marx today selected works and recent debates

Marx Today: Selected Works and Recent Debates

Marx Today: Selected Works and Recent Debates

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sitton, John F., PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book provides, in one volume, primary sources by Marx and critical commentary which relates Marxism to contemporary social and political topics. It includes six brief works by Marx and ten articles by scholars sympathetic to but critical of Marxism. For example, the author includes the classic essay by Heidi Hartmann which criticizes Marxism for misunderstanding gender oppression, "The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism." No previous anthology of Marx has combined both brief works by Marx and multiple critical essays elaborating on his themes or engaging the shortcomings of his arguments.

Readings in American Politics: Analysis and Perspectives

Readings in American Politics: Analysis and Perspectives

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kollman, Ken, PUBLISHER: W. W. Norton & Company, Readings in American Politics introduces students to foundational works and recent scholarship that have shaped the way political scientists understand American government today. In the Second Edition, 30 percent of the readings are new, including excerpts from widely requested classics such as Home Style by Richard Fenno and The Hollow Hope by Gerald Rosenberg as well as recent scholarship like Michelle Swers s The Difference Women Make and Larry Bartels s Unequal Democracy.

Offerte relazionate marx today selected works and recent debates: Readings in American Politics: Analysis and Perspectives
Of Poems & Their Antecedents

Of Poems & Their Antecedents

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brennan, Sherry, PUBLISHER: A'a Arts, Poetry. Sherry Brennan, poet and translator, lives in New York and works at New School University.. Earlier chapbooks include Taken, again today and The Resemblances. She has published widely in journals such as Chain, How(ever), New American Writing and raddle moon. Recent essays can be found in African American Review and the online journal Jacket.

The Cambridge Companion to Marx

The Cambridge Companion to Marx

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carver, Terrell, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Marx was a highly original and polymathic thinker, unhampered by disciplinary boundaries, whose intellectual influence has been enormous. Yet in the wake of the collapse of Marxism-Leninism in Eastern Europe the question arises as to how important his work really is for us now. An important dimension of this volume is to place Marx's writings in their historical context and to separate what he actually said from what others (in particular, Engels) interpreted him as saying. Informed by current debates and new perspectives, the volume provides a comprehensive coverage of all the major areas to which Marx made significant contributions.

Offerte relazionate marx today selected works and recent debates: The Cambridge Companion to Marx
Today's Technician: Automotive Suspension and Steering

Today's Technician: Automotive Suspension and Steering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Knowles, Don, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, This new edition features the most current content on suspension and steering systems for today's cars, SUVs, light duty trucks and now, hybrids The 4th Edition is teeming with new and improved content, from the latest mandatory tire pressure monitoring systems to the newest electronically-controlled suspension systems. New information on the latest front and rear suspension designs, recent developments in steering columns and air bag systems, and the latest electronic power steering gears are also discussed.

Family Studies Review Yearbook: Volume 3

Family Studies Review Yearbook: Volume 3

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Brent C. / Olson, David C., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This third annual collection of the best recent research in the growing family studies field includes 43 articles, selected from 27 journals, in eight topical areas. These represent some of the most salient and sometimes controversial areas in the study of marriage and the family. The articles have been selected for inclusion by a distinguished board of editors, and they provide a multidisciplinary review of the field.

Offerte relazionate marx today selected works and recent debates: Family Studies Review Yearbook: Volume 3
Cesar Pelli: Selected and Current Works

Cesar Pelli: Selected and Current Works

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pelli, Cesar / Crosbie, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Images Publishing Group, THE MASTER ARCHITECT SERIES is a series of monographs on some of the greatest architects and architectural firms of our time. Each monograph will contain 256 pages displaying several hundred color photographs, drawings, sketches and renderings. Although primarily a pictorial essay, the books will contain selected projects described in concise detail, along with a critique or overview of the firm, a resume of the partners, and a comprehensive bibliography.

Recommended Reference Books for Small and Medium-Sized

Recommended Reference Books for Small and Medium-Sized

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wynar, Bohdan S., PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, Essential for reference work and indispensable for collection development, this book allows you to locate the best new works in a given field through its convenient subject arrangement; to consult other published reviews from the citations provided; and to compare price, scope, and coverage of reference books in a particular subject area. The more than 500 books reviewed in this 19th annual edition have been selected from American Reference Books Annual (Libraries Unlimited, ) as the most valuable, recent (most from , some from ) reference titles for smaller libraries.

