memoirs of religious impostors from the seventh to the

Memoirs of Religious Impostors from the Seventh to the

Memoirs of Religious Impostors from the Seventh to the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: M Aikin, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

The British Campaign in France and Flanders

The British Campaign in France and Flanders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doyle, Arthur Conan, PUBLISHER: University Press of the Pacific, CONTENTS: January to July The Battle of the Somme Attack of the Seventh and Eight Corps on Gommecourt, Serre, and Beaumont Hamel Attack of the Tenth and Third Corps, July The Attack of the Fifteenth and Thirteenth Corps, July From July 2 to July The Breaking of the Second Line. July July 14 to July 31 The Operations of Gough's Army upon the Northern Flank up to September 15 August 1 to September 15 Breaking the Third Line, September 15 From September 15 to the Battle of the Ancre The Gaining of the Thiepval Ridge The Battle of the Ancre. November

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Religion in America to

Religion in America to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: LeBeau, Bryan F., PUBLISHER: New York University Press, Religion in America to provides the only available survey of religion in the United States from colonization to the Civil War. Its guiding theme is American pluralism. In America, the number and diversity of religious bodies increased to levels unprecedented in the older nations of the world, as did the percentage of Americans who chose to belong to them. Meanwhile, churches with roots in Europe were forced to adapt to their new environment, becoming markedly different from their ancestral faiths. Religion in America to provides a concise introduction to the central themes of American religious history before the Civil War, covering the history of Native American religions, Colonial American religions, Protestantism, Anglicanism, and African American religions. The book is structured chronologically, allowing connections to be made between religious and secular history.

From Brokenness to Community

From Brokenness to Community

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vanier, Jean, PUBLISHER: Paulist Press, The lectures in this volume witness the importance of the meeting between the university of the learned and the university of the poor. From them a deep understanding of true discipleship emerges.

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The Illustrated Guide to the Tarot

The Illustrated Guide to the Tarot

The Illustrated Guide to the Tarot: Interpret the Symbols of the Tarotand Increase Your Understanding of the Cards Kathleen McCormack - Quarto Publishing plc The Tarot is one of the oldest and most intr iguing systems of divination, or fotune-telling. This lavish ly illustrated book displays some of the most beautiful exam ples of Tarot packs from the past, and from around the world. 10 euro + shipping delivery

The American Cowboy

The American Cowboy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James, Will, PUBLISHER: Mountain Press Publishing Company, "The American Cowboy spans three generations of cowboys in the American West, from the young trail boss of the very first cattle drive from Texas north to the railroads, to his grandson, born after the open range had been fenced in. Discover the danger and thrill of life on the frontier as the history of the cowboy unfolds through the expansion of the cattle business, the growth of the railroads, and the coming of the farmer. Will James brings to life the spirit of the American cowboy that will never die.

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In the Course of a Lifetime: Tracing Religious Belief,

In the Course of a Lifetime: Tracing Religious Belief,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dillon, Michele / Wink, Paul, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, "In the Course of a Lifetime "provides an unprecedented portrait of the dynamic role religion plays in the everyday experiences of Americans over the course of their lives. The book draws from a unique sixty-year-long study of close to two hundred mostly Protestant and Catholic men and women who were born in the s and interviewed in adolescence, and again in the s, s, s, and late s. Woven throughout with rich, intimate life stories, the book presents and analyzes a wide range of data from this study on the participants' religious and spiritual journeys. A testament to the vibrancy of religion in the United States, "In the Course of a Lifetime "provides an illuminating and sometimes surprising perspective on how individual lives have intersected with cultural change throughout the decades of the twentieth century. Acquista Ora

Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience

Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alston, William P., PUBLISHER: Cornell University Press, In this clear and provocative account of the epistemology of religious experience, William P. Alston argues that the perception of God-his term for direct experiential awareness of God-makes a major contribution to the grounds of religious belief. Surveying the variety of reported direct experiences of God, Alston demonstrates that a person can be justified in holding certain beliefs about God on the basis of mystical experience.

Offerte relazionate memoirs of religious impostors from the seventh to the: Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience
Fifty Key Television Programmes

Fifty Key Television Programmes

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Creeber, Glen, PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, This unique study offers a comprehensive and invaluable account of television from the perspective of the programs themselves. From I Love Lucy to The Simpsons, from The Twilight Zone to The X Files, from the moon landing to the events of September 11, the book chronicles some of the most fascinating and influential shows and global events ever to hit the small screen. Each entry will offer a basic guide to the history of the show, its textual and thematic context, and its critical and popular reception, while also explaining and frequently reconsidering ways in which it may have been analyzed in the past.

