motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy

Motion Leadership: The Skinny on Becoming Change Savvy

Motion Leadership: The Skinny on Becoming Change Savvy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fullan, Michael, PUBLISHER: Corwin Press, Cycling from practice to ong>theong>ory and back again, this concise book provides ong>theong> ong>skinnyong> on ong>motionong> ong>leadershipong>, or how to "move" individuals, institutions, and whole systems forward.

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Lawrence E. / Kagan, Jerome / Harrison, Harrison E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change "is a collection of 21 expert essays on ong>theong> institutions that transmit cultural values from generation to generation. ong>Theong> essays are an outgrowth of a research project begun by Samuel Huntington and Larry Harrison in ong>theong>ir widely discussed book Culture Matters ong>theong> goal of which is guidelines for cultural change that can accelerate development in ong>theong> Third World. ong>Theong> essays in this volume cover child rearing, several aspects of education, ong>theong> world's major religions, ong>theong> media, political ong>leadershipong>, and development projects. ong>Theong> book is companion volume to "Developing Cultures: Case Studies."().

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change
Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on

Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clifford, Joyce C. / American Organization of Nurse Executive, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Hospital restructuring--if not accomplished with care and understanding--can result in significant turmoil and confusion. "Restructuring" attempts to help remedy ong>theong>se negative consequences by vividly describing ong>theong> behind-ong>theong>-scenes impact of hospital restructuring on one of ong>theong> most important components of ong>theong> hospital workforce--its nursing staff. "Restructuring: ong>Theong> Impact of Hospital Organization on Nursing ong>Leadershipong>" is a careful examination of ong>theong> evolution of ong>theong> role of ong>theong> chief nursing officer (CNO) in hospitals responding to a dramatically changing health care environment. It explores how and why ong>theong> CNO role is changing and strives to clarify ong>theong> impact of that change on ong>theong> management and administration of clinical nursing services. ong>Theong> book's main focus is that nursing, and ultimately ong>theong> quality of patient care, is strongly influenced by ong>theong> existence of a chief nursing officer (CNO) and his or her ong>leadershipong> capabilities.

Making a Difference: Leadership and Academic Libraries

Making a Difference: Leadership and Academic Libraries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hernon, Peter / Rossiter, Nancy, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, ong>Leadershipong> is separate from, but integral to, management; and library directors today and for ong>theong> foreseeable future can be expected to play an institutional role as ong>theong>y lead ong>theong> library to contribute towards ong>theong> mission of ong>theong>ir college and university. Similarly, new courses in library ong>leadershipong> now accompany more traditional ones on managing organizations and information resources. However, much of ong>theong> literature on LIS ong>leadershipong> represents a distilled application of principles and practices borrowed from oong>theong>r disciplines, with few reports of research from ong>theong> library field. Conceived as a companion to "ong>Theong> Next Library ong>Leadershipong>" (Libraries Unlimited, ), "Making a Difference" includes not only a discussion of effective attributes, but of issues central to ong>theong> development of ong>leadershipong> qualities, strategies, and dispositions. Essential reading for anyone interested in advancing ong>theong> quality of ong>leadershipong> within LIS, particularly academic librarians in or aspiring to positions of managerial ong>leadershipong>.

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: Making a Difference: Leadership and Academic Libraries
Becoming Art: Exploring Cross-Cultural Categories

Becoming Art: Exploring Cross-Cultural Categories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morphy, Howard, PUBLISHER: UNSW Press, "Becoming Art" provides a new analysis of ong>theong> shifting cultural and social contexts that surround ong>theong> production of Aboriginal art. Transcending ong>theong> boundaries between anthropology and art history, ong>theong> book draws on arguments from both disciplines to provide a unique interdisciplinary perspective that places ong>theong> artists ong>theong>mselves at ong>theong> centre of ong>theong> argument. Western art history has traditionally regarded Aboriginal art as distanced from time and place. "Becoming Art" uses ong>theong> recent history of Aboriginal art to challenge some of ong>theong> presuppositions of western art discourse and western art worlds. It argues for a more cross-cultural perspective on world art history.

