managing interpersonal conflict

Managing Interpersonal Conflict

Managing Interpersonal Conflict

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Donohue, William A. / Kolt, Robert, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Managing Interpersonal Conflict helps readers better understand and ultimately manage their routine interpersonal conflicts. Specifically, the book walks readers through the conflict process--from the initial decision of whether or not to confront differences to how to plan the actual confrontation. Donohue deals extensively with the negotiation process and, if negotiation proves unsuccessful, with third-party dispute resolution. The book emphasizes keeping conflicts under control and keeping focused on the issues. The key to managing conflict is to address differences collaboratively so parties can create better solutions and, ultimately, strengthen their relationships. Managing Interpersonal Conflict prepares and encourages the reader to stop avoiding their conflicts and start confronting them. Designed for college and university undergraduates, Donohue's text and the Interpersonal Commtext series will also interest students and professionals in management studies, sociology, organization studies, and social psychology. "They provide a very useful look at a somewhat broader than usual range of conflict issues.... Where the decision is to confront, it offers useful approaches to allowing face saving and to issue structuring that will allow the conflict, in many cases, to be readily resolved.... The second section... provides a useful and easily worked with framework for negotiating, and deals most effectively with the use of and responses to the exercise of power in the negotiation context.... The book is exceptionally readable and effective in its presentation of approaches to conflict. While it is not a traditional academic text, periodic references to the conflictliterature are used to allow the reader to examine the issues presented in more depth. The book will serve as an outstanding text for a training program in conflict management and can also be used by an individual effectively to learn these techniques." --The Alternative Newsletter

Irs Managing Conflict in the Workplace 1

Irs Managing Conflict in the Workplace 1

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heather Falconer, PUBLISHER: Butterworths, NA

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Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves A History of

Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves A History of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Prof Richard N L Andrews, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, NA

Ethnic Conflict and International Security

Ethnic Conflict and International Security

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Michael E., PUBLISHER: Princeton University Press, During the Cold War, most international relations theorists and strategic studies analysts paid little attention to ethnic and other forms of communal conflict. Disregard for the importance of ethnic and nationality issues in world affairs, always misguided so far as the developing world was concerned, has been overtaken, in stunning fashion, by recent events from Abkhazia to Zaire. The essays in this volume advance our understanding of the causes of ethnic and communal conflict, the regional and international implications of such conflicts, and what the international community can do to minimize the potential for instability and violence. Drawn from recent issues of "Survival," they are organized along thematic rather than regional lines, and will be required reading for scholars, students, and policymakers alike. The contributors to the volume include Michael Brown on the causes and implications of ethnic conflict, Anthony Smith on the ethnic sources of nationalism, David Welsh on domestic politics and ethnic conflict, Renee de Nevers on democratization and ethnic conflict, and Pierre Hassner on nationalism and internationalism. Jack Snyder writes on nationalism and the crisis of the post-Soviet state, Barry Posen on the security dilemma and ethnic conflict, Kathleen Newland on ethnic conflict and refugees, Jenonne Walker on international mediation of ethnic conflicts, and Robert Cooper and Mats Berdal on outside intervention in ethnic conflicts, Adam Roberts discusses the U.N. and international security, and John Chipman explores managing the politics of parochialism.

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Peacemaking: A Systems Approach to Conflict Management

Peacemaking: A Systems Approach to Conflict Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kahn / Kahn, Lynn Sandra, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, Peacemaking is the activity which transforms the energy of conflict into the energy of cooperative achievement. A peacemaker is a third party consultant who helps people in conflict discover shared solutions where all sides feel like a winner. Peacemaking presents technologies, psychology, theories and application of conflict management activities. The key elements are: face-to-face dialogue, the analysis of conflict and shared solutions, the use of third party facilitators, feedback about group dynamics, clear conference design and systems thinking.