Faith in Nation: Exclusionary Origins of Nationalism

Faith in Nation: Exclusionary Origins of Nationalism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marx, Anthony W., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In a startling departure from the unquestioning liberal consensus that has governed discussions of nationalism for the past quarter century, Marx exposes the hidden underside of Western nationalism. Arguing that the true history of the nation began two hundred years earlier, in the early modern era, he shows how state builders set about deliberately constructing a sense of national solidarity to support their burgeoning authority. Key to this process was the transfer of power from local to central rulers; the most suitable vehicle for effecting this transfer was religion. Religious intolerance, specifically the exclusion of religious minorities from the nascent state, provided the glue that bound together the remaining populations. Exposing the West's idealization of its exclusionary past, Marx forcefully undermines the distinction between a Western nationalism that is civic and tolerant by definition and an oriental nationalism founded on ethnicity and intolerance.

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Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of

Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frymer-Kensky, Tikva, PUBLISHER: Schocken Books Inc, "Reading the Women of the Bible "takes up two of the most significant intellectual and religious issues of our day: the experiences of women in a patriarchal society and the relevance of the Bible to modern life.

City of Sacrifice: Violence from the Aztec Empire to the

City of Sacrifice: Violence from the Aztec Empire to the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carrasco, David L., PUBLISHER: Beacon Press, At an excavation of the Great Aztec Temple in Mexico City, amid carvings of skulls and a dismembered warrior goddess, David Carrasco stood before a container filled with the decorated bones of infants and children. It was the site of a massive human sacrifice, and for Carrasco the center of fiercely provocative questions: If ritual violence against humans was a profound necessity for the Aztecs in their capital city, is it central to the construction of social order and the authority of city states? Is civilization built on violence? In City of Sacrifice, Carrasco chronicles the fascinating story of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, investigating Aztec religious practices and demonstrating that religious violence was integral to urbanization; the city itself was a temple to the gods. That Mexico City, the largest city on earth, was built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan, is a point Carrasco poignantly considers in his comparison of urban life from antiquity to modernity. Majestic in scope, City of Sacrifice illuminates not only the rich history of a major Meso american city but also the inseparability of two passionate human impulses: urbanization and religious engagement. It has much to tell us about many familiar events in our own time, from suicide bombings in Tel Aviv to rape and murder in the Balkans.

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Great Paintings of the World

Great Paintings of the World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Guillou, Jean-Francois, PUBLISHER: Quadrillion Media LLC, Approaching painting from a thematic rather than chronological viewpoint, Great Paintings of the World offers the art lover a unique opportunity to examine some of the most exquisite masterpieces of Western painting from a novel perspective. Illustrated with over 150 superb color photographs, the book covers such subjects as religious painting, portraiture, still life, and landscape, focusing on the subject itself as well as the way it is represented. Thought-provoking and visually stunning, it provides a unique insight into some of the greatest paintings from the history of art.

The Life and Adventures of Lyle Clemens

The Life and Adventures of Lyle Clemens

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rechy, John, PUBLISHER: Grove/Atlantic, From the author of the classic City of Night comes a captivating, wickedly entertaining novel in which an irrepressible young hero is set loose in the religious-fundamentalist world of Texas, the gambling palaces of Las Vegas, and the enticing mythos of Los Angeles

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Touring the Flatiron District: Walks in Four Historic

Touring the Flatiron District: Walks in Four Historic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mendelsohn, Joyce, PUBLISHER: City and Company, From the Victorian department stores of Ladies' Mile to the Greek Revival townhouses of Chelsea to the early skyscrapers of Madison Square to the stately brownstones of Gramercy park, "Touring the Flatiron District takes the reader through some of he most vibrant sections of New York City.

The Search for the Ancient Novel

The Search for the Ancient Novel

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tatum, James, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, In The Search for the Ancient Novel Tatum brings together a distinguished group of scholars to examine every aspect of ancient Greek and Roman novelists--the recovery of their texts, their reception, ancient and modern, and their place in literary theory and history. The contributors explore subjects ranging from antiquity to the present, from the anonymous authors of Apollonius King of Tyre and The Apochryphal Acts of Peter to Tasso, Cervantes, and Rabelais, from Lucian, Heliodorus, and Petronius to Chrtien de Troye and Samuel Richardson.

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Film Fables

Film Fables

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ranciere, Jacques / Battista, Emiliano, PUBLISHER: Berg Publishers, "Film Fables "traces the history of modern cinema, moving effortlessly from Eisenstein's and Murnau's transition from theatre to film to Fritz Lang's confrontation with television, from the classical poetics of Mann's Westerns to Ray's romantic poetics of the image, from Rossellini's neo-realism to Deleuze's philosophy of the cinema and Marker's documentaries.

Film and the End of Empire

Film and the End of Empire

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grieveson, Lee / Maccabe, Colin, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, In these two volumes of original essays, scholars from around the world address the history of British colonial cinema stretching from the emergence of cinema at the height of imperalism, to moments of decolonization andthe ending of formal imperialism in the post-Second World War.

