mary ingalls on her own

Mary Ingalls on Her Own

Mary Ingalls on Her Own

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Willard, Elizabeth Kimmel, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins, ong>Maryong> ong>IngalLsong> lost her sight after a devastating bout of scarlet fever. Now ong>Maryong> has the opportunity to attend the Iowa College for the Blind, where she will get a fresh start with her education and can learn the skills she needs for an independent future as well. It seems like a dream come true. But it also means leaving her cherished family behind in Dakota Territory, including her sister Laura. Laura's feisty personality has always complemented ong>Maryong>'s quiet nature, and ever since ong>Maryong> lost her sight, Laura has served as ong>Maryong>'s "eyes" to the world. Now that she's on her own, ong>Maryong> must learn to get along without her beloved sister, and in the process realizes that she may have a bit of Laura's spunk in her after all. For the first time, readers will get a glimpse into the life of ong>Maryong> ong>Ingallsong> and will discover a whole new side of this Little House sister they've gotten to know through Laura ong>Ingallsong> Wilder's classic Little House books.

Pixie Dust

Pixie Dust

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Melton, Henry, PUBLISHER: Wire Rim Books, Jenny Quinn's life was on course for her advanced physics degree until a lab experiment in vacuum decay turned her life upside down. With her career hopes destroyed and her professor dead in an unexplained fall, she is left with a strange change in her own body. On her own, her childhood infatuation with old comic books may be the only guide to help her solve the twin mysteries of cutting edge physics and the murder of her professor before one or the other puzzle gets her killed.

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Lost Girl

Lost Girl

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kanan, Nabiel, PUBLISHER: Nantier Beall Minoustchine Publishing, A young girl, close to womanhood, on vacation with her family meets another somewhat older one who is on her own. Free-spirited, mysterious, even possibly dangerous, her new acquaintance is fascinating and her rebellious ways alluring, yet she remains frustratingly elusive.

Laura's Ma

Laura's Ma

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wilder, Laura ong>Ingallsong> / Graef, Renee, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins, Laura's Ma Laura ong>Ingallsong> knows her Ma can do anything Ma can make butter from scratch and braid hats out of straw. Best of all, no matter where Laura's family settles on the frontier, Ma always makes their little house a home. The Laura Chapter Books are part of an ongoing series of Little House Chapter Books.

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Judy Moody Saves the World!

Judy Moody Saves the World!

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McDonald, Megan / Reynolds, Peter H., PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press (MA), The mercurial Judy returns - and she's in a mood to take on the world Get ready for the newest installment in the hilarious Judy Moody series. Rare It all starts with the Crazy Strip contest -- and the dream that she, Judy Moody, might one day see her very own adhesive-bandage design covering the scraped knees of thousands. But when her "Heal the World" motif merits only an honorable mention, Judy realizes it's time to set her sights on something bigger. Class 3T is studying the environment, and Judy is amazed to learn about the destruction of the rain forest, the endangered species (not) in her own backyard, and her own family's crummy recycling habits. Now she's in a mood to whip the planet into shape -- or her name isn't Judy Monarch Moody



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gunning, Margaret, PUBLISHER: Turnstone Press, Mallory doesn't fit in. Growing up in the small town of Kenwick, Ontario during the late s, Mallory gets taunted for looking like a boy, ostracized for her almost freakish intelligence, and can't even get comfortable in her own skin, thanks to a 'difference' that makes her hate her own body.

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A Little House Traveler Writings from Laura Ingalls

A Little House Traveler Writings from Laura Ingalls

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Laura ong>Ingallsong> Wilder, PUBLISHER: Harper Collins, NA

Beyond: A Ghost Story

Beyond: A Ghost Story

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McNamee, Graham, PUBLISHER: Wendy Lamb Books, Sara Cole is not your typical teen. She and her best friend Lexi call themselves the Creep Sisters. Only Lexi knows why Sara is different from anyone else: Her own shadow seems to pull her into near-fatal accidents. Sara is determined to find out why these terrifying things happen, and to overcome her shadow enemy. Her sleuthing with Lexi connects her own horrors to the secret history of a serial killer.