Leadership and Training for the Fight: Using Special

Leadership and Training for the Fight: Using Special

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howe, Paul R., PUBLISHER: Skyhorse Publishing, In ong>Leadershipong> and Training for ong>theong> Fight, MSG Paul R. Howe, U.S. Army Retired, shares ideas on ong>leadershipong> that he has developed through extensive combat experience. Howe tells riveting stories of military operations and analyzes ong>leadershipong> concepts. He also gives advice on how to understand students and how to refine your teaching methods. Written with ong>theong> unique insight of a Special Operations soldier, this book is ong>theong> perfect guide for anyone interested in improving leader- ship skills in civilian or military situations.

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: Leadership and Training for the Fight: Using Special
Presidential Leadership: From Eisenhower to Clinton

Presidential Leadership: From Eisenhower to Clinton

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blakesley, Lance, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This text is ong>theong> definitive examination of ong>theong> presidential ong>leadershipong> styles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. After examining ong>theong> social and ong>leadershipong> styles of ong>theong>se presidents, Blakesley looks at ong>theong> three elements of presidential strategic ong>leadershipong> versatility: social style self-awareness and self-monitoring; development and use of eclectic teams of subleaders; and ong>theong> practice of ong>leadershipong> style modification (or situationsl ong>leadershipong>). Blakesley rates ong>theong> effectiveness of each president as a strategically versatile leader.

The Welch Way: 24 Lessons from the Worlds Greatest CEO

The Welch Way: 24 Lessons from the Worlds Greatest CEO

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Krames, Jeffrey A. / Krames Jeffrey, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill, How to put Jack Welch's ideas and tactics to work in any career or organization Jack Welch became one of history's most admired and successful CEOs by rewriting ong>theong> rules of ong>leadershipong> and letting hands-on, frontline employees--instead of bureaucrats --tell him what needed to be done. "ong>Theong> Welch Way "distills Welch's management style into a fast-moving, hard-hitting plan for ong>leadershipong> success, one that will help anyone reach ong>theong> top in virtually any professional setting. Detailed yet accessible, "ong>Theong> Welch Way "is filled with Welch quotes and insights, action ideas, and oong>theong>r unique and innovative features. Business leaders as well as those who aspire to ong>theong> mantle of ong>leadershipong> will get ong>theong> inside story on how Welch was able to: Use change as a competitive weapon Make ideas rule Articulate a vision Set stretch goals Spark oong>theong>rs to perform

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: The Welch Way: 24 Lessons from the Worlds Greatest CEO
Taking the Lead

Taking the Lead

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jenson, Ron / Jensen, Ron, PUBLISHER: Multnomah Publishers, ong>Leadershipong> is a key issue for men today: ong>leadershipong> at home, on ong>theong> job, and within ong>theong> body of Christ. But what does ong>theong> Bible have to say about ong>leadershipong>? And how can men become ong>theong> type of leader described in God's Word? In this highly practical, intensely biblical volume, Ron Jenson tackles ong>theong>se and oong>theong>r crucial questions, offering men a template for employing strong ong>leadershipong> in personal life, home, church, community, and workplace. Married men and singles alike will be challenged and inspired as ong>theong>y learn about ong>theong> ten core elements of ong>leadershipong> and how ong>theong>y can effectively integrate ong>theong>m into ong>theong>ir lives.

The Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cohen, William A., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Everything you need to know to produce an outstanding marketing plan, including what to do, how and why. A new chapter on ong>leadershipong> helps develop ong>leadershipong> and teamwork skills while working on marketing plans.

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: The Marketing Plan
The Leadership of Jesus: And Its Legacy Today

The Leadership of Jesus: And Its Legacy Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Adair, John, PUBLISHER: Canterbury Press, Two thousand years on, Jesus of Nazareth still attracts hundreds of millions of followers world wide. A genius for ong>leadershipong> is self-evident and yet John Adair, ong>theong> internationally renowned author and consultant on ong>leadershipong>, finds that little has been said or written about this aspect of Jesus, despite ong>theong> world's hunger for visionary, inspirational leaders. Using ong>theong> body of knowledge about ong>leadershipong> that we have today, he offers a captivating analysis of Jesus as a leader - ong>theong>n and now. 'Jesus is one of ong>theong> few individuals who seem somehow to rise above history, nationality, race, gender and creed - he belongs to us all. What is his contribution to that timeless yet timely ong>leadershipong> that ong>theong> world needs today.' John Adair in his introduction

Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence

Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rosenbach, William E. / Taylor, Robert L. / Rosenbach, Eric B., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, ong>Theong> sixth edition of this classic text continues its popular interdisciplinary approach to ong>theong> topic of ong>leadershipong> by examining fundamental elements of military ong>leadershipong>: ong>theong> "process" of ong>leadershipong>, ong>theong> dynamic personal interactions between leader and followers, and ong>theong> individual and organizational values that foster effective military ong>leadershipong>. "Military ong>Leadershipong>" provides a thoroughly reconsidered and greatly expanded mix of classic and contemporary articles as well as original essays, with authors representing all of ong>theong> services. Incisive introductory essays to each section highlight ong>theong>mes and connections. Eric B. Rosenbach joins ong>theong> editorial team for this edition, helping infuse ong>theong> text with fresh perspectives. ong>Theong> essays of ong>theong> sixth edition confront ong>theong> kudos and criticisms that surround military ong>leadershipong> today, offer international viewpoints, and relate military ong>leadershipong> to contemporary ong>leadershipong> ong>theong>ory and approaches.

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence
Climate Change Education: Goals, Audiences, and Strategies:

Climate Change Education: Goals, Audiences, and Strategies:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Forrest, Sherrie / Feder, Michael A., PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, ong>Theong> global scientific and policy community now unequivocally accepts that human activities cause global climate change. Although information on climate change is readily available, ong>theong> nation still seems unprepared or unwilling to respond effectively to climate change, due partly to a general lack of public understanding of climate change issues and opportunities for effective responses. ong>Theong> reality of global climate change lends increasing urgency to ong>theong> need for effective education on earth system science, as well as on ong>theong> human and behavioral dimensions of climate change, from broad societal action to smart energy choices at ong>theong> household level. ong>Theong> public's limited understanding of climate change is partly ong>theong> result of four critical challenges that have slowed development and delivery of effective climate change education. As one response to ong>theong>se challenges, Congress, in its and appropriation process, requested that ong>theong> National Science Foundation (NSF) create a program in climate change education to provide funding to external grantees to improve climate change education in ong>theong> United States. To support and strengong>theong>n ong>theong>se education initiatives, ong>theong> Board on Science Education of ong>theong> National Research Council (NRC) created ong>theong> Climate Change Education Roundtable. ong>Theong> Roundtable convened two workshops. Climate Change Education Goals, Audiences, and Strategies is a summary of ong>theong> discussions and presentations from ong>theong> first workshop, held October 21 and . This report focuses on two primary topics: public understanding and decision maker support. It should be viewed as an initial step in examining ong>theong> research on climate change and applying it in specific policy circumstances.

The  Prune Book: How to Succeed in Washington's Top Jobs

The Prune Book: How to Succeed in Washington's Top Jobs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Trattner, John H., PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, Written primarily for incoming presidential appointees and those in ong>theong> White House, Senate, and media who must identify, appoint, confirm, and report on ong>theong>m, Prune Books address ong>theong> appointment and transition processes in ong>theong>ir various dimensions. ong>Theong> edition explores at length ong>theong> evolving ong>leadershipong> challenge for presidential appointees and, like its five predecessors, profiles 45 of ong>theong> toughest ong>leadershipong> jobs in governmentresponsibilities, issues, and necessary professional credentials. ong>Theong> book is based on interviews with current and former appointees, oong>theong>r veterans of ong>theong> executive branch and Congress, journalists, and political consultants.

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: The Prune Book: How to Succeed in Washington's Top Jobs
God's Little Instruction Book for Leaders

God's Little Instruction Book for Leaders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Honor Books, PUBLISHER: Honor Books, No one knows more about ong>leadershipong> than God does This excellent tool combines ong>theong> inspiring insight of man with ong>theong> assured wisdom of God's Word to deliver a power-packed punch of motivation. Anyone seeking to become a true leader will benefit immeasurably by ong>theong> knowledge and understanding ong>theong>y'll gain. Convenient to take along almost anywhere, achievers will be on ong>theong>ir way to becoming ong>theong> best leaders ong>theong>y can be.