Offerte relazionate marx today selected works and recent debates: Recommended Reference Books for Small and Medium-Sized
Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debates

Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debates

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ritzer, George / Atalay, Zeynep, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, This unique and engaging anthology introduces students to the major concepts of globalization within the context of the key debates and disputes. Introduces globalization through its basic concepts, rather than thematically; a distinctive approach that provides students with a better grasp of what social science has to offer on the topic Utilizes concepts from interdisciplinary sources, bringing together work from key figures across a number of fields - from Weber and Marx, to contemporary figures in the field, including Beck, Bauman, Castells, and Homi Bhabha Includes excerpts to illustrate ideas, all at an appropriate level of difficulty for an undergraduate audience Offers all of this in the dynamic context of major debates surrounding the basic concepts and the fundamental realities of globalization Designed so it can be used independently, or alongside Ritzer's "Globalization: A Basic Text" for a complete student resource Acquista Ora

Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization

Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sharma, Shalendra D., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Challenging assumptions about the benefits of specific development practices, this book provides readers with overview of how competing frameworks have developed and the ways that specific development practices reflect specific understandings of the main debates, as well as offering a comprehensive historical overview of attempts to achieve economic development. It: offers a historical overview of the main debates and how they have evolved over time undertakes an examination (or rather re-examination) of the relationship between agriculture and poverty alleviation presents an exploration of recent international development negotiations from the perspective of OECD countries. Drawing on the lessons of some six decades of development experiences and illuminating theoretical insights and accumulated empirical knowledge, this book is a key resource for all students of development studies and development economics.

Offerte relazionate marx today selected works and recent debates: Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization
Synchronization - From Reel to Reel

Synchronization - From Reel to Reel

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rona, Jeff / Rona, Jeffrey C., PUBLISHER: Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, This book provides a step-by-step explanation of the tools needed to work with multitrack tape, film and video - how each technology works, how it is used, when it is most appropriate, and what can go wrong. From recording set-ups using home recording equipment, up to top professional recording, film and television studios, you will see how the devices that play such an important role in today's music recording are selected, interconnected and used. Filled with diagrams, charts and photographs, as well as a complete glossary. Updated to include information on project studios, Modular Digital Multitracks, Time Code DAT, MIDI Machine Control, and more.

Controversies in Macroeconomics: Growth, Trade and Policy

Controversies in Macroeconomics: Growth, Trade and Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dixon, Maurice, Jr. / Dixon, Robert Ed. / Dixon, Huw David, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Controversies in Macroeconomics: Growth, Trade and Policy" presents debates from the world's leading researchers on some of the most important issues in economics today. Accessible to the general economics reader, this book is ideal for advanced undergraduates and graduates in intermediate macroeconomics, macroeconomic theory, development economics, growth theory and trade theory.

Offerte relazionate marx today selected works and recent debates: Controversies in Macroeconomics: Growth, Trade and Policy
Education and Technology: Key Issues and Debates

Education and Technology: Key Issues and Debates

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Selwyn, Neil, PUBLISHER: Continuum, >

Debates on Democratization

Debates on Democratization

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Diamond, Larry / Plattner, Marc F. / Costopoulos, Philip J., PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, For more than twenty years, the Journal of Democracy has been a leading voice in the conversation between scholars and practitioners about government by consent and its place in the contemporary world. If democracy means anything, it means robust debates. Over the years, the pages of the Journal have certainly seen their share of lively and illuminating scholarly disagreements. As a service to students and teachers who wish to deepen their understanding of the questions and controversies that surround contemporary democratization, the Journal has now brought together a series of exchanges on the topic. Debates on Democratization explores the issues of democratic consolidation, the reality of the transition paradigm, the advisability of attempting to "sequence" elections and other liberal-democratic reforms, the nature and prospects of the "color revolutions" in the former Eastern Bloc, and the relative merits of presidentialism and its alternatives from the point of view of democratic governance and stability. The volume is filled with insightful, thought-provoking arguments by leading thinkers in the field. Graduate and undergraduate students alike will find it a useful guide to key issues facing emerging democracies today.

Offerte relazionate marx today selected works and recent debates: Debates on Democratization
Marx and Mill: Two Views of Social Conflict and Social

Marx and Mill: Two Views of Social Conflict and Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Duncan / Duncan, Graeme, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, First published in , this was the first detailed comparative analysis of the writings of Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill. it contains a full, careful and sympathetic account of their respective social doctrines, and concludes with a critical comparative evaluation of the two thinkers.

The Rottweiler Today

The Rottweiler Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elsden, Judy / Elsden, Larry, PUBLISHER: Howell Books, This contemporary view focuses on the temperament of the Rottweiler and the importance of understanding how its mind works. Drawing on thirty years of experience in the breed, the authors provide a complete guide to character and behavior traits and illustrate the correct way to rear, train, and show the dog.