Offerte relazionate mary ingalls on her own: Beyond: A Ghost Story
Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath

Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stevenson, Anne, PUBLISHER: Mariner Books, In this authoritative and controversial biography, Stevenson charts the ways in which Sylvia Plath created her own legend--one at odds with the posthumous myth that has grown up around her. It is "the most genuinely feminist account of Plath's life yet: one in which Plath herself is held to be responsible for her own life, her own death" (Washington Post Book World). (A Mariner Reissue)

The Bootlegger's Other Daughter

The Bootlegger's Other Daughter

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cimarolli, ong>Maryong>, PUBLISHER: Texas A&M University Press, The generation that toiled through the Great Depression and won the Second World War has become known as "the greatest generation." But not all of them qualified for the exaggerated epithet in the eyes of their own children. In this tender but unsparing memoir, ong>Maryong> Cimarolli remembers a world in which the family home was lost to foreclosure, her father made his way by bootlegging, and school was a haven in which to hide from her brother's teasing. Her stories are about struggle and survival, making do and overcoming, and, ultimately, reconciliation. From her perspective as a child, she describes the cotton stamps and other programs of the New Deal, the yellow-dog Democrat politics and racism of East Texas, and the religious revivals and Old Settlers reunions that gave a break from working in the cotton patch. Along with these regional and national trends, Cimarolli skillfully interweaves the personal: conflict between her parents, the death of her brother a few days before his sixteenth birthday, and her own inner tensions.

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Mary Quesquesqah's Love Story: A Pend D'Oreille Indian Tale

Mary Quesquesqah's Love Story: A Pend D'Oreille Indian Tale

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beaverhead, Pete, PUBLISHER: Montana Historical Society Press, Developed by the Salish Culture Committee, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Copublished with Salish Kootenai College Press In ong>Maryong> Quequesah's Love Story, a tale from the buffalo-hunting era of the nineteenth century, ong>Maryong> Quequesah confronts the difficulties of love. After ong>Maryong>'s husband leaves her, a wise old woman dreams of her sorrow and tells her how to win him back.

Till the Cows Come Home

Till the Cows Come Home

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clemens, Judy, PUBLISHER: Poisoned Pen Press, Stella Crown works hard and loves her life. She runs her own dairy farm with the trusted help of longtime assistant Howie, rides her Harley on the weekends, and has enough friends to suit her just fine. But on her twenty-ninth birthday, things start to change. A neighborhood child dies from a strange and threatening illness, a string of mysterious disasters place Stella and her farm in peril, not to mention her friend Abe showing up with a new woman on his arm, creating confusing emotions all around. Electrical outages, flooded barns, and cows running loose in the countryside are bad enough, but when her livestock begins turning up dead, Stella knows someone, or something, is out to get her. Though doctors quickly announce the discovery of the neighbor child's cause of death, another child dies before they can declare victory over the illness, sending the community into a state of near panic. While trying to solve the mystery behind her own troubles, Stella begins to think she alone might hold the answers to the children's deaths. Striking out on her own, afraid to trust anyone -- friends, neighbors, or the gorgeous stranger she's fallen for -- Stella must find her enemy before anyone else, including herself, ends up dead.

Offerte relazionate mary ingalls on her own: Till the Cows Come Home
Seeking Peace: Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World

Seeking Peace: Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pipher, ong>Maryong>, PUBLISHER: Riverhead Books, In this thoughtful and inspiring memoir, the author of the "New York Times" bestsellers "Reviving Ophelia, The Shelter of Each Other," and "Another Country" explores her personal search for understanding, tranquility, and respect through her work as a psychologist and seeker. aThere are three kinds of secrets, a ong>Maryong> Pipher says in "Seeking Peace: Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World." aThose we keep from everyone, those we keep from certain people, and those we keep from ourselves. Writing this book forced me to deal with all three.a After decades of exploring the lives of others through her writing and therapy, ong>Maryong> Pipher turns her attention to herselfaculling insights from her own life to highlight the importance of the journey, not just the destination. Like most lives, Pipheras is filled with glory and tragedy, chaos and clarity, love and abandonment. She spent her childhood in small Nebraska towns, the daughter of a doctor mother and a restless jack-of-all-trades father. Often both of her parents were away and Pipher and her siblings lived as what she calls aferal children.a Later, as an adult and a therapist, Pipher was able to do what she most enjoyed: learn about the world and help others. After the surprising success of "Reviving Ophelia," she was overwhelmed by the attention and demands on her time. In , after a personal crisis, Pipher realized that success and fame were harming her, and she began working to find a quieter, more meditative life that would carry her toward self-acceptance and joy. In "Seeking Peace," ong>Maryong> Pipher tells her own remarkable story, and in the process reveals truths about our search for happiness and love. While her story is unique, athe basic map and milestones of my story are universal, a she writes. aWe strive to make sense of our selves and our environments.a In "Seeking Peace," Pipher reflects on her life in a way that allows readers to reimagine theirs.

Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business

Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Park, Barbara / Johnston, John Ed. / Brunkus, Denise, PUBLISHER: Random House Children's Books, It's pooey on B-A-B-I-E-S until Junie B. finds out that her new dumb old baby brother is a big fat deal. Her two bestest friends are giving her everything they own just to "see" him. And guess what else? Maybe she can bring him to school on Pet Day.

Offerte relazionate mary ingalls on her own: Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business
Kris Longknife: Furious

Kris Longknife: Furious

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shepherd, Mike, PUBLISHER: Ace Books, Having used unorthodox methods to save a world--and every sentient being on it--Lieutenant Commander Kris Longknife is wanted across the galaxy for crimes against humanity. For her own safety, she's been assigned to a backwater planet where her Fast Patrol Squadron 127 enforces immigration control and smuggler interdiction. But Kris is a Longknife, and nothing can stop her from getting back to the center of things--not when all hell is breaking loose. Now she's on the run, hunted by both military and civilian authorities--and since the civilian authorities happen to be her immediate family, Kris soon finds herself homeless, broke, and on trial for her life on an alien world...

Diana 2 volumi in inglese

Diana 2 volumi in inglese

Vita della principessa diana vendo anche separatamente princess in love anna pasternak diana her new life andrew morton diana her true story '' diana her true story in her own wors '' ed. bloomsbury michael o mara books

Offerte relazionate mary ingalls on her own: Diana 2 volumi in inglese
A Kettle of Vultures:... Left Beak Marks on My Forehead

A Kettle of Vultures:... Left Beak Marks on My Forehead

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lamb, Sabrina, PUBLISHER: Strebor Books, Unbeknownst to Iris Chapman, the Atlanta-based owner of Image Control, a kettle of low-flying vultures convenes overhead as she boards the flight home to Opa Locka on the day of her brother Victor's controversial wedding. Following their custoong>maryong> bear hugs, Iris' eccentric family launches into the inquisition, the visual and vocal assessment of Iris' physical appearance. Will Iris survive the onslaught by the vulturous characters in her life? Will Ms. Chickie, her octogenarian grandmother; her superstitious mother who denunciates anything nappy; her hermit-like father; and brain-numbing, irritating clients, push Iris over the edge of her own sanity?

A Tendering in the Storm

A Tendering in the Storm

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kirkpatrick, Jane, PUBLISHER: Waterbrook Press, Emma Giesy, a strong-willed German-American, believes her young family will thrive in the light of their newfound freedom, after she and her husband branch off from their close-knit and repressive religious community in the spring of . A Story of Tender Truths About a Woman's Desperate Efforts to Shelter Her Family Determined to raise her children on her own terms, Emma suddenly finds herself alone and pregnant with her third child, struggling to keep her family secure in the remote coastal forest of the Washington Territory. With loss and disappointment as her fuel, she kindles a fire that soon threatens to consume her, making a series of poor choices that take her into dangerous relationships. As clouds of despair close in, she must decide whether to continue in her own waning strength or to humble herself and accept help from the very people she once so eagerly left behind. Based on a True Story Rich with historical details and vivid characters, "A Tendering in the Storm" poignantly gives voice to a mother's fears for her family and a woman's search for her truest self.

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The Sea for Breakfast

The Sea for Breakfast

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beckwith, Lillian, PUBLISHER: Akadine Press, The Sea for Breakfast finds "Miss Peckwitt" (as the islanders endearingly pronounce her name) settling into a home of her own on Bruach, and mastering -- with the help, and frequently the hindrance, of her fellow islanders -- such varied arts as peat-cutting, winkle-picking, and beachcombing. Originally published in .

