microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions

Microeconomic Theory Basic Principles and Extensions

Microeconomic Theory Basic Principles and Extensions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Christopher M Snyder Walter Nicholson, PUBLISHER: South Western College Pub, NA

Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and

Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sax, Gilbert, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This edition continues Sax's tradition of comprehensive and comprehensible coverage of testing and measurement principles while including the most recent theory and research.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and
Transport Economics: Theory, Application and Policy

Transport Economics: Theory, Application and Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mallard, Graham / Glaister, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, "Transport Economics"introduces students to the key areas of the transport sector, combining lucid explanation of theory with detailed case studies from across the European Union. The book applies microeconomic theory and isaimed at students taking their first course in the subject.

Translation Planes: Foundations and Construction Principles

Translation Planes: Foundations and Construction Principles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Knarr, Norbert, PUBLISHER: Springer, The book discusses various construction principles for translation planes and spreads from a general and unifying point of view and relates them to the theory of kinematic spaces. The book is intended for people working in the field of incidence geometry and can be read by everyone who knows the basic facts about projective and affine planes. The methods developed work especially well for topological spreads of real and complex vector spaces. In particular, a complete classification of all semifield spreads of finite dimensional complex vector spaces is obtained.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Translation Planes: Foundations and Construction Principles
Real Analysis

Real Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Royden, H. L. / Fitzpatrick, Patrick M., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Real Analysis, Fourth Edition, covers the basic material that every reader should know in the classical theory of functions of a real variable, measure and integration theory, and some of the more important and elementary topics in general topology and normed linear space theory. This text assumes a general background in mathematics and familiarity with the fundamental concepts of analysis. Classical theory of functions, including the classical Banach spaces; General topology and the theory of general Banach spaces; Abstract treatment of measure and integration. For all readers interested in real analysis.

An Introduction to Game Theory

An Introduction to Game Theory

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Osborne, Martin J., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Game-theoretic reasoning pervades economic theory and is used widely in other social and behavioral sciences. An Introduction to Game Theory, by Martin J. Osborne, presents the main principles of game theory and shows how they can be used to understand economic, social, political, and biological phenomena. The book introduces in an accessible manner the main ideas behind the theory rather than their mathematical expression. All concepts are defined precisely, and logical reasoning is used throughout. The book requires an understanding of basic mathematics but assumes no specific knowledge of economics, political science, or other social or behavioral sciences. Coverage includes the fundamental concepts of strategic games, extensive games with perfect information, and coalitional games; the more advanced subjects of Bayesian games and extensive games with imperfect information; and the topics of repeated games, bargaining theory, evolutionary equilibrium, rationalizability, and maxminimization. The book offers a wide variety of illustrations from the social and behavioral sciences and more than 280 exercises. Each topic features examples that highlight theoretical points and illustrations that demonstrate how the theory may be used. Explaining the key concepts of game theory as simply as possible while maintaining complete precision, An Introduction to Game Theory is ideal for undergraduate and introductory graduate courses in game theory.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: An Introduction to Game Theory
String Theory Superstring theory and beyond

String Theory Superstring theory and beyond

Polchinski Joseph, String Theory. Volume II° Superstring theory and beyond. Ed. Cambridge University Press collana Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics. In-8°, legatura, sovraccoperta, pp. XIX-531, ottime condizioni. ISBN

The Fields of Electronics: Understanding Electronics Using

The Fields of Electronics: Understanding Electronics Using

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morrison, Ralph, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, A practical new approach that brings together circuit theory and field theory for the practicing engineer To put it frankly, the traditional education of most engineers and scientists leaves them often unprepared to handle many of the practical problems they encounter. The Fields of Electronics: Understanding Electronics Using Basic Physics offers a highly original correction to this state of affairs. Most engineers learn circuit theory and field theory separately. Electromagnetic field theory is an important part of basic physics, but because it is a very mathematical subject, the connection to everyday problems is not emphasized. Circuit theory, on the other hand, is by its nature very practical. However, circuit theory cannot describe the nature of a facility, the interconnection of many pieces of hardware, or the power grid that interfaces each piece of hardware. The Fields of Electronics offers a unique approach that brings the physics and the circuit theory together into a seamless whole for today's practicing engineers. With a clear focus on the real-world problems confronting the practitioner in the field, the book thoroughly details the principles that apply to: * Capacitors, inductors, resistors, and transformers * Utility power and circuit concepts * Grounding and shielding * Radiation * Analog and digital signals * Facilities and sites Written with very little mathematics, and requiring only some background in electronics, this book provides an eminently useful new way to understand the subject of electronics that will simplify the work of every novice, experienced engineer, and scientist. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: The Fields of Electronics: Understanding Electronics Using
The New Subjectivist Revolution: An Elucidation and

The New Subjectivist Revolution: An Elucidation and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gunning, James P. / Gunning, J. Patrick, PUBLISHER: Rl Innactive Titles, This book reveals the surprising fact that Ludwig von Mises made seminal contributions to methodology, the concept of equilibrium, and macroeconomics that have not previously been recognized either in mainstream economics or by most of the Austrians. In addition, it goes beyond Mises and others in elucidating the microeconomic concepts of entrepreneurship, profit and loss, and the theory of the firm. Its method of building on a foundation of the reader's personal understanding of human action is a refreshing and inventive approach to communicating these crucial concepts in economic theory.

