PUBLISHER: Humana Press, The storage, processing, description, transmission, connection, and analysis of the waves of new genomic data have made bioinformatics skills essential for scientists working with DNA sequences. In Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis, experts in the field provide practical guidance and troubleshooting advice for the computational analysis of DNA sequences, covering a range of issues and methods that unveil the multitude of applications and the vital relevance that the use of bioinformatics has today. Individual book chapters explore the use of specific bioinformatic tools, accompanied by practical examples, a discussion on the interpretation of results, and specific comments on strengths and limitations of the methods and tools. As a part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biologya" series, this work provides the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results. Focused and cutting-edge, Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis serves molecular biologists, geneticists, and biochemists as an enriched task-oriented manual, offering step-by-step guidance for the analysis of DNA sequences in a simple but meaningful fashion.

Real Analysis

Real Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Royden, H. L. / Fitzpatrick, Patrick M., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Real Analysis, Fourth Edition, covers the basic material that every reader should know in the classical theory of functions of a real variable, measure and integration theory, and some of the more important and elementary topics in general topology and normed linear space theory. This text assumes a general background in mathematics and familiarity with the fundamental concepts of analysis. Classical theory of functions, including the classical Banach spaces; General topology and the theory of general Banach spaces; Abstract treatment of measure and integration. For all readers interested in real analysis.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Real Analysis
Power System Analysis [With Disk]

Power System Analysis [With Disk]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sadaat, Hadi / Saadat, Hadi, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, Power System Analysis, is intended to provide complete coverage of power system analysis and design. It gives an introduction to fundamentals concepts and modern topics with applications to real-world problems. This is the first book in this area to full integrate MATLAB and SIMULINK throughout.

Mathematical analysis 1/ Canuto, Tabacco

Mathematical analysis 1/ Canuto, Tabacco

Mathematical analysis I, of Claudio Canuto and Anita Tabacco. Textbook for Politecnico di Torino 1st year Analysis course, wear signs along the edges but in ok conditions, not written/marked.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Mathematical analysis 1/ Canuto, Tabacco
Cassettes-Open for Business

Cassettes-Open for Business

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fournier, Carol Ann / Chastain, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Open for Business familiarizes students with vocabulary related to sales, finance, marketing, retail, banking and accounting, and with techniques for writing memos and business letters. -- Communicative exercises and activities -- Four themes: employment skills, collaboration skills, memo/letter writing skills, vocabulary and idioms -- Glossary of business terms

Special Edition: Using MS EXCEL

Special Edition: Using MS EXCEL

libro nuovo: Special Edition: Using MS EXCEL

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Special Edition: Using MS EXCEL
Applications of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis

Applications of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weaver, H. Joseph, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, An applications oriented, introductory text covering the concepts and properties of Fourier Analysis. Emphasizes applications to real scientific and engineering problems. Defines the Fourier series, Fourier transform, and discrete Fourier transform. Includes over 200 illustrations.

Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data

Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chakrabarti, Soumen, PUBLISHER: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data is the first book devoted entirely to techniques for producing knowledge from the vast body of unstructured Web data. Building on an initial survey of infrastructural issues-including Web crawling and indexing-Chakrabarti examines low-level machine learning techniques as they relate specifically to the challenges of Web mining. He then devotes the final part of the book to applications that unite infrastructure and analysis to bring machine learning to bear on systematically acquired and stored data. Here the focus is on results: the strengths and weaknesses of these applications, along with their potential as foundations for further progress. From Chakrabarti's work-painstaking, critical, and forward-looking-readers will gain the theoretical and practical understanding they need to contribute to the Web mining effort. * A comprehensive, critical exploration of statistics-based attempts to make sense of Web Mining. * Details the special challenges associated with analyzing unstructured and semi-structured data. * Looks at how classical Information Retrieval techniques have been modified for use with Web data. * Focuses on today's dominant learning methods: clustering and classification, hyperlink analysis, and supervised and semi-supervised learning. * Analyzes current applications for resource discovery and social network analysis. * An excellent way to introduce students to especially vital applications of data mining and machine learning technology.

Offerte relazionate ms excel data analysis and business modelling: Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data
Principles of Business Taxation

Principles of Business Taxation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pointon, John / Spratley, Derek, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Beginning with a discussion of the theoretical choice of alternative tax bases, this book provides a rigorous analysis of the impact UK systems of taxation have on business financial policy and decision making.