Killer Body

Killer Body

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James, Elle, PUBLISHER: Mills & Boon, Texas was ablaze with murder and corruption, but Dawson Gray was used to ong>theong> heat. High-pressure situations couldn't shake ong>theong> ex-army heavy hitter; he was forged in ong>theong>m. Having no fear for his own life, he signed on with ong>theong> Lone Star Agency. Assigned as a bodyguard, Dawson was all over Savvy Jones--if that was her real name. Caught in a frame-up, Savvy didn't remember who she was, and his first task as her bodyguard was to jog her memory. His second? To make sure that ong>theong> drug cartel targeting her didn't harm a hair on her sweet head. But as Savvy began to mean more to him than just a case, Dawson found that ong>theong>re was one thing he did fear--losing her forever. And that wasn't going to happen on his watch.

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: Killer Body
Diana ross - the force behind the power

Diana ross - the force behind the power

Titolo [ong>Theong> Force Behind ong>Theong> Power] Artista/i [Diana Ross] Traccie [1 Change Of Heart 2 When You Tell Me That You Love Me 3 Battlefield 4 Blame It On ong>Theong> Sun 5 You're Gonna Love It 6 Heavy Weaong>theong>r 7 ong>Theong> Force Behind ong>Theong> Power 8 Heart (Don't Change My (cod. I_)

The Wired Professor: A Guide to Incorporating the World Wide

The Wired Professor: A Guide to Incorporating the World Wide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keating, Anne B. / Hargitai, Joseph / Vishakha-Datta, Vishakha-Datta, PUBLISHER: New York University Press, ong>Theong> Internet is rapidly becoming a necessary and natural part of ong>theong> way we access information. ong>Theong> Wired Professor provides instructors with ong>theong> necessary skills and intellectual framework for effectively working with and understanding this new tool and medium. Written for teachers with limited experience on ong>theong> Internet, ong>Theong> Wired Professor is a collegial, hands-on guide on how to build and manage instruction-based web pages and sites. In addition to practical tips, this book incorporates discussions on a variety of topics from ong>theong> history of networks, publishing, and computers to hotly debated issues such as ong>theong> pedagogical challenges posed by computer-aided instruction and distance learning. ong>Theong>se discussions are geared to ong>theong> non-computer savvy reader and written with an eye to allow instructors to maximize use of ong>theong> Internet as a creative medium, a research resource of unparalleled dimension, and a community building tool. ong>Theong> Wired Professor comes with a companion web site that contains additional material, such as discussions on design and links to ong>theong> resources discussed in ong>theong> book.Companion web site URL: http: //

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: The Wired Professor: A Guide to Incorporating the World Wide
Revolutionary Continuity Vol. 1: Marxist Leadership in the

Revolutionary Continuity Vol. 1: Marxist Leadership in the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dobbs, Farrell, PUBLISHER: Anchor Foundation, How successive generations of fighters took part in ong>theong> struggles of ong>theong> U.S. labor movement, seeking to build a ong>leadershipong> that could advance ong>theong> class interests of workers and small farmers and link up with fellow toilers around ong>theong> world.

Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference

Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jordan, Debra J., PUBLISHER: Venture Publishing (PA), ong>Leadershipong> is a personal journey upon which one consciously embarks, and it is ong>theong> crux of successful parks, recreation, and leisure services agencies, organizations, and programs. This edition of ong>Leadershipong> in Leisure Services: Making a Difference continues to guide and encourage students and professionals to furong>theong>r develop ong>theong> vital ong>leadershipong> skills needed in today's leisure services settings. This text is divided into three sections. Section I, ong>Theong> Foundation: Developing ong>theong> Underlying Construct, provides information which serves as a framework for understanding ong>leadershipong>, and offers background material -- ong>theong> bedrock upon which oong>theong>r elements of ong>leadershipong> are built. Section II, Working with People: ong>Theong> Essential Skills of ong>Leadershipong>, provides ong>theong> developing leader with information about ong>theong> interpersonal side of ong>leadershipong>. It is here where ong>theong> reader will begin to consider issues surrounding communication, motivation, behavior management, and group dynamics -- all of which impact successful ong>leadershipong>. Section III, Synergy: Pulling It All Togeong>theong>r, challenges ong>theong> reader to think about practice of ong>leadershipong> issues while utilizing ong>theong> material presented in Sections I and II. Throughout this book, readers are encouraged to develop ong>theong>ir ong>leadershipong> skills by seeking out opportunities to practice, reflect on ong>theong>ir experiences, seek out feedback, and practice some more. ong>Leadershipong> is a never-ending journey. ong>Leadershipong> in Leisure Services, Second Edition serves as a perfect guide for professionals and students to furong>theong>r develop ong>theong>ir own ong>leadershipong> skills.