Microsoft Visual Basic : Reloaded

Microsoft Visual Basic : Reloaded

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zak / Zak, Diane, PUBLISHER: Course Technology, Pairing fundamental programming concepts with business applications and also fun and engaging game applications, MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC : RELOADED, 4E provides a solid foundation in programming principles and how to use them. The book begins by covering the basics, like creating user interfaces, and understanding variables, constants, and calculations. Building upon this knowledge, coverage progresses to more advanced topics like creating classes and objects and using ADO.NET, LINQ, and ASP.NET. This edition leverages the powerful pedagogy of previous editions, but brings it up-to-date with Visual Basic and new examples and applications.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Microsoft Visual Basic : Reloaded
The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Koslowski, P. / Koslowski, Peter, PUBLISHER: Springer, The social market economy forms a fundamental theory of the market economy and an integrated economic and ethical theory of the economic order in which the political and societal conditions for the working of the market are included in the theory of the market economy. The social market economy is presented as a universal theory of the decisions to be made about the economic order in all cultures and is analysed in its basic theoretical foundations and in its application to the transition process from the planned to the market economy, particulary in the privatisation of socialised property in Russia and former East Germany. Leading German and Russian experts in the field as well as four classical texts present a systematic analysis of the social market economy from the point of view of economics, law, and ethics.

Political Theory: A Thematic Inquiry

Political Theory: A Thematic Inquiry

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wiser, James, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This gracefully written, intellectually rigorous book explores the major issues of political theory by presenting the perspectives of major theorists. It gives students necessary historical background while examining basic themes and assessing the validity of basic arguments. Written in a clear, direct style, it can be easily understood by students with little previous exposure to political science. Rather than simply presenting an abstract or formal discussion of the major issues of political theory, it examines how the issues were understood by specific political thinkers including Plato, Machiavelli, Locke, Hobbes, Marx, Dahl, Popper, Nozick. T.H. Green, and others. This is a useful thematic introduction to political theory that places theory in an interesting historical and intellectual context.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Political Theory: A Thematic Inquiry
Environmental Politics Casebook

Environmental Politics Casebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Norman / Miller, Norman, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Environmental Politics Casebook: Genetically Modified Foods includes laws, regulations, testimony, court decisions, journal and newspaper articles, book chapters, and interest group communications such as press releases and on-line briefs, as well as other studies and reports that constitute the principal elements of the public debate on the genetic modification of food. A companion to Environmental Politics: Interest Groups, the Media, and the Making of Policy, it provides the substantive, detailed, case-in-point application for practices and principles previously discussed only in theory, keeping the basic text compact and current.

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cudworth, Erika, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book provides a comprehensive overview of feminist and environmental theories of society-environment relations, considers the range of theoretical and political influences on socialist and Marxist theory, amongst others, and the social sciences' turn to poststructuralism and postmodernism. Cudworth also develops her own theoretical account for the interrelations between forms of social domination and contributes to important debates with sociology, social theory, feminist theory and environmentalism.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference
Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular biology in ottimo stato, mai usato quindi no sottolineature e pieghe a 20 euro. Marcello 346/ Dopo le ore 16 Grazie. NO MAIL.

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular...

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular...

Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular biology in ottimo stato, mai usato quindi no sottolineature e pieghe a 20 euro. Marcello 346/ NO MAIL.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and molecular...
Energy: Its Use and the Environment

Energy: Its Use and the Environment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hinrichs, Roger A. / Kleinbach, Merlin H., PUBLISHER: Thomson Brooks/Cole, What is the impact of such energy issues as global warming, radioactive waste, and municipal solid waste on the individual and society? ENERGY: ITS USE AND THE ENVIRONMENT answers these questions, emphasizing the physical principles behind energy and its effects on our environment, and explaining the basic physical principles behind the use of energy, including the study of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and atomic and nuclear physics. By placing energy issues within the context of everyday examples and asking you to define and support critical arguments, ENERGY: ITS USE AND THE ENVIRONMENT offers a provocative approach to this crucial issue.