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Breaking Cycles of Violence: Conflict Prevention in

Breaking Cycles of Violence: Conflict Prevention in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vayrynen, Raimo / Gaffney, Patrick / Demars, William E., PUBLISHER: Kumarian Press, * Offers strategies for conflict transformation, based on a "conflict prevention toolbox," which deals with all aspects of the conflict cycle* Burundi and Macedonia make powerful case studies"Breaking Cycles of Violence" studies how the international community, working with local partners, can effectively pinpoint key breaking points and target resources for societies at risk of violent conflict.This book provides policymakers, practitioners, scholars, and students with a framework for recognizing and tackling the complexities of internal and intrastate conflicts in order to avert violence and mass human suffering. It presents guidelines for using early warning indicators to assess the causes of conflict; using preventative action to contain it; and using multidimensional strategies to rehabilitate societies through the cycle of post-conflict peacebuilding.

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Mobilizing for Peace: Conflict Resolution in Northern

Mobilizing for Peace: Conflict Resolution in Northern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gidron, Benjamin / Katz, Stanley Nider / Hasenfeld, Yeheskel, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Mobilizing for Peace brings together the work of international experts to provide an in-depth study of thirty-three peace/conflict organizations in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Israel/Palestine. The contributors show how the sociopolitical and cultural context of the conflict in each region has shaped the type of resolution organizations that have emerged and their conception of the conflict and its resolution. By promoting more humane images of the contestants and by offering alternative peaceful approaches to resolve the conflict, the organizations have successfully galvanized previously weak or non-existent pro-peace political forces to become important players in the political struggle for peace.

Managing Information Technology in Schools: Managing

Managing Information Technology in Schools: Managing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crawford, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The widespread introduction of information technology has had a huge impact throughout the secondary school, yet many schools still encounter problems in that IT is both a subject in itself and also a cross-curriculum skill. Moreover, faced with limited finance and staff skills and knowledge, achieving the necessary balance between the desirable and the practical can be difficult. This book gives guidance to managers and governors on how to formulate a whole school policy for IT, and how to develop strategies for managing IT effectively.

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Simply Managing

Simply Managing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Henry Mintzberg, PUBLISHER: Berrett Koehler Publishers Incorporated, NA

Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,

Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Canas, Kathryn A. / Sondak, Harris, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Uncover and understand the complexities of managing workplace diversity. "Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity" teaches readers to uncover and understand the complexities of managing diversity through a unique dialogue of opportunity. Through its three-tiered structure this text effectively explains the complexities of managerial and legal aspects in workplace diversity; presents examples of positive and negative management methods; encourages readers to develop a set of skills they will need when managing diversity in their future careers. The second edition contains many meaningful changes-a new chapter, new and updated opening essays, enhanced exercises, and new newspaper articles and case studies-that will enhance the quality of learning about diversity in organizations. Acquista Ora

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Managing Smart: 325 High-Performance Tips Every Manager Must

Managing Smart: 325 High-Performance Tips Every Manager Must

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Milgram, Lynne / Treger, Matt / Spector, Alan, PUBLISHER: Gulf Professional Publishing, 'Managing Smart' examines the challenges facing today's management and provides fast, practical answers for solving common workplace situations. It presents step-by-step instructions for mastering more than 300 key real-world management tasks. This condensed business guide includes information on: * Leadership techniques * Labor management * Strategic planning * Time management * Marketing and sales techniques * Career development * Key business concepts * Management tools * Information systems Among many other management topics, 'Managing Smart' also shows you how to: * Set project goals and priorities * Increase efficiency * Comply with employment and labor benefits * Manage finances Management professionals and novices alike will improve their effectiveness, skills, and knowledge with these concise reference tips.

Science of Managing Organized Technology

Science of Managing Organized Technology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: J D Goldhar M Cetron, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

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Managing Power Through Lateral Networking

Managing Power Through Lateral Networking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lisa A Mainiero Margaret Brindle, PUBLISHER: Praeger, NA

Managing Long-term Conditions and Chronic Illness in Primary

Managing Long-term Conditions and Chronic Illness in Primary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Judith Carrier, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

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International Management Managing the Global Corporation

International Management Managing the Global Corporation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ashok Som, PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill Higher Education, NA