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference
Organizations and Technical Change: Strategy, Objectives and

Organizations and Technical Change: Strategy, Objectives and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Preece, David A. / Preece, David / Preece, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning Emea, Based on Managing ong>theong> Adoption of New Technology David Preece extends ong>theong> study to assess ong>theong> nature of technology strategy and ong>theong> way it impacts on organizational change. It describes key management techniques needed for effective adoption of technology covering: * ong>theong> development of strategy * ong>theong> implementation of objectives * ong>theong> importance of employee involvement Four case studies examine in detail a variety of managemnet approaches and show adoption of technology and ong>theong> issues involved have changed since ong>theong> 's. This book is essential reading for students and researchers in technology management and related areas.

The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of

The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reddy, William M., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong> Navigation of Feeling critiques recent psychological and anthropological research on eong>motionong>s. William M. Reddy offers a new ong>theong>ory of eong>motionong>s and historical change, drawing on research from many academic disciplines. This new ong>theong>ory makes it possible to see how eong>motionong>s change over time, how eong>motionong>s have a very important impact on ong>theong> shape of history, and how different social orders eiong>theong>r facilitate eong>motionong>al life or make it more difficult. This ong>theong>ory is fully explored in a case study of ong>theong> French Revolution.

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of
Sunshine Makes the Seasons (Reillustrated)

Sunshine Makes the Seasons (Reillustrated)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Branley, Franklyn Mansfield / Rex, Michael / Branley, Franklyn M., PUBLISHER: Collins, ong>Theong> sun shines down on us, giving warmth and light. But did you know that ong>theong> sun also makes ong>theong> seasons? As ong>theong> earth makes one complete rotation around ong>theong> sun every year, ong>theong> seasons on ong>theong> earth change -- from winter to spring to summer to fall and back to winter again. Find out how ong>theong> light from ong>theong> sun affects life on ong>theong> earth for all living things in this look at ong>theong> only star in our solar system.

Making Policy, Making Change: How Communities Are Taking Law

Making Policy, Making Change: How Communities Are Taking Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: ong>Theong>mba, Makani N., PUBLISHER: Chardon Press, Learn how activists are making change and getting it in writing. More than local policies have been enacted recently, ranging from limiting ong>theong> number of liquor stores and alcohol and tobacco billboards in low-income communities to ordinances on corporate accountability. Find out how you, too, can create change "from ong>theong> ground up".

Offerte relazionate motion leadership the skinny on becoming change savvy: Making Policy, Making Change: How Communities Are Taking Law
Historical Perspectives on Climate Change

Historical Perspectives on Climate Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fleming, James Rodger, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This intriguing volume provides a thorough examination of ong>theong> historical roots of global climate change as a field of inquiry, from ong>theong> Enlightenment to ong>theong> late twentieth century. Based on primary and archival sources, ong>theong> book is filled with interesting perspectives on what people have understood, experienced, and feared about ong>theong> climate and its changes in ong>theong> past. Chapters explore climate and culture in Enlightenment thought; climate debates in early America; ong>theong> development of international networks of observation; ong>theong> scientific transformation of climate discourse; and early contributions to understanding terrestrial temperature changes, infrared radiation, and ong>theong> carbon dioxide ong>theong>ory of climate. But perhaps most important, this book shows what a study of ong>theong> past has to offer ong>theong> interdisciplinary investigation of current environmental problems.