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Critical Ideas in Television Studies

Critical Ideas in Television Studies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Corner, John R., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This important book is the first to offer a systematic review of the ideas which have been most influential across a full range of television criticism and research from the first pioneering studies to the most recent theory and analysis. It provides a general and accessible critical survey of writing, research, and debates about television. John Corner has organized the book into ten cross-referenced chapters covering both the humanities and the social science approaches. Acquista Ora

Disco beats selected and mixed by mario fargetta

Disco beats selected and mixed by mario fargetta

VENDO CD DISCO BEATS SELECTED AND MIXED BY MARIO FARGETTA. Edizione cartonata. Ottime condizioni. Spese di spedizioni da concordare.

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Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kellogg, Ronald T., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Integrating the latest developments in cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, emotion and cognitive development, author Ronald T. Kellogg provides a clear view of what is happening at the cutting edge of the field today. Written in an accessible style, the book explores applications of cognitive psychology underscoring the practical side of the field. New to the Second Edition: - Updated with the latest research in cognitive psychology including the recent discovery of how the default network of the brain integrates findings on remembering one's personal past, envisioning the future, seeing the world from the perspective of another person - Recent advances in networks of attention, prospective memory, emotion and cognition, creativity in problem solving, moral reasoning, fluid intelligence and working memory, and frugal heuristics in decision making. - More extensive coverage of applications of cognitive psychology to everyday life such as research on the risks of driving while talking on a cell phone and recent findings on memory retrieval and how to improve study skills

Lirici inglesi cofanetto

Lirici inglesi cofanetto


Offerte relazionate marx today selected works and recent debates: Lirici inglesi cofanetto
Children's Literature Review: Excerpts from Reviews,

Children's Literature Review: Excerpts from Reviews,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morad, Debroah, PUBLISHER: Gale Cengage, This illustrated series covers nearly 600 writers and illustrators for children and young adults. Typical entries consist of a listing of major works and award and excerpts from significant reviews and commentaries on the author's or artist's works.

Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and

Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Feener, R. Michael / Cammack, Mark E., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Although often neglected in the literature on Islamic law, contemporary Indonesia is an especially rich source of insight into the diverse understandings and uses of the Islamic legal tradition in the modern world. Indonesian Muslims are engaged in vibrant and far-reaching debates over the terms, relevance, and developmental limits of Islamic law, and Indonesia is home to a variety of dynamic state and non-state institutional structures for the generation and application of Islamic doctrine. The essays in this volume provide focused examinations of the internal dynamics of intellectual and institutional elements of Islamic law in modern Indonesia in its recent formations. The first five chapters address issues relating to Islamic legal theory, both its historical development over the past century and analysis of the work of specific groups of contemporary scholars, jurists, and activists. The final seven chapters contain studies of more concrete manifestations of Islamic law in modern Indonesia, including court systems, positive law, the drafting of new "Islamic" legislation, and contemporary debates over the implementation of the Shari'a. Taken together these essays offer a series of substantive introductions to important developments in both the theory and practice of law in the world's most populous Muslim society.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gale, Peggy, PUBLISHER: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, When the video camera first appeared on the market, artists hailed the newly available equipment as the new pencil, the better canvas, the best eye of all. The medium was exciting and revolutionary: low-cost and low-tech; "everybody" was curious as galleries and museums hastened to program new video works in festivals and exhibitions. However, little aesthetic or critical material was available on either artists or issues: it was generally assumed that artists' video was just some kind of wannabe television -- its concerns and achievements, and its relationship to the visual arts generally were too often undervalued. But video artists continued to explore and advance in the medium and works produced in the seventies are strikingly different from those of today. "Videotexts" is an invaluable collection of essays -- a comprehensive guide to Canadian video artists and their works. The essays focus on important individual tapes and artists and on the development of narrative forms: to construct meaning and confirm memory. Revised and updated, they offer a "present-tense" assessment of key works from the last twenty-five years, and of artists' ideas and processes as they were unfolding. Everyone interested in video and contemporary art and culture will want to read them.

Fine and rare Chinese works of art and ceramics

Fine and rare Chinese works of art and ceramics

Fine and rare Chinese works of art and ceramics: winter exhibition / Roger Keverne. 112 p.: col. ill.; 28 cm. Published London: Roger Keverne, . Language English Euro 20

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Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach

Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arora, Sanjeev / Barak, Boaz, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This beginning graduate textbook describes both recent achievements and classical results of computational complexity theory. Requiring essentially no background apart from mathematical maturity, the book can be used as a reference for self-study for anyone interested in complexity, including physicists, mathematicians, and other scientists, as well as a textbook for a variety of courses and seminars. More than 300 exercises are included with a selected hint set.