Nber Macroeconomics Annual

Nber Macroeconomics Annual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fischer, Stanley / Blanchard, Oliver Jean / Blanchard, Olivier J., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), This is the eighth in a series of annuals from the National Bureau of Economic Research that are designed to stimulate research on problems in applied economics, to bring frontier theoretical developments to a wider audience, and to accelerate the interaction between analytical and empirical research in macroeconomics. Olivier Blanchard and Stanley Fischer are both Professors of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Contents: U.S. "Commercial Banking. Trends, Cycles, and Policy, "John Boyd and Mark Gertler. "The Effects of Government Purchases: Theory and Evidence, "Anton Braun and Ellen McGrattan. "Macroeconomic Growth with Microeconomic Empirics, "Ricardo Caballero and Adam Jaffe. "The Chinese and East European Routes to Reform, "Alan Gelb, Gary Jefferson, and Inderjit Singh. "Waiting and the Option to Invest. Theory and Evidence, "Robert Pindyck and Andres Solimano. "Unemployment in Europe, "Gilles Saint Paul.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Nber Macroeconomics Annual
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Illustrated Notebook

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Illustrated Notebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tortora, Gerard J. / Grabowski, Sandra Reynolds, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A solid scientific presentation of the principles of the human structure and function The outstanding illustration program and innovative learning features frame a superb balance between anatomy and physiology that emphasizes correlations between normal physiology and pathophysiology, normal anatomy and pathology, and homeostasis and homeostatic imbalances.

Principles of Laparoscopic Surgery: Basic & Advanced

Principles of Laparoscopic Surgery: Basic & Advanced

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arregui, Maurice E. / Fitzgibbons, Robert J. Jr., PUBLISHER: Springer, This book brings together the most up-to-date information available on basic and advanced laparoscopic techniques. Enhanced by over 750 illustrations and written by international, interdisciplinary experts, this is the definitive reference on: basic laparoscopy techniques; laparoscopy and thoracoscopy in general surgery; laparoscopy in surgical subspecialties (gynecology, urology, angioscopy); plus a special section on technological aspects of laparoscopy. Throughout this authoritative volume, the reader will find in-depth reviews of the literature and extensive clinical and scientific data on the rationale for using laparoscopic surgical procedures.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Principles of Laparoscopic Surgery: Basic & Advanced
Alfred's Basic Adult All-In-One Piano Course: Level 1

Alfred's Basic Adult All-In-One Piano Course: Level 1

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Palmer, Willard / Manus, Morton / Lethco, Amanda Vick, PUBLISHER: Alfred Publishing Company, Alfred's Basic Adult All-in-One Course is designed for use with a piano instructor for the beginning student looking for a truly complete piano course. It is a greatly expanded version of Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course that will include lesson, theory, technic and additional repertoire in a convenient, "all-in-one" format. This comprehensive course adds such features as isometric hand exercises, finger strengthening drills, and written assignments that reinforce each lesson's concepts. There is a smooth, logical progression between each lesson, a thorough explanation of chord theory and playing styles, and outstanding extra songs, including folk, classical, and contemporary selections. At the completion of this course, the student will have learned to play some of the most popular music ever written and will have gained a good understanding of basic musical concepts and styles.

Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications

Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Granato, Paul A. / Morton, Verna / Mizer, Helen Eckel, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, The emphasis of this lab manual is on the basic principles of diagnostic microbiology for students preparing to enter an allied health field. Students are led through a series of exercises that allow them to learn basic microbiology techniques and to practice safety in the laboratory and hospital environment. It remains oriented primarily toward meeting the interests and needs of those who will be directly involved in patient care and who wish to learn how microbiological principles should be applied in the practice of their professions. The authors have emphasized the purposes and function of the clinical microbiology laboratory in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The exercises illustrate as simply as possible the nature of laboratory procedures used for isolation and identification of infectious agents as well as the principles of asepsis, disinfection and sterilization. Attention is given to the role of the health professional in regard to appropriate collection of clinical specimens and the applications of aseptic and disinfectant techniques as they relate to patient care.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications
Magnetism & Electricity

Magnetism & Electricity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Murphy, Bryan / Two-Can, PUBLISHER: Two-Can Publishers, -- Simple experiments help children test and observe basic scientific principles. -- Filled with fascinating information that kids want to know about the world they live in. -- Offers fun and facts for the entire family. -- Colorful photography and clear explanatory texts.

Basic Cancer Medicine

Basic Cancer Medicine

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Markman, Maurie / Zorab, Richard, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, Guide/reference to the fundamental principles of malignant disease management. For general physicians and residents. Covers issues of biology, epidemiology, and genetics of cancer; management of individual tumor types; and new or alternative approaches to treatment.

Offerte relazionate microeconomic theory basic principles and extensions: Basic Cancer Medicine
Operating systems internals and design principles

Operating systems internals and design principles

Vendo testo "operating systems internals and design principles" autore Stallings lingua inglese acquistato attorno al , edizione vecchia