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The Rough Guide to Horror Movies

The Rough Guide to Horror Movies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Alan, PUBLISHER: Rough Guides Limited, The Rough Guide to Horror Movies is a comprehensive guide to the world''s most terrifying films. The guide includes all the icons, from Boris Karloff to Wes Craven and Frankenstein to Freddie Kruger, including classics from Argentina, Pakistan, South Africa and the recent chillers from East Asia. The canon of fifty essential horror movies features The Cabinet of Dr Caligari and Switchblade Romance, via Psycho and The Exorcist. Everything you need to know is covered from festivals, adaptations, magazines and merchandise. The guide tells the stories behind the movies that have scared us throughout the twentieth century.

German Shepard

German Shepard

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bennett, Janet G., PUBLISHER: Howell Books, An international survey of breed development and the impact world War II on the breed in both Germany and Great Britain, this volume covers everything from the Standard to the intricacies of German pedigrees, from Obedience applications to herding and protection, and from the breed in the United States to health care and management.

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Characters Around the Cradle: Witnesses to the Greatest

Characters Around the Cradle: Witnesses to the Greatest

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Houston, Tom / Tom, Houston, PUBLISHER: Christian Focus Publications, Christmas makes people both happy and frustrated, especially Christian people. There is a tugofwar between the secular Christmas with its tinsel, glitter and high spending on gifts and the meaning it was supposed to have from the unusual birth of Jesus. Tom Houston looks at a great story with a great cast. The political forces of Caesar Augustus, Herod and the travellers from the east, the religious establishment in Zechariah, Elizabeth, Anna and Simeon, The outcast prophet John the Baptist, the ordinary people Mary, Joseph and the shepherds and also the Gospellers Matthew and Luke.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oe, Kenzaburo / Gabriel, Philip, PUBLISHER: Grove/Atlantic, (In his first new novel since he won the Novel Prize, Oe makes an immense departure from the autobiographical fiction he is most known for, in a magnificent story of the charisma of leaders and the danger of zealotry. A decade before the story opens, two men referred to as the Patron and Guide of manking were leaders of an influential religious movement. When a radical faction of their teaching and abandoned their followers. After ten years of silence, two men referred to as the Patron and Guide of mankind begin contacting their old followers and reaching out to the public. As Patron and a core of the faithful attempt to incorporate followers from the movement's past into a new vision for its future, conflicting agendas threaten the church's unity--or something far more dangerous. Ambitious and beautifully told, Somesault illuminates the spiritual searching of modern man that makes religious cults so compelling.)

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Journey to the West, Volume 2

Journey to the West, Volume 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Yu, Anthony C., PUBLISHER: University of Chicago Press, "The Journey to the West," volume 2, comprises the second twenty-five chapters of Anthony C. Yu's four-volume translation of "Hsi-yu Chi," one of the most beloved classics of Chinese literature. The fantastic tale recounts the sixteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Hsuan-tsang (), one of China's most illustrious religious heroes, who journeyed to India with four animal disciples in quest of Buddhist scriptures. For nearly a thousand years, his exploits were celebrated and embellished in various accounts, culminating in the hundred-chapter Journey to the West, which combines religious allegory with romance, fantasy, humor, and satire.

Fate and Destiny: From the Holocaust to the State of Israel

Fate and Destiny: From the Holocaust to the State of Israel

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Soloveitchik, Joseph Dov, PUBLISHER: Ktav Publishing House, One of the classics of modern Jewish thought, Kol Dodi Dofek, is here translated into English. In it Rabbi Soloveitchik presents an extended theological meditation on the Holocaust and the rise of the State of Israel, the Jewish "covenant of faith," and the "covenant of fate and destiny" which links all Jews, religious, irreligious, and nonreligious. Rabbi Dr. Walter S. Wurzberger, a prominent discipline of the Rav, has provided an introduction.

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Living in Ordinary Time: The Letters of Agatha Rosetti

Living in Ordinary Time: The Letters of Agatha Rosetti

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Brein, Maryellen, PUBLISHER: ACTA Publications, Most spiritual memoirs are written by religious professionals. The American Catholic Experience series is an innovative new collection of books exploring the stories of individual Catholics in the United States as they reflect on what it has meant as Catholic laity to live out their faith amidst the joys and challenges of their daily lives?on their jobs, with their families and friends, and in their communities and churches. In Living in Ordinary Time, a historically significant reflection on the letters of Agatha Rosetti Hessley, an ordinary Catholic laywoman who wrote about her experiences with the post-Vatican II church faithfully each week, MaryEllen O?Brien uncovers the lived experience of laypeople in the U.S. from to and its relevance to our lives today.