Simply Christmas

Simply Christmas

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lynxwiler, Christine / Dowd, Pamela / Luttrell, Wanda, PUBLISHER: Barbour Publishing, Four women face one decision this Christmas: Will they jump into the commercialized rat race or pursue the true meaning of the holiday through a simpler approach? When Maggie seeks a break from the mad holiday rush, her family panics. Can she create Christmas balance, or will her family's antics drive her back to her perfectionistic, take charge ways? - Alone for the first time at Christmas, Lorraine wants only to enjoy the peace. But when the spirit of the season come calling, will she give up her plans to extend goodwill to those in need? - Instead of buying for Christmas, ong>Maryong> Martha is selling. When a young women responds to her ad for a dining room table, will ong>Maryong> Martha see the opportunity to help a hurting soul and heal her own in the process? Temporarily out of work, Penny's husband suggests taking Christmas on the road. Can she find anything to celebrate in a cramped RV with two kids, a husband, and not even a wreath? You'll love these witty and poignant stories of faith, hope, and peace at Christmastime.

Offerte relazionate mary ingalls on her own: Simply Christmas
Widow in the Woods

Widow in the Woods

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brenner, Beulah 'Boots' / Brenner, Boots (Beulah), PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, Follow the adventures of Boots as she emerges from the first stages of grief and widowhood and creates a different life in a new community. Read her soul-searching diary excerpts. Be with her in her Illinois attic churning up dust and memories. Be at her side purchasing land and orchestrating the construction of her dream home high on a forested mountain. She was 62 by the time she arrived in Colorado - rare for a widow in to have struck out on her own this way. Her tale has something for everyone - adventure, wildlife, domestic animals, romance, politics, civic and church involvement, and facing advancing age head-on. Widow in the Woods will assure women and men of any age that the world doesn't need to end when death or divorce takes your lifetime partner.

Sermons at the Water Cooler

Sermons at the Water Cooler

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bozeman, Eric, PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, Abby Torrence, a receptionist, has struggled with the scars of an abusive ex-boyfriend, an addiction to drugs, and hopelessness. Sulking behind her desk at the doctoras office where she works, Abby believes there is no hope in living. Thwarting plans to take her own life, God sends an unlikely messenger to minister to her. Now with a newfound hope in Jesus Christ, God uses Abby to begin her own ministry of encouraging hopeless souls on her job. Still, Abby has no idea that her mission will thrust her into an epic spiritual battle between good and evil that will make her more equipped to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Abbyas faith helps her guide a group of friends through the most awesome spiritual experience that any human could ever imagine, as they all learn the love of Jesus will meet them wherever they are in life, even in dreams.

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A Furious Place

A Furious Place

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hardie, Kerry, PUBLISHER: Gallery Books, Kerry Hardie's first collection makes maps of places familiar to her. "These days I want to trace/ the shapes of every townland in this valley". Her maps are scrutinized and filled with characters -- a young woman considers her childless state, a farm girl remembers home, a husband reflects upon his wife facing an operation, a daughter-in-law regrets her jealousy. These, and other people, are recorded in their own landscapes which, in turn, permeate their lives and ease them. Other poems dwell on the hardships and lessons of a punishing illness -- her own. Hardie's defiant gestures offer insights into experience. Her insistent, necessary reports achieve "some other country. To be entered/ like sorrow, and passed through". Kerry Hardie was born in Singapore in and grew up in County Down, Ireland.

Love for a Soldier

Love for a Soldier

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Staples, ong>Maryong> Jane, PUBLISHER: Transworld Publishers Ltd, Should she stay loyal to her country, or the man she loves? France, . Sophia, the rebellious daughter of a distinguished German general, is on her way to the town of Douai to elope with the man of her dreams -- a young army officer -- against her parents' wishes. On her way, she witnesses a dramatic battle in the skies that leaves an English pilot without a plane and under the misapprehension that Sophia is on his side. She has no choice but to agree to assist him in his attempt to avoid capture, and he joins her in the family car she has stolen, trailed by both the German Army and a staff officer under strict instructions from Sophia's father to bring her home. With their pursuers hot on their heels, how will Sophia explain her behaviour, protecting a man she is supposed to hate? And after sharing so many adventures, will she be able to turn the flying officer in when the time comes?

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Amazing Days of Abby Hayes, the #03: Reach for the Stars

Amazing Days of Abby Hayes, the #03: Reach for the Stars

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mazer, Anne, PUBLISHER: Scholastic Paperbacks, Stuck in the middle of her super-accomplished family, Abby Hayes keeps searching for her own moment to shine. Could the school production of Peter Pan give her a chance to show her stuff?
